Participatorydevelopment 140914180657 Phpapp01
Participatorydevelopment 140914180657 Phpapp01
Participatorydevelopment 140914180657 Phpapp01
Prepared By:
Marijane L. Reyes
Submitted To:
Prof. Weng Abig RSW,
Representative assemblies:
elected government bodies
(parliament, national and
local assemblies, district and
municipal assemblies, elected
community leaders
Civil society organizations:
networks, national and
international NGOs,
grassroots organizations,
trade unions, policy
development and research
institutes, media, community
based organizations.
Private sector: umbrella
groups representing groups
within the private sector,
professional associations,
chambers of commerce.
Donor and international
financial institutions: resource
providers and development
The dynamics of development
planning are changing, largely
due to the increasing participation
and importance of the latter
groups:(i) local government units
(LGUs), (ii) CSO/NGOs and the
private sector, and (iii)
development partners.
• Decentralization and
devolution of authority to
LGUs is a form of
participation, in the sense that
sub-national agencies now
play a bigger role in the
bringing about national
• Cooperation with CSO/NGOs
continues to strengthen the
effectiveness and
sustainability of ADB poverty
reduction efforts by
harnessing NGO experience,
knowledge, and expertise.
• Networks or consortia of
regional and/or national
CSO/NGOs have proliferated
the past years establishing
platforms for both
operations and advocacy.
• Global efforts towards
harmonization among
Governments and
Development Partners -
Two Perspectives that can Define
Participatory Development:
Development strategy
Sectoral/spatial priorities