Shree Jagannath in Astrology: Orissa Review July - 2010
Shree Jagannath in Astrology: Orissa Review July - 2010
Shree Jagannath in Astrology: Orissa Review July - 2010
(This paper was presented by the author to the it is Dwaraka, in the north it is Badrinath and in
august audience of the 8th Asian Astrologers' the south it is Rameswaram. In the concept of
Conference on 15th May, 2005 held at Paura Adi Shankaracharya, Puri is the prime and the
Sadan Auditorium in Puri, Orissa, from 14th May foremost Dham among all the four Dhams. The
to 16th May, 2005) name of this Dham is otherwise known as Mukti
Thy name Jagannath is Universally popular Dham or Baikuntha Dham and it has its own
not only among the Hindus as special peculiarities. In this holy place renowned
their prime deity but also it is devotees like Bhakta Salabeg,
equally popular among people Dasia Bauri. Bandhu Mohanty,
subscribing to other religions. Guru Nanak, Jayadeva,
The word Jagannath is a Ganapati Bhatt a, Adi
combination of two words Jagat Shankaracharya had their
and Nath. Jagat means the special emotions. This Dham
Universe, Nath means the of Lord Jagannath, Puri has its
Lo rd. It represent s that own specialties which are not
Jagannath is the Lord of the found in any other God or
Universe. Perhaps it is the only Goddess of other religions.
Hindu God, who represents the The special quality of this
Universe and equally popular Dham is that it has no
irrespective of caste, creed and similarities with any Temple,
religion. Gurudwara, Church, Mosque or place of worship
Jagannath is the symbol of unity and of any religion.
integrity of all religions of the world. He neither 1. The first and foremost speciality of Lord
represents any religion, division, class, caste, Jagannath is that He is made up of a piece of
community nor any region and country. He is Neem (Margosa) tree, which we call Daru or
above all. Jagatguru Adi Shankaracharya has given Mahadaru and the Lord is known as Daru
privilege to the four holy places of India known Debata The other deities are made of clay, rock
as Chaturdham . In the east it is Puri, in the west or metals.
Orissa Review July - 2010
2. Secondly, in the whole of the world not separately and it is one of the biggest festivals of
only in Hinduism but also in any other religion there the world, popularly known as the car festival.
is no concept of changing of body, what is known The deities left the temple and carried in different
as Ghata Parivartan or Nabakalebar except chariots pulled by the devotees irrespective of
in the case of Lord Jagannath. The year in which caste, creed, colour and religion, which laid the
the body of Jagannath will be changed is fixed by foundation of Indian Democracy.
the Astrologers. It is a year when there are two 6. Sixthly, during the car festival the King of
months of Asadha which usually comes in a cycle Puri sweeps the cars as an humble servant of Lord
of 12-18 years, That year is earmarked for the Jagannath, and the incident binds the king and
changing of the Ghata or the change of the body the subjects with their God in a singular mood.
of Lord Jagannath. The Lord Jagannath leaves
the old body and dons a new body. 7. Seventhly, here in a calendar year, one
can not have the Darshan of the Lord Jagannath
3. Thirdly, while in other places the Gods for the entire period because in a calendar year
are worshipped with their consorts as Radha- before the car festival the Lord Jagannath goes
Krishna, Rama-Sita, Laxmi-Narayana Shiva- for Anabasara or Anasara which is known
Parvati, in this Jagannath Dham Lord Jagannath as period for the rest of the deities or in our local
is worshipped with his elder brother Balabhadra tradition Lords suffer from fever due to heavy
known as Bada Thakura and younger sister bath on the Debasnanapurnima day During this
known as Subhadra . It represents the universal period Ayurvedic treatment is rendered by the
brotherhood and human unity and integrity. Daitapatis to cure the deities. So the devotees
Perhaps Swami Vivekananda has learned the can have their Darshan of the Patta Dian that is
concept of universal brotherhood from this Dham, the replica of the Lords painted in bamboo-
when he addressed the audience in the Chicago fabricated panels and it is worshipped and
World Religion Conference as my dear brothers presented for the Darshan of general public.
and sisters . During this period only the Daitapatis or the
4. Fourthly, Lord Jagannath is the only deity Sevakas perform the duties of the Lord.
who is unfinished. Lord Jagannath has no leg, arm, 8. Lord Jagannath s car festival goes for nine
ear but he is the first and the last God to give days, which represent nine planets. As we know
penance or Mokshya , that is why the sacred from Kalidas s Uttar Kalamrutta there are only
land of Puri is universally popular as the Mukti seven planets. According to seven planets the
Dham . So it is called as a point of full stop for seven days are named. Later on, two shadow
devotion and fulfillment. planets are included in the study of Astrology,
5. Fifthly, no God in the universe leaves his known as Rahu and Ketu. They are known as
Peetha (original place) except Lord Jagannath. nodal planets or half-made planets. The nine days
In the Ashadha Sukla Dwitiya or the second long car festival of Lord Jagannath represents
day of Ashadha the Lord Jagannath along with Nabagraha. It is a belief in the Hindu tradition
His younger sister Subhadra, elder brother Lord that those who have darshan of Lord Jagannath
Balabhadra and Sudarshan mounts on three during the car festival including the first and last
chario ts known as the Nandighosh , days or the return yatra, will remain free from the
Darpadalan and Taladhwaj respectively and clutches of Nabagraha. That man will be blessed
Orissa Review July - 2010
or graced by the Lord Jagannath in the form of universe. Lord Jagannath being the Lord of
Nabagraha and will be free from the chain of the Universe, is directly or indirectly related to this
mundane world or Maya . Astro-solar system such as:
9. Lastly, Jagannath is the only God in this 1. The two large rounded eyes of Lord
Universe without having any gender and is called Jagannath represent the Sun and the
as genderless God. Jagannath represents Moon that is the Surya and the Chandra.
Parambrahma or Paramatma because Atma
or Brahma has no gender. 2. Blood-red lips of Lord Jagannath
represent Mangal or Mars.
Some say Lord Jagannath is the black
planet Saturn, some say He is Kali , the force 3. In the Chariot Jagannath in the form of
and source of feminine, others say He is the Bamana represents Budha (the dwarf
Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswar or Shristi, Sthithi and planet) or you can call the symbol of
Vilaya, some describe Jagannath as the Kala wisdom and knowledge.
meaning time as time has no gender while 4. In yellow clothes and golden decorated
some ascribe Him as Maha Vishnu or costumes Lord Jagannath represents
Purusottama the best in human form. Bruhaspati.
Shree Jagannath is not only associated 5. The quality of art of love of Jagannath
with religion but also related to Literature, Art, represents for Venus.
Politics, Culture, Science, Economics, Astrology,
Vastu, Tantra, Mantra and Jantra. The glory, 6. The black colour of Lord Jagannath
speciality and sanctity of Shree Jagannath and His represents Saturn.
Kshetra find mention in many Purans like the 7. The unfinished body of Lord Jagannath
Matsya Purana, Brahma Purana, Narad Purana, represents the incompleted planets of
Padma Puran, Kapila Samhita, Niladrimahodaya Rahu and Ketu.
and the Utkal Khanda of the Skanda Purana.
Besides Jagannath has been described amply in Thus Jagannath represents for the
the famous Tantric works like Kalika Purana, universe or Brahmanda . The Tini Thakura or
Rudrayamala. Brahmayamala, Tantrayamala etc. three deities known as Jagannath, Balabhadra and
In a nut shell, Lord Jagannath is the lifeblood of Subhadra represent for Lagna, Rashi and
each study and is a subject starting from the Nakshyatra (the Ascendent, the Moon sign and
cosmic world to small molecular spirit. the Star sign) or Jivan, Jouban and Mrutyu, (life,
The study of Lord Jagannath originates youth and death) or Jala, Sthala and Akasha.
with the origin of the Universe. In the opinion of (Land, Water and Sky), the Day, Evening and
the Astrologers or the Astro-scientists there are Night. Lord Jagannath is also called as the Lord
nine planets, Ravi, Chandra, Mangal, Buddha, of Creation, Operation and Destruction. It says
Brihaspati, Sukra, Sani, Rahu and Ketu known that the entire study of the universe comes under
as Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, the study of cosmic science. The cosmic science
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. begins and ends with Lord Jagannath.
These planets are completely influencing In a concluding remark I can say that
the living world and the living beings of the Astrology is originated with the study of cosmic
Orissa Review July - 2010
ray of the planets and its colour. Again it comes world is in the south east corner of the Lord
under the study of Lord Jagannath. As you know Jagannath temple and it is also located on the south
the greatest Indian Ast ronomer and east corner of our country which means Agnee
Mathematician Aryabhatta is credited with in the Agneya Kona . Thus it is balancing our
providing the concept of Zero to the world. inbalanced Vastu and therefore, so the Bharat
Astrology is also a study of Zero. The shape of Bhumi has its unity and integrity in all aspects.
earth is like a Zero, the Sun is like a Zero and the In terms of Mantra, Jantra and Tantra
Moon is also like a Zero so all the planets are like Lord Jagannath is known as Parambrahma.
Zero. Brahma is the only Universal truth while other
Zero plus Zero is Zero things are myth. But it is the only truth that Brahma
Zero minus Zero is Zero has no shape, no colour, no gender and out of
So, Jagannath is made of two big Zeros imagination what the Jagannath represents for.
and it is equal to Zero. Thus Jagannath represents The cosmic energy has originated from
Sunya or Nothingness as: the universe and the universe has originated from
Sunya to Mahasunya the Lord Jagannath. Lord Jagannath is the first
Mahasunya to Lina and the last study of Jantra, Mantra and Tantra.
Lina to Brahma The occult study begins and ends with Lord
Brahma to Parambrahma Jagannath.
Parambrahma to Mukti or Mokshya. The Buddhist Philosophy surrenders here
So Jagannath is Purna Brahma or it says that Lord Jagannath is the incarnation of
nothingness of the nothingness Buddha. It was also recorded that Lord Jesus
Om Purna Madah Purna Midam Purnat Christ came to Puri before his crucification. Guru
Puma Mudachyatee Nanak, Shankaracharya, Jaya Dev, Shi
Purnasya Purna Madaya, Puma Meba Chaitanya had got their divine source of energy
Basisyatee from the prime God Jagannath.
The study o f Astrology remains Here the study of Astrology opens its
uncomplete without referring to Vastu, Jantra, preface from the sacred sands of Bada Danda
Mantra and Tantra. If you look at the geographical (Grand Road) and also ends there.
location of the country or the Vastu of our country,
it is totally unfavourable. So our social, economic
and other conditions in all aspects are not highly
developed. Except temple of Lord Jagannath the
directions of Vastu of our country are Dr. Pradeep Kumar Choudhury lives at Qtrs.
unfavourable. The biggest kitchen oven of the No. VA-34/4, Unit -II, Bhubaneswar- 751 009.