Megabits Datasheet
Megabits Datasheet
Megabits Datasheet
The system can be used for monitoring both live The system supports most common IP streaming protocols,
broadcast and VOD streaming services. Hundreds of including TS over UDP, RTP, HLS, TS over HTTP, MPEG-DASH,
VOD streams can be bundled together and the RTMP, RTSP, and SRT. NDI streams also supported. Single
monitoring software will play the VOD services program TS (SPTS) or multi-program TS (MPTS) are supported.
using their playlist URLs one by one. The test can be Video programs as well as audio-only programs are supported.
looped around and visual alarms are triggered
when the video streaming service is interrupted or To play a video program on a multi-viewer panel, a user can
errors in the streams are detected. enter the IP address and port for UDP or RTP streams, or the
URL address of the video program on the configuration panel,
The system displays video content and audio VU and then map the stream to a player panel for video display.
bars, and calculates audio loudness level. The For video services that include multiple alternate bitrate
monitoring software runs on standard Windows 10 streams, the software allows a user to specify a specific stream
or Windows Server 2012, 2016 or 2019. The cost for to play and be monitored. On each video display panel (PIP),
setting up such a monitoring system is low, and it is the video source can be quickly switched by changing the
easy to use and maintain. streaming URL.
Live Broadcast and VOD Monitoring Flexible Multi-viewer Display
The Mividi WSM120 supports both live broadcast and VOD The WSM120 supports multi-viewer display of videos and
monitoring. To set up live broadcast video monitoring, simply audio PCM levels of IPTV or Internet video streaming
map a URL to a display panel. When multiple URLs are
video services. It also calculates audio loudness and
mapped to a display panel, the system will start to rotate
displays the loudness value along with video images.
among multiple streams. Similarly, multiple VOD stream URLs
can be mapped to one display panel and VOD streams can be Additionally, the system can decode and display DVB
played in turn. When all VOD streams are finished, they can subtitles and ATSC closed captioning data.
be replayed in an infinite loop.
Each monitoring system can support up to 60 SD or 30 HD
The system supports MPEG-2, AVC and HEVC video encoding video programs. Users can create arbitrary number of
formats, as well as commonly used audio formats including playing panels (PIP) within the limit of hardware resource
MP3, AAC, AAC plus, and AC3. It supports ATSC closed
and software license. The location and size of each panel
captioning and DVB subtitles. When there are multiple audios
can be configured. In addition, multiple display styles are
present in the stream, users can select specific audio streams
to display. provided for users to choose.
A single computer can play up to 60 SD or 30 HD programs A single monitoring server can connect to four TV
simultaneously. Additionally, the software provides a video monitoring screens for multi-screen display. The player
rotation feature. When more videos need to be displayed panels (PIPs) can be arbitrarily configured in terms of size
beyond the computer capability, videos can be played in turn
and location. Audio-only program display is also
with user configuration time duration.
The system can capture multi-viewer display screen, encode
and stream captured desktop screen video to a remote To increase the performance of computer server, the
location using HTTP or UDP protocols for remote view of the software utilizes GPU acceleration. Users can enable
multi-viewer output. GPU decoding for some input channels while disable
for other channels at the same time.
Configuration Window
Error Detection and Alarms
In addition to decoding and rendering video and audio
streams, the system will also monitor a number of error
conditions in the input streams, including:
Cloud Ready
The Mividi WSM120 runs on Windows Server OS and is
ready to be deployed in cloud VM. Since video decoding and
rendering requires significant computer resources, it’s
recommended to use a dedicated cloud VM to run the
application. The performance of cloud server may also
change widely depending the type of CPUs. If you’ve
considering using the software in cloud, we may be able to
provide more information on the performance of different
types of cloud servers.
• Supports multiple IP streaming protocols: o Support full screen display and sound output
o UDP/RTP Unicast or Multicast o Set each display panel with a user-friendly name
o TS over HTTP o Fast map of URLs to display panels
o HLS (HTTP Live Streaming)
o Multiple analog and digital clock display to show
o MPEG-DASH different time zone
o RTMP (Flash media)
o Adjustable audio channel display, including 5
channels, stereo and no audio display.
o SRT (Secure Reliable Transport)
o Multiple display style selections
• Visual and audio alarms for following error
• Support uncompressed video via SDI input
• Supports MPEG-2, AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265 video
formats o Loss of input signals
• Supports MP3, AAC, AAC+, AC3, eAC3 and other o Loss of or failed to decode audio or video data
audio formats
• Supports SPTS (Single program transport stream) or o Video and audio frame drops
MPTS (Multi-program transport streams) o Black or frozen frames
• Support video services with multiple ABR streams
o Loss of audio sound or loudness level is below user
and un-muxed audio, video streams
specified threshold
• Different Services can be monitored on one or more
TV monitors with DP or HDMI inputs, including: • User configurable error thresholds
o Video Signal • Error alarms can be sent by email, SMS, visual display
o Audio Levels and Loudness and audio alarm sound
o DVB-Subtitles, Closed Captioning and WebVTT • Captures and encodes multi-view screen, and
o Teletext (Subtitles, Newsflash, Interrupted, streams the encoded data to a remote location using
Subpages) HTTP or RTP protocols for network-wide monitoring.
• Supports live broadcast as well as VOD streaming
• Supports round-robin rotations of video programs • Broadcast monitoring
• Flexible and easy Multi-view configuration • Satellite center & cable head-end monitoring
o Monitoring panel can be divided into arbitrary • Mobile production and ENG (Electronic News
number and sizes Gathering)
• Internet broadcast monitoring
Specifications: Purchase Information
• UDP/RTP Unicast or Multicast For Product Information
• HTTP or HLS (HTTP Live
Streaming) Mividi offers a series of products for testing
IP: • RTMP (Flash media) and improving video service quality for
• RTSP broadcasters, IPTV, cable and Internet video
service providers. Related products include IP
video monitoring system TSM100, HLS
SDI: • Blackmagic Decklink SDI Analyzer, Integrated Multi-view Monitoring
System, SCTE35 and Ad Insertion Monitoring
DP or HDMI: Up to four monitors via Nvidia®
TS over UDP,
graphics cardRTP, or HTTP
To contact a customer service representative
Audio: 3.5 mm mini jack regarding Mividi products, please email to or visit https:/
OS & Hardware Requirements
OS: Windows 10 or Windows Server
2012, 2016, 2019
RAM: 8 GB minimum
Hard drive: 500 GB minimum
Graphic Cards: Nvidia® with minimum of 2GB
graphic memory
Network 1 GB or 10GB NIC