b) Fig.4b below shows the profile of a weir. Reduced Levels (RL) of various points (in 08
m) are shown in the figure. Estimate the uplift pressure at the key points C1, D1, E2
and D2 using Khosla’s pressure curves.
c) Define (i) dead storage (ii) live storage (iii) maximum pool level and (iv) minimum 04
pool level in a reservoir.
5 a) Design the practical profile of a gravity dam of stone masonry, for the following data. 10
RL of base of dam = 1450 m
RL of full reservoir level =1480.5 m
Specific gravity of the masonry = 2.4
Safe compressive stress for masonry = 1200 kN/m2
Height of waves =1m
b) Explain various modes of failure of gravity dams. Mention the safety criterion 10
corresponding to each failure.