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What is an Enquiry?

 A question you ask T24 about the data it has stored

 It is an utility used to retrieve data from T24

 It allows the user to select and extract information from one or more T24 applications

Need for Enquiry

 Bank customers and Bank itself requires report of transaction and other information

 Required report can be based on condition

 E.g. transaction details of customer for past 1 week

 To produce reports for customers and for the bank itself

 To extract, sort and view data stored in T24 easily

 To drill down the summary reports produced into more detailed reports

 To enable multiple actions to be performed to multiple records from a single point

 To produce information in the form of graphical display

 To produce data automatically at different contexts

Enquiry Creation
 Enter “ENQUIRY, I” “ Enquiry Name” in command line & Press Enter Key

 Page Size – Indicates variable portion of the screen used to display the enquiry pages

 File Name – Enter valid application name

 Field Name – Enter valid field name of the above application

 Column – Enter column on which the field has to be displayed

Enquiry Execution
 Enter ENQ followed by Enquiry ID in command line

 Selection criteria box appears

 Press Enter Key to view the enquiry output

Workshops: Create a simple enquiry on account module displaying Account No., Mnemonic,
Currency, Account Officer and Working Balance
Drill Down Enquiry
 Switch over from one enquiry to another, during execution

 Switch over between enquiry can be through

• Buttons

• Drop down

• Images

• Fast path

 Use the following fields:

• Enquiry Name – Indicates name of another enquiry to be invoked

• Sel Crit – Indicates selection criteria for invoking the next enquiry

• Label Field – Specifies the current enquiry field name to be numbered, when a next
level enquiry can be invoked

Workshop: Create a drill down enquiry for sector application, wherein customer details appears as
child (linked) enquiry (page 25 Utility enq)


 Create an enquiry for Sector application

 Input the required fields that should appear in Sector enquiry (Follow normal enquiry creation

 Then, Input in the following fields:

• Enquiry Name – Attach ID of customer enquiry

• Sel Crit – Enter selection criteria for invoking the customer enquiry

• Label Field – Enter number of the field name specified in selection criteria in the
current enquiry

Enter ENQ followed by Parent Enquiry Name


Selection criteria box will appear

Press Enter key

Assignment: Create an enquiry for account application, wherein customer details appears as child

 Create a child enquiry on Customer application

 Create a parent enquiry for Account application & attach Child enquiry
 Output of the enquiry appears as shown

For multiple drill downs

Workshop: Create an account enquiry and attach the following child enquiries to it

• Customer Enquiry – Customer details

• Currency Enquiry – Currency details

• Category Enquiry – Category details

(page 36 Utility enq)

 Create a parent enquiry for account application

 Attach child enquiries of customer, currency and category to the parent enquiry, as shown
 Output of parent enquiry appears as shown
Why Fast path enquiry?
Fast path enquiries allow us to perform the following actions on the record selected from the parent

• Authorize

• Verify

• Delete

• Reverse

• See

• Edit (Input)

How to create Fast path enquiry?

 Create an enquiry for any application

• File Name – Open the File in $NAU status

• Enter required Field name and Operation name

• Enquiry Name – Enter “Application Name” “Action” “ID”

• Where, ID – ID with which record is opened for particular action

How to execute Fast path enquiry?

 Enter ENQ followed by enquiry name in command line

• Press Enter key/Display icon in the selection criteria box

• Right click on record and click on required Action to be performed

Workshop: Create an enquiry on FT application and authorize the record using Fast Path

 Create a FT enquiry as shown

 On enquiry execution, fast path enquiry appears is invoked

 Click on the icon “Authorise the record” to open the record for authorization

Multiple Fast Path: Multi-value the Enquiry field to add additional Application Name and action
Editing Live Record using Fast Path Enquiries
 Live records can be edited through enquiries using Fast Path Enquiries

 Use fields:

• Field Disp Type – Click on ‘EDIT’ from drop down

• Enquiry Name – Enter Enquiry Name followed by ‘I’

• Attributes – Click on ‘FASTPATH’

Workshop: Create an enquiry for customer application to edit live record

 Create an enquiry for the Customer application

• Select EDIT in ‘Field Disp Type’ field

• Enter <Enquiryname> I <Selectioncriteria> in ‘Enquiry Name’ field

• Enter <Selectioncriteria> <Currentenquiryposition> in ‘Sel Crit’ field

• Select ‘FASTPATH in ‘Attributes’ field

 Output of enquiry appears as shown

 Select the required record to be edited, by clicking on the check box

 Click on the text box to edit the field

 Press Enter key/Display icon

 Message appears as shown, if the field is updated successfully

 Change of color in signal icon to Green color indicates successful updation of the edited field
in the record
Context Sensitive Enquiry
Why CSE?

 CSE – Context Sensitive Enquiry

 Enquiries needs to be attached to

• A particular application

• A version of an application

• A field in an application

• A field in a version of an application

How CSE Works?

 The ones attached to the application and version are launched, when the application / version
is launched

 The ones attached to the field are launched, when user presses ENTER in the field


 ID

• For application level – ApplicationName

• For a field in an application – ApplicationName-FieldName

• For versions – ApplicationName,VersionName

• For fields in a version – ApplicationName,VersionName-

 Field Name

• Description – Holds a general description

• Enquiry Name – A valid T24 Enquiry Name

• Sel Field – Selection field for the enquiry, if any

• Operand – To be used in the Enquiry to formulate a selection criteria, if any

• Target Frame – Used for composite screens

• Enq Desc – Description that will be displayed for the enquiry

• Auto Launch

 If set to Y, then that enquiry will launch automatically when the application is

 Only 1 enquiry can have this setting, since more than one enquiry can be
attached in the CONTEXT.ENQUIRY record
Context Sensitive Enquiry – Application Level
Why CSE @ Application level?

 Data has to retrieved via. Enquiry, when using an application

 CSE – Enables more than one enquiry to be attached to each application

 These enquiries will be launched, when application is used

 Enables easy retrieval of data

CSE @ Application level

 Enter CONTEXT.ENQUIRY in command line

 ID – Application name

 Input the following details:

• Gb Description – Top level description

• Enquiry Name - Valid Enquiry name

• Gb Enq Desc – Bottom level description

• Sel Field – Selection field specified in the enquiry specified in field “Enquiry Name”

Workshop: Attach ‘Statement summary list’ enquiry to Account application

Solution: Attach the ID of enquiry to the Account application as shown

 On invoking the Application from command line, enquiry name appears in the list of Context
Sensitive Enquiry

Context Sensitive Enquiry – Field Level

Why CSE @ Field level?

 Data has to retrieved via. Enquiry, when using field of an application

 CSE – Enables enquiries to be attached to a field of an application

 These enquiries will be launched, when field of an application is input

 Enables easy retrieval of data corresponding to the field/input

CSE @ Field level

 Enter CONTEXT.ENQUIRY in command line

 ID – Application name-Field name

 Input the following details:

• Gb Description – Top level description

• Enquiry Name – Valid Enquiry name that is to be invoked on pressing tab/enter key

• Gb Enq Desc – Bottom level description

• Auto Launch

 Enter ‘YES’ to automatically launch the enquiry on pressing tab/enter key

 Auto launch enquiry field icon appears near the field

• Sel Field

 Enter Selection field used as link to the enquiry, if required

 Selection field used in CONTEXT.ENQUIRY application must be a selection

field in the enquiry
Workshop: Create a context sensitive enquiry, attaching an enquiry to Category field of Account

Solution: Create a context sensitive enquiry as shown

Context sensitive enquiry is invoked from field of the application

Enquiry name appears in the list of Context sensitive Enquiry as shown, on invoking the
corresponding application
Context Sensitive Enquiry – Version Level
Why CSE @ Version level?

 Data has to retrieved via. Enquiry, when using version of an application

 CSE – Enables enquiries to be attached to a version of an application

 These enquiries will be launched, when version of an application is invoked

 Enables easy retrieval of data corresponding to the application

CSE @ Version level

 Enter CONTEXT.ENQUIRY in command line

 ID – “Application name”,”Version name”

 Input the following details:

• Gb Description – Top level description

• Enquiry Name – Valid Enquiry name that is to be invoked on pressing tab/enter key

• Gb Enq Desc – Bottom level description

• Auto Launch – Enter ‘YES’ to automatically launch the enquiry on pressing tab/enter

Workshop: Invoke a context sensitive enquiry “ACCOUNT-LIST” for Account application

“ACCOUNT,TEST’ on committing the record

Solution: Create a context enquiry as shown

Input a transaction in the Account version “ACCOUNT,TEST” as shown

On committing the record shown in previous slide, context sensitive enquiry is invoked as shown
Context Sensitive Enquiry – Version-Field Level
Why CSE @ Version Field level?

 Data has to retrieved via. Enquiry, when using a field in the version of an application

 CSE – Enables enquiries to be attached to a field in the version of an application

 These enquiries will be launched, when a field in the version of an application is input

 Enables easy retrieval of data corresponding to the field

CSE @ Version Field level

 Enter CONTEXT.ENQUIRY in command line

 ID – “Application name”,”Version name”-”Field name”

 Input the following details:

• Gb Description – Top level description

• Enquiry Name – Valid Enquiry name that is to be invoked on pressing tab/enter key

• Gb Enq Desc – Bottom level description

• Auto Launch – Enter ‘YES’ to automatically launch the enquiry on pressing tab/enter

Workshop: Create a context sensitive enquiry for a field “DEBIT ACCT NO” of a version of the FT
application “FUNDS.TRANSFER,OTN”

Solution: Create a context sensitive enquiry for a field “DEBIT ACCT NO” of a version of the FT
application, as shown
Invoke the version of FT application

The enquiry is invoked as shown, when a valid input is given to the corresponding field of the version

Context sensitive enquiry attached to a field at version level appears in the list of enquiries, when the
corresponding version is invoked

Workshop: Create a context sensitive enquiry, such that enquiry ‘BC Sort Code List’ appears on
invoking the version of FT application ‘FUNDS.TRANSFER,BC’
Solution: Create a context sensitive enquiry for the FT version as shown

Invoke the version from command line using the version name ‘FUNDS.TRANSFER,BC’

On pressing Enter key, the context sensitive enquiry gets invoked as shown

Enquiry can also be invoked, while doing any action through the corresponding version of the

Context sensitive enquiry attached to a field at version level appears in the list of enquiries, when the
corresponding version is invoked
Subroutines in Enquiry?

To enhance Report by

 Giving required Criteria before fetching data.

 Make data suitable to display after fetching data (i.e)

• Converting the data format as we require

• Enhance the fetched data to suit the needs

 Retrieving data from more than one file

 Process the data based on user requirements

Common Variables used in Enq

 O.DATA contains the last extracted value



• Contains the record pertaining to the current ID

 ENQ.ERROR contains the error text which stops the enquiry execution


selection details

 ID stores the current extracted record ID

Why Build Routine?
 To manipulate “Selection Criteria Box”

 Used Before fetching the ID

 Build routine is Invoked after fixed selection

 Before the dynamic conditions gets executed

How to Write a Build Routine – Scenario Explains

Scenario: Create an enquiry that will display Customer Id, the Account Id and the respective working
balance after accepting the category from the user.

 For category 1001 - Balance should be in the range 0 and 49999

 For category 6001 - Balance should be in the range 50000 and 100000

 For categories greater than 7000 - Balance should be in the range 100000 and

Solution: Write the Routine

Compile and Catalog

Create an Enquiry & Attach the routine to the enquiry

Run the query

Workshops: Create an enquiry that will display the Debit Account Id and the respective Debit amount
transferred after accepting the debit currency from the user.

 For ‘USD’ the amount transferred is greater than 100

 For ‘GBP’ the amount transferred is greater than 150

 For currencies other than that amount transferred should be greater than 200
Conversion Routines
 Format data prior to display

 Data available in O.DATA and R.RECORD enquiry common variables

 Read another file and display value from it

 Invoked after fetching required data

 Before Displaying data in respective fields

 Attached to the conversion field

 Prefixed with @ followed by space.

Scenario: Create an enquiry that will list the Account Numbers, Customer Numbers and their
respective Working Balances. In case the Currency of the Account is in foreign currency, they have to
be converted to local currency and then displayed

(Example : trgbp > TRG.CONV.RTN page 39)

Solution: Write a conversion routine and Create a Enquiry and attach the Routine to the Enquiry

Run the enquiry

Workshop: Create an enquiry for account to display Account id, Category, Currency and Working
balance. Write a conversion routine for the enquiry to display 'insufficient funds' if the amount is lesser
than zero and 'critical funds' if the amount is less than 1000 otherwise sufficient balance.
Why NOFILE Enquiry?

 ENQUIRY system works on a single file which is given in the FILE.NAME field of ENQUIRY

 To fetch data available in Multiple files, NOFILE Enquiry is the only option

 Nofile enquiry can be designed to fetch data from any number of files

How enquiry subsystem works?

 Builds up a list of ids

 Picks up each id

 Constructs a record

 Displays the records.

 Use subroutine for enhancements

Standard Selection

 Allows definition of local subroutines.

 Used as selection items in the Enquiry system.

 SS can be used within enquiry to perform selections of data.

 Also used to build virtual records


 Used to hold the routine name.

 The associated SYS.TYPE or USR.TYPE is a type R

 Format: Subroutine name


 Arguments: Single outgoing argument

Steps to create NOFILE

 Use logical file name

• For a logical file there will not be a FILE.CONTROL

• So FILE.CONTROL will not be checked for validation



 Use the SS id in Enquiry field FILE.NAME which is mandatory.

Creating Standard Selection Record

 Id should start with NOFILE

 Must have ROUTINE type user field defined

 SELECTION type fields can be defined

 The selection must be performed by a routine

Scenario: Create an Enquiry which displays Customer Number, Account Number, Customer
Mnemonic, Working balance for only customer accounts

Solution: Create routine, Compile and catalog

Attach the routine in Standard selection table with id stating from NOFILE.
Create an Enquiry Layout

Run the enquiry

Assignment: Create a nofile enquiry which displays the FT id, Debit account name, Customer
Mnemonic, Credit Account name, customer name.

Assignment Create an nofile Enquiry which display the LD Contract number, The Account Number
and Account Name. The selection field must be customer number

Common Variables:

D.FIELDS - Define Selection fields

D.RANGE.AND.VALUE – Populate selection values

D.LOGICAL.OPERANDS – Populates operands

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