Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
The Passages
3 Wanda and Tina .............................................. 10 23 We All Scream for Ice Cream! ..................... 30
6 How Coyote Won His Dinner ........................ 13 26 The Panama Canal ........................................ 33
9 Yo-Yos Are Forever ......................................... 16 29 Who Says Ball Games Are for the Birds?.. 36
Quick Cloze Passages for Boosting Comprehension: Grades 4–6 © 2012 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
elcome to Quick Cloze Passages for Boosting Comprehension:
Grades 4–6. The cloze-format reading passages in this book
are designed to help you teach and reinforce vocabulary and
build key reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Each
engaging, fill-in-the-blank passage offers students opportunities to fill
in missing words from a companion word list. Because students must
interact with the text to fill in the missing words, they become active
participants in the reading process.
O Cool
One Cool-Loo
The cowhands of the Old West were pretty
cool characters. Fill in the blanks in this article
is easy to reproduce and distribute. The passages railroad stations, where they were loaded on trains and taken to market.
What did they wear, and why?
Cowhands always wore big hats to keep out the dirt and
Quick Cloze Passages for Boosting Comprehension: Grades 4–6 © 2012 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
water. They tapped their hats to say hello and waved them to
__________________________ happiness.
They wore __________________________ to keep dust out of their mouths.
page 6, you’ll find a listing of Flesch-Kincaid These cloths also came in handy as scarves and __________________________.
Cowhands wore long-sleeved shirts, vests, and jeans. Over their jeans,
cowhands wore leather __________________________ to protect their jeans
About It!
What pieces of clothing did cowhands wear, and why did
they wear them?
abilities. 18
• You can use the • To determine the right word for each blank, students practice key
reading comprehension skills, such as tapping prior knowledge of
activities to assess
students’ progress the topic and using context clues.
and to provide
preparation for • Atpractice
the end of each passage, a Think About It question gives students
in building different reading comprehension skills, such as
standardized tests.
To monitor students’ identifying details, comparing and contrasting, summarizing, and
work, see the answer making inferences. The chart at the bottom of page 6 shows the
key on page 48. skills targeted in the Think About It question for different passages.
Quick Cloze Passages for Boosting Comprehension: Grades 4–6 © 2012 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
Introducing the Cloze Passages
Model for students how to work with the cloze passages by having them
follow these steps:
1. Read the title, introduction, and then the passage. Get a feel for what
it’s about and why it was written. Don’t try to fill in any words yet.
2. Reread the entire passage. Think about the kind of word that might
fit each blank. Look at the other words in the sentence for clues about
the word that is missing.
3. Read through the word list. Look for the words that are closest in
meaning to the words you’re already considering.
4. When you find a match, write it in the blank.
5. When you’ve completed the passage, read it through with your
answers in place to make sure it makes sense.
Do More!
• Distribute the cloze passages without the word list. Let students try
to come up with their own vocabulary choices and read their passages
aloud to the class.
• Once students have gotten the hang of cloze passages, you can also
create your own using other classroom materials, such as picture books,
science texts, and social studies passages. Photocopy the passage once
and use correction fluid to create blank spaces. Include a word list of
the missing words in alphabetical order.
Quick Cloze Passages for Boosting Comprehension: Grades 4–6 © 2012 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
Readability Levels of the Passages
The chart below indicates the Flesch-Kincaid reading level for each of the passages.
You can use these grade-level scores to determine which passages are appropriate for
the abilities of different students.
3 Wanda and Tina RL 3.1 23 We All Scream for Ice Cream! RL 5.3
6 How Coyote Won His Dinner RL 3.8 26 The Panama Canal RL 5.6
9 Yo-Yos Are Forever RL 4.2 29 Who Says Ball Games Are for the Birds? RL 5.8
11 One Cool-Looking Cowhand RL 4.2 31 Kids Help Pass Safety Laws RL 6.3
Recognize Cause & Effect 2, 13, 28, 30, 31, 35 Make Inferences 5, 16, 19, 33, 38, 39
Compare & Contrast 1, 12, 21, 24 Identify Problem & Solution 3, 4, 15, 25, 26
6 Quick Cloze Passages for Boosting Comprehension: Grades 4–6 © 2012 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
Passage 1
Name ______________________________________________ Date ____________________
The Joke
Word List
The joke you told isn’t funny one bit.
It’s _________________________ and dull, wholly lacking in wit. considering
It’s so old and stale; it’s beginning to smell!
Besides, it’s the one I was going to tell.
—Anonymous pointless
The Puzzled Centipede
A centipede was happy quite
Quick Cloze Passages for Boosting Comprehension: Grades 4–6 © 2012 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
Until a frog in fun
Said, “Pray, which leg comes after which?”
This raised her mind to such a pitch,
She lay _________________________ in the ditch
_________________________ how to run.
A Fly and a Flea in a Flue
A fly and a flea in a flue Think
About It!
Were _________________________, so what could they do?
Said the fly, “Let us flee!”
How are these
“Let us fly!” said the flea, poems alike?
How are they
And they flew through a _________________________ in the flue. different?
Passage 2
Name ______________________________________________ Date ____________________
O ne day the sun and the wind had an argument. The wind Word List
_________________________ that he was stronger than the sun.
“Wrong,” replied the sun. “I am stronger than you.”
As they were _________________________, a woman came gentleness
“See that woman. Let’s see which of us can remove her coat.”
“Good idea,” the sun replied. “You go first.” So the wind started to blow.
He blew and blew, as hard as he could. Trees swayed almost to the ground, but
the woman only _________________________ her coat more tightly around
Now the sun began to shine. She shone down on the woman, until the
woman grew warm and _________________________ her coat. The sun kept
on shining. Soon, the woman removed her coat and laid it over her arm.
“Alas, you win,” said the wind to the sun. “Your
_________________________ has succeeded where my rudeness failed.”
How did the sun get the woman to remove her coat?
About It!
Passage 3
Name ______________________________________________ Date ____________________
W anda and Tina had been best friends for years. That’s why Word List
Wanda was so _________________________ one day when
Tina wouldn’t talk to her. She had saved Tina a seat in the
_________________________, but when Tina came in she lunchroom
Quick Cloze Passages for Boosting Comprehension: Grades 4–6 © 2012 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
mad at her? She thought about what she had done and said
_________________________. Was Tina upset because Wanda had done
better on the history test? No, Tina was _________________________
happy that Wanda did well at school.
Wanda decided to find out what was the matter. She walked over to
where Tina was sitting. “Tina,” she said softly, “Is something wrong?”
Tina looked up, _________________________ perplexed. Then
she realized who it was. “Oh, hi, Wanda,” she said. “Yes, something is wrong.
My cat Zorro died yesterday. I’ve been really sad. Thanks for asking. You’re a
true friend.” Wanda sat down next to her friend and gave her a big hug.
How did Wanda solve the problem she was having with Tina?
About It!
Passage 4
Name ______________________________________________ Date ____________________
What was Sam’s problem, and how did he solve it?
About It!
Passage 5
Name ______________________________________________ Date ____________________
A lonely Turtle wanted some new friends. So Turtle went to Word List
his __________________________, Elephant, who was happily
eating grass. Turtle said, “Elephant, let’s have a tug-of war in the
field. If I can stay on my feet, will you be my friend?” scissors
Quick Cloze Passages for Boosting Comprehension: Grades 4–6 © 2012 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
laughed, too. “All right, Turtle. If you win, we’ll be friends.”
So Turtle got some __________________________ and a long,
strong rope. He gave one end of the rope to Elephant and said, “Hold this
rope. Don’t pull until you hear me whistle.” Then Turtle took the other
end of the rope through the forest to Hippo and told him the same thing.
When Turtle whistled, Elephant and Hippo pulled and pulled and
huffed and puffed. After a while, Turtle cut the rope. Elephant and Hippo
both __________________________ down with a thud. Turtle’s plan
was a __________________________. Now Elephant, Hippo, and
Turtle are all friends.
What words would you use to describe Turtle?
About It!
Passage 6
Name ______________________________________________ Date ____________________
A t least three times a week, Coyote sneaked into Mr. Hank’s Word List
ranch and stole chickens or eggs.
“Coyote,” Mr. Hank said one day, “I’ll make you a deal. If you
can steal my clothes tonight, I’ll give you three chickens a week, nightshirt
That night, Mr. Hank told Mrs. Hank about the deal, putting
his clothes on a table in the bedroom. He sat on one side of the table in his
__________________________, and she sat on the other. Shortly, Mr. Hank
heard his horses running __________________________ outside. He asked
Mrs. Hank to __________________________ the clothes while he went to
Now Coyote went to the window and called in, “You’d better hand me
those clothes, dear. That __________________________ might steal them
while I’m gone.”
Mrs. Hank, thinking it was her husband, handed the clothes out the
window. And that is how Coyote earned his dinner for the rest of his life.
What happened just before Mr. Hanks left the bedroom?
About It!