PR2 Week 4.2
PR2 Week 4.2
PR2 Week 4.2
Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding
of the range of research topics in the area of inquiry; the value
Learning Activity of research in area of interest; and the specificity and
Sheet feasibility of the problem posed.
Most Essential Learning Designs a research used in daily life; writes a research
Competencies (MELC): title; describes background of research
1. Use an accurate description of the subject and scope of the study instead of using
general terms.
2. Do not use abbreviations except for commonly known ones like DNA and ICT.
3. Do not include words like “The study of,” “Analysis of,” “An investigation of” or
similar construction as these would only lengthen the title.
4. Include the main dependent and independent variables.
5. Be mindful of the proper use of grammar and punctuation.
6. Capitalize all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs as well as the first letter
of the first and last words.
7. State in a declarative form, although you may also see titles in question form from
time to time.
8. The year the study has been conducted should not be indicated unless it is a
historical study.
9. Use current terminology.
10. Depending on the institutional requirements, 5 to15 words are sufficient to describe
the research study.
11. Use the common name instead of chemical formula (e.g., Ammonium instead of
12. Write and italicize full scientific names.
13. Make sure to reflect the tone of the paper. An academic research paper has title
which is not casual, or informal, or does not contain humor.
The following steps can guide you in writing your research title:
1. Determine what it is that you wish to accomplish or know from your study. Write one
to two sentences to state the main objectives of your research project.
2. Include important keywords and variables. Revise the sentences into one complete
sentence that includes important keywords and variables of the study.
3. Shorten the title by eliminating unnecessary words. You may also shrink a phrase into
a simpler phrase or a single word. In doing this, make sure that the main thought of
the research study is retained.
4. Correct grammar and punctuation errors if there is any.
5. Observe proper formatting. The format may vary according to the requirements of the
course or school. Please seek guidance from your professor
Directions: Evaluate the following erroneous research title and justify what makes it wrong.
3. The Effects of Arts-Integrated Instruction on Arithmetic Skills of Students for S.Y. 2018-
Answer: _________________________________________________________
Teacher II
Okit, K.C.V. and Luzano, R.A. (2020). Practical Research 2 Quarter 1-Module 2-Lesson 2,
Kinds of Variables. Department of Education.