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Supply and Demand Lesson Plan

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Intern Name: Janet Greaney

Lesson Title (Subject/Topic): Supply and Demand

Grade: Second
Length of Lesson: 30 minutes
Date Taught: 5/4/21
In this lesson…
Overview Students will learn supply and demand and how supply and demand directly
correlates with increase and decrease in prices.
SS.2.4.3 Explain that scarcity (limited resources) requires people to make
choices about producing and consuming goods and services.
Standards of
Learning SS.2.4.2 Distinguish between the use of barter and the use of money in the
exchange for goods and services.
What is supply?
What is demand?
Essential Questions What is economics and how does it affect our community?
How do supply and demand affect prices of goods and services?
Students will be able to…
Objectives Students will provide definitions for supply and demand.
Students will tell how supply and demand affect prices of goods and services.
I can determine the correlation between high supply and demand, and low
supply and demand.
Learning Target I can explain that scarcity requires people to make choices about producing
and consuming goods and services.
Necessary Prior Prior knowledge of goods and services, how businesses increase/decrease prices
due to supply and demand.
● Computer for closure activity
Materials ● SmartBoard
How does the demand of goods affect the supply of goods? In this lesson
students will examine the difference between supply and demand as well as
Introduction/Hook examine why stores and business increase/decrease prices due to supply and
● Introduction to what supply and demand is, and go over examples of
Instructional them
● Show visuals of examples to accommodate to visual learners
Activities & ● Discuss the supply and demand increase due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Strategies ● Discuss scarcity and how goods and services were scarce due to the
● Supply
● Demand
● Scarcity
Key Vocabulary or ● Producers
Concepts ● Consumers
● Goods
● Services
Kahoot was the closure activity and the assessment and they both were a great
Assessments assessment of their abilities.

Online game of Kahoot, going over the topics of supply and demand and how
Closure Activity they correlate to each other.

Accommodations None

Resources https://create.kahoot.it/share/supply-and-demand/09b1c444-f8a0-44a1-a991-b7

Reflection on a Lesson Plan Taught

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow
Intern Name: Janet Greaney
Lesson Title (Subject/Topic): Supply and Demand
Date of Lesson Taught: 4/4/21
Cooperating Teacher & School
Grade: Stava Second grade
Time of Day: Morning

1. What steps did you go through to create this lesson? With whom did you talk, discuss, or edit your
I discussed with my cooperating teacher about the lesson plan and what specific examples to include. Going
along with the lesson topic she provided, I was able to form my own lesson plan.

2. How did the SOLs and Objectives help focus your instruction?

The SOL Objectives guided my focus on the points that needed to be made, and steered me in the right
3. What parts of the instructional plan worked as you anticipated?
I was anticipating that the Kahoot would not work as anticipated, because of the difficulty of the questions, but
they knew all of the answers and were super excited to play!
4. What, if any, adjustments needed to be made once you began?
The only adjustments I would make would be to make the lesson longer. I could have added a few more
activities, but the lesson fit perfectly into their schedule.
5. How well did you anticipate the materials needed?
The materials needed were well anticipated. For this lesson the students did not need anything except for their
chromebooks for the Kahoot.
6. How effective was the assessment you chose to use? (If no assessment was used, what will the future
assessment be and how will you gauge its effectiveness?)
The Kahoot was the assessment and it was a fun way to gauge their comprehension of the lesson and the
effectiveness of the lesson.
7. To what degree do you feel that this lesson was a success? What evidence do you have for the success
of the lesson? (Hint: Student learning is the key to a lesson’s success!)
The students at the end of the lesson had a great understanding of the topic. I could tell they comprehended
the lesson when they understood the questions on their own on the Kahoot, and they kept asking questions to
further understand what they did not comprehend.

8. How did the time spent preparing for your lesson contribute to its success?
I spent time preparing this lesson over the weekend, trying to make this lesson engaging and fun for them to
interact with. I felt that the students learn best when they have fun and so I spent time making a fun game
while teaching them at the same time.

9. If you could do this lesson again with the same students, would you do anything differently? If so, what?
If I could do this lesson again, I would have more questions prepared for them to understand the concept of the
rise of demand leads to the decrease of supply and so forth.

10. Any last comments/reflections about your lesson?

This lesson was my favorite one to teach because I could relate the supply and demand of goods to the current
pandemic, which they are living in, so they understood that connection well.

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