1288-Article Text-2806-1-10-20230621
1288-Article Text-2806-1-10-20230621
1288-Article Text-2806-1-10-20230621
E-mail: bambang.riyadi@civitas.unas.ac.id
Abstracts: This research aims to understand implementation of performance accountability system for government
institution that are very significant due at the ontological level and sociological level. The problem is very interesting to be
analyzed by conducting a qualitative research method based on public policy theory. Data were collected through in-
depth interview, observation, and documentation related with cases in Indonesia. Data were analyzed by using
interactive models are data reduction, data display, data verification, and supported by triangulation. The results were
based on ontological level and sociological level using public policy perspective for improving implementation of
performance accountability system for government institution policy and practice. Vision and mission of public policy on
managing performance accountability system for government institution are needed for providing information to
stakeholders related regarding the regulations and sanctions. This result provides inputs for making better regulation on
implementation of performance accountability system for government institution policy in Indonesia for state agencies as
public officials and practitioners.
In the government system in Indonesia, the distribution of public money is allocated to the Ministries and Local
Governments. The amount is adjusted to the government's strategy in implementing national development. Budget
support in state budget is based on the plan for the real needs of each sector, but in the end it is adjusted to the
state's financial capacity. Each budget allocation has program objectives that are arranged in a plan that supports
the government's vision and mission. Budget support will be spent and operationalized as an executing process by
government agencies in accordance with the allocation of programs and activities. At the end of the fiscal year, the
state budget management work unit is required to account for the budget that has been used through Financial
Reporting and Performance Reporting or known as the report of performance accountability system for government
institution. Both are implementations of state budget management as required in Government Regulations.
Financial and performance accountability reporting is a form of accountability to higher authorities. Vertical
accountability is also an accountability to the public, horizontal accountability. Accountability to higher authorities,
for example, is the accountability of the Minister to the President, the accountability of the Director Generals to the
Minister, and the Heads of Regional Apparatus Organizations to the Governor/Regent/Mayor. While accountability
to the public is a form of accountability of a government agency to the wider community who do not have a
relationship as a superior-subordinate, but have a relationship and moral responsibility in the management of good
Based on observation and information stated above, at the policy level, there are multiple interpretations of
implementation of performance accountability system for government institution policy. At the implementation level,
there will be implied on implementation of performance accountability system for government institution policy. This
study aims to understand the analysis on implementation of performance accountability system for government
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 522-531
1.1. Background
Formally, the government in Indonesia currently uses 2 types of accountability, namely financial accountability
and performance accountability, so that the quality of government agency accountability management can be seen
from both. The quality of financial management can be seen from the opinion of the State Audit Board of the
Republic of Indonesia on the Financial Statements of a government agency. This assessment opinion is issued by
the State Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia on the audited financial statements of a government agency. The
quality of management in performance accountability can be seen from the results of the evaluation of the
implementation of the Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies which is the authority of the
Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparatuses and is carried out every year.
The issue of implementation of performance accountability system for government institution has not been
widely discussed in the literature so far. All the previous literature discussed more about improving performance
management, implementing performance management, and evaluating performance management. There is little
literature on the discussion of implementation of performance accountability system for government institution.
Implementation of performance accountability system is discussed in full only at the level of business sector
organizations. Therefore, implementation of performance accountability system for government institution is
important to research by bridging the internal organizational strategies that must be carried out to achieve best
performance accountability system that does not only focus on achieving development goals but also resilient
performance management mechanisms.
Based on the explanation above, there are no statutory level of regulation as a legal umbrella on
implementation of performance accountability system for government institution policy. At the novel level, it is
necessary to have an analysis of implementation of performance accountability system for government institution
policy and a deeper exploration of ontological and sociological level and this issue is very interesting to be studied.
How are the supporting and inhibiting factors for implementation of performance accountability system for
government institution and the proposed model for implementation of performance accountability system for
government institution in Indonesia?
This research is useful for academicians and practitioners in adding knowledge on public policy theory. This
research also works as a recommendation for the legislative and executive as the public officials that make a
revised and detailed regulations on implementation of performance accountability system for government institution.
The influence of individual regulatory focus and accountability form in a high performance work system. There is
a relationship between the implementation of High Performance Work Systems (HPWSs) and organizational
strategy. HPWSs are a group of practice aspects of human resources that include recruitment, selection, training,
assessment, and reward systems. The practices in these HPWSs have a significant impact on performance.
Parallel results can occur when an organization uses HR practices to develop employee skills and motivation that
align with strategic outcomes that are important to the organization. There are 2 important forms of individual
performance, namely task performance and challenge performance. Task performance considers individuals on
specific work-related activities required to support the company's technical core. Performance challenges consider
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 522-531
the actions taken to promote change and innovate. The results showed that individuals who focused on promotion,
had readiness to face bigger tasks and higher performance challenges, while individuals who focused only on task
performance tended to be relaxed and comfortable in their positions and avoided performance challenges.
Individuals who focus on promotion are more responsible for outcomes, tasks or innovations, pay attention to
progress and are quick to adopt behavioral strategies to achieve positive outcomes. Each individual has expertise
supported by adequate incentives will further increase morale and improve organizational performance (Guidice,
Mero, Matthews, & Greene, 2016).
There are 2 (two) kinds of accountability demands, which include: (1) instrumental accountability refers to the
use of accounting tools (budget/accrual accounting) to hold individuals accountable for actions taken. (2) relational
accountability refers to the use of non-financial tools in promoting social goals through socialization among
individuals, organizations and institutional forces. There are striking similarities, namely the various demands for
accountability and the need for dual accountability methods, namely financial accountability and non-financial
accountability. NPM reform emphasizes a logical shift towards a balanced approach to accountability that combines
financial and non-financial elements with information mechanisms in realizing public service accountability.
Although in practice financial and budgetary accountability dominates. However, the interrelated accountability
relationship between organizational structures and agencies interact and influence each other in unclear ways,
which creates the need for a duality between instrumental accountability and relational accountability. A balance is
needed between the implementation of accounting-based compliance logic aspects with public services focused on
dialogical, relational and social accountability. Accountability is not only based on single logic accounting but also
on multiple logics. The results of the study conclude: (1) conventional instrument mechanisms and accrual-based
reporting tools support managerial accountability through compliance logic; and (2) relational accountability through
public dialogue becomes central in public sector accountability. More attention needs to be given to balancing the
dual logic of instrumental and relational in public services. Key themes include: (1) the meaning of accountability,
(2) accountability mechanisms, (3) institutional influence on accountability, (4) the effect of NPM on accountability
practices and the nature of their changes (5) accountability challenges through financial and non-financial
mechanisms, and ( 6) accounting involvement (Rana & Hoque, 2020).
Accountability as a community right or stakeholder group in society that arises from the relationship between
the responsible organization and the payee. Accountability can be reflected in the use of public funds. How well the
government spends public money is difficult without having a clear performance measurement system.
Accountability can be realized by using the right performance measurement, especially in government
organizations. The approach is more directed towards outcomes and outputs than inputs and procedures. In a
number of countries, there are efforts to increase accountability and use resources wisely through performance
measurement and new budgeting techniques such as performance-based budgeting, activity-based costing, and
the use of accrual-based accounting. Measuring results is very important in non-profit organizations because it
increases accountability. By having a results-oriented performance measurement system, the public has confidence
in government organizations. It was found that organizational culture factors also influenced changes in public
sector management. Accountability to government agencies can be increased through the use of a performance
measurement system, namely performance measurement that focuses on results, which is one of the important
elements in New Public Management (Ali, Elham, & Alauddin, 2014).
The South Korean government's performance management system can make recommendations for
improvement from the institutional, operational, and value dimensions. The reform movement in the public sector,
especially in the South Korean government, has provided a new direction for the field of public sector management.
To achieve this goal, the government takes management steps systematically by establishing a performance
management system to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of government administration by
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 522-531
establishing basic principles and institutional foundations on which to evaluate government performance. In its
implementation, the performance management system in the South Korean Government consists of 4 steps,
namely: (1) performance management plans in all agencies; (2) implementation; (3) performance management
system review; and (4) performance evaluation and feedback on the results of their performance evaluation. Heads
of central government agencies establish a five-year performance management strategy and annual implementation
plan. Central government agencies formulate annual performance plans and submit them to the Government
Performance Evaluation Committee which oversees all government performance evaluation and management
systems. Performance management is overseen by the Office of Management and Budget, the top political
leadership in the central government in South Korea in overseeing government performance. The Prime Minister
holds substantial political authority over the management of government performance and takes the lead in the
assessment of performance evaluation methods, standards and indicators. The South Korean management system
focuses more on evaluation aspects than performance. The Korean government involves civilians in evaluating the
government's performance consisting of experts from academia, non-governmental organizations, and the mass
media. Government performance management improves the quality of governance by mutually beneficial
cooperation to ensure efficient performance evaluation. South Korean government performance management
system according to institutional, operational and value dimensions. The performance management system of the
South Korean Government has developed distinct features such as strong political leadership, diversity of types of
performance evaluation, institutional involvement of civil experts, and a system of mutually beneficial cooperation
among the given institutions in the efficient management of performance (Roh, 2018).
Talent Management hybrid model found that hard skills, competency, and performance have positive influence
on talent management (Hendriarti, Othman, Arif, Assery, & Jamal, 2022). The abuse of power in Indonesia has an
impact on deviant actions that are not only under pressure from power, but also the moral behavior of public officials
(Riyadi, 2020b). Abuse of power involves a lot of conflicting interests. Service policy must be controlled by the state
for the greatest prosperity of the people. The conflict of interest to maintain power in service policy causes state
losses and the suffering of the people (Riyadi, 2020a). Weak in law enforcement in solving cases of politicians of
state officials causes many cases to be delayed in the prosecution process, this is an indication of weakness of law
enforcement (Riyadi, Wibowo, & Susanti, 2020). In particular case, dispute of right of individual property has
adopted individual and communal rights as well as self-government property rights are analyzed through strategic
analysis theory and since it is related to public policy (Riyadi, 2017). There has been an abuse of power against the
authority of the state institution. It is better if the legislators of the laws and regulations think about operational
accountability that need a check and balance system of the law enforcement (Riyadi, Hermanto, Harlina, &
Purnomo, 2020).
However, there are not so many literature references that discuss implementation of performance accountability
system for government institution. The theory of performance management for government institution discusses the
steps and strategies that must be carried out by public organizations. The existing literature does not discuss
whether the process carried out by the government is continuous or not. It is necessary to analyze the
implementation of performance accountability system for government institution to achieve development outcomes.
Based on the explanation of the differences of above previous research tend to problems on implementation of
performance accountability system for government institution by enforcing rules and standards to be setup in laws
and regulation. Following up previous study gap and the phenomena, so this study analyzes a multi policies
approach regarding on the implementation of performance accountability system for government institution in
This study is conducted on a qualitative descriptive method. A qualitative research strategy can be applied if
the research problems need to be explored deeper or followed up on previous quantitative research due to a
previous theory or concept that is still considered unable to capture the complexity of the problem under study. A
qualitative research approach produces descriptive data in the form of words or writings and behaviors that can be
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 522-531
observed from the subject and object of the study itself. The qualitative approach was chosen because it is in
accordance with the aims of the research to describe and understand the phenomena, events, social activities,
attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of people (Creswell, 2013).
Data collection in this research were interviews, observation and documentation. In-depth interview was
conducted and performed to key informants. Participant observation was conducted by authors and team to obtain
records in the field of study. Related documentation was gathered from many sources such as internet media and
library documents. Data analysis were using 3 steps, which were data reduction, data display and data verification
refer to the interactive model. Data reduction is to sort out the main data, data display is to present the data, and
data verification is to conclude the main themes of the results (Miles & Huberman, 1994).
Validity and reliability used triangulation based on the observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation
analysis to obtain valid and reliable data coping credibility, transferability, auditability, and confirmability.
Credibility was related to the truth aspect by means of triangulation to compare the results of an interview with the
results of interviews with colleagues. Transferability shows the applicability of research to other studies that
readers can understand the results of qualitative research. The report is made in a detailed, clear, and systematic
manner. Auditability means that it can be tested by examining the entire research process, since designing case
studies, determining data sources, data collection, data analysis, make conclusions, can be traced and showing
the processes and results. Confirmability relates to the objectivity that the research results are agreed and
accepted (Creswell, 2009).
Public policy is a complex pattern of interdependence collective choices, including decisions to act made by
government agencies or offices. Dunn argues that public policy is a series of actions that are determined and
implemented or not carried out by the government that has a purpose or is oriented towards certain goals for the
benefit of the whole community. The implications of this understanding are: its first form is the determination of
government action, not enough to only be stated but also implemented in real form, based on certain aims and
objectives, and essentially aimed at the interests of the entire community. Public Policy analysis is an intellectual
and practical activity aimed at creating, critically assessing, and communicating knowledge about and within the
policy process. The policy analysis process has 5 interdependent stages that together form a complex and non-
linear cycle of intellectual activity. These activities are sequential in time and are embedded in a policy process that
is complex, non-linear and essentially political (Dunn, 2012).
There are six developments in the paradigm of public administration; Paradigm 1 The Politics/Administration
Dichotomy (1900-1926), Paradigm 2 Principles of Public Administration (1927-1937), Paradigm 3 Public
Administration as Political Science (1950-1970), Paradigm 4 Public Administration as management (1956-1970),
Paradigm 5 Public Administration as Public Administration (1970-present), and Paradigm 6 Governance (1990-
current) (Henry, 2018).
The emergence of the New Public Management (NPM) paradigm in the early 1990s is an important momentum
questioning the dominance of the government and providing space for the private sector to participate in public
services. A new model in public policy is needed to improve the performance of public services with results-oriented
and competitive dynamics by changing the rules of the game and fostering creativity in providing services (Hood,
Based on the epistemological and sociological description of public policy theory for refining the research, it can
be stated that making multi-policies and regulations related with implementation of performance accountability
system for government institution is a part of public policy theory.
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 522-531
The scope of performance management is very broad. Performance management has become a central part of
governance and decision-making at all levels of government and is also beginning to permeate the practice of non-
profit organizations. Efforts to implement performance management are present when there are organizational
demands to realize the results to be achieved. This meaning has been discussed in detail in strategic management
theory. The question that often arises from strategic management experts is how to operationalize organizational
strategy into technical actions. For this reason, performance management theory is then present in order to
translate the concept of strategic management into technical organizational activities (Kroll & Proeller, 2013).
Many experts define performance management and its benefits for the performance of public sector
governance. suggested that performance management refers to the daily strategic use of performance information
by managers to correct problems before they manifest in performance deficiencies. Performance management is a
strategy and approach in providing organizational success through improving employee performance and
increasing individual and group capabilities (Armstrong & Baron, 1998).
Performance management positively as being able to ensure that the organization can manage its goals so that
organizational results will be more easily achieved. Performance management emphasizes the processes that
influence the success and glory of the organization through organizational leaders and employees who can
collaborate in formulating goals, results, and awarding employees who are good at performing. In general, the
opinion of experts regarding performance management is beneficial and has a positive effect on organizational
performance. Therefore, the maturity of the concept of performance management should be easy to implement
operationally by every public sector government (Hood, 1991).
The performance management system seeks to ensure the ease of implementing integrated performance
management. The availability of a performance management system will be a strategic bridge in managing various
systems that can connect the needs and expectations of various interest groups (Abad, Cabrera, & Medina, 2016).
The times have demanded organizations to be agile and dynamic, especially in responding to various crises so that
organizations must be good at operating their performance, dealing with competitive competition, and an
environment that often changes quickly (Bronzo et al., 2013).
Performance evaluation is a key procedure in performance management and an effective way to improve
organizational performance. It discusses more about evaluating behavior and outcomes after implementation. The
concept of performance management is built on performance evaluation, proposed and applied to organizational
management practices. The advantage of performance management lies in ensuring the achievement of overall
performance objectives and constant performance improvement of the performance level through a series of
processes, including performance planning, performance goal setting, performance monitoring, performance
information gathering, performance. evaluation, and performance feedback from the perspective of management
and organizational strategy.
Based on the epistemological and sociological description of public policy theory for refining the research, it can
be stated that making multi-policies and regulations related with implementation of performance accountability
system for government institution is a part of performance management theory.
The theory of punishment is considered a moral theory, and the issue of justification of punishment is presented
as the key between utilitarian and ethics. when the state should punish is reduced to the question of how and when
certain people should punish others. People are morally obligated to regulate their actions with the aim of
maximizing welfare or fair treatment. Punishment is not a behavior, but a institution. It is part of the system that
involves behavior norms, authoritative procedures for generating these norms, authoritative procedures for
decisions to impose sanctions, and some measure of practical power over people or resources. Punishing isn't just
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 522-531
for hurting them. This is to stake a claim for a certain type of institutional authority. Punishing someone means
asserting the right and accepting the obligation to punish anyone under the same circumstances and behavior, even
if the other person is just a brother.
Punishment is never isolated to individual action: to punish is to act as an officer or agent participating in the
system to enforce authoritatively promulgated norms. Because punishment is part of the system of institutional
authority (Binder, 2002).
Punishment theorists should study Hobbes in more detail. First, amid mainstream theory that views punishment
as a morally justified practice, the right to refuse is new, radical, and potentially disruptive. Taking the right to refuse
seriously can lead to concludes that punishment cannot be fully reconciled with the criteria for political legitimacy
established in modern liberal theory.
On the other hand, punishment creates a dilemma for liberals: corporal punishment is socially possible
necessary, but it is also an act of violence, a persistent trace of state rule more powerful in the system if it is not
committed to governing by consent. The strange notion of the right to refuse punishment has disappeared quite
frankly on the subject of respect for criminals. Retributivists have long argued that we fail to honor a convicted
criminal if we punish him for consequentialist reasons.
According to this view, punishment and honor are compatible only when punishment is meted out as a just
recompense for meritorious conduct. On the other hand, defenders of the consequentialist theory argue that they,
not retributivists, respect the accused well. In contrast to retributivism and mainstream consequentialist theory,
Hobbes refuses to offer an alternative and more convincing picture of what it means to respect a person even when
we punish him: we honor the criminal by admitting that punishment, even though it may be justified by the interests
of society, barely coincides with the interests of the condemned. or legitimate from his perspective (Ristroph, 2009).
Based on the epistemological and sociological description of public policy theory for refining the research, it can
be stated that making multi-policies and regulations related with implementation of performance accountability
system for government institution is a part of punishment theory.
Based on the data collection and data analysis, it can be resulted as follows.
Thus the Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies is a form of performance management
in order to achieve organizational goals in managing available resources for the welfare of the community.
Performance management is a strategic and integrated approach to achieving sustainable success for the
organization by improving performance for the people who work in it and by developing team capabilities as well as
individual contributions.
The implementation of the Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies in Indonesia learns
from the model that has been applied in America known as the Government Performance Result Act, namely the
Government Performance and Results Act which was launched by the American government as a way to help
complete long-term performance management.
The main purpose of this application is to improve government performance by requiring the availability of
organizational strategic planning, which contains clear and measurable and results-oriented vision, mission, goals
and objectives of government institutions. The stages of performance management in this model have similarities
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 522-531
with the implementation of the Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies in Indonesia, starting
from the preparation of an organizational strategic plan that contains the vision, mission, strategic goals and
strategic objectives as well as indicators for measuring organizational success.
The implementation of the Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies in Indonesia has been
running for about 2 decades. However, from the results of the evaluation of the implementation of the Performance
Accountability System for Government Agencies within the last 5 years, it can be concluded that the results are no
more than 50% of Ministries/Agencies and Local Governments able to get the BB category level (70-80), A (80-90)
or AA category. (90-100).
This means that there are still many government agencies that have not achieved the level of performance
accountability satisfactorily. In carrying out the evaluation of the Performance Accountability System for
Government Agencies, the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment conducts an assessment and directs the
implementation of the Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies at Ministries/Agencies and
Local Governments on evaluation components which include: performance planning, performance measurement,
performance reports, performance achievements and evaluations. internals.
Category Results Assessment of the implementation of the Performance Accountability System for Government
Agencies is associated with budget efficiency. If the value obtained from the evaluation of the Performance
Accountability System for Government Agencies of a government agency gets a higher category, then the use of
the budget within the agency is categorized as efficient and effective, but on the contrary if the government agency
gets the evaluation results of the Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies the lower ,
indicating the use of the budget is less effective and less efficient or can be a potential for budget inefficiency.
In relation to budget efficiency, from the evaluation of the implementation of the Performance Accountability
System for Government Agencies conducted by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment at
Ministries/Agencies and Local Governments, potential waste of state budget has been found. According to the
Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment, the potential for inefficiency is that programs and activities contained in
strategic planning are still found, but do not have a relationship with the vision and mission and are not correlated
with efforts to achieve strategic goals of the air organization, there are programs and activities that do not have a
significant influence on strategic goals organization.
Therefore, the implementation of the Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies encourages
the management of the state budget to be carried out efficiently, effectively and accountably. This is in line with the
reform of the financial sector in Indonesia which states that results-oriented accountability is the first and main
principle of state financial management, and that every money spent by the state budget must have tangible results
and benefits for the welfare of the community.
The supporting aspect of implementation of performance accountability system for government institution is the
existence of regulations that force work units to carry out good performance management. The nature of the
regulations formed will become legality for work units in carrying out performance. Without specific and specific
regulations in regulating performance management, it will certainly be able to hinder the implementation of
performance accountability system for government institution.
There are supporting factors and inhibiting the implementation of performance accountability system for
government institution. This condition is something that needs to be considered so that the government institution
knows the internal conditions in their respective problems. Supporting factors mean things that can support the
successful implementation of performance accountability system for, while inhibiting factors mean things that hinder
the successful implementation of performance accountability system for government institution.
The supporting and inhibiting factors for implementation of performance accountability system for government
institution is concluded from the results that have been researched in the field. The presentation of supporting
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 522-531
factors looks at the strength of the organization in carrying out performance management and existing opportunities,
while the inhibiting factors take into account the weaknesses of the organization in carrying out performance
management that have the potential to become obstacles. The results of the analysis of the presentation of the
supporting and inhibiting factors of implementation of performance accountability system for government institution
are certainly based on the analysis of implementation of performance accountability system for government
Based on several result above, it is known that public policy regulates all matters concerning the affairs of all
levels of society. It is an important stage, because no matter how good a public policy that has been made it will be
in vain if there is no effort to implement it because it will not bring the desired goal. Without effective implementation
in a policy, the decision of policy makers will not be successfully implemented.
Based on the analysis and discussion of the research result above, it can be concluded that implementation of
performance accountability system for government institution and its implementation policy is important in reaching
the effectiveness of policy implementation.
It is suggested that the legislative and executive as the public officials in making multi-policies and regulations
regarding implementation of performance accountability system for governmental institution policy have to be
involved and implied for revising regulation on implementation of performance accountability system for government
institution and its implementation policy in Indonesia.
The related institutions as the public officials in making regulations on implementation of performance
accountability system for government institution policy in Indonesia should be conducted for making better multi-
regulation and covering the implementation of performance accountability system for government institution.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15379/ijmst.v10i2.1288
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