ArtCam 01 Intro
ArtCam 01 Intro
ArtCam 01 Intro
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
ArtCAM Pro allows complex 3D reliefs to be created quickly and easily from 2D images. The 2D images can be scanned images, imported from other drawing packages or created within ArtCAM Pro. The image can then be edited and used to build up the 3D reliefs. ArtCAM Pro contains tools for editing the reliefs and combining stored reliefs. Once a 3D Relief has been created, toolpaths can be created to machine it. Multiple toolpaths are easily generated for roughing, finishing and engraving, and the toolpaths can be simulated to allow complete visualisation of the product before manufacture.
The program automatically starts and the main window appears as shown:
Options not available are greyed out and cannot be used. To begin ArtCAM a New Model can be made, an existing model opened or an image file opened.
1. Introduction
A new model must be given a size to work in and a resolution. The resolution is the total number of squares for each axis. When working with bitmaps and you are using really fine delicate detail, the resolution should be a high value. A height of 100 with a resolution of 400 gives 4 bitmap squares per millimetre.
Set the Height and Width as 100 and the resolution as 400 x 400 points. Select OK.
Menu Bar Tabbed Toolbars
2D view
3D Relief View
ArtCAM displays a 2D view, with the 3D relief view just underneath. You can easily swap between views. ArtCAM commands can be accessed using the tabbed toolbars or the Assistant, which contains additional help.
1. Introduction
Menu Bar
At the top of the Main window, there is a Menu Bar.
Clicking on a menu item opens a pull-down menu that contains submenus and commands. If a menu item does not apply to the currently active view it will be greyed out. For example the File menu looks like this:
There is one sub menu, indicated by the arrow at the right hand side next to the Import option. The commands at the right hand side of some menu options are shortcut keys for that option. E.g. Pressing the Ctrl key and the letter N is a shortcut for opening a New model.
Tabbed Toolbars
There are Eight toolbars underneath the Menu Bar, which contain all of the most frequently used commands in ArtCAM Pro and can be accessed by clicking the relevant tab.
The toolbars are File, Model, Bitmap, Vector, Vector Editing, Vector Merging, Relief, Relief Editing, Machining, and Toolpaths.
1. Introduction
ArtCAM Assistant
The ArtCAM Assistant gives the most information and help. Information can be hidden or shown by clicking the arrows up or down.
Project Information - this shows the actual size of the artwork and height of the relief
File - These are the standard file options that allow you to control which model you are working on.
Model - This controls, the editing of the model and also includes Lights and Materials for shading the relief.
Bitmap Editing - These bitmap commands work with colours, directly on the defined resolution.
Vector Editing - Vectors are flat 2D lines, independent of resolution. These command control the creation of the vectors.
Vector-Bitmap - A closed vector can be filled with a bitmap colour. Position Size Align Vectors - Vector Editing
Group Merge Join Vectors - Adding Vectors More Commands Assistant Tabs
1. Introduction
In the Project Tab, there is also a useful tree view, which can help organise the model.
This project view is very useful if you have a complicated design and have created many 2D views.
2D and 3D views
The 2D and 3D view can be shown side by side by selecting Tile from the Window menu.
Select Window
The 2D view is used for designing the bitmaps and vectors and assigning them heights. The 3D view is used for looking at the relief and the simulation of the toolpaths. F2 and F3 are used to switch between the 2D view (F2) and the 3D view (F3). By pressing the same button again, the view will be maximised or set smaller.
1. Introduction
Status Bar
The Status Bar is at the bottom of the main window.
As the cursor moves over the 2D or 3D Views, the X, Y, Z co-ordinates of the current cursor position are displayed in the Status Bar. If a vector is selected, the current Width and Height are also displayed here.
By placing the cursor over a button a tooltip appears. This gives a brief description of the function of that button.
Bitmap On/Off
Context Help
By pressing the F1 key you can get more detailed information. This opens a Help page in the Assistant with the topic already selected. The Help is displayed in the Assistant and can be accessed from the Help Menu on the Menu bar.
Select File