ITR Report
ITR Report
ITR Report
“Web Development with HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,Java script”
Implant Training on
Computer Engineering
Place: Bhadgaon.
Course Outcomes:
It is my great pleasure to present the honor and sincere gratitude to my guide Mr.Rohit Pote,Spark Lab
IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. helped in joining the handsin developing each and every step of this project and
for valuable guidance and constant encouragement during completion of project work. It was my
privilege and pleasure to work under her valuable guidance. I am indeed gratefully to him for providing
me helpful suggestions. Due to him constant encouragement and inspiration I could complete my project
I express thanks to my family and friends for their support and encouragement at every stage of
successful completion of this project work.
My sincere thanks to all those who have directly or indirectly helped me to carry out this work.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
Evaluation Sheet for ESE of Industrial Training by Mentor and Industry Personnel
Name of Industry:-
Signature- Signature-
1 Structure to Industry
2 Introduction to Industry
3 Software Planning Process Model
4 Software Testing Process
5 Safety Procedures
6 Particulars of Practical Experiences
7 Description about project
Chapter No 1-Structure to Industry
Industry Layout:
Training Development
(Head: Rohit Pote)
(Head: Prashant Rajaram)
About Industry:
Name of Industry:
Industry Introduction:
At the same time, we develop innovative and creative products and services that
provide total communication and information solutions. Among a plethora of services, web
design and development, tailor-made applications, ERPs, CRMs, e- commerce solutions are
few that we offer. Satisfied clients around the globe bear testimony to the quality of our work.
Products and Services:
1) SevaSuvidha Application
2) Online SGM Canteen
3) SGM MR System
4) Online Grocery Shopping
5) Vakratund Event Management
Some services provided by company:
1) Web Development
2) Mobile Development
3) Data Science
4) Cloud Computing
5) Java Technology
6) Database Programming
7) .Net Technology
8) Big Data Analytics
No of Employees:
1) Desktop Computers:
2) Laptops:
@ 3.60GHzRAM- 8.00GB
3) Server:
XAMPP Server
4) Printer:
5) Access Point:
Software testing:
Software testing is a set of processes aimed at investigating, evaluating and ascertaining
the completeness and quality of computer software. Software testing ensures the compliance of a
software product in relation with regulatory, business, technical, functional and user
Agile testing:
Functional testing
Unit testing
Performance load testing
Chapter No 6- Safety Procedures
SparkLab IT Solutions uses Antivirus software like Quick heal which is a class of
program designed to prevent, detect and remove malware Infections on individual computing
devices, networks and Computer systems. Quick heal Antivirus software, originally designed
to detect and remove viruses from computers, can also protect against a wide variety of
threats, including other types of malicious software, suchas keyloggers, browser, hijackers,
Trojan horses, worms, rootkits, spyware, adware, botnets and ransom ware.
In the industrial training, we got the skills, which will, help us for our future life and
our professional career also.
Soft Skills:
Communication, Presentation, etc.
In our training, we develop our communication and presentation skills, which are most
helpful for us. With the help of this skills we can able to represent our ideas in front of our
team and able to communicate properly with our head and team and its help also for project
discussion such as collecting requirements and expectation of users for their project
Life Skills:
In the time of training we develop our skills like time management, team building.
With the help of this skills we are developing our project task in the given time, audit’s also
helps us for working in team, in this period we are able to complete our work in given time
and understand the opinions of our team members. Also, we are able to keep our data safefrom
the hackers. It’s really a great achievement for us to working in the group, understanding the
ideas of each other and completing the work in the defined amount of time and keep our data
safe and secure from the stakeholders and hackers.
In the training we are not just studies the theoretical concepts, also learnt form it
practically by our own way, it helps us for developing our ideas and our mentality about
programming and developing, in this day we are able to remove the errors occurs in the
program and the problems occurred in the time of developing. Our practical knowledge is
increased in that days.
That helps us to increase our ideas in the quality and implementation areas, also weare
used in industries for developing.
In this training we also experienced the study of industry, its history and its software
developing methods using various programming languages, its turnover and how teamwork is
carried out. In short, we experienced the completely industrial environment.
Chapter No 8-Description about project
Online event management system
About Project:
Problems Statement –
In any event many service providers work simultaneously and it is very hard to manage
these providers. It is also important for event organizer that he has all the contacts
details of these service providers so that he can contact them any time to plan an event
at given time. In present system Event Company has to do all management work
manually. They keep all payment information on papers. There is no system to check
the past expenses on any event. To do this they have to check payment register and this
task is very time consuming and tiresome.
Project Overview-
Event management is the application of project management to the Creation and
Development of large-scale events such as festivals, Wedding ceremonies, formal
parties People that are need to find or book online event halls and or willing to see the
packages and timing slots online about halls. They will able to get all this information
through this system. To get success in the event management business, user should have
strong network contacts of service provider. These contacts are essentially providers of
specific services who can be mobilized quickly to participate in any given event. To
make an event successful event Manager needs different service provider like Sound
systems services, Lighting providers, Canteen services, stage construction and so on.
Aim of the project:
In first week of training revised of some basic concepts of C, C++, Java. Initially we know about
HTML language. Then industrial supervisor gave us basic information of CSS and bootstrap
language. While implementing a simple project we got experience of how to use CSS code in
website. In addition, learn about how to secure our website using validation process; also, we get
how to do process wise implementation of the modules in project.
We studied about the testing and quality assurance processes. Then we practically implemented
validation concept in our modules of project using Sessions, JS and so on. In addition, we came
across some errors while implementing this validation concept, but we resolve them under the
guidance of the project guide. Then we acknowledged the practical as well as a special
experience in testing field by testing all modules of our project and implementing validation
While developing a project we got various errors and we handle that exceptions, but sir give
preference to solve errors by student so we try to solve errors with our logic. And that was very
helpful for increasing our self confidence
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
background-color: #F8F9F9
width: 70%;
height: 500px;
background-color: #E5E7E9;
margin: 100px auto auto
width: 47%;
background-color: white;
float: left;
padding-left: 30px;
padding-top: 60px;
width: 50%;
height: 500px;
background-image: url();
float: right;
font-family: Arial;
{ font-family: Arial;
font-weight: bold;
width: 95%;
height: 35px;
border-radius: 10px;
border: 1px solid
#D7DBDD; margin-top:
width: 95%;
height: 50px;
border-radius: 10px;
font-family: Arial;
margin-top: 160px;
margin-left: 150px;
margin-right: auto;
color: white;
font-size: 30px;
<div class="divMain">
<div class="divLeft">
<h2 class="textStyle1">Sign in</h2>
<input type="text" name="txt_username" placeholder="User-Name">
<input type="password" name="txt_pass" placeholder="**">
<input type="submit" name="btn_login" value="Login">
<input type="checkbox" name="check" value="1">Remember me
<div class="divRight">
<h2 class="textstyle2">Welcome to Login</h2>