Chapter 6 Re
Chapter 6 Re
Chapter 6 Re
6.1 Introduction to design
Grid shapes
The simple grid design taken here is iso-grid design; subsequent features are carefully chosen
for making an allowance for this design:
• Ever seen there is an ease of generating model and fabrication a simple prototype
structure, the iso-grid structure has only two stiffeners Helical and circumferential.
• Iso-grids are the most efficient structure in ordered to give great strength is noticed in
many cases of grid stiffened structures.
• The connection of fabric is retained end to end the length.
• Intended for a standard design high-quality, developments of Iso-grids are reflected
reduced time-consuming.
• There is a great and equal load distribution all the way about grid increases and causes
great load-bearing capabilities for these types of structures.
Failure theories in relative with lamina
Disparate maximum shear stress theory, here the maximum strain criterion simply
substitutes strain in directly above stated five criteria. Failure arises once strain apparatuses
along the major axes surpass the resulting ultimate strain in that particular direction.
Consequently, failure has happened in the composite laminate after:
The theory is established on the distortion energy failure theory of Von-Mises, distortion
energy yield criterion on behalf of isotropic materials as realistic to anisotropic materials.
Whereas here the distortion energy is actually a part of the entire strain energy in a product.
Depends on distortion energy theory, here projected that a lamina has unsuccessful if:
The constituents G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, and G6 of the strength criterion are subject to the failure
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
,( ) - ,( ) - ,( ) - ,( ) - ,( ) -
The failure theory is established preceding the overall strain energy failure theory of
Beltrami. Tsai-Wu realistic the failure theory to a lamina in-plane stresses. A lamina is
deliberated to be unsuccessful if:
H1σ1 + H2 σ2 + H6 τ12 + H11σ12 + H22 σ12 + H66 τ212 +2H12 σ1 σ2 < 1, is disrupted.
The constituents H1, H2, H6, H11, H22, and H66 of the failure theory are originated by means of
the five strength parameters of a unidirectional lamina.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
,( ) -
Tsai-Hill criterion takings strain energy obsessed by concern and is decent for
orthotropic material systems. Though, it accepts distinct laminas as isotropic. On the other side,
Tsai-Wu criterion proceeds strength tensors interested in attention and is related to a further
overall circumstance of anisotropy material system, Tsai-Wu criterion is moreover
distinguished among tensile besides compressive strengths.
To define the equal extensional, coupling and bending of the complete stiffened
structures in demand to calculate the global buckling load of the grid stiffened. It includes
defining the stiffness impact of the stiffener. The smeared technique is a procedure of
decreasing the stiffened cylinder into an equal laminate. A thorough framework of the phases
trailed to progress the analytical model and the expectations through stand accessible
underneath. In evolving the analytical model, a unit cell of the stiffener structure takes to be
defined ahead. The unit cell is designated such that the entire iso-grid cell can be duplicated by
replication of this unit cell14.
Primarily a unit cell is well-defined and the corresponding parameters are given for that
unit cell and that specific unit cell is duplicated into a cylinder panel. It is the way to produce
the effective complete panel through a unit cell. In essential the stiffness effect of the stiffeners
toward the entire structure, at this point the analysis is to be complete according to force and
moment collaboration of the stiffeners. The thorough stiffness of the panel remains at that point
supposed by smears toward the stiffener and the shell stiffness parameters permitting to the
volume fraction of each individual.
Now direction to perform the superposition of the A, B and D matrix of the shell and
stiffeners, the constitutive equation enlightened for the stiffeners necessities towards the
position of the shell a purpose of the midplane strains and curvatures. In evolving this
analytical model, the consequent outlooks are arranged.
( )
( )
Here‘t’ is the thickness of the shell. The strains achieved by Equation (1) essential to be
resolute along the stiffeners directions meanwhile these remain the related strains. It is ended
by premultiplying the border strains through the conversion matrix Equation (2)34. These
outcomes in strains throughout the stiffener direction ɛl, normal to the stiffener directions ɛt and
agreeing shear strain ɛlt (Fig. 6.2)
[ ] [ ][ ]
Where c = cos (), s = sin () and stands the stiffener orientation angle.
In accordance with the assumption (1), the changes of the transverse strain ɛt, and the
shear strain ɛlt are ignored. The longitudinal strain ɛl expression specified underneath by
Equation (3) is achieved after the transformation relation shown by Equation (2).
ɛl c2 ɛx s2 ɛθ sc ɛxθ
The appropriate angle is replaced in Equation (3) to achieve the strains throughout all the
stiffener orientation. Whereas in the circumstance of an iso-grid stiffener procedure such angles
relate to 0o, 60o, & -60o.
When the axial strains happening the stiffeners are originated, the consistent axial forces
specifically F1, F2, F3 remain computed since the longitudinal strains, cross-sectional area and
longitudinal modulus (El) of the stiffeners. Bring up to Figure 2 aimed at the force-free body
figure of the unit cell. Equation (4) appended expressions the resulting three forces.
The resultant forces on every edge of the unit cell are computed through the vectorial
addition of the forces of the stiffeners. Summing up the x-direction forces on whichever the top
or bottom side of the unit cell effects in Equation (5).
Fx = F1 cos () + F2 cos () (5)
Likewise summing up hoop path forces on either the left or right side of the unit cell effect in
Equation (6).
F= F1 sin () + F2 sin () + 2F3 (6)
The expression for the shear force (Fx), is done by addition of the force constituents
throughout whichever of the rims of the unit cell. Execution of this on one of the vertical sides
yields Equation (7).
Fx= F2 cos () – F1 cos () (7)
The similar shear force equation will outcome level if the horizontal face is employed in its
place of the vertical face meanwhile of the geometrical relationships among ‘a’, ‘b’, cos (),
and sin ().
Replacing Equation (4) by Equations (5), (6), (7):
Fx = AEl c(c2 ɛx s2 ɛθ scɛ xθ) + AEl c (c2 ɛx s2 ɛθ scɛ xθ)
F= AEl s(c2 ɛx s2 ɛθ scɛ xθ) + AEl s(c2 ɛx s2 ɛθ scɛ xθ) + AEl (ɛθ)
Fx= AEl c(c2 ɛx s2 ɛθ scɛ xθ) - AEl c(c2 ɛx s2 ɛθ scɛ xθ)
Here resultant forces, i.e. the force per unit length Nx, Nq, and Nθx, are reached through
dividing the overhead force equations through the resultant edge width of the unit cell. Later
executions of this and replacing for the strain relations as of Equation (1), equations used for
the resultant forces preceding the unit cell remain reached.
Nx = 0 . / . /1
Nθ = 0 . / ( ) ( ) . /1 (9)
Nθx= 0 . /1
Moment Analysis
The moments because to the stiffeners are originated through the shear forces on the
crossing point of the shell and the stiffeners. Since stability, these shear forces equivalent to the
forces on the stiffeners computed in the earlier segment. The moment exaggerated through such
forces on the midplane of the shell the same the forces multiplied through one-half the shell
thicknesses. Moment free body schematic in Figure 6.4(a) shows the dissimilar moments
created through this force F. First Msh is of foremost attention meanwhile it is the moment
consequence of the shear forces on the shell. It can be detected later the free body diagram a net
moment M effects on the shell/stiffener assembly. This moment indicates the coupling of
moment and force resulting from the non-symmetric structure of the shell/stiffener preparation.
Figure 6.4(b) illustrations moment free body diagram of a unit cell. M1, M2, and M3
remain the moments causing from forces F1, F2, and F3 correspondingly.
Subsequent the similar procedure as the force analysis on a unit cell, the resultant moments on
the horizontal and vertical sides of the unit cell are computed.
The moments M1, M2, and M3 are computed through multiplying the consistent shear
forces (F1, F2 and F3) through the lever arm, which is half the thickness of the shell. Creating
such substitutes meant for the moments and dividing through the consistent edge lengths drive
result in the resultant moments. Expression (11) illustrates the final effect later interpretation.
Mx = 0 . / . /1
Mθ = 0 . / ( ) ( ) . /1 (11)
Mθx= 0 . /1
⌈ ( ) ( ) ⌉
⌈ ⌉
⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉
⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉
⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉ (12)
⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉
⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ( ) ( ) ⌉ ⌈ ⌉
⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉
⌈ ⌉
[ ]
By principal glimpse the stiffness matrix specified through Expression (12) influencing
seem unsymmetrical
(i.e. Aij Aji and Dij Dji ), on the other hand because of the geometric relative among the
parameters ‘a’, ‘b’, cos (ɸ) and sin (ɸ) these stiffness quantities are been revealed to be equal. It
can moreover remain detected the identical Bij elements end since the autonomous force and
moment analysis on the unit cell. It is in decent procedure with laminate theory, hereafter
further authorizing the early expectations ended.
Total force and moment of the panel remain the superposition of the force and moment
because of the stiffener also the shell. These extents can stay straight covered, as the stiffener
force and moment offerings must remain advanced relay on the midplane strains and
curvatures. The rule of combinations is applied and the moments and forces remain covered
allowing toward the volume fractions of the stiffeners and the shell of Expression 13. Vs and
Vsh view for the volume fraction of stiffener and shell correspondingly.
0 1 * +
In matrix expression 13 Nsh and Msh are the force and moment influence of the shell
correspondingly. These extents are simply computed through smearing the laminate theory on
the shell. Replacing force and moment terminologies for the stiffener network from Equation
(12) and the resultant terminologies for the shell after the laminate theory results in the panel
constitutive expression specified through Expressions 14. In this expression A, B and D signify
the extensional, coupling, and bending stiffness quantities correspondingly.
0 1 * +0 1
Resultant stiffness parameters achieved from Expression 14 endure therefore the
equivalent stiffness parameters of the total panel.
Ritz method is implemented to compute the buckling load of the cylinder33. The entire
potential energy of the cylinder , remains the totaling of the strain energy U and the effort
finished through the external force V.
The strain energy on behalf of an orthotropic cylinder is certain through Expression (15)
underneath 33.
U= ∫ ∫* . / . / [ . / . /]
0 . /1 . / . /
0. / 1 . / 0 . / 1
0 . / . / 1– . / . /
. / . / ( ) + (15)
This strain energy is there a purpose of the equivalent stiffness parameters of the
cylinder panel, the radius of the cylinder ‘r’ and the unidentified movement fields in the radial,
axial and hoop direction ‘w’, ‘u’, and ‘v’ correspondingly. Meanwhile, the stiffened cylinder
panel has remained reduced into an equivalent orthotropic laminate; Expression (15) is been
adapted straight.
The potential energy because of in-plane load remains in chance specified by Expression (16)
below. In Expression (16) N remains the load per unit length smeared on the rim of the
∫ ∫ ( )
The total energy of the cylinder is obtained by the strain energy ‘U’ and the potential
energy term ‘V’ stand combined beside the circumference and the height ‘H’ of the cylinder.
The displacement field u, v and w, are stand definite through kinematically acceptable
functions, i.e., displacement fields satisfying the necessary boundary conditions. Hereafter they
are projected through a double Fourier series that gratify the boundary condition necessities. On
behalf of a simply supported end condition the displacement fields are specified through
Expression (17) below35,
∑∑ (̅ ) (̅ )
∑∑ (̅ ) (̅ )
∑∑ (̅ ) (̅ )
̅ = mπ/L, ̅ = n/r, s = rθ, L=height of cylinder and m, n = 1,2,3….
Although on behalf of a clamped boundary condition the expression for u, v and w are
specified through Eqn. (18)
∑∑ (̅ ) (̅ )
∑∑ (̅ ) (̅ )
∑∑ ( ( ̅ )) (̅ )
̅ = mπ/L, ̅ = n/r, s= rθ, and m, n = 1, 2, 3…
When the displacement fields remain definite, they are replaced by Expression (15) and
(16) Combined between the limits of integration. We add the following expressions of the
strain energy and the work done through the in-plane load and discover an overall expression
on behalf of the total energy of the system. The total energy expression is a purpose of the
stiffness matrix elements of the equivalent laminate and the unidentified displacement field
constants Amn, Bmn and Cmn. Used for the equilibrium to stand stable, the total potential energy
of the system essential are smallest. It can be satisfied by means of the outcome of the first
derivative of the total potential energy by reference to the unidentified coefficients Amn, Bmn
and Cmn and equate to zero. It fallouts in an eigenvalue problem.
These Investigation consequences that iso-grid stiffened structure stands having improved
mechanical enactment matched to ortho-grid stiffened structure somewhere the structure
remains proficient to maximum uni-axial load & hoop4 remain shown underneath figure 6.7.
Department of Aeronautical Engineering Page 43
DRDO/ASL/CPDC Chapter-6 Parametric Design of Isogrid Lattice
Below certain loading condition, strength failure and buckling remain recognized by
way of the two broad probable failure modes. On behalf of an optimal design, now the
preliminary phase of design, some would go to make sure global buckling. Simulation
software’s that are finite element modeling (FEM) can remain employed on behalf of both
buckling analyses as well as stress analysis.
Length and diameter:
The length is chosen as 200 mm and diameter is chosen as 140 mm., since the prototype
can be used in several fields such as supportive structures, body skeleton, aerospace structures
and many other fields where the structure can be used as heavy load carrying capacity, Length
and diameter was taken as minimum just to make a prototype which can be easily scaled for
bigger models if successful, therefore arbitrary dimensions are preferred which can be used in
practical working conditions and can be also be easily manufactured.
The width and thickness of helical and circumferential stiffener are taken as 8mm x
4mm and 8mm x 6 mm so that it can be easily manufactured without causing any problem in
any of the given reasons:
The high surface contact area of helical stiffeners with circumferential stiffeners.
Formation of precise area of helical stiffener on the circular path of the circumferential
stiffener, so that structures don't get abrupt or uneven during working conditions.
Here, we had other options such as circular stiffeners, rectangular stiffeners etc., but
square stiffeners are chosen because of the above reasons, also square stiffeners can be
simply fabricated in comparison with others and manufacturing costs also decreases due
to the repetitive structure while increasing structural performance and reducing total
A number of stiffeners:
Total numbers of Helical stiffeners are taken here are 6 Ribs, and a total number of
circumferential stiffener taken here is 4(including bulkheads), reasons for choosing these
numbers of stiffeners are:
The distance between two stiffeners is kept in such a way that bridge between two
crossover area of circumferential and longitudinal stiffener shouldn't cause high bending
which could reason abrupt shape or deformed structure.
To maintain stabilized load distribution among two stiffeners.
To maintain overall volume fraction around circumferential stiffeners in order to avoid
gaps formed between center areas from one stiffener to other and crossover areas.
The values for width and thickness were taken 8 mm x 6 mm & 8mm x 4mm as shown
in table 6.1, for both as the stiffeners were uniformly distributed which would allow absorbing
maximum axial force. Ultimately the h/b ratio would also be 0.75 which would be less complex
once we go through the calculations. Length and diameter were taken as a minimum just to
fabrication a prototype which can be easily scaled for bigger models if successful.
Load calculations:
P = F + (2M/R)
Taking axial load, F= 50,000 N
Since no moment is applied, M= 0 N-mm
Therefore, P = 50000 N
Therefore, the force acting axially with one end fixed support in 50,000 N.
Mass Estimation:
Resin used here is LY556 having density of 1.35 g/cc = 1.35 x 10-6 kg/mm3
= ( ) ( )
= [{П/4(1402-1342)} – {A}]
= 3387741761 mm3
Therefore, Total mass of the shell is:
M = 1.54135 x 10-9 Kg/mm3 x 3387741761 mm3
M = 0.508 Kg
Fig: 6.11 Solid Isogrid h=2mm b=8mm h/b=0.25 Fig: 6.12 Solid Isogrid h=4mm b=8mm h/b=0.5
Fig: 6.13 Solid Isogrid h=6mm b=8mm h/b=0.75 Fig: 6.14 Solid Isogrid h=8mm b=8mm h/b=1.0