WEG w22 Bearing Life
WEG w22 Bearing Life
WEG w22 Bearing Life
Vibration of an electrical machine is closely related to its Note: 2 pole motors will have as an option only the shaft end in stainless steel
AISI 316.
assembly on the application and, thus, it is generally
desirable to perform vibration measurements under
installation and operational conditions. However, to allow 5.2 Bearings
evaluation of the vibration generated by the electrical
machine itself in a way to allow reproducibility of the tests and W22 motors are supplied with deep groove ball bearings as
the obtaining of comparative measurements, it is necessary standard (figure 23). Optionally, for frame sizes 160 and
to perform such measurements with the machine uncoupled, above, NU series roller bearings can be fitted to motors
under controlled test conditions. The test conditions and intended for heavy duty applications where high radial loads
vibration limits described here are those found in IEC 60034-14. may occur e.g. pulley and belt drives.
The severity of vibration is the maximum value of vibration
found among all the recommended measurement points and
directions. Table 7, below, indicates the recommended
admissible values of vibration severity under IEC standard
60034-14 for the frames IEC 56 to 400, for degrees of
vibration A and B.
W22 motors (> frame 80, 2P and > frame 71, 4P and up) are
dynamically balanced with half key and the standard version
meets the vibration levels of Grade A (without special vibration
requirements) described in IEC 60034-14 Standard. As an
option, motors can be supplied in conformance with vibration Figure 23 - Ball bearing view
of Grade B. The RMS speed and vibration levels in mm/s of The nominal bearing life L10h is 20000 or 40000 hours in
Grades A and B are shown in table 7. conformance with maximum radial and axial loads as
Frame 56 ≤ H ≤ 132 132 < H ≤ 280 H > 280 described in tables 9, 10 and 11. When direct coupled to the
Vibration Vibration speed Vibration speed Vibration speed
Assembly load (without axial or radial thrusts), the L10h bearing life can
RMS (mm/s) RMS (mm/s) RMS (mm/s)
be extended to 50000* hours.
Grade A Free suspension 1.6 2.2 2.8
* For regreasable motors. Other configurations contact WEG.
Grade B Free suspension 0.7 1.1 1.8
Table 7 -Speed and vibration levels In standard configuration, with ball bearings, the drive end
bearing is locked axially from frame 160. To compensate for
4.3 Impact Resistance any axial movement the motors are fitted with pre-load
washers for frames 63 to 200 and with pre-load springs for
The W22 motor complies with impact level IK08 (mechanical frames 225 to 355. When provided with roller bearings, the
impact of 5J) as defined in EN 62262 : 2002 - Degrees of non-drive end bearing is locked and the axial movement is
protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment compensated by the axial play of the front roller bearing.
against external mechanical impacts (IK code) - therefore Minimum and maximum admissible radial loads for roller
ensuring superior mechanical strength for the most bearings are shown in table 10 on page 16.
demanding applications. The lifetime of the bearing is dependent on its type and size,
Table 9.1 - Maximum permissible radial thrusts for ball bearings (horizontal