Deciduous Dentition
Deciduous Dentition
Deciduous Dentition
← 4. Lower lateral incisorsThe lower teeth to the right and left of center
make their debut around 10 to 16 months. Now your baby can flash quite
the toothy smile.
7. Upper canines
Also called a cuspid, the upper canine fills the gap between the incisors and
first molars at 16 to 22 months. Fun fact: These teeth are sometimes called
dog teeth.
8. Lower canines
The lower cuspids make their appearance around 17 to 23 months. Your
child's smile is probably the brightest it'll ever be, since baby teeth are whiter
than permanent teeth.
9. Lower second molars
The rear molars usually poke through on the bottom first, between 23 and 31
months. Kids don't usually complain of much teething pain at this stage —
maybe because they're busy looking at their favorite book five times in a row.
Natal teeth are teeth present at birth, and “neonatal teeth” are teeth erupted within the first month of
The difference between “early eruption” and “premature eruption” of natal and neonatal teeth is that
“early eruption” occurs due to endocrine system changes while “premature eruption” is considered a
pathological phenomenon as incomplete root formation causing the tooth to exfoliate in a short time
Most of natal and neonatal teeth are considered early erupting teeth of the normal deciduous
dentition and the reported incidence of supernumerary teeth ranges from 1 to 10%.
The exact etiology is not known. Several sources suggest a possible hereditary component.
Natal teeth management is dependent on a number of factors. If the natal tooth is supernumerary,
then the treatment of choice is extraction. When the tooth/teeth are excessively mobile, extraction is
indicated owing to the risk of exfoliation and swallowing or aspiration. However, when reviewing the
literature, no reported cases of aspiration of natal or neonatal teeth were found. The most common
complaint of natal and neonatal teeth was found to be trauma to the tongue on the tip or ventral
surface, a complication referred to as Riga-Fede syndrome
II. Formation and Eruption of Deciduous Teeth.
Calcification begins during the fourth month of fetal life. By the end of the sixth
month, all of the deciduous teeth have begun calcification.
Clinical hint: good nutrition is essential.
By the time the deciduous teeth have fully erupted (two to two and one half years
of age), cacification of the crowns of permanent teeth is under way. First
permanent molars have begun cacification at the time of birth. Clinical hint: with
deciduous molars, extract with caution.
Here are some things to know about eruption patterns:
(1) Teeth tend to erupt in pairs. Clinical hint: look for asymmetry. Take an Xray
film as required.
Usually, lower deciduous teeth erupt first.
Eruption dates are variable. Some infants get them early, others do so late. If the
teeth are unduly early or late, you should inquire about siblings, or the parents
themselves. Timing of eruption 'runs in families.'
Deciduous teeth shed earlier and permanent teeth erupt earlier in girls.
II. Root Formation and Obliteration
A. In general, the root of a deciduous tooth is
completely formed in just about one year after
eruption of that tooth into the mouth.
B. The intact root of the deciduous tooth is short
lived. The roots remain fully formed only for about
three years.
C. The intact root then begins to resorb at the apex
or to the side of the apex, depending on the position
of the developing permanent tooth bud.
D. Anterior permanent teeth tend to form toward
the lingual of the deciduous teeth, although the
canines can be the exception. Premolar teeth form
between the roots of the deciduous molar teeth.
IV. The Transition from the Deciduous to the Permanent Dentition.
A. The transition begins with the eruption of the
four first permanent molars, and replacement of
the lower deciduous central incisors by the
permanent lower central incisors.
B. Complete resorption of the deciduous tooth
roots permits exfoliation of that tooth and
replacement by the permanent (successional)
C. The mixed dentition exists from approximately age 6 years to approximately
age 12 years. In contrast, the intact deciduous dentition is functional from age 2
2 /2 years of age to 6 years of age.
D. The enamel organ of each permanent
anterior tooth is connected to the oral
epithelium via a fibrous cord, the
gubernaculum. The foramina through which
it passes can be seen in youthful skulls......
A. It is what the child chews, speaks, and smiles with during his/her formative
years. The functional and esthetic importance of these teeth is self evident. The
challenge for the clinician lies in communicating with dollar conscious parents
who say: "those are just baby teeth. They will just fall out soon."
B. As a rule, these teeth should be restored and preserved until their normal time
of exfoliation. This statement especially applies to second molars.
C. The deciduous second molars are particularly important. It is imperative that
the deciduous second molars be preserved until their normal time of exfoliation.
This prevent mesial migration of the first permanent molars. Clinical hint: Use a
space maintainer in the event that a second deciduous molar is lost prematurely.
Comment: After the age of nine or so, you may extract any of the deciduous
teeth with impunity except those second deciduous molars we have been talking
about. Physiological mesial drift is not significant in the deciduous dentition.
Besides, succedaneous teeth are on the way.
A. Deciduous teeth are fewer in number and smaller in size but the deciduous
molars are wider mesiodistally than the premolars. The deciduous anteriors are
narrower mesiodistally than their permanent successors. Remember the leeway
space that we discussed in the unit on occlusion?
B. Their enamel is thinner and whiter in appearance. Side by side, this is obvious
in most young patients.
C. The crowns are rounded. The deciduous teeth are constricted at the neck
D. The roots of deciduous anterior teeth are longer and narrower than the roots of
their permanent successors.
E. The roots of deciduous molars are longer and more slender than the roots of
the permanent molars. Also, they flare greatly.
F. The cervical ridges of enamel seen on deciduous teeth are more prominent
than on the permanent teeth. This 'bulge' is very pronounced at the mesiobuccal
of deciduous first molars.
G. Deciduous cervical enamel rods incline incisally/occlusally.