09 Mom 19.12.23
09 Mom 19.12.23
09 Mom 19.12.23
KCET/MOM/2023/09 20.12.2023
The Co-ordination meeting was held in the principal cabin. The below listed Head of the
Departments have attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by the Principal
Prof. Dr. G. Elango along with Prof. Dr. K. Raghu, Vice-principal and Mr. G. Balakrishnan,
Administrative Officer.
Members Present:
1. Mrs. R. Vijayalakshmi, ASP /HoD - MCA.
2. Er. C.Sureshkumar, AP / CIVIL - Civil.
3. Er. C.Rekha, ASP /HOD - CSE.
4. Er. S. Senthazhai, ASP / HOD - ECE.
5. Dr. S. Sivasakthi, Prof / HOD - EEE
6. Dr. B. Sivaraman, Prof / HOD - S&H
7. Er. G.Senthilvel, AP / MECH - MECH
8. Mr.G.Venkadesh, AP/ Maths - Exam Cell
9. Er. R.Shenbagavalli, AP/ CSE - Naan Mudhalvan , SPOC
Mr. G,Vasantharaj, III yr Mechanical will participate in the programme if the program is
Scheduled on same day. If the Anna University exam is postponed any of the above
mentioned student will participate.
2. It was conveyed that AICTE sponsored online programme titled “Augmented Reality
Technology” would be conducted on 26/12/2023 last date for registering the names was
17/11/2023. Around 13 faculty members are participating in the program Civil-1, CSE-4,
EEE-4, ECE-4, S&H- 1, Mechanical-4, MCA- nil.
3. It was informed that Naan Mudhalvan “LinkedIn career kick-starter program” for 1st
years and 2nd years would be conducted in the forenoon and afternoon session respectively on
4. It was conveyed that the Department of Science and Humanities have planned to conduct a
program on “National Mathematics Day “on the eve of birthday celebration of Srinivasa
Ramanujam on 22/12/2023 afternoon.
5. It was insisted that last date for uploading details regarding placement in NM portal would be
6. It was insisted that, In future eligibility criteria for appointing Assistant Professor would be
P.hd. In this regard the faculty members should register P.hd as early as possible.
7. It was happily shared that the 17th Graduation day would be conducted on 03/02/2024. It was
decided that Er. S. Senthazhai, ASP / HOD/ ECE would be the coordinator and
Er. PM.Kamatchi, AP/ CSE would be the Co-coordinator for the Graduation day. The
following are the names suggested for 17th Graduation day.
8. The next review meeting for the preparation of Graduation day would be conducted on
9. It was informed that the coaching classes are not conducted efficiently. The Higher officials
suggested the faculty members to avoid engaging themselves in other activities during study/
revision hours.
10. It was insisted that the faculty members should guide the students during Anna university
examination to locate the exam hall and reach the hall without any up and down movement.
11. It was informed that as per Anna University instruction, hereafter no any duplicate hall
tickets will be provided without the photos of the student. .
12. It was conveyed that the faculty members before availing their vacation should complete the
NAAC files, no leniency will be entertained they have to complete the files and go for
13. HODs were insisted to complete the subject allocation for even semester before the vacation
slot begins.
14. All HODs were asked to submit Continuous Improvement Report as early as possible. The
report must be oriented towards the growth of department or college the data’s such as paper
publications, paper presentations, book publications, journals etc.. Other individual
performance can be added in Newsletter.
15. HODs were asked to advise the faculty members and the students to make use of the vacation
to attended FDP, workshop or any other certificate courses.
16. It was conveyed that respective department Alumni in charges were requested to keep in the
record periodically about the present status of our Alumni students.
17. HODs were insisted to motivate the faculty members and students to register in any one of
the NPTEL course.
18. It was conveyed that each and every department should create an operational MOU with the
companies which follows the norms of AICTE.
19. HODs were asked to plan for GATE coaching classes efficiently for the following semester.
Attendance, geo-tagged photos etc… shall be maintained as evidence. Each department
should make it a point that at least one student should be a top scorer in GATE examination.
20. It was informed that the department libraries should maintain issue register and login register
properly as maintained in central library.
21. It was informed that “ Prevention of sexual harassment committee “ is created and the
following are the office bearers:
Er.V.Sudha, AP/ECE - Coordinator
Er.PM. Kamatchi AP/CSE - Member
Er. Geetha, AP/EEE - Member
Er. Banupriya, AP/Civil - Member
Dr. A. Priyadarshini, AP/ Physics – Member
22. It was conveyed that they have planned to conduct Margazhi kollapotti on 11/01/2023 .
Copy to: 1. The Chairman, 2. The Vice- Principal / AO, 3. All HODs, 4. Office filing