Community mapping helps to draw the community together to tell their story together. This
tool involves community members drawing a map of their community to tell story together.
They draw either on paper or outside on the ground, using whatever resources are
available. They are given little guidance of what to include. The important point of the
exercise is to discuss what people have drawn. The map might show the natural and
physical resource in the area-forest, rivers, roads, house and wells. It might show
important people and organizations (Blackman, 2003).
However, according to (Swanepoel, 1997), it should be born in mind that there is no one
“correct‟ way of doing community development or development planning for that matter.
He argues that it would require a super-human being to provide a perfectly clinical way of
doing community development, knowing exactly what to do. As people tackle one-issue
after another, the success they attain towards reaching their concrete objectives gives
them not only a learning opportunity on how to tackle the next task better, but also builds
their own self-confidence. By gaining in the ability to reach certain objective, people also
gain in self-sufficiency. Their reliance on external resources to reach an objective
diminishes, and when they become self-reliant, they also gain in human dignity. They
come to discover their own potential and what they can do to make a difference in their
lives (Swanepoel, 1997).
According to Environmental Law Institute Staff (1999) it is in all parties‟ interests that
project sustainability is proportionate, and that resources are optimized so that funds are
invested in community infrastructure rather than unnecessary aspects of the projects. Long
term engagement of communities by project managers, and a process of prioritization, can
avoid the pitfall of trying to meet all needs of the community (Gilbert, 1998).
Types of resources
Who provided resources?
Informed/ not informed
Willingness to provide resources
Impact of resource contribution
1. Community participation have contributed significantly towards performance of
development projects by sharing information on what their needs or priorities are, which
projects and where the projects should be implemented and who should be the target
2. Provision of resources by community is important for not only does it helps improve
project performance but also improve ownership and sustainability of the projects. The
impetus for development should therefore come from the bottom or rather it is important to
feel the pulse of the average person in the community and in that spirit, elicit from him,
his/her vision of development and how the development can be sustained.
1. There is need for County government to carry out a stakeholder mapping exercise in
order to profile all stakeholders undertaking development initiatives, the areas of focus,
locations where the projects are being implemented, target beneficiaries and funds
allocated for such development initiatives. This will avoid double targeting of beneficiaries,
ensure equity, effective and efficient utilization of resources.
2. There is need for the development actors to involve community when developing
budgets for the projects. This will enable the community to identify resources which they
can contribute for example; locally available materials, unskilled labour, security and this
will reduce project cost, improve both ownership and performance of the projects.
3. There is need for the National government, county Government and Non-Governmental
organizations to mobilize resources and initiate civic education forums whose main
objectives will be create awareness on the role of community on issues decision making
and good governance.