Vital Signs
Vital Signs
Vital Signs
1. Normal Ranges: Teach clients and caretakers the normal ranges for
vital signs based on age and individual health status.
2. Recognizing Abnormal Signs: Explain the importance of
recognizing symptoms like shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, or
dizziness, which might indicate abnormal vital signs.
3. Self-Monitoring Techniques: Educate clients on how to measure
their vital signs at home, including using devices like blood pressure
monitors or pulse oximeters.
4. When to Seek Help: Instruct clients on when to seek medical advice
if abnormal readings or concerning symptoms occur.
This holistic approach ensures that the nurse not only manages abnormal
findings but also educates the client and caregivers for continued care at
Learning Objectives:
Heart Rate/Pulse:
Respiratory Rate:
Pulse Oximetry:
● Normal: 95%-100%.
● Cause for Concern: Below 90%.
Blood Pressure:
● Definition: Pressure exerted on arterial walls during cardiac
○ Factors: Cardiac output, vascular resistance, blood volume.
● Cuff Sizing: Ensure appropriate size to avoid errors.
● Lower Extremity Blood Pressure: Systolic BP in the lower
extremities is usually 20-30 mmHg higher than in the upper