RESEARCH PROPOSAL (Alavanzas, Alonday, Pena)
RESEARCH PROPOSAL (Alavanzas, Alonday, Pena)
RESEARCH PROPOSAL (Alavanzas, Alonday, Pena)
Alimodian, Iloilo
In Partial Fulfillment
Practical Research I
Peña, Dannah A.
February 2021
Alimodian, Iloilo
In this 21st century, the term “technology” is an important issue in many fields including
education. This is because technology has become the knowledge transfer highway in most
countries. Technology integration nowadays has gone through innovations and transformed our
societies that has totally changed the way people think, work and live (Grabe, 2007). As part of
this, schools and other educational institutions which are supposed to prepare students to live
in “a knowledge society” need to consider ICT integration in their curriculum (Ghavifekr, Afshari
innovation and improvement of efficiency for many sectors across the globe. In the education
sector, particularly, the application of ICT has become a critical part of the learning process for
integration in higher education under the scope of improving students’ achievement and
performance. This technology has become the knowledge transfer highway in most countries.
Technology integration nowadays has gone through innovations and transformed our societies
that has totally changed the way people think, work and live (Grabe, 2007). As part of this,
schools and other educational institutions which are supposed to prepare students to live in “a
knowledge society” need to consider ICT integration in their curriculum (Ghavifekr, Afshari &
The results of these studies demonstrate that children define the purpose of using
technology under three main categories as communication, game and research. If children
make the right and effective use of technology, they start being productive. This depends on
the way they define what technology is. As educationists, if we become aware of these facts,
we can guide children. Moreover, the purpose of use of technology and the effective skills of
using technology may also affect the professional preferences among children.
Looking into the relevant literature, it is discussed that the influence of the lack of
interest or negative approach among students towards science and technology on their future
vocation preferences is among the priority topics and it is observed that the use of technology
among students, their attitude towards technology and how these attitudes should be managed
are also the subjects of primacy. The interest of students towards technology also defines their
career objectives (de Vries, 2011; Osborne, Simon, & Collins, 2003; Van den Berghe & De
Martelaere, 2012).
This paper do not pretend to present a comparative study, we are interested in finding
out the results of impact of ICT in an individual experience. The students’ academic
performance refers to the enhancement of the students’ current state of knowledge and skills
reflected in their GPA and also in the formulation of their personality and academic growth from
lower levels of study to higher levels. The rationale of studying academic performance in the
context of ICT is to present a significant relationship that exists between the two variables.
Alimodian, Iloilo
This qualitative study investigates the impact of ICTs on students' access to knowledge.
Students face a variety of challenges, including English language issues, hearing issues, and
This study aims to determine the impact of ICT-related factors on students' academic
performance in ANCHS.
The present work is most significant one because information and communication
technologies are a factor which not only affect the social affairs but also influence the academic
excellence of students.
For the students, this study will expose the factors that cause students’ academic
success or failure using ICT and these will assist them in improving their academic performance
For the teachers, they will be aware of the factors that most influence student
performance and will be able to use this information to improve or develop their teaching
For Parents, they would be able to guide their children since they would be aware of
the factors that influence their children's learning. They should support their children in order
Alimodian National Comprehensive High School Furthermore. This study will be added as a
source of information, benefiting the school's name as the field of study as well as producing
Future researchers, this study can be used as a reference by researchers who want to
conduct a research study on ICT and student academic performance in the future. Also, they
can use this study as a reference for related studies, and this can be used as a reference for
This study is only bounded on determining the specific impacts of ICT on student's
High School in Alimodian, Iloilo. However, due to the pandemic, this study can also be
International research shows that to improve student achievement, it is not enough for
schools to provide access to ICTs; they must also provide real opportunities to use the
technologies as well as adequate quality of access (Selwyn, 2004). Opportunities to use ICTs
mean giving students a real chance to interact with the technology, which depends on multiple
factors, including the number of Internet-enabled computers that are available to them. Quality
of access has to do with the extent to which the available technology is easy to use and how
fast and smoothly it operates. This is measured by indicators such as real Internet connection
speeds and the ease of start-up operations, data exchange and backups of personal data.
Ensuring equity in the availability of ICTs is a basic condition for reducing the gap in access,
Student use of ICTs not only depends on the available opportunities, but also on the
type of activity that the new technologies are supporting in the school environment. Learning
models that develop cognitive skills and allow for educationally relevant uses should be created
and implemented. This leads to the second digital divide, which has to do not with differences
in access but rather with differences in uses of ICTs and the ability to benefit from them
Although children are interacting with technology in our day (via games, e-mail, and
chat), the meaning of technology from their eyes and what their understanding of technology
can be is still worth dealing with. Children’s definition of technology, which shapes life and has
become indispensable, the way and according to which means it is used, could impact the way
Alimodian, Iloilo
they make effective and conscious use of technology both during childhood and adulthood and
even their
Professional preference. There are many studies about how children make use of technology
(Chaudron, 2015; Gronn, Scott, Edwards, & Henderson, 2014; McKenney & Voogt, 2010). The
results of these studies demonstrate that children define the purpose of using technology under
three main categories as communication, game and research. If children make the right and
effective use of technology, they start being productive. This depends on the way they define
what technology is. As educationists, if we become aware of these facts, we can guide children.
Moreover, the purpose of use of technology and the effective skills of using technology may
also affect the professional preferences among children. Ardies, De Maeyer and Gijbels (2015)
have noted that the interest of children in technology increases every day and as they age and
that the students that use technology effectively or that attend classes about technology tend
With the development of learning technologies in the late 20th century, education
system has changed rapidly. This is due to the capability of technology to provide a proactive,
easy access and comprehensive teaching and learning environment. Nowadays, Ministry of
education in all over the world has provide a lot of facilities and training in order to enhance the
use of advanced technologies in the countries’ teaching and learning process. A high budget
has been placed in order to provide the equipment needed by teachers to improve the
education system.
Alimodian, Iloilo
Despite all the efforts, most of the countries are facing similar problem whereby the
teachers are not maximizing the usage of the technology provided (Albirini, 2006). This has
become a serious matter as many previous researches have proven the usage of ICT in
teaching and learning process could improve students’ achievement (Nakayima, 2011,
et al., 2013). Many, researchers have taken an effort to analyse the factors that affecting
teachers’ acceptance of ICT usage in the classrooms (Capan, 2012; Virkus, 2008; Zhang, 2013;
Dudeney, 2010). It shows that, the major barrier of the implementation was the teachers’ belief
as the teachers are the person who implements the change in their teaching and learning
process. Moreover, previous research (Cassim & Obono, 2011) shows that the correlation of
teachers’ belief and the use of ICT are high. Teachers’ role is getting more important especially
in usage of ICT in pedagogy which could increase the achievement of the students, their
Related Studies
Integration of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) will assist teachers to the
and learning tools and facilities. In Malaysia, ICT is considered as one of the main elements in
transforming the country to the future development. The Ministry of Education, through the
latest Education Blue print (2013-2025), insights the importance of technology-based teaching
and learning into the schools’ national curriculum. This study aims to analyze teachers’
10 public secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The data for this quantitative research
were analysed for both descriptive and inferential statistic using SPSS (version 21) software.
The results indicate that ICT integration has a great effectiveness for both teachers and the
students. Findings indicate that teachers’ well-equipped preparation with ICT tools and facilities
Factors in success of technology-based teaching and learning. . It was also found that
professional development training programs for teachers also played a key role in enhancing
students’ quality learning. For the future studies, there is a need for consideration of other
aspects of ICT integration especially from management point of view in regard to strategic
Views of Students about Technology, Effects of Technology on Daily Living and their
Professional Preferences
The aim of this study is to examine the views of students about technology and their
professional preferences and put forth the correlation between professional preferences and
views about technology. For this purpose, in a private school in Ankara, 109 students from 6th
and 7th grades were asked about their views on what technology is, the benefits and harms of
technology and also about the professions they would like to perform in the future. The study
was designed with phenomenological method, which is one of the qualitative research designs,
and it was found as a result of the study that technology is defined under three main categories
Alimodian, Iloilo
as an instrument that makes things / people’s lives easier, a technical advancement and
improvement tool, a tool for production / an instrument of production. Students explained the
information / providing the sharing of information, whereas they expressed its harms as
addiction, wasting of time and cyber threats. Lastly, considering the correlation between the
professional preferences of students and their views about technology, it was found that there
is an existing correlation where the quality of the profession is coherent with the views about
technology. From this perspective, suggestions were developed for future studies.
The study was on the Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on the
students and his/her information to access in the Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan. A
sample of 50 respondents (students) was selected from the department of Political science,
Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. However, related
literatures were reviewed from textbooks, journals and past researches. The research
instruments were questionnaire which was statically analyzed with contingency tables while the
hypotheses were tested by using the mean statistic. The results of the present study
showed a diverse response of the student regarding the impact of ICT’s on the students and
Definition of Terms:
ICT- or information and communications technology, is the infrastructure and components that
In this study ICT refers to all devices, networking components, applications and systems
GPA- a grade point average is a number representing the average value of the accumulated
Digital Age- a historical period that began in the mid-20th century, characterized by a rapid
Knowledge Society- generates, shares and makes available to all members of the society
Academic Performance- is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained
By conducting a research this study will use a Phenomenological Research Design. The
the opinions and experiences of students using ICT on learning. Thus, it states that each
situation or experience can only be experienced by a single person who has gained new
perceptions and insights. The insights from this study may be beneficial to others and is
considered as the primary goal of research. Moreover, phenomenological human beings. This
can be achieved by figuring-out the meaning of the experiences and human beings lived
experiences essences.
Prior to data gathering, the researchers prepared an informed consent letter to be given
to the respondents of the study. The data-gathering procedure will be done in form of one-to-
one interview in which the researcher took written notes. All interviews will be recorded, the
Data Analysis
Interviews were transcribed in preparation for the data analysis. Coding techniques were
utilized to maintain confidentiality. Samples will undergo the interview to get the data needed to
Validity of Instruments
The initial draft of the interview will be checked by the researcher adviser and will be
Reliability of Instruments
instrument can also be used to verify the credibility of the subject. It will be conducted in six
The case of Syrian EFL teachers. Computers & Education, 47(4), 373-398.
Ardies, J., De Maeyer, S., & Gijbels, D. (2015). A longitudinal study on boys’ and girls’ career
Capan, S.A. (2012). Teacher Attitudes towards Computer Use in EFL Classrooms. Frontiers of
Cassim, K. M., & Obono, S. E. (2011). On the factors affecting the adoption of ICT for the
study across seven countries. Joint Research Center. Report EUR 27052 EN. 15.06.2017
Ghavifekr, S., Abd Razak, A.Z., Ghani, M.F.A., Ran, N.Y., Meixi, Y. & Tengyue, Z. (2014). ICT
Ghavifekr, S., Afshari, M., & Amla Salleh. (2012). Management strategies for E-Learning system
as the core component of systemic change: A qualitative analysis. Life Science Journal,
9(3), 2190-2196.
Grabe, M., & Grabe, C. (2007). Integrating technology for meaningful learning (5th ed.).
Hargittai, E. (2002), “Second-level digital divide: difference in people’s online skills”, First /942/864.
Alimodian, Iloilo
Nakayima, J. K. (2011). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioural intention to
use and actual system usage in Centenary Bank (Doctoral dissertation, Makerere
Osborne, J., Simon, S., & Collins, S. (2003). Attitudes towards science: A review of the
literature and its implications. International Journal of Science Education, 25(9), 1049-
Selwyn, N. (2004), “Reconsidering political and popular understandings of the digital divide”,