Computer Packagesll
Computer Packagesll
Computer Packagesll
computer packages
COMPUTER: is an electronic device or set of device that works under control of installed
programs. It accepts raw data from outside; it processes the data so as to give out information.
DATA: is any raw fact or figures that may not make sense to the user
INFORMATION: is the processed or refined product that can be understood by the user
Automatic: this means that after the computer has been commanded to perform its task it
requires minimal human intervention.
Data processor: computer has been designed to receive raw facts and figures that may not be
meaningful to the user and then analyses it into information which the user can understand
Electronic: computers can be equated to household appliances such as the TV, radio, cameras,
etc by the fact that they have capacitors, transistors, chips, circuit boards etc
Accuracy: since they are programmed devices, the writing of the instruction will repeatedly
Efficiency: compared to any other machine, computer will utilize time and effort to achieve high
Secrecy: with the use of password
Versatile: Computers are multipurpose, they are compatible to accommodate and operate
devices of different technologies e.g: watching T.V
Advantages of computer
Eases filing system in the office
Enhances communication
Enhances business
Enhances education through e learning and e teaching
Enhances industrial production through computer aided manufacturer(CAM)
Enhances entertainment
Create self-employment
Disadvantages of computers
Cuts down on employment especially when computers are introduced where manual
work existed
Computers needs experts and skills to operate and maintain
Health hazard e. g back ache, eye sight etc
Volatile: they can lose huge and crucial information
Sensitivity to dust, humidity, heat, water
Addictive especially in games, chatting
Most computers need electrical power
Computer have encouraged laziness due to over reliance
Computer may be classified according to functionality, physical size/power processing, and
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1. Functionality
A. Analogue (analog) computers
These computer deal with analog data. Analog data is that which continuous and progressively
changes value over time. These computers respond to natural occurrences’ such as temperature,
speed and pressure. They may be used in manufacturing industries to check finances condition
B) Digital computer
These computers handle digital data. Digital in that is it discrete. These means the data can be
represented as distinct values I.e. 1 or 0
C) Hybrid computer
These kind of computers would handle both analog and digital data.
Under purpose computer there shall be two of them; general purpose and special purpose
A) General purpose computer
Designed t, perform no of tasks, these computers are installed with programs which will enable
them to handle a variety of duties. For instance, document processing calculation, accounting etc.
b) Special purpose computer
They are designed to perform only one special task. For instance, robots in CAMs belongs to this
kind of a computer.
3. Physical size
a) Super computer
They are the biggest in size computers. They are fastest in term of speed, the most powerful
terms of the tasks they can perform at particular nanosecond and therefore the most expensive
only a few nation around the world can afford it. They would be used in complex computer
engineering and also serve other small computers in complex network.
b) Main frame computers
They are also very larger, powerful and expensive but lower than super. They are stationary in
the control room. They perform complex mathematical calculations. They a large storage
capacity and can support a number of peripheral thus require no of people to operate one. They
ideal in banks, airport, government, agencies and large organization
c) Mini computers
These are down scaled versions of the mainframe computers. Have less speed, fewer peripherals,
less powerful etc. they can be found in research institution, engineering planes, scientific
laboratories etc.
d) Micro computers
These consists of relatively small, cheap and not so complicated a computer. They are also
transferable. They pose small silicon chip that analysis data. They are generally used in day to
day duties in homes, hospitals, schools etc. they are sub grouped into;
i. Personal computer (PC)
PC is operated by one person for most of it peripheral are single e. g mouse, CPU, keyboard etc.
they are usually placed on top of desk when operating thus dubbed desk top computer
ii. Laptop/notebook
These are small convenient and easily portable computer. They are placed on the lap when
operating. Laptops are multicolored and bigger than notebook. Most of these computers are
extremely expensive due to their convenience, portability and manufacturing technology. They
are ideal for use by managers, journalists, researchers etc.
iii. Palmtop computers/PDAs
During the period of 1940 to 1956 first generation of computers were developed. The first
generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and
were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. The vacuum tube was developed by Lee DeForest.
A vacuum tube is a device generally used to amplify a signal by controlling the movement of
electrons in an evacuated space. First generation computers were very expensive to operate and
in addition to using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause
of malfunctions .
1) First generation computers were based on vacuum tubes .
2) The operating systems of the first generation computers were very slow .
3) They were very large in size .
4) Production of the heat was in large amount in first generation computers.
5) Machine language was used for programming .
6) First generation computers were unreliable .
7) They were difficult to program and use.
1) IC was used instead of transistors in the third generation computers.
2) Third generation computers were smaller in size and cheaper as compare to the second
generation computers .
3) They were fast and more reliable .
4) High level language was developed .
5) Magnetic core and solid states as main storage .
6) They were able to reduce computational time and had low maintenance cost .
7) Input/output devices became more sophisticated.
1) The fourth generation computers have microprocessor-based systems .
2) They are the cheapest among all the computer generation .
3) The speed, accuracy and reliability of the computers were improved in fourth generation
4) Many high-level languages were developed in the fourth generation such as COBOL,
FORTRAN, BASIC, and PASCAL and C Language.
5) A Further refinement of input/output devices was developed .
6) Networking between the systems was developed .
IBM 4341, DEC 10, STAR 1000, PUP 11 and APPLE II are the examples of fourth generation
1) The fifth generation computers will use super large scale integrated chips .
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2) They will have artificial intelligence .
3) They will be able to recognize image and graphs .
4) Fifth generation computer aims to be able to solve highly complex problem including decision
making, logical reasoning .
5) They will be able to use more than one CPU for faster processing speed .
6) Fifth generation computers are intended to work with natural language
Physical or tangible components of the computer are referred to as hardware. When the computer
is shut off, the hardware would remain visible. Hardware are sub grouped into four components
CPU (processor)
Input devices
Output devices
Storage devices
System unit is a metallic or plastic casing that houses or protects most of the major parts that
control and define the computer. All these smaller parts are attached to the main board called
mother board or system board. Even all the peripheral are attached to the mother wood at the
rare of the system unit. Mother board has multiple circuits that enhances transportation of data
and expansion slots that allow connection of additional parts. Some of parts found on system unit
are the CPU (processor), hard disk, drives, memory chip, cards, buses etc.
Mouse is an input device that enters instruction or retrieves commands out of the computer.
Mouse is an operating system that assist keyboard in operating computer. Mouse has two
Left mouse button LMB
Right mouse button RMB
The LMB is the active button for it is after issue commands in to the computer. Is the inactive
button for it is not after use when the RMB is used, it is the retrieve commands out of the
5. Click away
It is pointing and clicking the active mouse button outside a selection or a displayed menu in
order to deselect or to do away with it.
6. Point / select
This is to move mouse pointer on an item then click the LMB
7. Drag/drop
This is to point, press and hold down the LMB on an item to move it from a position to another
8. Highlight
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This is to point and drag over a text so as to select the textual data for particular aspect.
9. Position cursor/ insertion point
It point between the characters so as to type a character
10. Resize objects
This is to point border handles of an objects and drug so as to increasing and decreasing its size
11. Move/position object
This is to point and drug the object from one position to another
It is another input device used to enter textual data through typing in to the computer. It can also
be used to enter commands and instruction in the computer by pressing the keys. The keys of the
keyboard may be sub-grouped into the following categories:
These consist of;
The alphabets I. e (A-Z)
The numerals I. e (0-9)
The punctuation marks I. e (,.; :”)
The symbols I. e (# @ %)
The mathematical operator I. e (+-=/)
This is positioned at the extreme right of the keyboard. It consists of the numerals the
mathematical operators and a few special keys. It is deal when dealing with calculations. It is
activated or deactivated by pressing the Num lock key.
They include F1 through F12 and are positioned at the top most part of the keyboard. Their
purpose is to shortcut commands or they can be assigned some special duties. Sometimes they
are used together with keys to attain the duty e. g
F1 can retrieve help notes
F7 can be used to check spelling and grammar
F12 can be used to save
Alt +F4 can be used to close a program
They are also referred to navigation keys. They are four of them; ARROW LEFT, ARROW
Arrow keys facilitate horizontal and vertical movement to navigate through the cells; and can be
used with other keys to achieve the duty
These are meant to perform special duties either singly or used together with other keys e. g
a) Enter key
These are two enter keys. Duties are:
Executes commands
Acquires the next line when typing
Explores a folder I. e (ctrl + shift + enter)
Crate space between the lines
B. Caps lock
Interchanges between uppercase and lowercase and vice versa
c. Space bar
It is the biggest key on the keyboard. It creates a single character space between words.
d. Delete key
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Delete/ erases characters and spaces at the right of the cursor I. e forwards
Also erases selected items and text
e. Tab key
Creates set intervals between characters, word, text etc.
Navigates through the cell forwards
Navigates through the dialog box
f. Shift key
Normally used with other keys e. g
Highlight text (shift + arrow key)
Acquires upper character in a double character key. This is a key on the keyboard where two
letters or values are place
Momentarily acquires the upper case or lowercase when typing
g. CTRL (control) key
It is always used together with other keys to achieve has the biggest combination of keys
in Ms. Window e. g
Ctrl +A highlight all
Ctrl +C copies
Ctrl +S saves
Ctrl +P prints
Ctrl +V pastes
h. Alt (alternative) key
Also used with other keys e. g
Alt +F display file menu
Alt +w displays window menu
Alt +F4 closes a running program
i. Esc (escape) key
Clears a display menu or dialog box displays start menu with ctrl I. e ctrl + esc
j. Print key
k. Home key
Takes cursor to the beginning of the line
Take cursor to the beginning of document I. e ctrl + home
l. End key
Takes the cursor to the end of the line
Takes cursor to the end of the document I. e ctrl +end
n. Page up
Scroll/ moves the page up
o. Page down
Scrolls/ moves the page down
Software are the intangible component of the computer. They cannot be seen but only their
results. Software are programs. Program are sets if instruction in electronic language, written to
instruct the computer hardware on what to do and how to do it.
Types of software
System software
Application software
These are programs concerned with the effective performance of the computer hardware. They
aid org ware handle/ operate the computer. They act on the user’s requirement as he/ she
commands them. Some control various programs in order to achieve a certain duty.
System software can be grouped into;
1. Operating system software
Example of OS
Microsoft windows
Windows has version such as
Ms. Windows NT
Ms. Windows me
Ms. Windows 2000
Ms. Windows’s xp
Ms. Windows’s vista
Ms Windows 7
Ms Windows 8
Ms Windows 10 etc.
Microsoft dos (disk operating system)
Macintosh (mac OS)
2. Language translators
This system software electronically translates one language to another through a machine.
Language is computerized
3. Utility/ service system software
These special system file that render services commonly applied tasks within the computer.
These task include copying, sorting, file handling, disk management etc.
4. Communication system software
Enhances communication or interaction between people through machines e. g phone dealers,
network connection, internet etc.
These are program that enable the user to perform and achieve results from any perturbing
problem I. e they are applied by user to achieve a certain duty/ task.
Classes of application software
User application
Application packages
User application
They program designed for the computer user according to his/her specifications; there for
referred to as tailor-made. They are written by ordinary programmers for their client.
Application packages
Viruses consist of harmful programs designed to infect legitimate software programs. Once a
person installs and runs the infected program, the virus activates and spreads itself to other
programs installed on the computer before taking further action such as deleting critical files
within the operating system. Similarly,
Computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to
another and to interfere with computer operation. A virus might corrupt or delete data on your
computer, use your e-mail program to spread itself to other computers, or even erase everything
on your hard disk.
Computer viruses are often spread by attachments in e-mail messages or instant messaging
messages. That is why it is essential that you never open e-mail attachments unless you know
who it's from and you are expecting it.
Worms are stand-alone programs that are able to transmit themselves across a network directly.
Unlike a computer virus, worms do not need to attach themselves to an existing program.
However both types of malware can cause severe damage by exploiting shared files and
Trojan Horse. Similar to Greek mythology, Trojans present themselves as harmless, useful
gifts, in order to persuade victims to install them on your computer. Thus, Trojans typically
appear as regular software. The catch is that the Trojan comes bundled with other software that
often includes a backdoor allowing unauthorized access to your computer. Trojans do not
attempt to inject themselves into other files or applications like computer viruses instead, they
use tactics such as drive-by downloads or installing via online games in order to reach their
Adware and spyware. Though not technically fitting into the virus category, at times these
programs may invade your privacy, contain malicious code and at the very least become a
nuisance. Adware is a form of financially supported malware that usually presents itself as
unwanted advertisements to the user. The Internet is filled with these types of programs that can
hijack your PC for profit, most are hidden inside so-called “free” downloads and pop-up ads that
forcibly install software on systems with active vulnerabilities.
Similarly, spyware is a type of malware that surreptitiously gathers information and transmits it
to interested parties. Information gathered includes the websites visited, browser and system
information and IP address. Spyware does not have any infection mechanisms and is usually
dropped by Trojans. Once dropped, it installs itself on the victim’s computer and will begin
collecting information silently as to avoid detection.
A zombie works in a similar way to spyware. The difference is that a zombie does not usually
collect information from the computer. Instead, it just sits there waiting for commands from a
command-and-control server controlled by the attacker. Attackers infect tens of thousands of
computers, turning them into zombies and then issuing commands so that all of them
instantaneously send network requests to a target host, overwhelming it with traffic also known
as a DDoS attack or distributed denial of service.
Status bar
This displays the current activities of the running program; for instance if MS word is running
the status bar shall display the current page, section, line, column etc.
Scroll bar
These are two
Vertical scroll bar (VSB)
Facilitates up and down movement of the working area
Horizontal scroll bar (HSB)
Facilitates the left and right movement of the working area
Tool bars
Tool bar are strips that provide the user icons meant to shortcut often applied/ used commands.
There could be several toolbar placed on the screen depending on pro running or the task being
performed but are two universal toolbars which are found almost all the basic application
Task bar
It is the strip at the bottom of the desk top window. It bears the start button, all running
programs, system calendar, system clock etc.
These are electronic form whereby the computer user is supposed to enter details in order the
computer to complete the duty assigned. This happens when the computer needs the user to
choose from the list of items or aspects.
This is a program in windows operating system that enables the computer user to organize and
manage all the items within the computer. This program explores the entire items (drives, folder,
Document is the data within the random access memory before it has been saved
Creating file
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Creating files from a source program
Click start button
Click a source program
Enter or type the data
Save the document by giving it an appropriate file name and choosing a known location
Creating a file on desktop
Right click a blank space on the desk top
Point new
Click the folder
Click a source program
Type an appropriate file name
Click away
Open the file
Enter/ type data
Save the changes
Creating a file into specific file folder
Open the file folder
Right click bank space
Point new
Click file to create
Type name of the file
Click away/press enter key
This is to particularize items from a list of others for a particular task such as opening, copying,
cutting, deleting etc.
Ways of selection
Single selection
Method 1
Point and click the item
Method 2
Press tab key and arrow keys
Selective selection
Press and hold down shift key
Point and click the needed item
Release the ctrl
Group/ list selection
Method 1
Select the 1st item
Press and hold down shift key
Click the last item
Method 2
Click and hold LMB on the 1st item
Drag over to the last item
Entire selection
Method 1
Select the 1st item
Press and hold down shift key
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Press A key
Method 2
Click edit menu
Click select all
Opening is identifying and accessing an item within the computer either for viewing or for the
purpose of working on it.
Steps to open items
Method 1
Right click the item
Click open
Method 2
Double click on the item
Method 3
Select the item
Press enter key
Method 4
Select item
Click on file menu
Click open
Method 5
Click start button
Click run
Type the name or browse the items path
Click ok
Copying is duplication of items from the original copy. It is important for copying saves time of
recreating similar item
Steps to copy
Method 1
Select the item of copy
Click edit menu
Click copy
Click edit menu again
Click paste
Method 2
Right click on the item to copy
Click copy
Right click bank space
Click paste
Copying in windows explorer
Select the item to copy
Click edit menu
Click paste
Copying from one location to another
Open location one
Select item to copy
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Click edit menu
Click copy
Open location two
Click edit menu
Click paste
Multiple- copying of items
This is duplication of more than one item. This method is even better than ordinary method.
Steps to multiple copy
Method 1
Select the item to multiple copy
Right click the selected items and do not release the RMB
Drag the mouse
Click copy here
Method 2
Select all the item to the multiple copy
Click edit menu
Click copy
Click paste
Cutting is moving the items from one position to another or from one location to another
Steps to cut
Method 1 (from one position to another)
Right click on the item to cut
Click cut
Right click the position to place the cut item
Click paste
Method 2 (from one location to another)
Select the item to cut
Click edit menu
Click cut
Indicate the location to place the cut item
Click edit menu again
Click paste
This will transfer items from one position to another or from one location to another. It is more
or less like cutting of items.
Steps to drag/ drop
Click and hold down the LMB on the item
Move the mouse to drag to the desired position or location
Release the mouse button to drop the item
This is giving different name to an item in cases of correction or after changing contents within
the item.
Steps to rename item
Method 1
Right click the item to rename
Click rename
Type the new name in the blinking cursor
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Click away
Method 2
Select the item to rename
Click its label
Type the new name in the blinking cursor
Click away
Method 3
Select the item to rename
Click file menu
Click rename
Type the new name in the blinking cursor
Click away
Deleting is erasing or doing away with unwanted items from their original locations to the
recycle bin. Items that can be deleted include folders, files, shortcut etc.
Steps to delete items
Method 1
Select the item to delete
Press delete key
Click yes to confirm
Method 2
Right click the item to delete
Click delete
Click yes
Method 3
Select the item to delete
Click file menu
Click delete
Click yes
Method 4
Drag the item to delete
Drop it on the recycle bin icon
It is kind of memory location usually found on the desktop where all deleted items are stored
temporarily waiting for retrieval or permanent deletion.
Retrieving item from recycle bin if an item has accidentally been deleted. It can be retrieved
back to its original location.
Method 1
Open the recycle bin
Select the item to be retrieved
Click file menu
Click restore
Method 2
Open the recycle bin
Select item to retrieve
Right click on selected item
Click restore
Permanent deletion
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Permanent deletion completely does away with item out of the computer memory. This deletion
is important for it clears the computer of space for storage.
Method 1
Open the recycle bin
Select the item to permanently delete
Press delete key
Click yes
Method 2
Open the recycle bin
Click empty recycle bin
Method 3
Open the recycle bin
Select the item
Right click the selected item
Click delete
Click yes
Method 4
Right click the recycle bin icon
Click empty recycle bin
Click yes
It does not matter whether the user is an amateur or a computer wizard; one cannot know
everything in the computer aura. Therefore, computer software designers make sure programs
come packaged with voluminous notes on how to go about each and every step. From a simple
task to the entire package the user needs not to worry for help is always at the disposal.
Major areas of interest may include computer system management, hardware and software
installation, networking, internet, printing document, troubleshooting major mal-operation,
playing games, videos, and music, or generally what is new in the computer technology.
Help can be accessed in different angles depending on user’s area of interest or how fast the help
is required.
General tour help
Here the user just goes around the topics in the computer without specifically anything on minor.
The OS installed may assist to array topics to choose from. For instance, below windows 7
outlines some crucial help.
Steps to access general help
Click start button
Click help and support
Click any major topic link
Click any sub topic link
Read notes from the display
Help using index
Whether u know exactly what you are looking for, or want to browse for what you need, the
index provides you with a fast, easy way to locate topics and resources. It is important the user
knows the topic to look for help.
Steps to access help using index
Click start button
Click help and support
Click index button at the menu
Select or type a keyword in the slot
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Select a sub topic
Click display
Read the displayed notes
You may click the links on the display for more
On- spot help
This kind of help is on the spot because the user could be working/ running a certain application
but gets stuck. It is possible to get assisted on the current task in the current application.
Steps to access on- spot help
Press F1 key when the application is on
Click the link to get appropriate help notes
Steps to access on-spot help
Click help menu when the application is on
Click (application name) help
Click table of the contents
Click a book topics of interest to open
Click a topic of interest
Click a link of interest
Read the display notes
Microsoft word is an application package under the class word processor or text editors. It is a
windows run program, ideal for production of documents such as newsletters, curriculum vitae,
letters, research papers, mail merging etc.
Examples of word processor
Word pad, word star, open office .org writer
Versions of ms word
Ms word 2003,2007,2010,2013
The Quick Access Toolbar
In the top left hand corner of the window is the Quick Access toolbar. The Quick Access toolbar
provides you with access to commands you frequently use. By default Save, Undo, and Redo
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appear on the Quick Access toolbar. You can use Save to save your file, Undo to rollback an
action you have taken, and Redo to reapply an action you have rolled back. The Quick Access
Toolbar can be customized to contain buttons of your choice for easy access.
The Title Bar
Next to the Quick Access toolbar is the Title bar. The Title bar displays the title of the document
on which you are currently working. Word names the first new document you open Document1.
As you open additional new documents, Word
names them sequentially. When you save your document, you assign the document a new name.
The Ribbon
You use commands to tell Microsoft Word what to do. In Microsoft Word 2007, you use the
Ribbon to issue commands. The Ribbon is located near the top of the screen, below the Quick
Access toolbar. At the top of the Ribbon are several tabs;
clicking a tab displays several related command groups. Within each group are related command
buttons. You click buttons to issue commands or to access menus and dialog boxes. You may
also find a dialog box launcher in the bottom right
corner of a group. Clicking the dialog box launcher gives you access to additional commands via
a dialog box.
Dialogue Launcher
The Ruler
The ruler is found below the Ribbon.
You can use the ruler to change the format of your document quickly. If your ruler is not visible,
follow the steps listed here:
1. Click the View tab to choose it.
2. Click the check box next to Ruler in the Show/Hide group. The ruler appears below the
The Text Area
Just below the ruler is a large area called the text area. You type your document in the text area.
The blinking vertical line in the upper-left corner of the text area is the cursor. It marks the
insertion point. As you type, your text displays at the cursor location. The horizontal line next to
the cursor marks the end of the document.
The Vertical and Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Bars
The vertical and horizontal scroll bars enable you to move up, down, and across your window
simply by dragging the icon located on the scroll bar. The vertical scroll bar is located along the
right side of the screen. The horizontal scroll bar is located just above the status bar. To move up
and down your document, click and drag the vertical
scroll bar up and down.
The Status Bar
The Status bar appears at the very bottom of your window and provides such information as the
current page and the number of words in your document. You can change what displays on the
Status bar by right-clicking on the Status bar and selecting the options you want from the
Customize Status Bar menu. You click a menu item to select it. You click it again to deselect it.
A check mark next to an item means it is selected.
There are various ways in which we can load/ open Microsoft word.
Method 1
Click start button
Click all programs
Click Ms Office
Click Microsoft office word
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Method 2
Click start button
Type word on the search box
Click word on the programs group
Method 3
Identify an MS word file
Open it
Method 1
Click office button
Click new
Click blank document
Click create
Method 2
Press ctrl+ N
Method 3
Click the new icon on the quick access tool bar
Saving is transferring of data from the elusive RAM to a permanent memory location. The
saving can take place within the computer or even outside the computer. After clearing a
document, it is indivisible to save it in order to avoid losing the data. Saving also enable the
future retrieval of information.
Steps to save a document
Method 1
Click office button
Click save
Type the file name
Choose the location to save file
Click save button
Method 2
Click office button
Click save as
Type the file name
Choose the location to save the file
Click save button
Method 3
Click the save icon at the quick access tool bar
Type the file name
Choose the location to save the file
Click save button
Method 4
Press ctrl+ s
Type the file name
Choose the location to save the file
Click save button
Note: the save as command. These command is in three instances
a) To save a document for the first time
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b) To save a file in different location
c) To save a file by different name
After a document or file has been saved additional working should be saved often to avoid losing
it. This is called saving the changes and remember save as command should not be used
Method 1
Click office button
Click close
Method 2
Click the (X) at the menu bar
Method 3
Press alt + F4
Method 1
Click office button
Click open
Indicate the location with the file
Click the file in display
Click open button
Method 2
Click open icon on the quick access tool bar
Indicate the location with the file
Click the file in display
Click open button
Method 3
Press ctrl +O
Indicate the location with the file
Click the file in the display
Click open button
Formatting is enhancing a document with decorative aspect so as to give it a facelift for better
Formatting involves aspects such as the font, the paragraph, borders and shading, columns,
bullets and numbering auto format case, text effect etc.
Attributes of font
Font type
Font style
Font size
Font color
Font type/face
This is handwriting style in document. There are several font types e. g times new roman, aria
narrow etc.
Font size
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This is smallness or bigness of the characters in a document.
Font style
This can be said to be the capturing appearance of the text e. g bold italic, underline etc.
Font colors
The user is given the variety of colors to choose for application on the document red, blue etc.
Steps to apply font attributes
Highlight the text
Click home tab
Choose the attribute to apply from the font group
These is usually an enlarged character in a certain document at the beginning of a lines especially
in newspaper, magazines and some books. Drop cap gives prominence and style to a document.
Types of drop cap
In margin
Steps to drop cap
Highlight the character to drop
Click insert tab
Click drop cap
Select the style
Bullets are symbols or characters that order items in a document but not systematically. Numbers
will order items systematically.
Steps to bullets
Highlight the item to bullet
Click home tab
Click Bullets on the paragraph group
Select desired bullet style
Click ok
Steps to numbering
Highlight the item to number
Click home tab
Click numbering on the paragraph group
Click numbered
Click desire number style
Click ok
This is general manipulation of data in a document whereby unnecessary materials are dropped
and others added to the main text in order to come up with desired piece of document. Editing
involve copying of data cutting of data, pasting of data, spelling and grammar etc.
Copying is duplicating of data whereby the original copy remains e. g
Steps to copy data
Method 1
Highlight the text
Click home tab
Click copy on the clipboard group
Position the cursor in the desired place
Click home tab
Click paste the clipboard group
Method 2
Highlight the data to carry the copy
Right click on the highlighted data
Click copy
Right click on the position to copy
Click paste
Method 3
Press ctrl+ A –to highlight
Press ctrl+ C –to copy the data
Press ctrl+ V –to paste
Cutting of data
Cutting is just like the process of copying data except that instead of copying we choose cut and
on the keyboard instead of C we press X. cut will also duplicate data just like copying but the
original data will not remain.
This is gluing or sticking what has already been copied or cut. Pasting must be applied so as
complete the copy or cut command.
These are pre designed graphics which the user can automatically pick and draw in MS word
document. They include shapes as line, rectangle, squares, callouts, stars, arrows etc.
Steps to insert auto shapes
Click insert tab
Point picture
Click auto shape
Click the category of the auto shape
Click the desired auto shape
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On the page drag to draw the shape
Edit and format accordingly
It is pre designed word feature to let a chosen piece of text acquire that style. Word art are
important especially when advertising or giving warning messages.
Steps insert word art
Click insert tab
Point picture
Click word art
Select the style of word art
Click ok
Type the desired text
Format the word art
Click ok
Again edit and format appropriately
Table is a combination of rows and columns where data can be entered into the cell. A table can
be acquired through drawing or automatically inserted.
Steps to draw a table
Click insert tab
Click table
Click draw table
Draw a rectangular frame
Draw rows & columns into the frame
Enter the data into the cell
Edit and format appropriately
Steps to insert a table
Click insert tab
Click table
Click insert table
Indicate the no. of rows & columns etc.
Click ok
Enter data into cell
Edit and format accordingly
Steps to format a table
Select the table
Choose the column, row or cells, etc
Click design tab/layout
.Apply desired aspects
Click ok
Text box is a text editor feature that turns texts and graphics to movable, resizable and format
able object. It is very convenient to work with text boxes for they make it possible where an
object would be restricted.
Steps to insert a text box
Click insert tab
Click text box
Drag to draw a frame
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Type the text inside
Edit and format accordingly
Wrapping is a feature used to enclose graphics with text. This aspect is applied during formatting
of graphic or object
Steps to wrapping
Select the graphic
Click format tab
Click text wrapping on the arrange group
Click wrapping style
This is a window whereby a document can be viewed to check any error associated with printing.
These errors arise from the margins, paragraph, layout etc.
Steps to print preview
Method 1
Open the document to preview
Click office button
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Point print
Click print preview
Observe to check any errors
Click close when satisfied or go back for adjustment
Method 2
Open the document
Click the print preview icon on quick access tool bar
Observe to check any
Method 1
Click Office button
Click exit
Method 2
Click the X at title bar
Method 3
Press alt+ F4 keys
Method 1
Click office button
Click save
Type the file name
Indicate the location to save the wb
Click save
Method 2
Click office button
Click save as
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Type the Office button
Indicate the location to save the wb
Click save
Method 3
Click save icon at the standard toolbar
Type the file name
Indicate the location to save the wb
Click save
Method 4
Press ctrl + s
Type the file name
Indicate the location to save the wb
Click save
Rename worksheet
Worksheet may be given different names to enable the user distinguish the data created in each
of them.
Method 1
Select the worksheet at sheet bar
Click home tab
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Click format under cells group
Click rename sheet
Type the new name
Press enter key
Double click the WS at sheet bar
Type the new name
Press enter key
Method 3
Right click the WS at sheet bar
Click rename
Type the new name
Press enter key
Re- arrange worksheet
This enable the user to give some priority to the worksheet by ordering them.
Steps to re- arrange worksheets
Click worksheet to appear as the first
Press LMB and drag to position
Release the mouse
To delete a worksheet
Method 1
Select the worksheet at sheet bar
Click home tab
Click delete under the cells group
Click delete sheet
Click delete
Method 2
Right click the worksheet at sheet bar
Click delete
Click delete for confirmation
To insert a new column
Steps to insert a column
Method 1
Select the column to be preceded
Click home tab
Click insert under the cells group
Click insert sheet column
Method 2
Right click the column to be preceded
Click insert
Resizing columns
This is increasing or decreasing the width of the column
Steps to resize a column
Select the column
Click home tab
Click format under the cells group
Click width
Type measurement
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Click ok
Method 2
Double click between column headers
Method 3
Point between column headers
Press and drag
To delete a column
Method 1
Select the column to delete
Click Home tab
Click delete under the cells group
Click delete column
Method 2
Right click the column to delete
Click delete
This is to select a range in worksheet before editing or formatting has been done. Range is any
group of cells selected for an aspect and to be treated a single block.
Steps to highlight data
Method 1
Click the first cell in range
Press LMB and drag to the end
Method 2
Click on the first cell of the range
Press down shift key
Click the last cell in the range
Method 3
Click the first cell in a range
Press down the shift key
Press arrow keys
Method 4
Highlight first range press down the ctrl key
Highlight the other ranges with mouse
Filtering is sieving a specific data if the data meets a certain criteria. It is important for only
needed data can be viewed or analyzed.
Steps to filter data
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Highlight the data to filter
Click home tab
Click sort and filtering under the cells group
Click filter button on desired column
Click custom top ten or an entry
Adjust appropriately
Click ok
These are entries that would follow a certain systematic order or sequence e. g
Days of the week
Months in a year
Value like 1, 2, 3
Any label plus value as the user may instruct the MS excel e. g day 1…..week 1 etc.
To remove filtering
Click home tab
Click sort and filtering under the cells group
Click filter button
This is anchoring the title for a particular data in order to keep the heading still while the rest of
the data is scrolled, for instance in long list of items and the user does not want to lose the main
headings after scrolling upwards. Also remember the screen cannot display 1000 entries at one
Steps to freeze panes
Select the row or the column immediately after the row or column to freeze
Click window menu
Click freeze pane
Scroll the data to confirm
Operators specify the type of calculation that you want to perform on the elements of a formula.
There is a default order in which calculations occur (this follows general mathematical rules), but
you can change this order by using parentheses.
You can compare two values with the following operators. When two values are compared by
using these operators, the result is a logical value—either TRUE or FALSE.
Use the ampersand (&) to concatenate (join) one or more text strings to produce a single piece of
Function are special built-in formulas within the spreadsheet designed to work out a specific
return. Function are categorized depending on their areas of application and the user chooses a
function that is conversant and appropriate. For instance there are financial, logical, text,
database, statistical, math and trig, date, time etc.
Components of function
Equal sign
Functional name
= will create a cell equal to another. For example, if you were to put =A1 in B1 what ever was in
A1 would automatically be put in B1. You could also create a formula that would make one cell
equal to more than one value. For example, if you have a first name in cell A1 and a last name in
cell B1, you could put in cell A2 =A1&" "&B1 which would put cell A1 in with B1 with a space
between. You can also use a concatenate formula to combine cell values.
Display the average amount between cells. For example, if you wanted to get the average for
cells A1 to A30, you would type: =AVERAGE(A1:A30).
Count the number of cells in a range that contain only numbers. For example, you could find
how many cells between A1 and A15 contain a numeric value by using the =COUNT(A1:A15).
If cell A1 and A5 only contained numbers the value of the cell that contains this function would
be equal to "2."
Generate a random number between two values. In the above example, the formula would create
a random whole number between 1 and 100.
The most commonly used function to add, subtract, multiple, or divide values in cells. Below are
some examples.
Add the cells A1 and A2.
Add cells A1 through A5.
Adds cells A1, A2, and A5.
Subtract cell A1 from A2.
Multiply cells A1 and A2.
Divide cell A1 by A2.
Perform the SUM function only if there is a specified value in the first selected cells. An
example of this would be =SUMIF(A1:A6,"TEST",B1:B6) which only adds the values B1:B6 if
the word "test" was put somewhere in between A1:A6. So if you put TEST (not case sensitive) in
A1, but had numbers in B1 through B6, it would only add the value in B1 because TEST is in
Would print out the current date in the cell entered. This value will change to reflect the current
date each time you open your spreadsheet. If you want to enter a date that doesn't change hold
down CTRL and ; to enter the date.
This is logical function that returns one value if a condition specified evaluates to true and
another value evaluates to false. It compares two value; that is if not true it is false.
IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false])
For example:
=IF(A2>B2,"Over Budget","OK")
Logical test
This is the value that is chosen to be evaluated to either true or false. It is the argument value.
Value if true
It is value that shall be returned if the logical test is true
Value if false
It is the value that shall be returned if the logical test is false
Here are some additional examples of formulas that you can enter in a worksheet.
The AND function returns FALSE because the value in cell B2 is not higher than 5. As a result
the IF function returns Incorrect.
The OR function returns TRUE if any of the conditions are TRUE and returns FALSE if all
conditions are false.
1. Select cell E2 and enter the following formula.
The OR function returns TRUE because the value in cell A1 is higher than 10. As a result the IF
function returns Correct.
General note: the AND and OR function can check up to 255 conditions.
=SQRT(A1) Uses the SQRT function to return the square root of the value in A1.
To apply a function
To apply a function the user can enter/ insert one from a list or type the function direct at the
formula bar. Whether it is from a list or typing direct the cell for the returns first should be
Steps to enter function
Select the cell for return
Click Formulas tab
Click insert function under the function library
This is a method of filling cell address into other especially when the formula has been used so
as to cell to change freely.
Types of referencing
1. Relative referencing
This is whereby the 1st return/ entry is obtained and auto filling is done in order to effect the
return for the other entries, here the function name doesn’t change but the argument does
2. Absolute referencing
This indicate the same reference that is not meant to change during auto filling after the value
within the cell has been incorporated to a function or formula
Steps to absolute referencing
Ensure there is a cell any place in the worksheet that has value to be applied for absolute ref.
Select the cell for the returns
Type the equal sign
Click the cell with absolute value
Press F4 to make it constant/ absolute
Type an operator if any
Click the argument cell
Click press enter key
Auto fill for the rest of the entries
It is a logical command that sets criteria on a particular cell or cells to control/ restrict the data
entered in the cell e. g if the user want to put a limit in an intake, or if one wants to put some age
limit for the retiring employees.
Steps to data validation
Highlight cells to validate
Click Data tab
Click data validation under the data tools group
Set the Settings, Input message and Error alert
Click ok
This is an address that is established to link two or more files especially if they have related
Comments are details hidden within a particular cell, telling more about the cell.
Steps to insert comments
Select the cell to comment on
Click review tab
Click new comment
Type the details
Click away
Steps to read a comment
Point the cell with the comment (this cell has a red triangle at its top right corner)
Steps to remove comments
Click the cell with the comment
Click review tab
Click clear comments
Each of the chart type also has various chart subtype, for instance the bar chart has following
Clustered column
100% sucked column
Stacked column
Steps to create a chart
Highlight the data
Click insert tab
Select chart type
Select chart subtype
Follow the wizard till the end
Click finish
There are several parts that make a chart. These include the following:
Chart tittle
This tells one what the chart is all about
Chart area
The space occupied by all the components of the chart.
Plot area
The space in the chart area that holds the graph. Graph represents the data series.
The key or description of the grouped items represented by different colours
The outer lines that define or mark the graph
The individual items either in labels or values containing data. They are usually in the cells.
The partitions of the chart walls. These are minor and major gridlines on both category axis and
value axis
Chart wall
The vertical space where the graph leans on
Microsoft access is a database tool or package which is used to prepare, organize and maintain,
usually very huge and complex amount of information
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Benefits of access
Large virtual storage for the data
Easy maintenance
Accurate updating
Fast retrieval of well-organized information
Application of access
Organization of customer addresses and their details in postal and telephone agencies
Organization of plight information
Organization and maintenance of employee records in the place of work
Preparation and organization of books details in the library
Preparation of basic programming
Example of other databases
Fox pro
Fox base
Oracle etc.
Method 1
Click start
Point all program
Point Microsoft office
Click Microsoft access
Common terms used in MS access
This is a single file in MS access that can be saved as a single unit of data. The database shall
consist of all the components of MS access together with their respective data.
Database window
It is the window that appear when you open access database or an access project. The window
displays shortcuts for creating a new database object/ components and opening existing ones.
Design view
It is the window that shows the design of this database object or components I. e the table,
queries, forms, report, etc. within the design view the user can create new database objects and
also modify the design of existing ones.
Design grid
This is the grid or table that is used to design/ and modify a query or filter in query design view
or the advanced filter/ sort window. On this table the user places the required field, criteria,
expression etc. for a inquest.
These are filtered records or the results which are returned after the database has been questioned
for specific records using a query.
Structure query language
This is the working area that contains the actual data within the components and to be specific
table. The datasheet is portioned into columns (fields) and rows (records)
Components of MS access
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These components are also referred to as database objects. They are small programs that handle
specific data in a database though the data is related they include;
The table
The quires
The forms
The reports
The macros
The modules etc.
The table
It is the basic components of MS access that holds data in fields (columns) and records (rows).
Table may also be referred to as file for it holds basic data: it can be opened, closed, copied,
renamed, deleted etc.
The field
It is a column within the table with similar data about an entry such as person, a place, an event,
a item etc. for instance
If a table has field named city it is expected to have a list thus: London, Nairobi, Paris etc. and
not £500. When typing the field name, it accommodates up to 64 characters.
This is full collection of details about an entry in a table always running in a row e.g. id no,
gender, age etc.
Primary key
This is a special field that is established to:
Automatically increment a record after a previous one
Check any duplication of records
Automatically creare linking joint between or among the tables or queries in relationship.
Set up the primary key
Method 1
Open the table
Click home tab
Click view and select design view
Select the field to make primary key
Click design tab
Click primary key
Save the changes
Close the table design view
Method 2
Open the table
Click home tab
Click view and select design view
Right click the field to make primary key
Click primary key
Save the changes
Close the table design view
Remove the primary key
Method 1
Open the table
Click home tab
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Click view and select design view
Select the field to make primary key
Click design tab
Click primary key
Save the changes
Close the table design view
Method 2
Open the table
Click home tab
Click view and select design view
Right click the field to make primary key
Click primary key
Save the changes
Close the table design view
Data types
Data types is an attribute given/ attached to field so as to check and determine the kind of data
that should be contained in the field. Each data type is again accompanied by a number of
Example of data types
it determines or allows
Labels e.g. Pete, Nairobi etc.
Value e.g. 9012, 45.45 etc.
Alpha numeric e.g. p.o box 500 mks etc.
This data type can allow or hold up to 255 characters including spaces. in most instances, when
no data type is chosen, text is returned as a default data type in a field.
Determine alpha-numeric data i.e. both value and labels that run into several sentences. it can
hold up to maximum of 64000 characters including spaces.
Determine numerical entries especially for only the mathematical/ calculation and not monetary
values e.g. 13003 etc.
Determine data with monetary value e.g. kshs 250, £300 etc.
Dates and time
Determine chronological entries e.g. 3/5/2015, 3pm etc.
Yes or no
This data type evaluates two conditions that could results to true or false, on or off. The field
with data types shall be shown in boxes. To choose a check box is clicked to show tick inside. To
remove the tick click again and it disappears.
it is a numerical value MS access shall automatically increment each time new record is entered.
it is ideal when entering serial numbers.
OLE Object
OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. The data type is used to determine inserted
graphical data such as charts, pictures, etc. within the field.
Field size
This allows the user to set the limit to the number of character that a field should accommodate.
E.g. text data type may take 30, 15, 125 etc. number data type may take integer, long integer etc.
This property will determine how information will appear on screen or print out. E.g. number
data type may have currency, scientific, percentage, etc. formats. The date/ time data type may
have long date, long time, short date, short time etc. formats.
Decimal places
For currency or number data types the user may choose a number of decimal place for the values.
input mask
When chosen or set the input mask automatically puts dates in a specific format.
This can be evident in many values found in phone number e.g. 000-000-000000 setting will put
the phone number 254733888222 as 254-733-888222
This is more detailed information about a certain field for instance student Name could have its
caption as student, name
Default value
This is the value that is set or programmed to be automatically returned if the user does not enter
any value within a field e.g. the user does not choose any data type for a field the text data type
will automatically be inserted. Or the=date0 is a default value set to return the current system
date in a date field if none is indicated.
Validation rule
It is a logical expression which is set to specify which values are to be entered into a field and
also restrict others e.g.=o and =100 indicates that only value between zero and hundred are
accepted into the field.
Validation text
This is the message that should be returned in case the validation rule above, if it is violated the
message may be reported as ‘please enter a value between 0 and 100”
This will determine whether a value must be entered within a certain field. This means the field
cannot be left blank. Notice this when choosing data types and try to leave it blank, you cannot
be allowed to continue
Allow zero length
Here the user is allowed to continue even without having to enter any value within a field. A zero
value will be seen in that field.
As a property, indexed is set to check any duplication (double entry) of the same records.
Sometimes the user may need to create a query but the field to make the query could be in
different tabbies or queries. A relationship is therefore required in order to accomplish this.
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Relationship is a way of linking up tables and queries to enable the data among the tables or the
queries easily and sensibly be shared. A relationship is normally created to avoid an absurd
duplication of records from unlinked table or queries.
Join lines
Join lines is the link that connects two or more tables or queries. A join enable MS access detect
and compare related information in different tables or queries and determines how to display the
requested information.
Concatenated query
This is refined and sensible query that is acquired after a relationship has been established among
tables or queries.
Cartesian product query
It is a non- sensible query obtained when a relationship is not established because there is a lot of
abnormal duplication of same records.
Steps to create a relationship
Open the database
Click tools menu
Click relationship
Select the table or queries
Click add button
Click close button
Drag a field from table A and place it on another in table B
Click create button
Repeat the above to join a third table a fourth and so forth
Save the relationship
Close the relationship window
You may create a query from the relationship
Points to note before creating a relationship
The join fields used to join two tables or queries must have same data types
Data types such as memo may hinder a query being created from a relationship
Sometimes a join created during query applies only for that particular query especially
joins are crated direct in the query design view
In some instance access automatically creates joins: That is;
a) If you have two tables and each table has similar fields with same data type and same
name and a relationship has been created between the tables
b) If one of the joined field is a primary key.
Method 2
Right click the field to sort
Click ascending or descending
This is going into database to retrieve some records after supplying some criteria. Filtering in MS
access is normally done to the table. It is important for it helps retrieve specific records fast just
for reviewing at a glance. if the retrieval is often the query should be created.
Steps to filter records in table
Method 1
Open the table with the records to filter
Click records menu
Point filter
Click advanced filter/sort
Indicate the mode of sorting
Drag into grid the field
Type the criteria if any
Click filter menu
Click apply filter/sort
Method 2
Open the table
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Position the cursor into the field with the aspect to filter by
Click the apply filter icon
To remove a filter
Method 1
Click records menu
Click remove filter
Method 2
Click the remove filter icon at standard toolbar
Query is one of the database objects. it is an electronic questionnaire that delves into the database
to filter specific records, if the records meet certain criteria. A query is made from an existing
table or from another existing query. They can be used to produce forms and reports. Queries can
also be used to perform calculation on records with the database.
Report is a summary of details extracted from the database either from the tables or from the
Like the form report display records in some grouping, some style and some layout. It can also
be used for calculation and setting expressions within the database.
Group footer
This section contains information that printed once at the end of the form or the report.
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We already have dealt with queries. Those queries are known as select queries. We have also
learnt that queries delve into the database for specific data which meet a certain criteria or
condition. There are also other queries which go further than the select queries making changes
to the database. These are referred to as action queries. There are four action queries namely; app
and query, make table query, update query, and delete query.
Update query
This query can be used to make changes (update) to a database, for instance to increase
employees salary in job group A, B and C by a certain percentage, let’s say 10% or it can be used
to replace residents of Mombasa to Nairobi or even students indicated as not cleared to cleared;
within the database of course
Steps to update query
1. Click queries tab
2. Click new
3. Click design view
4. Click ok
5. Click the table/ query with fields to updates
6. Click add
7. Click close
8. Click query menu
9. Click update query
10. Drag the field to update into the grid
11. Type the expression that will update the records into the update to row
12. Type/ set the criteria to specify exactly which records to update
13. Click view menu
14. Click datasheet view
15. Click view menu again
16. Click design view
17. Run the query
18. Click yes to confirm the update changes
19. Save the update query design view
20. Close the design view
Append query
Append means add and therefore this query will be used to add more records into the database
usually several and specific at one go. This process may be important if similar tables exist
independently and there is need to make them one.
Steps to append query
1. Click queries tab
2. Click new
3. Click design view
4. Click ok
5. Click the table/ query to extract records to be appended
6. Click add
7. Click close
8. Click query menu
9. Click append query
10. Type/ select the name of the table into which to append new records
11. Click current database or another database
12. Click ok
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13. Drag the field with records to be appended into the grid
14. Type the criteria to specify exactly which records to append
15. Click view menu
16. Click database view
17. Run the query
18. Click yes to confirm the append changes
19. Save the append query design view
20. Close the design view
Color scheme
Color scheme is a set of eight balanced colors that can be applied to slides not pages or audience
handouts. a color scheme consists of background color a color for lines and text, and six other
colors selected to make slides easy to read
Steps to apply a color scheme
Open the presentation
Click the slide to apply
Click design tab
Click color scheme
Click desired color scheme
Click color schemes
Click edit scheme
Click standard
To apply font attributes to a slide
Select the slide
Select the area to apply the attribute
Click home tab
Choose aspects appropriately
Slide background
This is the beneath surface on the slide where the data rests. Background could be color or fill
effect such as gradient, texture, pattern and picture
Steps to apply background
Open presentation
a. Slides view
This view displays all the slides numbered 1st to the last and if any has custom animation. The
user can select a slide from this view and edit or format it in the main normal view.
Steps to a slide view
Click slide tab when in normal view
Slide transitions are the animation-like effects that occur in Slide Show view when you move
from one slide to the next during an on-screen presentation. You can control the speed of each
slide transition effect, and you can also add sound.
2. Select the slide thumbnails of the slides that you want to apply slide transitions to.
3. On the Animations tab, in the Transition To This Slide group, click a slide transition
4. To see more transition effects, in the Quick Styles list, click the More button .
5. To set the slide transition speed between the current slide and the next slide, in the
Transition To This Slide group, click the arrow next to Transition Speed, and then
select the speed that you want.
6. In the Transition To This Slide group, click Apply to All.
Custom animation
These are the aspects attached to text or graphics to determine how they will appear on the
screen during the slide show. In custom animation a text or object may be given an effect such as
the entrance then the emphasis the exit then the path motions.
Steps to set custom animations
Right click the final running slide
Point screen
Click black/ white screen
Right click the black/ white screen
Point pointer options
Click ballpoint pen/ felt tip pen/ highlighter
Scribble the notes on the screen
To clear the screen for fresh notes
Right click the screen
Point pointer option
Click eraser/ erase all ink color
To change the pen color
Right click a running slide
Point pointer option
Click ballpoint prn/ felt tip pen/ highlighter
Right click running slide again
Point pointer option
Point ink color
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Click desired color
Press and drag to scribble
Packing a presentation
A presentation can be packed into a folder or an external storage device such as CD etc. for
showing in another computer even if the computer does not have not have the MS power point
program. Editing and formatting to a packed presentation is impossible since the source program
is required to achieve this.
Steps to package a presentation to a CD
Open the presentation
Click office button
Point publish
Click package to CD
Type the name of presentation
Click add files to include more presentation
Click copy to cd
Click ok
Click close
Steps to package a presentation to folder
Open the presentation
Click office button
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Point publish
Click package to folder
Type the name of presentation
Click add files to include more presentation
Click copy to cd
Click ok
Click close Click ok
Click close
To run/ show a packed presentation
Open the cd/ folder used in packing
Open presentation CD
Double click preview to open the presentation
2. Web site
This is collection of related webpages, well organized and maintained by an organization, an
academic institution or government agency. A individual can also create, organize and maintain
his/ her own web site.
3. Home page
It is usually the first welcoming page that appears when you open the internet browser or a web
site or even the first webpage of the email account. The home page is customized or set to meet
the user’s preferences.
4. History
Parts of a URL
Protocol name
Protocol is language that enables a computer to speak to one another if they are interconnected
It involves a set of rules and standard that enable computer to exchange information smoothly.
Site location
It indicates where the site is in the internet or elsewhere.
Name of organization
It indicates the company or organization whose server controls the website.
Extension/ suffix
This indicates the nature of organization or company: Whether commercial, academic,
educational, military, and governmental etc.
7. Favorites
A collection of selected files by the browser if file are found to be necessary for future retrieve
are kept in the favorite’s folder. It’s a provision within the internet where the user may create
folders to store often accessed files.
8. Address bar
A space where the URL can be typed before a search is initiated
9. Search button
It is clicked after the keyword have been typed to begin the search to initiate the search.
10. Go button
The go button is clicked after a URL has been typed to open the website. The enter key can be
pressed to serve the purpose.
11. Stop button
Clicked to end a search that may have taken more than enough time or wrong request has been
12. Refresh button
Clicked to re-open a webpage incase the page is not being displayed and the server or the
connection may have some problem.
13. Home button
Take the user to the home page or mail home (inbox page) of own account.
Browsing is accessing and collecting different information bit by bit from the internet.
Surfing is finding out what new or what is out there in the net. Look at it in this perspective on
one hand a student of ICT or IT may learn in class about the architecture of the CPU and later
goes to the internet for further notes.
Steps to browse/ surf the net
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Turn on a connected computer
Open the web browser as any other program
Type a keyword in the search box
Press enter key
Use the link appropriate to relate information
Print the information if necessary
Keep the selected webpages in favorite’s folder
Download the important information to the computer, diskette, and flash disk etc. as take
away information.
Logical operators
They are words attached to keywords in the search box to narrow a search. These are AND, OR,
NOT among others, let’s assume we are searching for political using logical operators it would
be as follows
This will search for politics only in Africa
This will search for anything politics and anything Africa
This will search for anything politics and nothing in Africa
Some common search engines
Email stands for electronic mail. It is an address given to a individual or an organization after
registering to be a member of the internet through some host. It facilitates communication among
members of the internet.
Email account breakdown
ID (identity)
This is the name that identifies individual to the internet
Set up (@)
Indicate where the ID or the browser is hosted
The organization that maintains the server to act as link between the internet and the members. It
is ideal because it has a large storage capacity for electronic mails being exchanges. Most of the
hosts are search engines.
A search engine is an organization with powerful software that can delve into the internet and
retrieve the requested information. E.g. yahoo, Google, Hotmail etc.
Separator/ period
It puts distinctions between the host and the type of institution the host is.
Extension/ suffix
Indicates the nature of the host
Sign up
This is getting registered as a new member in the internet through some host. One can acquire as
many email accounts as possible, but remember each email accounts must be activated often;
otherwise it will be inactivated together with the mails.
Steps to sign up
Open the web browser on a connected computer
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Identify and open host
Click sign up link button
Fill in the registration form and submit it
Sign in
This is identifying oneself to internet by typing in the identity and the password. It is actually
opening one’s email account.
Steps to sign in
Open the web browser e.g. internet explorer
Open the host
Click sign in link wherever it may be
Type the ID
Type the password
Click sign in button or press enter key
To check and read mail
Most of incoming mails are kept in the inbox folder.
Click inbox folder or inbox link
Click the subject of mail to read
The user may delete, reply, forward, mark, save, move or spam a mail
Click back to message or next or previous to read another mail
These are details already created in their respective source programs or already existing within
the internet and should accompany the email.
Importance of attachment
Saves ordinary time for creating such document
Variety selection of items from the internet
Save air time and thus save money
Point to note before file attachment
The file to attach to the mail should be composed before hand
If the file to attach will come from the internet it should be browsed for before hand
Steps to attach file
Click attach file button
Click browse button to identify the file
Select the location with the file
Select the file to attach
Click open
Click attach file and wait for attachment
Click attach more file
Click back to message
Click send button
Internet is designed and improved every day to save time and energy to the user. Etiquette is the
manners by which the user will conduct himself when online, therefore it is important to observe
some conduct that may hinder the purpose of internet.
Brief and precise to deliver messages
Prepare or browse for attachments before hand
Use short forms if possible e.g. its, coz
Avoid retrogression or repetition
Stick to the point when browsing or surfing
Sign out
This is ending the browsing session within the internet. It closes ones email account. It is
important because it saves money and preserves secrecy.
Steps to sign out
Click sign out button wherever it may be or
close the web browser
Email enable people around the world send, receive and reply an electronic mails. This is faster
more convenient and even cheaper than the ordinary mails.
The internet provides information virtually on every topic; be it politics, science, religion etc. at
reduced cost.
Computer wizards can find and retrieve volumes and volumes of application programs including
anti-virus which are designed, dispatched and downloaded from the internet either free or at cost.
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People can watch, matches, play games, listen to radio stations etc.
Discussion/ chat group
This involves internet browsers with email accounts who might be strangers or even friends,
they pick on a topic and then privately or publicly discuss it. The discussion may be serious.
This is business over the internet or online. It enable ordering of goods and services over the
internet and delivery don without the customer leaving the office desk or the home compound.
Because of millions of internet browsers are hooked on the net, companies find it ideal to market
their products to broader clientele.
E-teaching/ E-learning
On one hand academic institutions have moved at higher gear to deliver education to student’s
online thus reducing congestion in their scarce physical facilities.
While on the other hand the students have embraced the move by enrolling more for travelling
and accommodation costs have been slashed
With EFI (electronic fund transfer) and other electronic facilities financial institutions have
made it easy for their customer to make transaction very conveniently
1. Moral decay
The ever booming pornography material online especially to children live them hanging on the
verge of high cliff.
2. Fraud
Financial institutions lose millions daily to hackers who break into their system codes and make
away with huge sums of money.
3. Addiction
Game players, chatters, movie watchers etc. waste crucial hours on computer at the expense of
their daily chores.
4. Anti-social community
Man- made machines make people not to communicate face to face. This has in itself the
physical interaction among friends and family members, many being left loners.
Master page is reference page where all other pages in a publication should take root if the
details for all other pages are constant.
Steps to set master pages
Get new publication/ document
Click window menu
Click show master pages template
Click the drop down list to top- right corner of the master pages palette
Click new master pages
Type a name of the new master page
Apply desire margins, columns etc.
Click ok
Steps to apply a new master page
Select the master page in the palette
Click the drop-down list at top right
Corner of the master page palette
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Click apply
Choose the name of the master page
Indicate the page range
Click apply
These are editing aspects applied on the objects in page maker. They are found in the control
palette, they are three:
Rotation tilts an object at an angle through some degree on fixed point.
Steps to rotation
Select the object to rotate
Type the degrees of rotation in control palette
Press enter key
This is stretching an object through a particular angle on a fixed point.
Steps to skewing
Select the object to skew
Type degrees of skewing at the control palette
Press enter key
It is creating an image of an original object by moving it along the x-axis or y-axis
Steps to reflection
Select the object to reflect/ move
Type the measurements of reflection at the control palette
Press enter key
Method 1
Select the page from where to delete
Click file menu
Click document setup
Indicate the number of pages
Click ok
Method 2
Select the page from where to add more
Click layout menu
Click remove pages
Indicate the range of pages to delete
Click ok
Method 3
Select the page from where to delete
Right click the status bar
Click remove pages
Indicate the range of pages to delete
Click ok
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Columns are vertical subdivisions of text, text presented in columns breaks the monotony of the
continuous paragraphs to the reader. In page maker columns can be set automatically and
thereafter adjusted manually.
Steps to set columns automatically.
Open the page
Click layout menu
Click column guides
Indicate the number of columns needed
Indicate width between the columns
Click ok
Steps to adjust columns manually
Insert the columns using the above method
Click a column line (with select tool)
Press and drag to adjust appropriately
Adobe table is a single or separate utility on its own but always comes together with adobe
PageMaker. Though differently approached, most of its characteristics resemble those of a table
as seen earlier in MS word table and MS excel work sheet. Adobe table may be inserted as an
object or copied and pasted.
Steps to insert adobe table
Open page maker and get the page
Click edit menu
Click insert menu
Click adobe table
Indicate no. of rows and columns the table height and width, gutters etc.
Click ok
Edit and format the table
Close adobe table so as to import
Steps to open adobe table
Click start button
Point all programs
Point adobe
Click adobe table
Indicate no of rows and columns the table height and width etc.
Edit and format the table
Save and close the table
Copy and paste to PageMaker
Steps to format cells in adobe table
Select the table
Click format menu
Click format cells
Select appropriate aspects
Click apply and ok
Steps to format text in adobe table
Select the text
Click format menu
Click format text
Apply appropriate aspects
Click apply and ok
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Templates are already designed formats for commonly or often used publication, for instance in
adobe page maker we encounter ready publication such as cards, newsletters, banners etc.
Though templates will help the user create a publication fast without straining they hinder
innovation and creativity.
Steps to adobe PageMaker templates
Open adobe page maker
Click window menu
Point plug in palettes
Click show template palette
Select a category of templates
Click one of the templates
Function keys
Key Description
F1 Displays the Excel Help task pane.
Ctrl+F1 displays or hides the ribbon.
Alt+F1 creates an embedded chart of the data in the current range.
Alt+Shift+F1 inserts a new worksheet.
F2 Edits the active cell and positions the insertion point at the end of the cell contents. It
also moves the insertion point into the Formula Bar when editing in a cell is turned off.
Shift+F2 adds or edits a cell comment.
Ctrl+F2 displays the print preview area on the Print tab in the Backstage view.
F3 Displays the Paste Name dialog box. Available only if names have been defined in the
workbook (Formulas tab, Defined Names group, Define Name).
Shift+F3 displays the Insert Function dialog box.
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F4 Repeats the last command or action, if possible.
When a cell reference or range is selected in a formula, F4 cycles through all the various
combinations of absolute and relative references.
Ctrl+F4 closes the selected workbook window.
Alt+F4 closes Excel.
F5 Displays the Go To dialog box.
Ctrl+F5 restores the window size of the selected workbook window.
F6 Switches between the worksheet, ribbon, task pane, and Zoom controls. In a worksheet
that has been split (View menu, Manage This Window, Freeze Panes, Split Window
command), F6 includes the split panes when switching between panes and the ribbon
Shift+F6 switches between the worksheet, Zoom controls, task pane, and ribbon.
Ctrl+F6 switches to the next workbook window when more than one workbook window
is open.
F7 Displays the Spelling dialog box to check spelling in the active worksheet or selected
Ctrl+F7 performs the Move command on the workbook window when it is not
maximized. Use the arrow keys to move the window, and when finished press Enter, or
Esc to cancel.
F8 Turns extend mode on or off. In extend mode, Extended Selection appears in the status
line, and the arrow keys extend the selection.
Shift+F8 enables you to add a nonadjacent cell or range to a selection of cells by using
the arrow keys.
Ctrl+F8 performs the Size command (on the Control menu for the workbook window)
when a workbook is not maximized.
Alt+F8 displays the Macro dialog box to create, run, edit, or delete a macro.
F9 Calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks.
Shift+F9 calculates the active worksheet.
Ctrl+Alt+F9 calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether
they have changed since the last calculation.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9 rechecks dependent formulas, and then calculates all cells in all open
workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated.
Ctrl+F9 minimizes a workbook window to an icon.
F10 Turns key tips on or off. (Pressing Alt does the same thing.)
Shift+F10 displays the shortcut menu for a selected item.
Alt+Shift+F10 displays the menu or message for an Error Checking button.
Ctrl+F10 maximizes or restores the selected workbook window.
F11 Creates a chart of the data in the current range in a separate Chart sheet.
Shift+F11 inserts a new worksheet.
Alt+F11 opens the Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Editor, in which you can
create a macro by using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
F12 Displays the Save As dialog box.
Other useful shortcut keys
Key Description
Alt Displays the Key Tips (new shortcuts) on the ribbon.
For example,
Alt, W, P switches the worksheet to Page Layout view.
Alt, W, L switches the worksheet to Normal view.
Alt, W, I switches the worksheet to Page Break Preview view.
Arrow Move one cell up, down, left, or right in a worksheet.
Keys Ctrl+Arrow Key moves to the edge of the current data region in a worksheet.
Shift+Arrow Key extends the selection of cells by one cell.
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Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Key extends the selection of cells to the last nonblank cell in
the same column or row as the active cell, or if the next cell is blank, extends the
selection to the next nonblank cell.
Left Arrow or Right Arrow selects the tab to the left or right when the ribbon is
selected. When a submenu is open or selected, these arrow keys switch between
the main menu and the submenu. When a ribbon tab is selected, these keys
navigate the tab buttons.
Down Arrow or Up Arrow selects the next or previous command when a menu or
submenu is open. When a ribbon tab is selected, these keys navigate up or down
the tab group.
In a dialog box, arrow keys move between options in an open drop-down list, or
between options in a group of options.
Down Arrow or Alt+Down Arrow opens a selected drop-down list.
Backspace Deletes one character to the left in the Formula Bar.
Also clears the content of the active cell.
In cell editing mode, it deletes the character to the left of the insertion point.
Delete Removes the cell contents (data and formulas) from selected cells without
affecting cell formats or comments.
In cell editing mode, it deletes the character to the right of the insertion point.
End End turns End mode on or off. In End mode, you can press an arrow key to move
to the next nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell. End mode
turns off automatically after pressing the arrow key. Make sure to press End
again before pressing the next arrow key. End mode is shown in the status bar
when it is on.
If the cells are blank, pressing End followed by an arrow key moves to the last
cell in the row or column.
End also selects the last command on the menu when a menu or submenu is
Ctrl+End moves to the last cell on a worksheet, to the lowest used row of the
rightmost used column. If the cursor is in the formula bar, Ctrl+End moves the
cursor to the end of the text.
Ctrl+Shift+End extends the selection of cells to the last used cell on the
worksheet (lower-right corner). If the cursor is in the formula bar,
Ctrl+Shift+End selects all text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the
end—this does not affect the height of the formula bar.
Enter Completes a cell entry from the cell or the Formula Bar, and selects the cell
below (by default).
In a data form, it moves to the first field in the next record.
Opens a selected menu (press F10 to activate the menu bar) or performs the
action for a selected command.
In a dialog box, it performs the action for the default command button in the
dialog box (the button with the bold outline, often the OK button).
Alt+Enter starts a new line in the same cell.
Ctrl+Enter fills the selected cell range with the current entry.
Shift+Enter completes a cell entry and selects the cell above.
Esc Cancels an entry in the cell or Formula Bar.
Closes an open menu or submenu, dialog box, or message window.
It also closes full screen mode when this mode has been applied, and returns to
normal screen mode to display the ribbon and status bar again.
Home Moves to the beginning of a row in a worksheet.
Moves to the cell in the upper-left corner of the window when Scroll Lock is
turned on.