Lga Notes 2024
Lga Notes 2024
Lga Notes 2024
LGA 122
Lecturer: Mr S. Lungisa
Email: slungisa@ufh.ac.za
Table of contents
Topics Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
2.4 Intergovernmental relations 16
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
4.5 District Development Plan 62
Chapter 5
5.7 References 74
Learning objectives and outcomes
The White Paper on Local Government (1998) provides that, the powers and functions
of local government should be exercised in a way that has a maximum impact on the
social development of communities – in particular meeting the basic needs of the poor
– and on the growth of the local economy. Through its traditional responsibilities
(service and regulation), local government exerts a great influence over the social and
economic well-being of local communities.
Each year municipalities collect a large sum in rates, user charges and fees. They
employ thousands of people throughout the country. In many cases they are
responsible for the price and quality of water, electricity and roads and they control the
use and development of land. In parts of the country they own substantial amounts of
land. They purchase goods and services and pay salaries and therefore contribute to
the flow of money in the local economy.
The White Paper on Local Government (1998) further reads that, within any local area
many different agencies contribute to development, including national and provincial
departments, parastatals, trade unions, community groups and private sector
institutions. Developmental local government must provide a vision and leadership for
all those who have a role to play in achieving local prosperity. Poor coordination
between service providers could severely undermine the development effort.
Municipalities should actively develop ways to leverage resources and investment
from both the public and private sectors to meet development targets. One of the most
important methods for achieving greater coordination and integration is integrated
development planning (IDP). Integrated development plans provide powerful tools for
municipalities to facilitate integrated and coordinated delivery within their locality. The
principles set out in the Development Facilitation Act should guide municipalities in
their approach to building integrated and liveable settlements.
According to the White Paper on Local Government (1998) municipal councils play a
central role in promoting local democracy. In addition to representing community
interests within the Council, municipal councillors should promote the involvement of
citizens and community groups in the design and delivery of municipal programmes.
Leading and learning
Extremely rapidly changes at the global, national and local levels are forcing local
communities to rethink the way they are organised and governed. All over the world
communities must find new ways to sustain their economies, build their societies,
protect their environments, improve personal safety (in particular women) and
eliminate poverty. There is no single correct way to achieve these goals.
National frameworks and support from other levels of government are critical but cities,
towns and rural communities are increasingly having to find within themselves ways
to make their settlements more sustainable. This requires trust between individuals
and open and accommodating relationships between stakeholders. Local government
has a key role to play in building this kind of social capital –
Developmental outcomes of local government
Citizens and communities are concerned about the areas where they live,; they are
concerned about access to services and economic opportunities, mobility, safety,
absence of pollution and congestion, proximity to social and recreational facilities and
so on. Local government can impact on all these facets of our lives. The outcomes
which developmental local government seeks to achieve may differ over time.
However, in our current circumstances and into the forseeable future the key
outcomes are as follows:
The provision of household infrastructure can particularly make a difference to the lives
of women, who usually play the major role in reproductive work which sustains the
family and the local society. The starting point must be to prioritise the delivery of at
least a basic level of services to those who currently enjoy little or no access to service.
Creation of liveable, integrated cities, towns, and rural areas
Apartheid scars on the spatial structures has left deep scars on the spatial structure
of our cities, towns and rural areas, and the lives of millions of individuals and
households. The spatial integration of our settlements is critical.
Local government can play an important role in promoting job creation and boosting
the local economy. Investing in the basics – by providing good quality cost-effective
services and by making the local area a pleasant place to live and work – is the key
starting point.
Definition of LED
Many local authorities, from the largest metropolitan area to the smallest village, are
confronted with enormous service backlogs and other economic challenges. These
challenges include cities with decaying central business districts (CBDs), rural areas
lacking basic infrastructure and neighbourhoods and townships with few economic
opportunities. In all of these cases, economic growth and job creation are essential.
Reddy, Sing and Moodely (2003:180) argue that, the “traditional” role of municipalities
as infrastructure and service providers, operators and maintainers, can be a powerful
strategy in supporting economic development. Efficient and effective infrastructure
and service provision are important factors in boosting business confidence within.
Municipalities are responsible for providing both household and economic
infrastructure. The provision of such infrastructure can stimulate economic investment
and growth. The impact of infrastructure and service provision can be both short term
and long term.
Retention and expansion of existing businesses
Reddy et al. (2003:181) further maintain that, business retention and expansion
strategies refer to the measures that municipalities take to ensure firms within their
area do not relocate, but rather stay and expand. Business retention and expansion is
similar to industrial recruitment, in that the same measures that ensure existing firms
do not need to locate elsewhere also help to attract new firms to a locality.
Reddy et al. (2003:181) write that, within all local economies there are bound to be
“leaks”. This refers to the failure to make money circulate for as long as possible within
a local economy. Industries within small towns may be dependent on large towns for
their suppliers and markets.
SMME development
The promotion of small, medium and micro enterprises within South Africa is regarded
as a key strategy to promote economic development in a manner that both generates
jobs and empowers previously disadvantaged individuals.
Place marketing means promoting and advertising a local area, so that people,
business and industries see the municipality as a desirable place to visit, live in and
work in. Industrial recruitment means attracting new industries to the municipality.
Various local factors come into play when a municipality engages in industrial
recruitment. Often municipalities assume that cost is the most important locational
factor, and that all industries locate where production costs are lower. Although cost
is significant, the cost of production is not the only deciding factor for a firm. Firms will
also consider factors such as whether there is a local market for their products, where
suppliers are located, access to research and development institutions, access to
transport networks such as ports and whether the municipality offers good
infrastructure and services.
Provision of special economic services
The 1996 Constitution states that local government is responsible for promoting the
social and economic development of communities. This provides municipalities with a
mandate to provide special economic services, or to assist other agencies with the
provision of such services, where appropriate. Marketing and investment support can
be provided in order to attract and secure potential investors. Small business support
services can be provided to assist small entrepreneurs.
What is an IDP?
-an audit of available resources, skills and capacities;
- the development of integrated frameworks and goals to meet these needs; and
- the formulation of strategies to achieve the goals within specific time frames.
Section 26 of the Municipal Systems Act no. 32 of 2000 states that, an integrated
development plan must reflect –
(a) the municipality’s vision for the long term development of the municipality with
transformation needs;
municipal services;
(c) the council’s development priorities and objectives for its elected term, including
its local economic development aims and its internal transformation needs;
(d) the council’s development strategies which must be aligned with any national
in terms of legislation;
(e) a spatial development framework which must include the provision of basic
(h) a financial plan, which must include a budget projection for at least the next
three years and;
(i) the key performance indicators and performance targets determined in terms of
section 41
Performance management
Performance management is critical to ensure that plans are being implemented that
they are having the desired development impact, and that resources are being used
efficiently. Municipalities set their own measures of performance, or key performance
indicators. Key performance indicators vary from municipality and cover both efficiency
measures and human development indices. Performance management is a system
that is used to make sure all parts of the municipality work together to achieve the
goals and targets that are set. The municipality must have clear goals and specific
targets of what has to be done to make sure the goals are achieved.
Every department and staff member should be clear of what they have to do and how
their performance will contribute to achieving overall goals and targets. Performance
of individuals, departments and the municipality as a whole should be monitored to
make sure the targets are met. Performance management is very important to make
sure that plans are being implemented, that they are having the desired development
impact, and that resources are being used efficiently.
- As citizens who express, via different stakeholder associations, their views before,
during and after the policy development process in order to ensure that policies
reflect community preferences as far as possible.
- As consumers and end users, who expect value-for-money, affordable services and
Self-reflective questions
5. What is an IDP?
Co-operative government
Section 40 (1) of the Republic of constitution Act (Act 108 of 1996) provides that, in
the Republic, government is constituted as national, provincial and local spheres of
government which are distinctive, interdependent and interrelated. Subsection (2)
further reads that, all spheres of government must observe and adhere to the
principles in Chapter 3 of the 1996 constitution and must conduct their activities within
the parameters that Chapter 3 provides.
Section 41 (1) of the 1996 Constitution states that, all spheres of government and all
organs of state within each sphere must –
(a) preserve the peace, national unity and the indivisibility of the Republic;
(c) provide effective, transparent, accountable and coherent government for the
Republic as a whole;
(f) not assume any power or function except those conferred on them in terms of
the Constitution;
(g) exercise their powers and perform their functions in a manner that does not
(h) co-operate with one another in mutual trust and good faith by –
(ii) assisting and supporting one another;
(iii) informing one another of, and consulting one another on, matters of
common interest;
(a) establish or provide for structures and institutions to promote and facilitate
intergovernmental disputes.
Intergovernmental relations
Intergovernmental relations are the set of multiple formal and informal processes,
channels, structures and institutional arrangements for bilateral and multilateral
interaction within and between spheres of government. In South Africa a system of
intergovernmental relation has emerged to give expression to the concept of co-
operative government contained in the 1996 Constitution.
Section 154 (1) of the RSA Constitution Act (Act 108 of 1996 states that, the national
government and provincial governments, by legislative and other measures, must
support and strengthen the capacity of municipalities to manage their own affairs to
exercise their powers and to perform their functions.
Intergovernmental structures
The President is the chairperson of the Council. The President may invite any person
not mentioned in subsection (1) to a meeting of the Council.
Section 7 states that, the Council is a consultative forum for the President –
(a) to raise matters of national interest with provincial governments and organised
(iii) any other matters of strategic importance that affect the interests of other
(d) to consider –
national interest, including a report referred to in section 21of the IRFA; and
The President convenes the meetings of the Council and determines the agenda for
a meeting of the Council but suggestions for inclusion in the agenda may be submitted
to the Minister in terms of frame determined by the President. The Minister is
responsible for providing administrative and other support services to the Council.
(a) the Cabinet member responsible for the functional area for which the forum is
(c) the members of the Executive Councils of Provinces who are responsible for a
organised local government, but only if the functional area for which the forum is
(a) to raise matters of national interest within that functional area with provincial
government on –
(ii) the implementation of national policy and legislation with respect to that
functional area;
(iv) any other matters of strategic importance within the functional area that
The Cabinet member responsible for the functional area for which a national
intergovernmental forum is established convenes the meetings and determines the
agenda for a meeting of the forum.
Composition of Premier’s intergovernmental forum
(b) the member of the Executive Council of the province who is responsible for
(c) any other members of the Executive Council designated by the Premier;
(i) the implementation in the province of national policy and legislation affecting
(ii) matters arising in the President’s Co-ordinating Council and other national
(iii) draft national policy and legislation relating to matters affecting local
government interests in the province;
(iv) the implementation of national policy and legislation with respect to such
(v) the development of provincial policy and legislation relating to such matters;
(vi) the implementation of provincial policy and legislation with respect to such
(viii) the co-ordination and alignment of the strategic and performance plans and
(ix) any other matters of strategic importance that affect the interests of local
(a) report at least annually to the President’s Co-ordinating Council on progress with
the implementation of national policy and legislation within the province; and
(b) may report to the Council on matters of national interest that have arisen in the
Interprovincial forum
Section 22 (1) of the Intergovernmental Framework Act states that, the Premiers of
two or more provinces may establish an interprovincial forum to promote and facilitate
intergovernmental relations between those provinces. The composition, role and
functioning of an interprovincial forum established in terms of subsection (1) must be
determined by agreement between the participating provinces.
Section 23 further provides that, an interprovincial forum is a consultative forum for the
participating provinces to discuss and consult on matters of mutual interest, including
province; and
(c) any other matter of strategic importance affects the interests of the participating
(a) the mayor of the district municipality;
(b) the mayors of the local municipalities in the district or, if a municipality does not
intervention in terms of section 139 of the Constitution. The mayor of the district
of the municipality is the chairperson of the forum, the chairperson of the forum
may invite any person not mentioned in subsection (1) to a meeting of the forum
(a) draft national and provincial policy and legislation relating to matters affecting
(b) the implementation of national and provincial policy and legislation with respect
(c) matters arising in the Premier’s intergovernmental forum affecting the district;
(g) the co-ordination and alignment of the strategic and performance plans and
(h) any other matters of strategic importance which affect the interests of the
Subsection (2) provided that, a district intergovernmental forum may refer a matter
arising in the forum to –
(b) any other provincial intergovernmental forum established in terms of section 21.
The chairperson of the district intergovernmental forum –
A majority of the local municipalities in a district may request the chairperson in writing
(a) to convene a meeting of the district intergovernmental forum at a time and place
(b) to include in the agenda for a meeting any specific matter for discussion
Intermunicipality forums
Section28 (1) states that, two or more municipalities may establish an intermunicipality
forum to promote and facilitate intergovernmental relations between them. Subsection
(2) further provides that, the composition, role and functioning of an intermunicipality
forum established in terms of subsection (1) must be determined by agreement
between the participating municipalities.
municipality; and
(c) any other matter of strategic importance which affects the interests of the
participating municipalities.
National government
The White Paper on Local Government (1998) states that, national government has a
number of roles and responsibilities with respect to local government, including:
A strategic role: National government is responsible for setting the overall strategic
framework for the economic and social development of the nation, and for all spheres
of government. It should ensure local government operates within an enabling
framework and is structured and capacitated in way that best enables it to promote the
development of citizens, local communities and the nation.
Monitoring and oversight: To ensure the necessary levels of compatibility, uniformity
and consistency, national government needs to develop an overall framework for a
system of monitoring and oversight within which other organs of state, particularly
provincial governments, will perform this these functions. Provincial government
A strategic role with respect to developing a vision and framework for integrated
economic, social and community development in the province through the provincial
growth and development strategy.
An intervention role: Powers of intervention by provincial government in affairs of
local government provide a safeguard to:
democracy and ensure that local government fulfils its constitutional mandate;
measure of last resort, where the problem cannot be resolved through ordinary
ensure that stabilisation of the local government environment to such an extent that
Self-reflective questions
3. Write notes on the composition and role of the Presidential Co-ordinating Council.
Municipal finance
According to section 229 of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act (Act 108 of
1996), a municipality may impose –
into which that municipality falls, but no municipality may impose income
Without funds to implement the policies, councillors will not be able make a difference
or serve their communities well. Effective financial management ensures that there
are funds available to implement council policies. This a great responsibility as
municipalities are responsible for managing large amounts of money and delivering
services that affect people’s lives every day. Councillors, committee members and
officials all have a duty to ensure that these monies are managed carefully,
transparently and honestly.
Monitoring; and
The table below sets out the financial management processes used in municipalities
Capital and operating budgets
Capital budget deals with big costs that you pay to develop something, and
spells out how you will pay for this – for example putting in water pipes to a new
Operating budget deals with the day-today costs and income to deliver
municipal services – for example the meter reader’s wages and maintenance
work to keep the water flowing.
Operating expenditure is the cost of goods and services from which there will be short-
term benefit – that is, the services will be used up in less than one year. For example,
the payment of staff salaries results in short-term benefit as salaried employees are
paid monthly for the one month’s work. Examples of operating costs are salaries,
wages, repairs and maintenance, telephones, petrol, stationery.
Operating income is the amount received for services delivered for a short-term period.
For example, ratepayers pay rates monthly or annually as payment to their
municipality for receiving municipal services. Examples of operating income are
property rates, service charges, investment interest, and traffic fines. The capital
budget puts money aside, for planned expenditure on long-term purchases and big
investments such as land, buildings, motor vehicles, equipment and office furniture
that will be a municipal asset for more than a year – probably for many years to come.
A municipality’s capital budget will list the estimated costs of all items of a capital
nature such as the construction of roads, buildings and purchases of vehicle that are
planned in that budget year.
Municipal revenue
Section 7 (1) of the Municipal Finance Management Act states that, every municipality
must open and maintain at least one bank account in the name of the municipality. All
money received by a municipality must be paid into its bank account or accounts, and
this must be done promptly and in accordance with Chapter 3 of the MFMA and any
requirements that may be prescribed. Subsection (3) further reads that, a municipality
may not open bank account –
(a) abroad;
(b) with an institution not registered as a bank in terms of the Banks Act,
Money may be withdrawn from the municipal bank account only in terms of section
11(i) of the MFMA.
Section 9 of the Municipal Finance Management Act states that, the accounting officer
of a municipality must submit to the relevant provincial treasury and the Auditor-
General, in writing –
(a) within 90 days after the municipality has opened a new bank account, the
name of the bank where the account has been opened, and the type and
(b) annually before the start of a financial year, the name of each bank
account where the municipality holds a bank account, and the type and
Section 10 (i) of the Municipal Finance Management Act provides that, the accounting
officer of a municipality –
(a) must administer all the municipality’s bank accounts, including a bank account
(b) is accountable to the municipal council for the municipality’s bank accounts; and
(c) must enforce compliance with sections 7,8 and 9
Municipal budgets
(b) within the limits of the amounts appropriated for the different votes in an
approved budget.
Annual budgets
Section 16 (1) of the MFMA provides that, the council of a municipality must for each
financial year approved an annual budget for the municipality before tha start of that
financial year. Subsection (2) further provides that, in order for a municipality to comply
with subsection (1), the mayor of the municipality must table the annual budget at a
council meeting at least 90 days before the start of the budget year. Subsection (1)
does not preclude the appropriation of money for capital expenditure for a period not
exceeding three financial years, provided a separate appropriation is made for each
of those financial years.
Section 17 (1) of the MFMA reads that, an annual budget of a municipality must be a
schedule in the prescribed format –
(a) setting out realistically anticipated revenue for the budget year from each
revenue source;
(b) appropriating expenditure for the budget year under the different votes of the
(c) setting out indicative revenue per revenue source and projected expenditure by
vote for the two financial years following the budget year;
(d) setting out –
(i) estimated revenue and expenditure by vote for the current year; and
(ii) actual revenue and expenditure by vote for the financial year preceding the
(e) a statement containing any other information required by section 215(3) of the
annual budget must generally be divided into a capital and an operating budget
(a) co-ordinate the processes for preparing the annual budget and for reviewing
ensure that the tabled budget and any revisions of the integrated development
(b) at least 10 months before the start of the budget year, table in the municipal
(iv) any consultative processes forming part of the processes referred to in
Subsection 2 further states that, when preparing the annual budget, the mayor of a
municipality must –
(b) take all reasonable steps to ensure that the municipality revises the integrated
into account realistic revenue and expenditure projections for future years;
(c) take into account the national budget, the relevant provincial budget, the
(d) consult
(i) the relevant district municipality and all other local municipalities within the
(ii) all local municipalities within its area, if the municipality is a district
(iii) the relevant provincial treasury, and when requested, the National
Treasury; and
and any other service as may be prescribed;
(bb) any other national and provincial organ of state, as may be prescribed;
Section 22 of the Municipal Finance Management Act states that, immediately after
an annual budget is tabled in a municipal council, the accounting officer of the
municipality must –
(i) make public the annual budget and the documents referred to in section 17
(3); and
(ii) invite the local community to submit representation in connection with the
budget; and
(i) in both printed and electronic formats to the National Treasury and the
(ii) in either format to any prescribed national or provincial organs of state and
When the annual budget has been tabled, the municipal council must consider any
views of –
(b) the National Treasury, the relevant provincial treasury and any provincial or
Subsection (2) reads that, after considering all budget submission, the council must
give the mayor an opportunity –
(b) if necessary, to revise the budget and table amendments for consideration by
the council.
The National Treasury may issue guidelines on the manner in which municipal
councils should process their annual budgets, including guidelines on the formation of
a committee of the council to consider the budget and to hold public hearings. No
guidelines issued in terms of subsection (3) are binding on a municipal council unless
adopted by the council.
According to section 24 (1) of the MFMA, the municipality must at least 30 days before
the of the budget year consider approval of the annual budget. Subsection 2 further
reads that, an annual budget –
17(3)(a)(i); and
necessary –
The accounting officer of a municipality must submit the approved annual budget to
the National Treasury and the relevant provincial treasury.
Responsibilities of mayors
General responsibilities
(a) must provide general political guidance over the fiscal and financial affairs of the
(b) in providing such general political guidance, may monitor and, to the extent
of this Act to the accounting officer and the chief financial officer, but may not
(c) must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the municipality performs its
approved budget;
(d) must, within 30 days of the end of each quarter, submit a report to the council
on the implementation of the budget and the financial state of affairs of the
municipality; and
(e) must exercise the other powers and perform the other duties assigned to the
Section 53 (1) of the MFMA further state that, the mayor of a municipality must –
(a) provide general political guidance over the budget process and the priorities that
must guide the preparation of a budget;
(b) co-ordinate the annual revision of the integrated development plan in terms of
section 34 of the Municipal Systems Act and the preparation of the annual
budget, and determine how the integrated development plan is to be taken into
(i) that the municipality approves its annual budget before the start of the
budget year;
(ii) that the municipality’s service delivery and budget implementation plan is
approved by the mayor within 28 days after the approval of the budget;
57(1)(b) of the Municipal Systems Act for the municipal manager and all
senior managers –
Systems Act.
Subsection (2) provides that, the mayor must promptly report to the municipal council
and the MEC for finance in the province any delay in the tabling of an annual budget,
the approval of the service delivery and budget implementation plan or the signing of
the annual performance agreements. Subsection(3) further provides that, the mayor
must ensure –
(a) that the revenue and expenditure projections for each month and the service
delivery targets and performance indicators for each quarter, as set out in the
service delivery and budget implementation plan, are made public no later than
14 days after the approval of the service delivery and budget implementation
Plan; and
(b) that the performance agreements of the municipal manager, senior manages
and any other categories of officials as may be prescribed, are made public no
later 14 days after the approval of the municipalities service delivery and budget
implementation plan
Accounting officers
(a) exercise the functions and powers assigned to an accounting officer in terms of
municipality; and
(ii) any municipal entity under the sole or shared control of the municipality.
Fiduciary responsibilities of accounting officers
(a) act with fidelity, honesty, integrity and in best interests of the municipality in
(b) disclose to the municipal council and the mayor all material facts which are
way might influence the decisions or actions of the council or the mayor; and
(c) seek, within the sphere of influence of the accounting officer, to prevent any
(a) act in a way that is consistent with the duties assigned to accounting
(b) use the position or privileges of, or confidential information obtained as,
Financial management
(a) that the resources of the municipality are used effectively, efficiently and
(b) that full and proper records of the financial affairs of the municipality are kept in
(c) that the municipality has and maintains effective, efficient and transparent
systems –
(ii) of internal audit operating in accordance with any prescribed norms and
(d) that unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure and other
(e) that disciplinary or, when appropriate, criminal proceedings are instituted
against any official of the municipality who has allegedly committed an act of
(iii) a credit control and debt collection policy referred to in section 96(b) of the
The accounting officer is responsible for and must account for all bank accounts of
the municipality, including any bank account opened for –
(a) a relief, charitable, trust or other fund set up by the municipality in terms of
section 12; or
Asset and liability management
(a) the assets of the municipality, including the safeguarding and the maintenance
The accounting officer must for the purposes of subsection (1) take all reasonable
steps to ensure –
(a) that the municipality has and maintains, a management, accounting and
information system that accounts for the assets and liabilities of the municipality
(b) that the municipality’s assets and liabilities are valued in accordance with
(c) that the municipality has and maintains a system of internal control of assets
Revenue management
Section 64(1) of the Municipal Finance Management Act state that, the accounting
officer of a municipality is responsible for the management of the revenue of the
municipality. The accounting officer must for the purposes of subsection (1) take all
reasonable steps to ensure –
(a) the municipality has effective revenue collection systems consistent with section
95 of the Municipal Systems Act and the municipality’s credit control debt
collection policy;
(c) that accounts for municipal tax and charges for municipal services are prepared
on a monthly basis, or less often as may be prescribed where monthly accounts
are uneconomical;
(d) that all money received is promptly deposited in accordance with this Act into the
(e) that the municipality has and maintains a management, accounting and
(f) that the municipality has and maintains a system of internal control in respect of
(g) that the municipality charges interest on arrears, except where the council has
(h) that all revenue received by the municipality, including revenue received by any
Expenditure management
According to section 111 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, each municipality
and each municipal entity must have and implement a supply chain management
policy which gives effect to the provisions of Part 1 of this Act.
Supply chain management policy to comply with prescribed framework
entities may use, including tenders; quotations, auctions and other types of
competitive bidding;
(b) when a municipality or municipal entity may or must use a particular type of
(d) procedures and mechanisms for more flexible processes where the value of a
(e) open and transparent pre-qualification processes for tenders or other bids;
(i) the opening, registering and recording of bids in the presence of interested
tenders or other bids above a prescribed value;
have in specific tenders and the exclusion of such prospective contractors from
(k) participation in the supply chain management system of persons who are not
(l) the barring of persons from participating in tendering or other bidding processes,
including persons –
(i) who were convicted of fraud, corruption during the past five years;
(i) combating fraud, corruption, favouritism and unfair and irregular practices
(ii) promoting ethics of officials and other role players involved in municipal
for Municipal Staff Members set out in Schedule 2 to the Act
(q) the delegation of municipal supply chain management powers and duties
including to officials.
Subsection (2) reads that, the regulatory framework for municipal supply chain
management must be fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective
Section 120 (1) of the MFMA states that, a municipality may enter into a public-private
partnership agreement, but only if the municipality can demonstrate that the
agreement will –
(c) transfer appropriate technical, operational and financial risk to the private party.
(a) explains the strategic and operational benefits of the public-private partnership
(b) describes in specific terms -
(i) the nature of the private party’s role in the public-private partnership;
(ii) the extent to which this role, both legally and by nature, can be performed
(dd) impact on the municipality’s revenue flows and its current and future
(d) explains the capacity of the municipality to effectively monitor, manage and
The national government may assist municipalities in carrying out and assessing
feasibility studies referred in subsection (4). When a feasibility study has been
completed, the accounting officer of the municipality must -
(a) submit a report on the feasibility study together with all other relevant
(b) at least 60 days prior to the meeting of the council at which the matte is to be
a report on the feasibility study; and
(ii) invite the local community and other interested persons to submit to the
Every municipality and municipal entity must for each financial year prepare an annual
report in accordance with Chapter 12 of MFMA. The council of a municipality must
within nine months after the end of a financial year deal with the annual report of the
municipality and of any municipal entity under the municipality’s sole or shared control
in accordance with section 129 of the MFMA. The purpose of the Annual report is –
(a) to provide a record of the activities of the municipality or municipal entity during
(c) to promote accountability to the local community for the decisions made
Section 121 (3) of the MFMA requires that, the annual report of a municipality must
include –
(a) the annual financial statements of the municipality, and in addition, if section
(b) the Auditor-General’s audit report in terms of section 126(3) of those financial
(c) the annual performance report of the municipality prepared by the municipality in
(d) the Auditor- General’s audit report in terms of section 45 (b) of the Municipal
Systems Act;
section 17(3)(b) for revenue collection from each revenue source and for each
vote in the municipality’s approved budget for the relevant financial year;
(h) any explanations that may be necessary to clarify issues in connection with the
financial statements;
(i) any information as determined by the municipality;
Internal auditing
Section 165 (1) of the Municipal Finance Management Act states that, each
municipality and municipal entity must have an internal audit unit, subject to subsection
(3). Subsection (2) further states that, the internal audit unit of a municipality or
municipal entity must –
(a) prepare a risk-based audit plan and internal audit program for each financial
(b) advise the accounting officer and report to the audit committee on the
(vii) compliance with this Act, annual Division of Revenue Act and any other
applicable legislation;
(c) perform such other duties as may be assigned to it by the accounting officer.
Subsection (3) reads that, the internal audit function referred to in subsection (2) may
be outsourced if the municipality or municipal entity requires assistance to develop its
internal capacity and the council of the municipality or the board of directors of the
entity has determined that this feasible or cost-effective.
External auditing
Audit opinions
Audit committees
Section 166 (1) of the Municipal Finance Management Act provides that, each
municipality and each municipality entity must have an audit committee subject to
subsection (6). An audit committee is an independent advisory body which must –
(a) advise the municipal council, the political office-bearers, the accounting officer
and the management staff of the municipality, or the board of directors, the
accounting officer and the management staff of the municipal entity on matters
relating to -
(ii) risk management;
(vii) compliance with this Act, the annual Division of Revenue Act and any
(b) review the annual financial statements to provide the council of the municipality
or, in the case of a municipal entity, the council of the parent municipality and the
board of directors of the entity, with authoritative and credible view of the
effectiveness and its overall level of compliance with this Act, the annual Division
(c) respond to the council on any issues raised by the Auditor-General in the audit
(d) carry out such investigations into the financial affairs of the municipality or
entity, the council of the parent municipality or board of directors of the entity,
In performing its functions, an audit committee –
(a) has access to financial records and other relevant information of the
An audit committee –
(a) consist of at least three persons with appropriate experience, of whom the
majority may not be in the employ of the municipality or municipal entity, as the
(b) meet as often as is required to perform its functions, but at least four times a
Financial misconduct
(b) fails to comply with a duty imposed by a provision of this Act on the accounting
officer of a municipality;
(c) makes or permits, or instructs another official of the municipality to make, an
(i) submitted to the mayor or the council of the municipality, or to the Auditor-
(a) fails to carry out a duty delegated to that officer in terms of section 79 or
(d) provides incorrect or misleading information to the accounting officer for the
purposes of a document referred to in subsection (1)(d) of the MFMA. Subsection (3)
of the MFMA states that, a senior manager or other official of a municipality exercising
financial management responsibilities and to whom a power or duty was delegated in
terms of section 79, commits an act of financial misconduct if that senior manager or
official deliberately or negligently –
(d) provides incorrect or misleading information to the accounting officer for the
unfounded; and
against the accounting officer, chief financial officer or that senior manager or
Self-reflective questions
5. What is the role of the internal audit unit and audit committee in the management
of municipal finances.
The external factors relate to revenue base and income generation potential,
inappropriate legislation and regulation, demographic patterns and trends, macro and
micro economic conditions, undue interference by political parties and weaknesses in
national policy, oversight and Inter-Governmental Relations (IGR). The twin over-
arching aim of the Turnaround Strategy is to:
1. Restore the confidence of the majority of our people in our municipalities, as the
2010-2012 and 2011-2014. LGTAS is an interventionist approach meant to make a
difference at the local government sphere. LGTAS is meant to address the root causes
of all the challenges facing local government and to live a legacy of effective and
functional municipalities.
- clean debt;
1. Ensure that municipalities meet basic needs of communities. This implies that an
service delivery within the context of each municipality’s conditions and needs.
2. Build clean, responsive and accountable local government. Make sure that
systems and structures and procedures are developed and enforced to deal with
account to communities.
Ensure that the core administrative and institutional systems are in place and are
4. Improve national and provincial policy and support and oversight to local
society. Ensure that communities and other development partners are mobilised to
- financial management;
- IDP;
- legal services;
- ITC.
affecting local government;
municipalities; and
Signs of political instability, excessive interference in admin or SCM;
Slow responses to service failures, escalating utility losses or theft;
Some critical positions not filled, some managers not qualified;
Low collection rates, CAPEX not spent, declining audit opinions;
Growing community protests, lack of feedback mechanisms.
1. Good Governance
2. Public Participation
Measures will be taken to ensure municipalities engage with their. Compliance will be
enforced with the provisions of the Municipal Systems Act on community participation.
Municipalities must develop affordable and efficient communication systems to
communicate regularly with communities and disseminate urgent information. The
basic measures to be monitored include:
3. Financial Management
4. Infrastructure services
Develop fundable consolidated infrastructure plans;
Ensure infrastructure development maintenance and reduce losses with
respect to
o Water and sanitation.
o Human settlements.
o Electricity.
o Waste management.
o Roads.
o Public transportation
Ensure the provision of free Basic Services and the maintenance of indigent
5. Institutional capacity
Ensuring that the top six post (Municipal Manager, finance, infrastructure,
corporate services, community development and development planning)
vacancies are filled by competent (qualifications);
That the municipal organogram are realistic, underpinned by a service delivery
model and affordable;
That there are implementable human resources development and management
There are sustainable platforms to engage organised labour to minimise
disputes and disruptions.
The President in the 2019 Presidency Budget Speech (2019) identified the “pattern of
operating in silos" as a challenge which led to “lack of coherence in planning and
implementation and has made monitoring and oversight of government's programme
difficult". The consequence has been non optimal delivery of services and diminished
impact on the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and employment. The President
therefore called for the rolling out of “a new integrated district based approach to
addressing our service delivery challenges [and] localise[d] procurement and job
creation, that promotes and supports local businesses, and that involves
The new District Development Model aims to improve the coherence and impact of
government service delivery with focus on 44 Districts and 8 Metros around the
country as development spaces that can be used as centres of service delivery and
economic development, including job creation. The District Development Model has
been approved by government structures, including Cabinet.
The model will be piloted in two Districts (OR Tambo; Waterberg) and a Metro
(Ethekwini) that have elements of Rural, Mining and Urban.
The new District Development Model offers a number of opportunities for the
development of a #DisabilityInclusiveSA through strategic implementation of the White
Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at community level. This is therefore
a call to Executive Authorities, all Accounting Officers, all programme managers
across all spheres of government, working with organs of civil society and the private
sector, to ensure that access and participation barriers which marginalise persons with
disabilities are removed, and that all planning, budgeting and service delivery are
designed using universal design principles, are disability equitable and offer
opportunities for persons with disabilities as drivers of community and economic
The District/Metro spaces offer the appropriate scale and arena for
intergovernmental planning coordination.
The District Model provides both an Institutional Approach and Territorial
Approach (geographical space) focus.
The 44 Districts and 8 Metros are developmental spaces (IGR Impact Zones) can
be the strategic alignment platforms for all three spheres of government where
One Plan for each space guides and directs all strategic investments and projects
for transparent accountability.
The District Model aims to address service delivery challenges and speed up
service delivery and economic development, including job creation. All the 52
Plans will harmonise IDPs and create interrelated, interdependent as well as
independent development hubs supported by comprehensive detailed plans.
The new District Development Model is anchored in the current government
legislations and policies
The new District Development Model brings to action the Khawuleza approach
which is a call for accelerated service delivery.
Under this model, district municipalities will be properly supported and
adequately resourced to speed up service delivery.
The Model takes forward key government plans and reinforces the existing
policies geared to ensuring service delivery.
The new model contributes to the achievements of the seven Apex Priorities
announced by the President in the SoNA.
The model signals a shift from using more 139 (1) to section 154 of the
constitution emphasizing closer support to Local Government by both National
and Provincial spheres.
The new model brings to life the realization of the ideal for Cooperative
Development will be pursued through single and integrated plans per district.
Each district plan will outline the role of each sphere of government, prioritising
the following:
Managing urbanisation, growth and development;
Supporting local economic drivers;
Accelerating land release and land development;
Investing in infrastructure for integrated human settlement, economic
activity and the provision of basic services; and
Addressing service delivery in municipalities.
The plan is an inter and intra governmental society-wide Social Compact
The model prioritises social partnerships and collaboration with all sectors of
society and communities in addressing service bottlenecks.
The model aims to strengthen community participation and advocates for
cohesive communities.
The model places communities at the heart of service delivery and mobilising
citizens and civil society to support the implementation of long-term plans that
outline how best to improve the lives.
It will have considerable impact if members of the community become active
participants and make use of the available opportunity to do things differently
with the new model.
More importantly, citizens who have burning issues will be responded to
immediately by municipalities.
A more efficient government is our priority
This model aims to overcome barriers to service delivery in government and
create capacity to meet increasing expectations.
It will help government reverse the decline in state capacity and restructure
service delivery so it best serves our citizens.
The District Development Model will stimulate economic growth and benefit
local entrepreneurs.
Ngquza Hill local Mbizana Local King Sabata Dalindyebo
Cacadu district Mnquma Local Ngqushwa Local
municipality Municipality Municipality
Joe Gqabi district Chris Hani District Lukhanji Local Municipality
Matatiele local Inxuba Yethemba Intsika Yethu
Nkonkobe local Tsolwana Local Ikwezi Local Municipality
municipality Municipality
Nyandeni local Emalahleni Local Makana Local Municipality
municipality Municipality
Engcobo LM Blue Crane Local Sundays River Local
Port St Johns Local Kou-Kama Local Gariep Local Municipality
Camdeboo local Sakhisizwe Local OR Tambo District
municipality municipality
Senqu local municipality Kouga Local Great Kei Local
Elundini Local Malestwai Local Inkwanca Local
Municipality Municipality
Ndlambe Local Baviaans Local
Buffalo city
Nelson Mandela Bay
Ntabankulu LM
Amahlathi Local
Source: Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, E.C. (2014)
Self-reflective questions
1. List the key programmes of the Local Government Turnaround Strategy ( LGTAS).
2. Discuss the five strategic objectives of LGTAS.
(a) govern on its own initiative the local government affairs of the local
(ii) imposing surcharges on fees, rates on property and, to the extent authorised
(2) The council of a municipality, within the municipality’s financial and administrative
(a) exercise the municipality’s executive and legislative authority and use the
(d) strive to ensure that municipal services are provided to the local community in
provider; and
(f) give members of the local community equitable access to the municipal
(j) contribute, together with other organs of state, to the progressive realisation of
the fundamental rights contained in sections 24, 25, 26, 27 and 29 of the
(3) A municipality must in the exercise of its executive and legislative authority
respect the rights of citizens and those of other persons protected by the Bill of
office-bearer or administration of the municipality
(d) to regular disclosure of state of affairs of the municipality, including its finances;
(e) to demand that proceedings of the municipal council and those of its committees
must be -
(g) to have access to municipal services which the municipality provides, provided
the duties set out in subsection (2) (b) are complied with.
(a) when exercising their rights, to observe the mechanisms, processes and
service fees, surcharges on fees, rates on property and other taxes, levies
(d) to allow municipal officials reasonable access to their property for the
Duties of municipal administration
(e) give members of the local community full and accurate information about
the level and standard of municipal services they are entitled to receive;
(f) inform the local community how the municipality is managed, of the costs
Section 211 of the RSA Constitution Act (Act 108 of 1996) (1) provides that the
institution, status and role of traditional leadership, according to customary law, are
recognised, subject to the constitution. Subsection (2) provides that, a traditional
authority that observes a system of customary law may function subject to any
applicable legislation and customs, which includes amendments to, or repeal of, that
legislation or those customs.
Subsection (3) the courts must apply customary law when that law is applicable,
subject to the Constitution any legislation that specifically deals with customary law.
Role of traditional leaders
Section 212 (1) states that national legislation may provide for a role for traditional
leadership as an institution at local level on matters affecting local communities.
Subsection (2) reads that to deal with matters relating to traditional leadership, the role
of traditional leaders, customary law and the customs of communities observing a
system of customary law -
(a) national or provincial legislation may provide for the establishment of houses
The White Paper on Local Government (1998) further states that, their functions
include among others:
The Constitution of South Africa Act (Act no.108 of 1996) and key legislation such as
Chapter 4 of the Municipal Systems Act (Act no. 32 of 2000) and Chapter 4 of the
Municipal Structures Act (Act no. 117 of 1998) provide a powerful legal framework for
participatory local democracy.
Section 16 (1) of the Municipal Systems Act (Act no. 32 of 2000) provides that, a
municipality must develop a culture of municipal governance that complements formal
representative government with a system of participatory governance, and must for
this purpose –
(a) encourage, create conditions for, the local community to participate in the affairs
(iii) the monitoring and review of its performance, including the outcomes and
of chapter 8;
(b) contribute to building the capacity of –
municipality; and
(c) use its resources, and annually allocate funds in its budget, as may be
(2) subsection (1) must not be interpreted as permitting interference with a municipal
council’s right to govern and to exercise the executive and legislative authority of
the municipality.
Section 17 (1) of the Municipal Systems Act (Act no. 32 of 2000 states that participation
by the local community in the affairs of the community must take place through –
(a) political structures for participation in terms of the Municipal Structures Act;
(d) generally applying the provisions for participation as provided for in this Act.
(c) public meetings and hearings by the municipal council and other political
structures and political office-bearers of the municipality, when appropriate;
(d) consultative sessions with locally recognised community organisations and where
Subsection (3) further states that, when establishing mechanisms, processes and
procedures in terms of subsection (2) the municipality must take into account the
special needs of –
Subsection (4) reads that, a municipality may establish one or more advisory
committees consisting of persons who are not councillors to advise the council on any
matter within the council’s competence. When appointing the members of such a
committee, gender representativity must be taken into account.
Self-reflective questions
Cloete, F. 1995. Local Government Transformation in South Africa. Pretoria: van
Craythorne, D.L. 2001. (5th ed) Municipal Administration: The handbook. Mercury
Crescent: Juta & Co Ltd.
Davids, I., Theron, F. & Maphunye, K.J. 2005. Participatory Development in South
Africa: A developmental management perspective. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers.
De Villiers, B. 1992. Regional Government in the new South Africa. Pretoria: HRSC
Du Toit, D.F.P. & van der Waldt, G. 1997. Public Management: The Grassroots.
Kenwyn: Juta & Co Ltd.
Du Toit, D.F.P. & van der Waldt, G. 1990. Public administration and Management: The
Grassroots. Kenwyn:Juta & Co Ltd.
Du Toit, D.F.P., Knipe, A., van Niekerk, D., van der Waldt, G. & Doyle, M. 2001.
Service Excellence in Governance. Sandown: Heinemann Publishers Pty Ltd.
Education and Training Unit. 2002. Local Government in South Africa. Johannesburg.
Education and Training Unit.
Reddy, P.S., Sing, D. & Moodley, S. 2003. Local Government Financing and
Development in Southern Africa. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
Thornhill, C,. and Cloete, J.J.N. 2014: South African Municipal Government and
Administration. Pretoria. Van Schaik Publishers.
Van der Waldt, G., Venter, A., van der Waldt, C., Phutigae, K., Khalo, T., van Niekerk,
D. And Nealer, E. 2007. Municipal Management: Serving the people. Lansdowne: Juta
& Co. Ltd.
Official publications
Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs .2014. Back to basic,
Pretoria. Government Printer.
Republic of South Africa.1996. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.
Government Printer.