Materials and Process Engineering (Hydro)
The scope of this document is to specify additional requirements to the Quality Sheet (QS) for the supply of
forged products to be used in the manufacturing of hydraulic machines.
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use or disclosures to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.
1. General provisions ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. Scope...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Applicable Standards ............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Manufacturing Process Plan ......................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Melting conditions ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Chemical requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 4
5. Discard rate and Forging ratio ....................................................................................................................................... 4
5.1. Discard rate ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.2. Forging ratio ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Delivery conditions ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.1. Quality heat treatment ............................................................................................................................................ 4
6.2. Welding Production Test Coupon (WPTC) ................................................................................................................. 5
7. Sampling ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.1. General requirements (Location and orientation of specimens) ................................................................................. 5
7.2. Specific sampling location ........................................................................................................................................ 6
8. Mechanical and metallurgical requirements .................................................................................................................. 6
8.1. Simulated post weld heat treatment ........................................................................................................................ 6
8.2. Test methods .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
8.2.1. Chemical composition on product ........................................................................................................................ 7
8.2.2. Tensile test ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
8.2.3. Charpy V-notch test ............................................................................................................................................. 7
8.2.4. Microstructure .................................................................................................................................................... 7
8.2.5. Fracture toughness .............................................................................................................................................. 7
8.2.6. Counter tests ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
9. Material Integrity ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
9.1. Surface delivery condition ....................................................................................................................................... 7
9.2. Surface discontinuities ............................................................................................................................................ 7
9.3. Internal soundness .................................................................................................................................................. 7
9.4. Removal and repair of defects ................................................................................................................................. 7
10. Magnetic properties ................................................................................................................................................ 8
11. Dimensional check .................................................................................................................................................. 8
12. Quality.................................................................................................................................................................... 8
12.1. Marking and identification (traceability) .................................................................................................................. 8
12.2. Delivery certificates................................................................................................................................................. 8
13. Packing and transport.............................................................................................................................................. 8
© Copyright 2020 – GE Renewable Energy. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any nature by any means, modifications, use or disclosures to
third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.
1. General provisions
1.1. Scope
This specification defines the general technical requirements for the supply of forged products (sometimes called parts) used in
hydraulic machines such as turbines, valves, generators and hydromechanics.
This specification is valid in combination with drawings and applicable Quality specification sheet (QS) attached to the Purchase
order (PO).
This specification covers the manufacturing and testing of forged products classified by chemical composition into three steel
types in accordance with recognized standard:
- Carbon and carbon-manganese (C and C-Mn) steel,
- Alloy steel,
- Stainless steel.
This specification concerns the delivered state requirements for forged and normalized or quenched and tempered products
in pre-machined or finished machined conditions.
Some options or additional requirements can be asked by GE in the PO within the frame of this specification. In this case, the
conditions and criteria shall be discussed by GE and supplier before placing the PO.
© Copyright 2020 – GE Renewable Energy. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any nature by any means, modifications, use or disclosures to
third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.
3. Melting conditions
The steel shall be processed in an electrical furnace and poured under vacuum or degassed in the ladle; no other processing
method can be used without GE formal approval.
4. Chemical requirements
The heat’s chemical composition shall be checked as described in the corresponding standard and shall comply with the additional
requirements in QS if any.
S L' D'
Forging ratio ( Annular parts) =
S' L D
• S: average cross-section of ingot
• S’: average cross-section of solid forged rough part
• L: average length before forging on mandrel
• L’: average length after forging on mandrel
• D: average diameter of rough part before rolling or forging on the two-beaked anvil
• D’: average diameter after annular rolling or forging on the two-beaked anvil
6. Delivery conditions
The delivery state shall respect the drawing and the QS, it can be:
-Design rough-machining: machined according to rough machining drawing
-Design semi-finished machining: semi-finished machined all over leaving a minimum of 5 mm cutting allowance per surface
according to finished part drawing
-Design finished-machining: machined according to finished part drawing.
Heating and cooling rates of Quality Heat Treatments cycles shall be ≤ 150°C/h except cooling rate for quenching (water, oil)
and cooling in forced air after normalizing.
For tempering heat treatment, heating and cooling rate shall be ≤ 55°C/h, from and until 200°C.
© Copyright 2020 – GE Renewable Energy. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any nature by any means, modifications, use or disclosures to
third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.
In addition, the maximum difference between the temperature measured by the thermocouples in contact with the load and
the target temperature must be, during the maintenance phase, of ± 15°C.
In any case:
• The part shall not be put in the furnace at a temperature ≥ 200°C
• The part shall be removed from the furnace at a temperature below 200°C.
The heating and cooling rates, holding times and temperatures shall be carefully measured and followed by contact
thermocouples, correctly localized on the parts, during the entire heat treatment. The thermocouples locations on the parts
shall be described in the Manufacturing Process Plan and shall ensure at least one thermocouple is localized on the thickest part
and at least one other on the thinnest part of the product, will ensuring that the homogeneity of the furnace is ensured by
room thermocouples.
In the case of a load comprising several parts, at least one thermocouple shall be placed on one of the parts at the center of the
The thermal cycles shall be recorded and given in the delivery certificate.
NOTA: Information if a product will be subjected to welding shall be asked to GE and clarified into the PO.
7. Sampling
The sampling location are proposed by the manufacturer for GE approval before placing the PO. It shall conform to the associated
product standard except if nothing specified, then it shall follow directives of paragraph 7.2.
© Copyright 2020 – GE Renewable Energy. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any nature by any means, modifications, use or disclosures to
third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.
All specimens shall be taken at a distance of t/4 below the heat cylindrical outer surface at heat treatment profile (with a minimum
of 20 mm and a maximum of 80 mm) and at t/2 (however max. 90 mm) from the end of the forged part (with t defined as tR or teq
according EN 10250-1, Annex B). The specimen reference point to be used for the localization is defined as follow:
• Unixial Tensile test specimen: center of the gage length axis
• Iso-V Charpy specimen: geometrical center of the specimen
8.2.4. Microstructure
The product microstructure will be done only if required in the QS or PO.
9. Material Integrity
Repair by welding is prohibited*
*For weldable grades, welding repairs could be proposed through a Non-Conformity report and a Prior Agreement of GE is
mandatory before any repairs. As a minimum the supplier documentation will include:
© Copyright 2020 – GE Renewable Energy. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any nature by any means, modifications, use or disclosures to
third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.
12. Quality
© Copyright 2020 – GE Renewable Energy. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any nature by any means, modifications, use or disclosures to
third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.