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Solution HBBTV - Wisi

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Avanced TV Content
Management Suite


Product description
AiMS is an open platform and
CMS for the distribution and
management of content (video,
audio, pictures, data, etc.) and
of services from the areas of
information, communication and
entertainment in digital networks
(LAN, WAN). For each hardware
component of a system a choice
between several products of
different manufactures is offered
and therefore dependency on
specific brands or manufactures
or types is prevented. AiMS
combines all different components
to a complete system and uses all
features of hardware according
to the specifications of the

Open architecture Optional components: (e.g. DHCP/TFTP). AiMS

also supports several IP-STBs and PC-platforms
„S to XXL“ as user interface.
AiMS was developed for application in
hospitality (hotels from more than 10
rooms) as well as for city carriers (> 1 Open standard based
mio. households). The server can be any AiMS is a stand-alone application software
standard hardware. which communicates with the interfaces of
The software can be installed with the different STB manufacturers and is therefore
following operating software: CentOS, STB manufacturer independent. It was designed
Debian/GNU, FeeBSD on PC-Hardware to support a maximum number of devices and
(Server System), UNIX/Linux (e.g. IBM, operational systems as desktop PC platforms
Sun, HP, Apple). (Windows, Apple, Linux) with market common
SW components like Mozilla FireFox, Set top boxes
VLC Player, Internet Explorer, Windows AiMS uses all common STB features:
Media Player, Windows XP media center,
Windows Jabber Clients with video,
• IGMP Version 2
Opera and STBs like Amino, Strong, XaVi
• RTSP (optional)
The integration is incorporated in existing
network environments and supports
Transport / reception of a transport stream
components of different manufacturers
(e.g. WISI OS streamer, DRM-systems, etc.).
• through UDP-Multicast
• through RTP (optional)
Functions • through HTTP
The following web services are available in
SD, HD and PC resolution:
• AVC Streams (HDTV)
IPTV, PVR, internet access, VoIP, EPG, Teletext,
• WMS, Windows Media Streams (optional)
unified messaging, keymapping (depending on
clients), multi language user interface (because
of the open architecture the user interface can
• MPEG-1
be displayed in different languages).
• MPEG-2
• MPEG-4
IPTV in SD and HD • DVB-S compatible
AiMS manages all common standards: live
• DVB-C compatible (optional)
• DVB-T compatible (optional)
Cameras), Radio over DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T,
• DVB-S2 compatible (optional)
radio over internet, time shifting (multicast),
• DRM (optional)
PVR (personal video recorder), VoD (Mpeg 2
program stream, Mpeg 4 avc), MOD (MP3).
AiMS fulfills all international standards and
AiMS supports parental control (PIN),
engineer standards.
authorization (booking of chargeable
AiMS services
TV recorder: network PVR (manual) or EPG,
Database supports HD recording in STBs.
The logic of AiMS is mapped in a database.
Operation: provisioning, management and
This database is running in a generic version
monitoring, logging, SNMP/XML/http interface,
on a LAMP system (Linux/Apache/MySQL, PHP)
auto-configuration of the clients and server
and contains all data from different areas:
applied, CMS, mandate capable.
Powerful Editor, in particular for IPTV applications
• User data – changeable anytime by the
with interfaces for the connection of accounting
and billing systems.
• System data – will only be changed through
software update
• Dynamic data – will be created through
User interface - GUI
As interface for configuration and development
running the software
as well as for STBs, we use a web browser on a
The interface outwards is XML. Each further PC. The bases of this interface are again the XML
display (HTML, SNMP, etc.) is based on XML data of the server.
data. Thus the complete logic of AiMS The display on the STBs or in the browser is
system is included in the database server. dynamic (at the time of the request) or static
The XML data will be generated by the (at the time of data changing). The conversion
modification of the database, thus an of XML data from the server is done in AiMS,
effective caching with http caches and through the respective web browser (XSLT, AJA)
http load dispatcher is possible. if PCs are used.
AiMS supports multi mandate. Each mandate allow the user and the provider to
can have its own private menu for its connected select and sort for them. The definition
clients. Additionally an official menu is available of attributes is done by the provider and
which can be reached from the clients of other can be defined according to the content
mandates but and also via the internet. of a program as well as to the availability
of different user groups. Further comments
System architecture on the attribute system can be found in the
The system consist of an AiMS server (optionally description of the database.
also cluster), and components like the WISI DVB-
IP-Gateway OS, VoD-server and clients/user IPTV function
devices (e.g. STB). AiMS manages (over http) The programs are IP-streams and are
the whole setup of the systems, configurates all delivered in unicast (1 to 1) or multicast mode
end-user devices and manages the streams and (1 to any). The stream is addressed via the IP
data to the correct end-user devices (server client address and will be displayed in the available
architecture). player.
The configuration of end-user devices is done with Individualization: By using more attributes, the
e.g. protocols like SNMP, TFTP, http and assures TV portfolio can be configurated. This allows
the centralized configuration of all components differentiation between different services in
via the AiMS server. There is a real „plug-and- different levels and thus the creation of an
play“ on the system level. user-own, individual channel list.

Video on demand Basic radio basic function

VoD reads the list of all available movies on a The functionality complies with the IPTV
selectable VoD server and displays them on a function. Depending on the attributes,
menu on the screen. The possibilities of display channels, a standard graphic / animation, a
comply with the navigation of the IPTV but are movie or any information in HTML format can
independently definable in its layout. Additionally, be displayed on the screen. The radio hotkey,
if the parameter has been selected, a thumbnail a freely selectable (colour-) button can be
of each movie can be displayed. Depending to defined through the Editor. In all audio-free
the size of the menu lines only a few numbers services (information services, encyclopedias,
may be displayed on each site. etc.) a frame for radio channel selection is
The display of the movie lists is preceded by a opened. This function can be activated per
menu which allows the listing according to service. Background radio: a selected channel
attributes (Action, SciFi, Documentation, etc.), can be played and disabled any time in all
languages, actors, year of publication as well as such services that accept this service.
special features like: free of charge, with costs or
ban for young people. Teletext (Videotext)
Using Teletext during running TV services
Music on demand equals the common usage (button „TXT“ and
This service has the same functions as a common inserting according numbers), the content
playlist of an MP3 player. Programs can be however will be temporarily stored on the
assigned to different areas. AiMS server, thus the request is processed
without the usual time delay. The reading
EPG out of content is done through XML
When zapping channels either EPG data or interface. The function is only available
optional the information of another provider can during running TV mode.
be displayed. The display is adjustable in size and
position and in type of data displayed. Logging
Logging for accounting, management and
Management of services maintenance is done through a generic
Attributes will be assigned to all services which logging system with XML interface.
Existing protocols, like e.g. syslog, will Management Network:
be converted. The logging data will be - Each Transponder or DVB-Gate 100 Base-T
written into the AiMS database and are Ethernet
available through according queries. At - 1 x AiMS/DOPS Server 100 Base-T Ethernet
the same time automatic logging data - 1 x Remote access (optional)
can be used (after explicit clearing by the Both networks can be realized as VLAN, but
customer) to transmit them to other systems must be different IP networks.
(e.g. networking monitoring) e.g. by mail,
fax, sms, SNMP trap. An automatic delete Switches:
of logging data applies only for unimportant - Multicasting and IGMP Snooping for
debug information (see syslog level). All streaming networks
other data can only be deleted manually. - QoS (if the IPTV services is provided additional
to other services like internet or VoIP on the
Provisioning same network)
Provisioning is available with the unique - IGMP Querier function on one of the switches
WISI DOPS system. The XML interface is is an advantage
applicable as master as well as slave (also part
slave) in hospitality and city networks. 3. Clients

System requirements Set Top Box:

- HTML-Browser with CSS2 support (obligate)
1. Server - Javascript-interface to manage the functions
of the box and of the media player (obligate)
Operating System:
- CentOS, Redhat Enterprise Linux PC:
- Debian/GNU - Web browser (Mozilla Firefox, Safari,
- FreeBSD, Linux (e.g. Debian 3.1, Fedora Internet Explorer)
Core 6, Open Suse 10) - VLC Player or Windows Media Player with
- Microsoft Server 2003, Microsoft XP Plugins for MPEG TS and H.264 decoding
Professional (only for small systems)

System software:
- Webserver with PHP-integration (e.g.
Apache 2.0 or IIS)
- MySQL 5.0.x or higher
- PHP 5.2.x or higher with following
extensions (ctype, curl, date, dom, hash,
libxml, mysql, xml, xsl, zlib, ore more)
- IonCube

2. Network

Streaming Network: WISI Communications GmbH & Co. KG

- Each transponder or DVB-Gates 1000 Empfangs- und Verteiltechnik
Base-T or 100 Base-T Ethernet Wilhelm-Sihn-Straße 5–7
- 1 x DOPS Server 1000 Base-T Ethernet 75223 Niefern-Oeschelbronn, Germany
- 1 x IGMP Dummy Querier over AiMS/
DOPS Server (if there is no IGMP Telefon +49 7233-66-280 Fax -350
Querier in the network) 1000 Base-T export@wisi.de
- Each Set-Top Box 100 Base-T Ethernet www.wisi.de

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