Teeth Common Concerns FTNW
Teeth Common Concerns FTNW
Teeth Common Concerns FTNW
Teeth: common concerns
How do teeth develop? page 3
Teething page 4
Early teething page 4-
Early adult teeth page 5-
Late teething page 6-
Unusual sequence page 7
Missing teeth page 8-
Extra teeth page 10-
Widely spaced teeth page 11-
First teeth don’t fall out page 12
First teeth fall out early page 13
Cleft lip and/or palate page 13-
Malocclusion Incorrect alignment between jaws page 14-
Crooked teeth page 16-
Teeth in the wrong place page 17
Crowded teeth page 17-
Small teeth page 18-
Large teeth page 19
Taurodont teeth page 19
Unusually shaped teeth page 20-
Double teeth page 20
Poor enamel and dentine page 21-
Some genes page 23-
Some syndromes page 24-
References page 26
Resources page 26
What are teeth made of?
Teeth are made of three layers of hard material found nowhere else in the body.
Enamel is the hard covering.
Dentine is the slightly elastic tissue that forms most of the tooth. In the US, it’s
Pulp is the material beneath the dentine where the blood vessels and nerves
Cementum is a thin layer of hard tissue covering the root.
Cusps and fissures are pointed projections and grooves on the biting surface.
What are genes?
Genes are the basic units of heredity. They act as
instructions to make molecules called proteins.
Humans have about 20,000 genes in their
Cell chromosomes.
Dentists sometimes use technical words. Sometimes other words mean the
same thing.
First teeth Baby teeth Milk teeth Primary teeth Temporary teeth
Adult teeth Permanent teeth Big teeth Secondary teeth Second teeth
Erupt Appear Emerge Break through Come through
Fall out Lose Shed Exfoliate
Front tooth Incisor Incisors can be central (middle) or lateral (side)
Back tooth Molar
Wisdom tooth Third molar
Top Maxillary Upper
Bottom Mandibular Lower
Contralateral The tooth in the same position on the other side of the mouth
A baby’s first teeth start to form at around week 6 in pregnancy.
Around 4 months into pregnancy the first teeth start to absorb calcium.
Adult teeth start to form during pregnancy, at around week 20.
The adult teeth start to absorb calcium when a baby is around 4 months old.
Teeth usually appear in the same order and around the same age. Generally,
bottom teeth come through before top teeth, and girls’ teeth come through
earlier than boys’.
We usually have 20 first teeth. First teeth usually start to appear between 4-6
months and one year. The last of the first teeth to come through are usually the
back (second) molars, which generally appear by 2½ to 3 years, although it can
be later.
A ‘typical’ teething
chart. In children
with chromosome
disorders, teeth can
come through early
or late, and in an
unusual order.
There is quite often
more than one
dental problem.
We usually have 32 adult teeth. Adult teeth usually come through between 6-7
years (bottom front teeth) and 13 years (back molars). Third molars (wisdom
teeth) usually come through between 17-21 years, if they appear at all.
In children with chromosome disorders, teeth can erupt in a different order.
Pain pathways are late to develop in some children with a chromosome
disorder, so they may show no discomfort when teething.
Early teething
Some babies are born with visible teeth, or they come through in
the first month. They usually have very shallow roots or no roots
at all. If the tooth is loose or gets in the way of feeding, it needs
to be removed to prevent a baby swallowing it. Natal and
neonatal teeth are usually a baby’s normal first teeth.
Unique has records of late teethers with these diagnoses, starting with the most
common: an extra X chromosome, especially 48,XXXX (tetrasomy X) and
49,XXXXY; 15q26 deletions; 1q32q42 duplication; 4q12q21 deletion (in one child, 2
years); 9p duplications; 10q26 deletions; Pallister-Killian syndrome; 19p13.13
microdeletion syndrome; 2q37 deletion; 1q21.1 microdeletion; 1q24 deletion;
2q24 deletion; 2q11q21 duplication; ring 2; 3p25 deletion; 3q27q29 deletion; 44p
duplication; q21 deletion; 4q28 deletion; 4q25q31 duplication; 5p15.3 deletion;
5q14.3q15 deletion; 5q15q22 deletion; 6p25p24 duplication; 6q14q15 duplication;
6q25.3 duplication; 7q11.22 microdeletion; 7q31q32 deletion; 7q36.2 deletion;
7q11.23 duplication; 7q36.1 duplication; 8p12 interstitial deletion; 8p23
duplication; 9q22q31 deletion; 9q32q34.1 deletion; Kleefstra syndrome (9q34.3
deletion); ring 9; 10q23.2 deletion; 11p15.4 deletion; 12q14.3q14 deletion; 13q12
interstitial deletion; 14q13q21 deletion; 15q24.1q24.2 deletion; idic 15; 16p13.11
microdeletion; 16p11.2 microduplication; 17p13.3 deletion; Koolen-de Vries
syndrome (17q21.31 deletion); 19q13.4 microdeletion; 22q11.2 deletion; Emanuel
syndrome (partial trisomy 22); Xp11.23p11.22 duplication; an extra Y
chromosome. In addition, late teething was seen in children with a variety of
dual imbalances, usually involving a loss of DNA from one chromosome and
extra DNA on another. The X chromosome was involved in 38 per cent of these
cases. In one child with loss of DNA from Xp22.3, first teeth erupted at 2 years.
It is more unusual for families to tell Unique that adult teeth erupted late.
Families with these disorders have had that experience: 1p31p22 deletion;
7q22q31 deletion. However, many families say that their child’s first teeth are
delayed in falling out. When the first teeth are late to fall out, the adult teeth are
often late to erupt.
Unusual sequence
In typically developing babies the teeth erupt in a well known order, very roughly
starting at the bottom and working from the middle to the back. This order is
disrupted in some babies with chromosome disorders. Unique records show
that when tooth sequence is disrupted it is very common to have other dental
concerns as well, especially late teething and missing teeth.
There is nothing that you as a parent can do to change this, but it can help to be
aware that back teeth can come through while front teeth are still missing.
Some babies are upset while their back teeth are coming through, and need to
bite or gnaw to help their discomfort.
Unique’s records show that teeth erupted in an unusual sequence in babies with
these chromosome disorders: 2q33.1 deletion; 3q26.33 deletion; 3q29 deletion;
5q13.33 duplication; 6q25.3 duplication; 8q23.1 interstitial duplication;
9q33.3q34.11 deletion; an extra ring chromosome 9; 10q26 deletion; 12p
duplication; 15q26 deletion; 22q11.2 deletion; Phelan-McDermid syndrome
(22q13.3 deletion).
Missing teeth
Missing teeth Hypodontia This is severe if more
than 6 teeth are missing, excluding wisdom
teeth (3rd molars)
Oligodontia More than 6 teeth missing, excluding
wisdom teeth (3rd molars)
Anodontia Total failure of first or adult teeth to
develop No teeth at all
Tooth that doesn’t come through Unerupted There is a close link between
tooth missing teeth, very small
Resorption Dissolving of part of the tooth within teeth and unusually formed
the bone – usually the root. teeth, especially cone-shaped
Tooth erupts but then gets submerged in the teeth.
gum Infraocclusion Submerged Ankylosed
When a tooth does not appear, you won’t know at first why: is it in the jawbone
but invisible, or is it really missing? A dental X-ray will give the answer, if this is
possible and justifiable. If an X-ray shows an embryonic tooth, but a tooth does
not come through, it may be because it is in the wrong position or there is not
enough room in the jaw. The developing tooth becomes impacted. It may be
possible with surgery to free enough space for the tooth to come through. If it is
not possible to remove other teeth to allow the impacted tooth through, it will
often stay within the jaws without causing problems, but may damage or resorb
the roots of neighbouring teeth.
Sometimes a tooth erupts, but then gets submerged in the gum. This is most
common in children who take particular medicines to control their epilepsy: one
of the effects of some anti epilepsy drugs is to make the gums enlarge [see
Looking after your child’s teeth Medicines ].
Having some missing adult teeth is not as unusual as you may think. Between
one person in 12 and 1 in 30 has one or more missing adult teeth. If you include
wisdom teeth (third molars), it’s even more common: more than 1 person in 5
has missing wisdom teeth. But missing teeth are probably more common in
people with chromosome disorders. The teeth that usually fail to appear are the
bottom second premolars and the top lateral incisors [see Diagram, page 5].
When just one top lateral incisor is missing, the other can be peg-shaped or
It’s not so common to be missing 6 or more teeth (severe hypodontia). This
affects about 1 person in 400. Having no teeth at all (anodontia) is really very
rare, and we have not seen this at Unique.
Missing first teeth is less common. Less than 1 baby in 100 is missing any of the
20 first teeth. You’ll know by 3-4 years old if the tooth is really missing. Usually if
the baby tooth is missing, the adult tooth will also be missing.
Missing teeth is linked with many syndromes, including chromosome disorders.
Sometimes there is a pattern to the missing teeth. Opposite pairs of teeth, or
groups of teeth are missing. More often it’s haphazard.
The cause of missing teeth is usually genetic, although the environment can
have an influence. How common it is varies around the world, and it is more
common among females than males.
There is a close link between missing teeth, very small teeth and unusually
formed teeth, especially cone-shaped teeth – all can be caused by disruption in
the same genes. Among those with an extra X chromosome, some of the other
teeth may be very large.
Among children with chromosome disorders the impact of missing teeth on
feeding and chewing needs to be assessed in the context of any low muscle tone
in the face and mouth, and any impact on speech and language development.
Gaps caused by missing adult teeth can be filled either by using braces to
reposition teeth, by transplanting a tooth from an overcrowded part of the
mouth, or by using a dental implant, or even false teeth. Among children with
chromosome disorders, the benefits
are balanced against any stress the
child feels about dental visits, and their
ability to cope with interventions in
their mouth.
Spaces in the smile can be disguised by
a variety of techniques, but is often best
planned by a specialist dental team
rather than a family dentist. It should
be remembered that although the teeth
happen to be in the middle of a smile,
we smile with our whole face, eyes
included. Perfect teeth are not
essential for a lovely smile. Total
anodontia can be very difficult to
manage, particularly if there is any
developmental delay which makes
A lovely smile coping with full dentures difficult.
Unique’s records show that missing
teeth were especially common among young men and women with extra X
chromosomes, and to a lesser extent among young men with extra Y
chromosomes. Those with 48,XXYY were most likely to report missing teeth.
Missing teeth were also seen repeatedly in people with Koolen-de Vries
syndrome and 1q32q42 duplications, 2q37 deletions, 3q27 deletions, 4p
duplications and 7q11.22 deletions (one top front tooth). Missing teeth were also
seen in people with these disorders: 1q4243 deletion; 1q44 deletion; 2q12
interstitial duplication; 3p25 deletion; Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (8 teeth
missing); 4q31 deletion; 4p15.1 duplication; 6p25p22 duplication; 7q34 deletion;
7q36 deletion; 8p21 deletion; trisomy 8 mosaicism; Alfi’s syndrome (9p22
deletion); Kleefstra syndrome (9q34 deletion); trisomy 9p; 13q32q34 deletion;
14q11.2q13.1 duplication; 15q13.2q13.2 deletion; 15q26.1 deletion; 15q13q21
duplication; idic 15; 16p11.2 microdeletion; 16q11.2q12 deletion; 17p13.3
deletion; 17p12 duplication; 17p13.1 microduplication; 18p deletion. In addition,
missing teeth were seen in children with a variety of dual imbalances involving a
loss of DNA from one chromosome and extra DNA on another: chromosomes 4
and 8; 5 and 9; and 13 and 18 were involved.
Extra teeth
Extra teeth Supernumerary teeth Supplemental teeth Hyperdontia Many extra
Mesiodens Extra top front tooth
Paramolar Extra top molar usually on the cheek side of the gum, rather than
the mouth side
It’s not uncommon to have an extra tooth. At least
1 to 3 people in every 100 have an extra adult tooth.
An extra first tooth is not so common. Extra adult
teeth are more common in men than women. Extra
teeth are more common in people with a cleft
palate. Generally speaking, more than 90 per cent
of extra teeth are in the upper jaw, and most
commonly in the midline of the upper jaw.
A small extra tooth in the
Extra teeth can be shaped like the teeth they are
middle of the top jaw
next to, but usually have an abnormal shape.
Sometimes they erupt fused with the neighbouring tooth.
The cause of extra teeth is still not understood. Genes are known to play an
important role. Among other theories, one is that when the tooth bud forms at 6
weeks of pregnancy, it splits in two, creating two teeth; another is that extra
teeth are evolutionary throw-backs, revealing teeth that were seen in our
ancestors but have disappeared in modern man.
Sometimes the extra teeth are found in the jaws when your child has a dental X-
ray. Usually they are first noticed when they erupt as an unusually-shaped tooth,
or when their presence delays the eruption of an adult tooth. If an upper central
incisor fails to erupt within 6 months of its partner, X-ray investigation is
recommended. Depending on the position, and the effect the extra teeth have on
the other teeth, they may require extraction or be left alone.
Unique’s records show that extra teeth were especially common among young
men and women with trisomy 8 mosaicism and other duplications of the short
arm of chromosome 8; in people with 7q33 deletion (or duplication); and in
people with 15q26 deletion. They were also found in people with 1q42.2
duplication; 2p15p16.1 deletion; 3q duplication; 4p duplication; 4q27q31 deletion;
6q27 duplication; 7q11q21 duplication; 9p deletion; trisomy 9 mosaicism;
10q25q26 duplication; 15q11.2 microdeletion; 16p proximal deletion; 22q11.2
duplication; and dual imbalances involving a loss of DNA from one chromosome
and extra DNA on another: chromosomes 4 and 8; 4 and 10; 8 and 15; and 19 and
22 were involved.
has been recorded in young men and women with 1q21.1 microdeletion; 2p16.3
deletion; 4q21 deletion; 6q13q16 deletion; idic 15; 16p terminal deletion;
tetrasomy X; and dual imbalances involving
extra DNA on chromosomes 6q24.1 and
The palate is often narrow and the teeth are relatively large and crowded, so it’s
hard to keep them clean, and free of decay, and for the dentist to get access.
Children with a cleft need the same dental care as other children but they also
need early evaluation by a dentist familiar with clefts. This is usually arranged
through a cleft team or craniofacial treatment centre. Orthodontic evaluation
can be before the child has any teeth, to assess facial growth, especially the
growth of the jaws. If any surgery is needed, dental and other surgery is usually
scheduled to coincide so the child has no more surgical operations than
Unique’s records show that midline dental problems were especially common
among young men and women with an 18p deletion (single front tooth). They
also occurred in people with a 2q duplication; 3q27 duplication; 4p duplication;
9q21 microdeletion; duplication 17p12; 18q22 deletion; and a 7; 12 unbalanced
Crooked teeth
Crooked teeth are the most common single dental concern voiced by Unique
members. The crowding, rotation or misalignment of teeth are all particular
types of malocclusion and thus treatment is usually provided by a specialist
orthodontist. Your child’s general dentist will assess the position of the affected
tooth or teeth, and advise on treatment and the options for referral.
Unique’s records show that crooked teeth were especially common among
children with 18p deletions or ring 18; trisomy 8 mosaicism or 8p duplications;
17p13 duplications; extra X chromosomes or duplications of Xp or Xq; 22q13
deletions (Phelan-McDermid syndrome); 2q24 deletions; deletions of 4q31; 5p15
duplication; 7q35 deletion; and 21q11 deletion.
Crooked teeth also occurred in children with 1q21.1 microdeletion; 1q23q25
duplication; 1q32q42 duplication; 2p11.2p13 deletion; 2p22.3 duplication;
2q32q33 deletion; 3p25 deletion; 4p duplication; 4q28q35 duplication; 6q12q14
deletion; 6q16.3 deletion; 6q22q23 deletion; 7q22q31 duplication; 8q12q22
duplication; 9p23 deletion (Alfi syndrome); 9p duplication; 9q33q34 deletion;
11q24 deletion; 12q21 deletion; 13q13.3 deletion; 13q14q22 deletion; ring 13;
14q11q13 duplication; maternal uniparental disomy 14; idic 15; 15q13.3 deletion;
16p11.2 microdeletion; 16p12 deletion; 17p11.2 duplication (Potocki-Lupski
syndrome); 17q12 deletion; 18q21 deletion; 20p12.3 deletion; Emanuel
syndrome; and dual imbalances between chromosomes 1 and 6; 2 and 18; 3 and
8; 4 and 9, 10, 13, 15 or 18; 6 and 10; 8 and 12; 15 and 22; 16 and 18; 18 and 21 or
22; and 21 and the Y chromosome.
Crowded teeth
Crowded teeth are a common complaint among Unique members – more so
than teeth with gaps. The cause may be big teeth, a small jaw, extra teeth, odd
tooth positions, or a mixture of any or all of these. Both first and adult teeth can
be crowded. Teeth can be so crowded they overlap, occasionally to give the
appearance of parallel rows. Crowded teeth are more prone to decay because
they are more difficult to clean. Encourage
brushing after every main meal, use a high
concentration fluoride toothpaste, and limit
sweet, sticky food and starchy foods. Fluoride
mouthwash can be difficult to use frequently
enough to be effective. The current
recommendation for home fluoride use is to use a
specially prescribed high fluoride concentration
tooth paste, and spit but not rinse after brushing.
In severe crowding, judicious extraction of some
permanent teeth may help relieve crowding and A dentist’s view of crowded
aid oral hygiene, but this should be planned very teeth
carefully and agreed by all parties involved.
Unique’s records show that crowded teeth were especially common among
children with 4p duplications (typically widely spaced top teeth and crowded
bottom teeth); 15q24 deletions; Potocki-Lupski syndrome (17p11.2 duplications);
18p deletions and duplications; 2q33.1 deletions; 2q13q21 duplication; 4q25q27
deletions; 6p24 terminal deletion; duplication of 9p; 18q deletions; 7q22q31/2
deletions; 14q32 deletions; and mosaic ring 22. Crowded teeth also occurred in
children with 1q41q44 deletion; 2p23p25 deletion; 2q24 deletion; 2q37 deletion;
4q31 deletion; 4p13p12 duplication; 4q28q35 duplication; 5q15q22 deletion; 5p15
duplication; 6q23q24 deletion; 7p15p14 deletion; 7q36 deletion; 8p23 deletion;
8p23p12 duplication; 9q31q33 deletion; 9q34 duplication; 10p11p12 deletion;
10p14 terminal deletion; 10q22 deletion; 10q25q26 duplication; ring 13; 14q21
deletion; maternal uniparental disomy 14; 15q25 deletion; 15q26 deletion; idic
15; 16p and 16p13.3 duplication; 16q12q22 duplication; 16q13 duplication;
22q11.2 microduplication; 22q13 deletion (Phelan-McDermid syndrome);
diploidy triploidy; an extra X or Y chromosome; Xp11.2 duplication; and dual
imbalances involving chromosomes 1 and 22; 2 and 7; 4 and 8; 4 and 10; 9 and
10; 9 and 14; 11 and 14; 12 and 13; and 6, 13 and 18.
Tooth size is largely regulated by genes. Some people have bigger teeth, some
smaller. An abnormally large tooth is called a megadont. An abnormally small
one is a microdont. About 1:20 of the general population has a big difference in
the size of the top or bottom teeth. Among children with chromosome disorders,
teeth may be consistently large, or small, or of uneven sizes.
Small teeth
Microdontia Small teeth
Just one or two teeth can be small, most often the teeth next to the top front
teeth (maxillary lateral incisor). Usually the root is also unusually small, but
sometimes it can be malformed. Very small teeth often lack the complex
structure of a normal-sized tooth. Gaps between very small teeth make them
easier to clean, but occasionally make biting
and chewing harder.
Some chromosome disorders are
associated with small teeth. There is a
syndrome where children are very short,
their teeth are tiny and abnormally shaped,
and the molars have no roots. This is caused
by losing the PCNT gene (21q22.3:
Unique’s records show that tiny teeth were
Very small teeth can make biting
common among children with 6q16
and chewing harder.
deletions; 7q11.23 deletions or duplications;
9q34 deletions; 16p13.3 deletions and duplications. Tiny teeth also occurred in
children with 1q43 terminal deletion; 2q24.2 deletion; 2p24p21 duplication; 2q31
duplication; 3q13 deletion; 4q31 deletion; 4q32 terminal deletion; 4q34q35
deletion; 5q15q22 deletion; 7q36 duplication; 8p23 terminal deletion; 8p23p21
duplication; 9p22 terminal deletions (Alfi syndrome); trisomy9p; 10p15 deletion;
10q26 deletion; 12p12p13 duplication; 17p13.3 deletion; 17p12p10 or p11.2
duplications; 17p13.3 duplication; 22q13 deletion (Phelan-McDermid syndrome);
Xq28 duplication; extra X or an extra Y chromosome; and dual imbalances
between 4 and 20; 7 and 5 or 8; 8 and 9 or 12; X and 2 chromosome.
Large teeth
Macrodontia Large teeth
Megadont A large tooth
Just one or two teeth can be very big (megadont), most often a top front tooth or
a bottom second premolar. Or all the teeth can be very big. The root can also be
unusually large.
The FGF3 gene (11q13: 69,624,735-69,634,191) can influence tooth size and
shape. When this gene is lost, as 11q13 deletion syndrome, the canine and molar
teeth are hugely enlarged and bulbous with almost no discernible cusps or
grooves. This is known as globodontia.
Unique’s records show that large teeth were especially common among boys
with an extra Y chromosome, or extra X chromosomes, especially 3 extra X
chromosomes (49,XXXXY).
Large teeth also occurred in children with a 2q37 deletion; 3q29 deletion;
6q23q25 duplication; trisomy 8 mosaicism; inverted duplication with deletion of
8p; 9q34 deletion (Kleefstra syndrome); 12p13 duplication; 13q22q32 deletion;
16q12q22 deletion; 18q22 deletion; ring 22; Xp22.3 duplication; a complex
imbalance involving chromosomes 6; 13 and 18; and dual imbalances involving
chromosomes 1 and 17; and 13 and 18.
Taurodont teeth
Taurodont (literally, bull-like) teeth look normal in the mouth, but an X-ray will
show an abnormally enlongated pulp chamber. The pulp chamber is the part of
the tooth inside the dentine that contains the tooth’s nerves and blood supply.
Taurodontism only causes problems if there is gum disease, otherwise not.
Many genes are believed to be involved, including genes on the X chromosome.
Girls with Turner syndrome (with only one X chromosome) can have unusual
tooth roots, including very short ones. Boys and girls with extra X chromosomes
can have teeth with extra long roots.
Taurodonts, most often molars, are seen in children and adults with extra X
chromosomes; 18p11.3 deletion; Smith-Magenis syndrome; Williams syndrome;
cleft lip and palate; and 1/3 people with Down syndrome, as well as a range of
other non-syndrome chromosome disorders.
Unusually shaped teeth
Double teeth Joined teeth Fused teeth Geminated teeth
Odd-shaped teeth can grow separately, or be fused with a neighbouring tooth.
When they are fused, the double tooth can be joined at the crown, the roots or
both. Double teeth are more common in first teeth, usually the bottom front
teeth. The teeth most often involved are the front teeth and the first canines.
When first teeth are fused, it is more common for the adult tooth to be missing.
Fused teeth occurred in children in Unique with a 1q21 deletion; 4q21 deletion;
4q32 terminal deletion; 7q11.22 deletion; 7q31q34 duplication; 7q36 deletion;
11q23 triplication; trisomy 14 mosaicism; 17q24 triplication; a 4; 18 imbalance.
Similarly, a single root can give rise to two tooth
Teeth can be curved or rounded; jagged or crinkly on
the incisal edge; triangular; peg-shaped; or square.
The front teeth can have a cusp on the tongue side (so
-called ‘talon cusp’), or alternatively be hollowed out
into a ‘shovel’ shape. Most of these variations have Fused baby teeth, with
many causes, and some depend partly on ethnic decay
origin. First and adult upper molars can often have an
extra cusp on the palate side.
Unique’s records show no particular disorders where
unusually shaped teeth are common. They occurred in
children with 2p13 deletion; 2q24 deletion; 2q11.2q21
duplication; 3q27 deletion; 4p duplication; 7q31q33
Fused adult teeth
deletion; 5q15q22 deletion; 7p15p12 deletion; 7q35
deletion; 10p15p11.2 duplication; 10q26.3 deletion;
trisomy 14 mosaicism; 15q26 interstitial deletion;
16q22q24 deletion; 17p11.2 duplication (Potocki-
Lupski syndrome); multiple extra X chromosomes;
and dual imbalances between chromosomes 4 and 7,
8 or 22; 7 and 18; 8 and 2 or 3; and 9 and 20.
When one of the upper lateral incisor teeth is missing,
the one on the other side is sometimes peg-shaped.
Specifically peg-shaped, small teeth were seen in
children with 7q22q31 duplication; an extra Y
chromosome; and dual imbalances between
chromosomes 4 and 20; and 5 and 6.
Sharp conical teeth have been seen in children with a Canines (cuspids) are
1q21.1 deletion; a 7q34 deletion; a 14q32 duplication; ‘fang’-like in a child with
an extra X chromosome; and a dual imbalance Pierre Robin sequence
between chromosomes 4 and 8. and small jaw
The shape of teeth can be chiefly cosmetic, but it can
also cause problems with occlusion, biting and
chewing. If needed, the abnormal tooth shape can
often be easily disguised by use of bonded tooth-
coloured resin materials. This requires good co-
operation for the bonding steps and shaping to be
carried out, but no injections, drilling or damage to the
teeth should be needed. Always resist or question
offers by a dentist to file down pointed teeth or drill
the tooth in preparation for a permanent crown. These Irregular teeth
procedures are irreversible, may leave the tooth very
sensitive, and should not be considered until young adulthood.
been mapped to 4q, as have some of the proteins that make up the enamel.
Defective tooth enamel (amylogenesis imperfecta) has also been found in
children with 4q deletions. It is then no surprise to find that many children with a
4q deletion, specifically between 4q12 and 4q21, are reported to have poor teeth.
Unique’s records show that poor enamel was especially common among
children with a 4q12q21 deletion; trisomy 8 mosaicism and boys with extra X
chromosomes, especially 48,XXXX. It was found repeatedly among children with
a 4p duplication; 5q15q22 deletion; a 5q35 deletion; 6p24/5 deletion; 8p23
deletion; a 17q21.31 deletion (Koolen de Vries
syndrome); and a 22q11.2 deletion.
Poor enamel also occurred in children with a 1q21.1
deletion; 1p36 duplication; 2q37 deletion; 3p26
deletion; 4p12 deletion; 7q21q22 deletion; 7q34
deletion; 7q31 deletion; trisomy 9 mosaicism; 10q25
deletion; 11q23 triplication; Pallister Killian
syndrome; 13q31 terminal deletion; 14q12
Dentine defect affecting
duplication; 15q12 deletion; 17p12 duplication; 17q12
first teeth
deletion; 18p deletion; 18q23 deletion; 19p13.3
deletion; ring 20; ring 22; trisomy 22 mosaicism; and
Yq11.23 deletion. It also occurred in children with dual imbalances between
chromosomes 1p and 22q; 2q and Xq; 3p and 16p; 4p and 20p; 4q and 22q; 8 and
9; 9 and 18; and 14 and 22. A child with an imbalance between 4 and 22 had teeth
so soft they could not hold a filling.
Unique’s records show that decay was especially common among children with
an 18p deletion; extra X chromosomes, XXYY or other X chromosome variations,
including Xp11.23 duplication.
It was found repeatedly among children with 2q37 deletion; 6p terminal deletion;
7q21 deletion; 10q26 deletion; 13q22q32 deletion; 16p11.2 deletion; 17p12p10
duplication; 22q13 deletion.
It was also found in children with 1p36 deletion; 1q42 deletion; 2q12q13 deletion;
2q13 duplication; 2q32 deletion; 2q duplication; 3q21q26 duplication; 3q28
deletion; 3q25 duplication; 4q27 duplication; 5p15 duplication; 6q26 deletion;
7q11.2 deletion; duplication of 7q11.23; 8p11p21 deletion; inverted duplication of
8p; 9p22 deletion; 9p24 deletion (Alfi syndrome); tetrasomy 9p; 9q12q21
deletion; trisomy 9 mosaicism; 10q duplication; 11p duplication; 11q25 deletion
(Jacobsen syndrome); 12p duplication; 12q21 deletion; 14q deletion; 15q11.2
deletion; 15q11q14 duplication; 15q13.3 deletion; 15q22.3 duplication; 16p11.2
duplication; 17p11.2 deletion (Smith Magenis syndrome); 17p11.2 duplication
(Potocki Lupski syndrome); 17q21.31 deletion; tetrasomy 18p; 18q23 deletion;
20q11.2q13 deletion; 21q11q21 deletion; Xp11.23 duplication; XYY; and
imbalances between 1q44 and 8q21; 3p25 and 8q22; 4p16 and 8p23; 4p16 and
20p13; 4q25 and 9p22; 5q27 and 3q25; 5q34 and 6p24;16p12p13 and Xp11.23.
Some genes
Many genes are involved in tooth development. The list below includes some
that are known about, but much remains to be discovered.
IRF6: 1q32.2 1:209,958,000-209,979,000 Deletion linked with missing teeth
EDA Xq13.1 X: 68,835,00-69,259,000 This gene is important in regulating tooth
number. Disruption in the gene can cause teeth not to grow. Changes
(mutations) can cause a syndrome involving the hair, skin and teeth.
EDARADD 1q42.2q43 1: 236,557,-236,648,000 Changes (mutations) cause
abnormal teeth, hair and skin
WNT10A 2q35 2: 219,745,000-219,764,000 Important in regulating tooth
number. Disruption can cause teeth not to grow. Implicated in mild ectodermal
dysplasia-type conditions.
PTH1R 3p21.31 3: 46,919,00-46,945,00 Changes (mutations) are linked with
teeth that never appear.
TP63 3q28 3: 189,348,000-189,615,000 A number of syndromes involving the
skin and hair, with a wide range of tooth defects
MSX1 4p16.2 4: 4,486,000-4,865,000 Changes (mutations) linked with missing
teeth, specifically second premolars and third molars. First teeth are usually
normal. Other mutations of this gene lead to different patterns of missing teeth
ENAM 4q13.3 4: 71,494,000-71,512,000 Changes (mutations) cause poorly
formed enamel, and a syndrome called amelogenesis imperfecta
DSPP 4q22.1 4: 88,529,00-88,538,000 Changes (mutations) in the dentin
sialophosphoprotein gene play a role in dentine defects.
PITX2 4q25 4: 111,538,000-111,563,000 Certain changes (mutations) lead to
abnormal tooth development
APC 5q22.2 5: 112,043,000-112,181,000 Changes (mutations) are linked with
extra teeth
SHH 7q36.3 7: 155,595,000-155,604,000 Many different changes (mutations) in
the SHH gene can cause problems with the development of the face, including
the teeth especially around the middle of the upper jaw
RECQL4 8q24.3 8: 144,511,00-144,517,000 This gene is important in bone
formation, and changes (mutations) are linked with tooth defects including short
FAM83H 8q24.3 8: 144,806,000-144,822,000 This gene is needed for proper
incorporation of calcium into dental enamel.
LTBP3 11q12 11: 65,306,000-65,325,000 Changes (mutations) in this gene have
been linked with specific missing teeth
MMP20 11q22.2 11: 102,447,000-102,496,000 This gene plays a central role in
forming tooth enamel, and changes (mutations) are linked with the poor enamel
syndrome called amelogenesis imperfecta
UBR1 15q15.2 15: 43,235,000-43,398,000 Changes (mutations) cause a disorder
known as Johansson-Blizzard syndrome with tooth problems that include late
first teeth, small teeth, and multiple missing adult teeth.
WDR72 15q21.3 15: 53,805,000-54,055,000 Deletions and changes (mutations)
can cause imperfect enamel formation (amelogenesis imperfecta).
DLX3 17q21.33 17: 48,067,000-48,072,000 Changes (mutations) in this gene can
cause enamel defects (amelogenesis imperfecta), small and underdeveloped
teeth, or large teeth with enlarged pulp chambers (the part of the tooth inside
the dentine that contains the tooth’s nerves and blood supply).
AX1N2 17q24.1 17: 63,524,000-63,557,00 Changes (mutations) are linked with
missing adult teeth.
KLK4 19q13.41 19: 51,409,00-51,413,000 Important in very early tooth
formation. Changes (mutations) have been linked with enamel defects
(amelogenesis imperfect).
BCOR Xp11.4 X: 39,910,000-40,036,000 Deletions and changes (mutations) can
cause syndrome with missing teeth, late adult teeth and very large roots and
crowns of several front teeth and canines.
AMELX Xp22.2 X: 11,311,00-11,318,000 Vital for proper enamel formation.
Deletions and changes (mutations) can cause enamel defects, including
amelogenesis imperfect.
IKBKG Xq28 X: 153,769,00-153,796,000 Deletions and changes (mutations) can
cause skin, hair and tooth defects, as well as immune deficiencies.
Some syndromes
18p11.3 deletion
Many dental anomalies, including teeth that are late to appear, irregular teeth,
decay, enlarged taurodont teeth and problems caused at the middle of the upper
jaw caused by irregularities at the midline.
22q deletion
Dental problems include poor tooth enamel, excess cavities and crooked teeth.
Rieger syndrome
PITX2 mutation causes changes to the front part of the eye, and hypodontia,
leading to some missing first and adult teeth, most often front and canine teeth.
Other tooth anomalies include poor enamel formation, cone-shaped teeth, short
roots, taurodontism, and teeth late to come through. The dental anomalies
differentiate Rieger syndrome from Axenfeld-Rieger malformation. Genes
involved apart from PITX2 are FOXC1 and GJA1.
Cleidocranial dysplasia
Dental anomalies in children with cleidocranial dysplasia can include first teeth
that are very late to fall out, late eruption of adult teeth, supernumerary (extra)
teeth and misalignment of the teeth and jaws. Changes (mutations) in the
RUNX2 gene (6p21: 45,328,000-45,551,000) are the cause.
Down syndrome
70 per cent of females and 90 per cent of males with Down syndrome have some
missing teeth. Taurodont teeth are seen in around one in 3. Crowns and roots
are frequently short, apparently reflecting general growth delay in the
developing teeth. Teeth generally erupt late.
Failure in the process by which the brain divides into right and left hemispheres,
associated with severe facial anomalies but sometimes seen only with a single
front tooth. Numerous genes identified, most commonly SHH at 7q36.3, but also
SIX3 at 2p21; TG1F at 18p11.3; ZIC2 at 13q32; and PTCH at 9q22.
KBG syndrome (ANKRD11 changes)
Large permanent upper central incisors
Langer-Giedion syndrome
Dental anomalies include tiny teeth, late eruption, and extra teeth. Deletions and
changes (mutations) in TRPS1 (8q23.3: 116420723-116713298) are the probable
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome & 16p13.3 duplication
Caused by deletion of CREBBP in 16p13.3. Dental effects include a specific type
of cusp called a talon cusp; screwdriver-shaped front teeth; thin enamel; and
over- or under-bite. Duplication of 16p13.3 has only recently been identified but
small teeth are common.
Williams-Beuren syndrome 7q11.2 deletion
Affected people have a range of dental anomalies including missing teeth, small,
screwdriver-shaped incisors, and significantly short roots, as well as taurodont
Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome
Dental anomalies include late eruption; fused front teeth; oligodontia; and
missing teeth. Oligodontia is probably caused by the loss of MSX1 at 4p16.2.
Smith Magenis syndrome
Dental anomalies are common, and include missing teeth, most often the
premolars and incisors; small crowns; screwdriver-shaped or tapered teeth;
taurodont teeth; sharp bends or curves in the root or crown of the teeth; and
protrusion of the lower front teeth.
Sotos syndrome
Early emergence of the teeth; malocclusion; irregular teeth; excess wear and
Syndromes with extra X chromosomes
Taurodont teeth.
Developmental Disorders of the Dentition: An Update Klein et al 2013:
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C 163C: 318-332.
The genetic basis of inherited anomalies of the teeth. Part 1: Clinical and
molecular aspects of non-syndromic dental disorders.
Bailleul-Forestier et al 2008: European Journal of Medical Genetics 51(4): 273-
The genetic basis of inherited anomalies of the teeth. Part 2: Syndromes with
significant dental involvement. Bailleul-Forestier et al 2008 51(5): 383-408.
Diseases of the tooth: the genetic and molecular basis of inherited anomalies
affecting the dentition. Cobourne and Sharpe 2013: WIREs Dev Biol 2013, 2: 183-
212. doi: 10.1002/wdev.66.
Dental agenesis: genetic and clinical perspectives. De Coster et al 2009. Journal
of Oral Pathology in Medicine 38(1):1-17.
Genetic basis for tooth malformations: from mice to men and back again.
Mitsiadis et al 2011: Clinical Genetics 80: 319-329.
Tooth Evolution and Dental Defects: From Genetic Regulation Network to Micro-
RNA Fine-Tuning. Michon 2011. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 91: 763-769.
British Society for Disability and Oral Health www.bsdh.org.uk
Support and Information
This guide is not a substitute for personal medical or dental advice. Families should
consult a medically or dentally qualified clinician in all matters relating to genetic
diagnosis, management and health. Information on genetic changes is a very fast-moving
field and while the information in this guide is believed to be the best available at the time
of publication, some facts may later change. Unique does its best to keep abreast of
changing information and to review its published guides as needed.
This guide was compiled by Unique and reviewed by Dr Mike Harrison, consultant in
paediatric dentistry, Guy’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom, and Steve Quance B.D.S.,
dental surgeon.
2014 Version 1(PM)
Copyright © Unique 2014