Jerlyn Chapter 5
Jerlyn Chapter 5
Jerlyn Chapter 5
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Strand
sex and monthly family income. When it comes to strand and age
equal distribution of the sample, 21 sample size came from the Grade 11,
The independent variable of the study was the demographic profile of the
income. The dependent variables on the other hand were the level money
The statistical tools used in the study were the mean, standard deviation
coming from the HUMSSA, twenty - one (21) coming from the HUMSSB,
twenty - one (21) coming from the HUMSSC, and twenty (20) coming from
the STEM then twenty - one (21) coming from the ABM and twenty - one
(21) coming from the TVL – ICT, twenty - one (21) coming from the TVL -
AFA. A total of one hundred and sixty - seven (167) sample size. On terms
15,000 with the percentage of seven point eight (7.8) and fifteen (15)
“very low”
In the view of the aforementioned findings, the following conclusions were
better budgeters than their male counterparts and they were able to
family budget.