IBM Supply Chain Intelligence Suite
IBM Supply Chain Intelligence Suite
IBM Supply Chain Intelligence Suite
Intelligence Suite
Apply the power of AI and the
speed of automation to improve
supply chain resiliency
transparency while demonstrating Turn sustainability ambition into action and achieve net zero goals by
compiling supplier data to drive Scope 3 accuracy, improve circularity
meaningful progress against public by reducing waste and risk, and inform end consumers of carbon and
sustainability commitments. other ESG impacts to increase brand trust.
Actionable workflows
Refine, improve or reinvent supply chain process flows. Identify,
prioritize and resolve issues faster using business rules, work queues,
and workflows. Assign tasks across teams or use automation to
streamline and scale decision making across the organization.
Provide goods-specific transparency across multiple supply chain
partners, enabling analytics by company, location, product movement
and condition. Meet regulatory and compliance requirements
becoming more prevalent in industries such as Food, Apparel, Beauty
and Pharma. Increase trust by connecting end consumers with
permissioned data about a product’s origin or standard of quality
IBM’s smarter supply chain can help you respond today and prepare
during production via QR codes and a mobile app.
for the future, delivering better business outcomes
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Suite common services Use cases
Data Explorer: Access, search, filter and share cross - - I n v e n t o r y e x c e p t i o n m a n a g e m e n t - Detect out-of-stock
functional data. and proactively take action to avoid fulfillment delays
- Manage outbound logistics - Detect and respond faster to
Dashboards: Configurable dashboards aligned with supply chain shipment delays to mitigate customer impact
data objects such as inventory, suppliers, shipments. - Manage product recalls - Trace and communicate product
history more effectively to control impact
Work Queues: Prioritized list of issues that can be assigned to - Eliminate inventory spoilage - Monitor and alert on inventory age
users to act on and track to resolution. in real-time to maintain inventory freshness
- Protect brand reputation - Track product authenticity and
Builders: Create and configure dashboards, cards, work queues, quality from origin to consumption to preserve brand equity
resolutions, research topics, rules, and criteria - Reduce supplier risk - Manage compliance by tracking
agreements, contracts, policies, and credentials to reduce
Suite applications exposure from third parties
- Manage inbound supply disruptions - Detect upcoming delays in
IBM Supply Chain Control Tower supply shipments due to weather and other risk events, to
This next generation supply chain control tower helps you identify minimize line outages, manufacturing delays, and lost revenue.
and resolve critical supply chain issues faster with end-to-end - Drive Scope 3 accuracy - Inform ESG systems with
visibility, advanced analytics , and actionable workflows. By comprehensive supplier data. Act on supplier ESG initiatives with
leveraging the power of open platforms, AI, automation, and operational dashboards.
customized workflows, you are better able to predict, plan for and
respond to today's complex supply chain operational challenges.
Hear from IBM experts and see
IBM Blockchain Transparent Supply the IBM Supply Chain Intelligence
Supply chain transparency enables companies to know what is
happening both upstream and downstream in the supply chain Suite in action with product
and to take action on this knowledge both internally and demos highlighting key use cases.
externally. The IBM Transparent Supply application provides a
blockchain platform that enables companies to join or build their
own data-sharing ecosystem with trusted supply chain partners. Schedule a Consult ➔
IBM MRO Inventory Optimization
MRO Inventory Optimization is an award-winning application,
designed for the unique challenges of optimizing inventory in
MRO asset-intensive industries, including oil and gas, mining,
transportation, utilities, and process manufacturing. MRO
Inventory Optimization combines statistical analyses, prescriptive
analytics, and optimization algorithms to provide an accurate and
detailed picture of MRO inventory performance. It offers powerful
analytical capabilities to help organizations make informed
decisions that balance cost and risk.
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