2/ cordless (a.) không dây = wireless (of a phone or an electrical tool) not connected to its power supply by
a cordless phone/drill
3/ prosthesis(n): bộ phận nhân tạo cơ thể người (an artificial part of the body, for example a leg, an eye or a
- The fields avoid the prosthesis and are arranged to obtain the best dose distribution possible.
4/ coarse (a.) chất lượng thấp, thô ((of skin or cloth) rough)
4/ debit = pay (a sum of money taken from a bank account)
7/ centenarian(n) người sông lâu trăm tuổi(someone who live 100 years old or more)
13/ squirm (v.) to move from side to side in an awkward way, sometimes because of nervousness,
embarrassment, or pain
- Nobody spoke for at least five minutes and Rachel squirmed in her chair with embarrassment.
- The fish squirmed on the ground for a few moments and then lay still.