Application Level Threats
Application Level Threats
Application Level Threats
01 Introduction
02 Buffer Overflow
06 Mitigation Stratgies
What is Application
Applications routinely
Applications often have handle sensitive
Application security is a privileged access to the information, including
critical component in operating system, credit card numbers, Social
system security hardware, and other Security Numbers, and
resources proprietary business
Poor Management of
04 Memory Allocation
Malicious Update
•Imagine two passengers, Alice and Bob, are trying to book the
last available seat on a flight simultaneously.
•At the same time, Bob starts his booking process and sees that
the last seat is available. However, Bob also confirms his
booking between Alice’s check and booking confirmation.
•The system, due to the time gap between Alice’s check and
booking confirmation, allows both bookings to proceed,
resulting in an overbooked flight.
memory injections
•Once the user enables macros and opens the document, the
malware is downloaded and injected into a legitimate process.
Update and A B Input
C D Use Stored
Limit Account
Cross Site Scripting
4. Malicious script
2. Presence of this gets executed on
1. There is a Web 3. When user tries to
vulnerability in web user browser which
Application,, access application
application servers was injected by
hosted on a server, through its
allows hacker to hacker and can steal
which has an XSS browser.
inject malicious useful information or
vulnerability in it.
script in web server. any task which this
script can do.
Impact of XSS
03 Impersonating User
04 Phishing
Cross Site Request
01 04
Assume your bank allows 4. This transaction gets
you to log in and perform executing successfully as
financial transactions but banking application think
does not validate the that it is being executed by
authentication for each user but in reality , it is being
subsequent transaction. i.e., executed by another
user is not authenticated malicious application
again while user transfer opened in another tab or
money to other account. browser.
02 03
3. If user is still logged in
and has not closed their
Now User Opens a Banking
browser, then an action in
application and authenticate
another browser tab could
himself on banking website
send a hidden request to the
bank, resulting in a
transaction that appears to
be authorized but in fact was
not done by the user
Prevention of CSRF
04 Cookie expiration
How to Prevent Application
layer attacks