Copyofcomputerfinalppt 130903070322
Copyofcomputerfinalppt 130903070322
Copyofcomputerfinalppt 130903070322
Second generation computers were more reliable and less prone to hardware
failure. Hence, such computers required less frequentmaintenance.
Second generation computers were more portable and generated less amount of
Manual assembly of individual components into a functional unit was still required
3rd generation o f
The 3rd Generation computersrepla ced
transistors with “integrated circuits” or I.C. was
inverted by Jack Kilby as Texas instrum ents in
The 3rd generation computers using integrated
cir uits proved to be highly reliable, relatively
c xpensive, and faster. Lesshuman la bour is
ine required at assemblystage.
Example of some main frame computers
developed during this generationare-
ICL(International computer limited.)
CDA(Control Data Corporation.)
Fourth Generation (1971-