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The Role of Electronic Management Implementation in Affecting Police Investigators Performance

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American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)

ISSN- 2379-106X, www.aijbm.com Volume 3, Issue 7 (July 2020), PP 117-124

The Role of Electronic Management Implementation in Affecting

Police Investigators Performance

Anastasia Sulistyorini1, Fibria Indriati2

(Graduate Program of Administrative Science, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia)
(Business Administration Department, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: Anastasia Sulistyorini1

ABSTRACT : This paper aims to propose a research model related to the effect of information system
implementation, namely electronic investigation management (EMP), in the Indonesia National Police Criminal
Investigation Agency on the performance of police Criminal Investigators. This paper proposes eight hypotheses
that integrate theories of organizational behavior that drive individual performance. The results of empirical
studies are expected to reveal how individual performance can be improved by paying attention to several
things such as the existence of commitment to change and job satisfaction. Implementation of information
systems will run well if individuals have a commitment to change. In addition, the implementation of
information systems must be able to provide job satisfaction to employees so that individual performance is as
expected. In addition, this paper will review the implementation of information systems that are less good will
lead to counterproductive work behavior.

KEYWORDS – commitment to change, electronic investigation management, job satisfaction, employee

performance, counterproductive work behavior

In the current era of the industrial revolution 4.0 where integration between humans and information
technology is increasing and full of competition, organizations are demanded to continue to develop effectively
and dynamically so that they can survive. The organization will be able to survive if supported by the resources
within it. Resources owned by organizations both public sector and private sector organizations are assets whose
function will be maximized to realize organizational goals. Organizational assets can be tangible assets and
intangible assets which include human capital, customer capital, social capital, and intellectual capital (Noe,
2014). The platform is in line with the opinion of Waterman et al. (1980) in the 7S Mc Kinsey model that all
components of the organization in the form of strategy, structure, systems, skills, staff, style and shared values
have a connection and are important factors in supporting organizational effectiveness, so that organizations are
able to face complexity and demands in competition (Waterman , Peters, & Phillips, 1980). The existing
resources in the organization will develop dynamically according to the rhythm of activities and the fulfilment
of human needs. The most decisive factor to answer the demands of development is human resources who
master science and technology, so that these human resources will ultimately determine the main objectives of
the organization can be achieved or not (Samsudin, 2006).
Thus, everyone in the organization is expected to be able to provide satisfying personal service and
performance so that the performance of the organization increases. Organizational performance can be formed
optimally if the human resources in it strive to consistently carry out their duties and obligations and contribute
to the organization.
In addition to human resources, another factor that supports performance is the availability of up to
date equipment and technology support. The use of appropriate technology in an organization to support work
professionalism will be able to improve performance and provide its own advantages in the organization. As
technology continues to accelerate, organizations in both the private and public sectors are required to be able to
deal with shifts in the world of work. This situation forces the organization to make a change and develop a
strategy, one of which is through the application of technology-based innovation where the implementation of
work that was still mostly using manual processes turned into automation and digital.
However, organizations also face their own challenges when implementing these technological
changes. As shown by Klein & Sorra (1996) that organizational climate, conformity to organizational values
will affect the effectiveness of implementing an innovation. The output of implementation can be in the form of
resistance, avoidance, compliance and commitment. Resistance and avoidance by organizational members will
occur if the application of innovation is not going well, but conversely if the application of innovation runs well
there will appear compliance and commitment from members of the organization to implement the innovation.

*Corresponding Author: Anastasia Sulistyorini 1 www.aijbm.com 117 | Page

The Role of Electronic Management Implementation in Affecting Police Investigators…

Commitment to support changes owned by members of the organization will be able to improve individual
performance and have an impact on boosting organizational performance.
Several authors have conducted studies related to the use of information technology and commitment
to implement changes in efforts to improve individual performance. Antasari & Yaniartha (2015) conducted a
study of employees at the Denpasar City Parking Area Company regarding the use of information technology
and individual performance and gave results that the application of Accounting Information Systems and the use
of information technology had a positive effect on individual performance.
Other research conducted by Terek, et. al. in 2018 against companies in Serbia. This study explains the
relationship between information technology, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The results
showed that there was a significant correlation between information technology and job satisfaction, information
technology and organizational commitment, and the motivation of employees to work with modern information
technology was very clear. Other studies also provide results that are not much different, namely innovation has
a high impact on employee productivity (Obeng & Boachie, 2018).
From a number of review studies that have been conducted, studies on the use of information
technology and commitment to implement changes in efforts to improve individual performance have not been
conducted on one of the public organizations in Indonesia which is a state tool with an important role in
maintaining security and public order, enforcing the law, and provide protection, protection and services to the
community in the context of maintaining domestic security, namely the Indonesian National Police (Polri).
The use of information technology as a supporting means to boost performance improvement should be
done by public organizations in Indonesia, including the National Police organization. This needs to be done by
Polri organizations because the community is very focused on Polri's performance. Polri's organization received
a sharp scrutiny from the public regarding performance because in accordance with the main tasks and functions
mandated by the Law, both the 1945 Constitution and Law No. 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National
Police, the National Police is the only front guard law enforcement directly facing with the community. Thus the
Police must be able to provide optimal service as a problem solver that is able to respond quickly, because in the
era of globalization and liberalization of the world today the modus operandi of crime in society is increasingly
facilitated by information technology.
The role and function of law enforcement is carried out by one of the work units in the National Police
institution, namely the Indonesian Police Criminal Investigation Agency. The National Police Criminal
Investigation Agency (Bareskrim Polri) as part of the National Police and parent organization as well as the
head of the Criminal Investigation Function in Indonesia at the central level is the main gate of the law
enforcement function through the collection of evidence of an alleged crime. The community has demands and
hopes for the National Police, especially the detective function to realize the legal objectives, namely justice,
expediency, legal certainty. The maximum achievement of these objectives is inseparable from the performance
of the Investigators at the National Police, particularly within the Police Criminal Investigation Agency because
the Investigator is the spearhead of the chain in the criminal justice process.
The individual performance measurement of the National Police Investigator is carried out on his
ability to carry out the technical functions of the investigation and his behavior as an employee. One of the
benchmarks for evaluating the performance of a National Police Investigator in carrying out an investigative
technical function is the length of time a case investigation is conducted. Based on the investigation period that
has been determined, the Investigator is required to be able to complete his duties and responsibilities according
to a predetermined deadline so that the community's assessment of the performance of the National Police in
particular the criminal function will be good.
The current phenomenon is that the number of public complaints in the category of no progress or slow
handling of cases by the Criminal Investigation Police every year from 2016 to 2018 continues to increase. This
condition will cause a lack of public assessment of the performance of the National Police, especially the
performance of the National Police Investigator.
In order to improve services to the community and respond to the challenges of change that occur in
the current digital revolution era, the National Police Chief is trying to improve the performance of investigators
and realize the big data crime through innovative use of technology in work, namely an application system
capable of carrying out up-to-date investigative management administration through the system Electronic
Investigation Management (EMP) application. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a study of the effect of the
use of EMP on the performance and counterproductive work behavior of the Investigator. Through the
application of the EMP application system the criminal function is expected to be through the Investigator's
commitment to implement changes and the job satisfaction obtained can improve the Investigator's performance.


2.1 Information Technology.

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The use of information technology in an organization is one of the supporters of organizational

progress in terms of improving performance. As a study conducted by Devaraj & Kohli (2003) in his research
that the use of information technology is the key to improving organizational performance.
With the existence of information technology, will provide greater information availability. This is
important for better decision making (Galbraith, 2012). The categorization of information technology
performance in companies includes six main dimensions: information technology quality, information quality,
use of information technology, customer satisfaction (employees), individual impact, and organizational
influence (DeLone & McLean, 1992).
Other researchers have also conducted research on the impact of information technology on changes in
organizational processes. Based on the findings in the study indicate that information technology strengthens the
form of organization and facilitates the intensification and fusion of existing control mechanisms. The most
special thing in this study shows that when information technology mediates work processes, it will create an
information environment. Technology is built to meet certain objectives at certain points of time. Information
technology is introduced into the production process to add and automate established work practices. Because
technology was built to reflect the existing organizational structure, the function of the use of technology today
is more to strengthen the organization rather than changing the status quo (Orlikowski, 1991).

2.2 Performance Appraisal

Busro defines performance appraisal as a way to assess the work performance of an employee whether
achieving the work targets assigned to him (Busro, 2018). Rivai (2006) in Busro explained that performance
appraisal refers to the formal and structured system used to measure, assess and influence work-related
behaviors, behaviors and results, including absence. Thus, performance appraisal is the quantity and quality of
employee work within the scope of their responsibilities. Meanwhile, Mathis and Jackson (2001) define job
appraisal as a process of evaluating how well employees do their work when compared to a set of standards and
then communicating that information to employees. Sukmalana (2009) in the research of Djunaedi, et al (2017)
described that performance evaluation must lead to systems in management performance.
Bernardin & Russel (2011) in Busro (2018) set out six criteria for assessing employees as follows: a)
quality, which is the degree to which processes or adjustments in the ideal way of carrying out activities or
fulfilling activities are in line with expectations, b) quantity, i.e. The resulting outcome is realized through
currency values, the number of units or the number of activity cycles that have been completed, c) timeliness,
which is the rate at which the activity has been completed with a time that is faster than specified and maximizes
the time available for other activities, d) cost effectiveness , namely the level where the use of company
resources in the form of human, financial and technology is maximized to get the highest results or reduction of
losses from each unit, e) need for supervision, which is the level where an employee can do his work without
needing to ask for help or guidance from his superiors, f) interpersonal impact, which is the level shows an
employee feels confident, has good intentions and cooperates among coworkers.

2.3 Individual Performance

Performance is related to the achievements made by a person, group or organization (Rothwell, Honhe,
& King, 2000). Another definition of performance is the work that can be achieved by both individual and group
employees in an organization, in accordance with the authority and responsibility given by the organization in
an effort to achieve the organization's vision, mission and goals by including the ability, perseverance,
independence, ability to overcome problems according the time limit is given legally, is not against the law and
in accordance with morals and ethics (Busro, 2018).
According to Gibson & Ivancevich in (Busro, 2018), an individual's performance is basically
influenced by factors of expectations regarding rewards to be and have been received, encouragement from
management, affective ability, needs and nature, perception of duties, internal and external rewards, perception
to the level of benefits and job satisfaction.
Many experts define the domain of individual performance by determining the main dimensions of
performance. Koopmans, et al. (2011) summarizes all definitions of individual performance domains that have
been stated previously into 4 dimensions, namely task performance, contextual performance, adaptive
performance, and counterproductive work behavior. Aguinis (2009) describes the dimensions in performance
measurement based on Task performance and contextual performance. Task performance is the behavior of
employees who directly contribute to producing goods and services. Contextual performance is the behavior of
employees who have contributed in realizing organizational effectiveness by creating a positive work
environment whose indicators are to maintain enthusiasm, devote all abilities in completing work, voluntarily
perform tasks that are not part of their work, help and cooperate with colleagues, follow and adhere to
organizational rules and procedures, uphold, support and maintain organizational goals.

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2.4 Commitment to change

Meyer and Allen (1991) define commitment as a relative strength in the individual in involving himself
in the organization. Employee commitment to the organization reflects the degree to which a person recognizes
an organization and is bound to the goals of the organization. This is a very important work attitude because
committed employees are expected to be able to show willingness to work harder to achieve organizational
goals. Commitment is related to behavior and is an agreement to do something for yourself, others, groups and
organizations (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2014).
Conner (1982) explains that commitment to change is an intermediary between employees and changes
to a goal. The most contributing factor in a change project is the commitment of the individual (Herscovitch &
Meyer, 2002). Employee commitment is a major component in innovation and change made by organizations
(Klein & Sorra, 1996). In addition, commitment to change (commitment to change) is a force (mindset) that
binds individuals towards actions that are deemed necessary for the successful implementation of change
initiatives (Herscovitch & Meyer, 2002).
The general commitment model developed by Meyer and Herscovitch (2002) is based on the three
component model of organizational commitment of Meyer and Allen (1991). The Commitment to Change
component according to Herscovitch and Meyer (2002) consists of: a) affective commitment to change, the
desire to provide support for change based on trust in inherent benefits b) continuance commitment to change,
recognition that there are costs associated with failure in provide support for change c) normative commitment
to change, a sense of obligation to provide support for change.

2.5 Job Satisfaction

Robbins & Judge (2015) describes job satisfaction as a positive feeling about work, which results from
an evaluation of its characteristics. Someone with a high level of job satisfaction has positive feelings about
their work, while someone with a low level has negative feelings. Kotler and Keller (in Busro, 2018) define job
satisfaction as a positive attitude a person has towards his work that arises based on an assessment of the work
products produced. The higher the level of quality work results, the higher the level of one's job satisfaction.
Kreitner and Kinicki (2014) define job satisfaction as an affective or emotional response to various
aspects of one's work. Job satisfaction reflects the degree to which someone likes his job. According to Kreitner
and Kinicki (2014), job satisfaction is not a single concept. There are five models of job satisfaction, namely: a)
fulfillment of needs, job satisfaction is determined by the characteristics of a job that allows meeting individual
needs. b) nonconformity, this model states that satisfaction is the result of met expectations (met expectations).
Fulfilled expectations show the difference between what someone wants to receive from a job. When
expectations are greater than what is received, employees will feel dissatisfied. Expected expectations have a
very significant relationship with job satisfaction. c) value attainment, job satisfaction comes from the
perception that a job makes it possible to fulfil the important work values of an individual. The better the value
of a job for the company, or the greater the meaning of work for the achievement of company goals, the greater
the level of satisfaction that will be felt by employees and vice versa. The smaller the meaning of work for the
achievement of organizational goals, the smaller the level of employee job satisfaction. d) fairness, job
satisfaction refers to the fair treatment of individuals in the workplace. Feelings of individual satisfaction are
influenced by the comparison between what is received with what is received by others. e) disposition / genetic
component, individuals who are emotionally stable will easily feel job satisfaction compared to individuals who
are emotional, temperament, like to complain behind and other negative characters.

2.6 Counterproductive Work Behavior

Bennet & Robinson (2000) defines counterproductive work behavior as a situation where employees
lack the motivation to meet social expectations or social norms that apply in an organization. It is also defined as
a condition where employees are motivated to oppose the expectations of the organization, by committing
violations of organizational norms or disturbing people in them. According to Bennett & Robinson (2000),
Counterproductive Work Behavior has two dimensions, namely 1) Organizational Counterproductive Work
Behavior, which is a behavior that directly threatens or endangers the organization, for example is the behavior
of stealing company goods, coming late to the office without permission and giving little effort in doing work,
2) Counterproductive Interpersonal Work Behavior is a behavior that directly threatens or endangers individuals
within the organization, for example the behavior of mocking coworkers, saying something that can hurt
someone at work and taunting colleagues.


3.1 Hypothesis Development
3.1.1 EMP and individual performance.

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The Role of Electronic Management Implementation in Affecting Police Investigators…

The relationship to this variable can be seen in research conducted by Suyitno in 2017. The results of
his study showed that the use of management information systems in organizations significantly improved
employee performance. In addition, the application of management information systems together with employee
competencies significantly influence performance. Obeng and Boachie (2018) conduct research related to
technology and provide results that have high innovation on employee productivity. Antasari and Yaniartha
conducted a study in 2015 with more or less the same variables, namely regarding Accounting Information
Systems and information technology on individuals who produce accounting information systems and the use of
information technology that improves individual performance. This means that the increase in accounting
information systems increases, so the increase in individuals also increases. The connection between the two
matters was also agreed by Mosuin, et al (2019) and gave the result that the level of acceptance of applying the
Accrual Accounting System among accountants in the public sector significantly influenced their work
Hypothesis 1: EMP significantly influences the performance of the Investigator.

3.1.2 EMP and counterproductive work behavior

Rusdi (2017) conducted a study of the application of Computer Assisted Test (CAT) information
technology in the CPNS recruitment system in Bandar Lampung. The results of this study indicate that the use
of Computer Assisted Test (CAT) in the recruitment system affects the significance in reducing
counterproductive, and the application of CPNS system recruitment with conventional methods will
significantly increase counterproductive.
Hypothesis 2: EMP significantly influences counterproductive work behavior.

3.1.3 EMP and commitment to change

The relationship between these two variables was conducted by Zainun, Johari & Adnan in 2019 and
showed the results of the invasion of technology which has a negative relationship with a commitment to
change. Meanwhile, technology has a positive relationship with commitment to change.
Hypothesis 3: EMP negatively influences commitment to change.

3.1.4 EMP and job satisfaction

The linkage of the application of an information technology form to job satisfaction was shown by
Nayaka and Suardikha (2019) in their research aimed at analyzing the effect of applying Accounting
Information Systems (SIA) on employee performance with job satisfaction and integrity as a moderating. Their
research shows that job satisfaction possessed by employees strengthens the effect of applying AIS on employee
performance. The relationship between the two variables can also be seen from the results of research conducted
by Gupta, et.al (2007) that user satisfaction in the use of information technology is an indicator of the success of
information technology systems. Terek, et. al (2018) also examines the relationship between these two variables
and produces a conclusion that there is a significant correlation between information technology and job
satisfaction. Mosuin, et al (2019) in their research related to the relationship of the application of a form of
information technology to job satisfaction gives the result that the acceptance of the application of the Accrual
Accounting System among accountants in the public sector significantly influences their job satisfaction.
Hypothesis 4: EMP significantly influences job satisfaction.

3.1.5 Commitment to change and individual performance

Neves & Caetano (2009) tested commitment to change (affective and sustainable commitment) on
work results, one of which was employee performance. The test results show that commitment to change,
especially affective commitment to change, is a key variable in understanding the impact of organizational
change on employee attitudes and behavior related to performance. Commitment to change is able to bind
employees to understand the goals of organizational change and in return, employees will increase their
commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 5: Commitment to change significantly influences the investigator's performance.

3.1.6 Commitment to change and counterproductive work behavior

Research conducted by Farkhani, et.al. (2017) examines the role of organizational commitment to
counterproductive work behavior of nurses at the Mashhad city government hospital. The results of the study
indicate that organizational commitment has a negative and significant influence on counterproductive work
behavior. Tian, Zhang and Zou's (2014) research results show that work vulnerability is positively related to
counterproductive behavior and has a negative relationship associated with affective commitment. The findings
of this study also show that affective commitment acts as a link between job insecurity and counter-product

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The Role of Electronic Management Implementation in Affecting Police Investigators…

behavior. One implication of this finding is that managers can change counterproductive behavior by increasing
employee behavior such as affective commitment.
Hypothesis 6: Commitment to change significantly influences counterproductive work behavior.

3.1.7 Job satisfaction and individual performance

Maryani & Supomo (2001) conducted research on these two variables. Based on their research
findings, job satisfaction has a significant relationship to individual performance. Improved individual
performance is influenced by various aspects that affect job satisfaction, namely attracting or not the work done
by workers, attitudes and abilities of superiors in leading, support and cooperation from colleagues, the amount
of compensation received and opportunities given by organizations to develop careers. The relationship between
the two variables was also investigated by Khan et. al (2012) and concluded that job satisfaction received by
employees in the form of salary, promotion, work safety and security, conditions, work autonomy, relationships
with colleagues, relations with superiors, the nature of work significantly influences performance.
Hypothesis 7: Job satisfaction significantly influences the investigator's performance.

3.1.7 Job satisfaction and counterproductive work behavior

Diedricks & Rothman (2014) conducted a study of 205 employees working in the field of information
technology in South Africa. The discussion of the research is one of them examines the relationship between job
satisfaction variables on counter-productive behavior. The results show that IT professional employees with low
job satisfaction tend to engage in counterproductive behavior. Another opinion put forward by Mount et al.
(2006), which states that job satisfaction has an impact on the minimum deviant behavior of employees towards
their work, and when employees who feel dissatisfied with their work will make employees tend to behave
deviant in the organization. The results of research conducted indicate that job satisfaction has an effect on
counterproductive interpersonal and organizational behavior. Sharma and Sharma (2014) examined the
relationship between employee emotions, employee job satisfaction and counterproductive behavior in two
national banks in India, OBC and Corporate Banks. One result of the study shows that employee satisfaction
with work can reduce employees' counterproductive actions at work.
Hypothesis 8: Job satisfaction has a significant effect on counterproductive work behavior.

3.2 Integrated Research Model

Those hypotheses are integrated in proposed research model as shown in figure one. In order to
increase individual performance, the implementation of EMP will affect one’s commitment to change and job
satisfaction. Therefore, commitment to change and job satisfaction will affect individual performance and
decrease one’s counterproductive work behavior.

Figure 1. Integrated Research Model


4.1 Measurement

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The information technology used by the National Police Investigator in the form of an EMP is an
application system capable of digitizing investigative management administration. Website based EMP
application. This system functions as a criminal database for the needs of criminality analysis, a database of
criminal offenders to uncover a criminal case, a quick and accurate case search system, an investigator
performance appraisal system, a data processing system for the needs of analysis and evaluation of handling
criminal cases. The level of EMP acceptance is measured by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory
introduced by Davis (Davis, 1989). This theory emphasizes the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
Herscovitch and Meyer (2002) define commitment to change as a force (mindset) that binds individuals
towards actions that are deemed necessary for the successful implementation of change initiatives. The
instrument used to measure the commitment to change variable was adopted from indicators proposed by
Herscovitch and Meyer (2002). Job satisfaction is interpreted by Kreitner and Kinicki (2014) as an affective or
emotional response to various aspects of one's work. Job satisfaction reflects the degree to which someone likes
his job. The work satisfaction measurement method adopted adopted the theory put forward by Camman,
Fichman, Jenkins & Klesh (1979), namely the Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire Job
Satisfaction Subscale (MOAQ-JSS). The measurement of job satisfaction using MOAQ-JSS only consists of 3
items and is a valid measure of the affective component of job satisfaction and assesses job satisfaction globally.
Job satisfaction not only involves the mind but also individual feelings towards their work. Each of the three
MOAQ-JSS items, for example the words ‘‘satisfied "or‘‘like" which can be described as affective or
emotionally oriented words (Bowling & Hammond, 2008).
The definition of performance according to Rothwell, Honhe & King (2000) is that performance is
related to the results of achievements made by a person, group or organization. The elaboration of dimensions in
performance measurement was adopted from Aguinis (2009). Counterproductive work behavior according to
Bennet & Robinson (2000) is a situation where employees lack the motivation to meet social expectations or
social norms that apply in an organization. Counterproductive work behavior measurement uses indicators
adopted from Bennet & Robinson (2000). The measurement of all variables in this study uses intervals ranging
from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree).

4.2 Testing
To test the hypotheses, data will be gathered by using survey. Data will be summarized and analysed
using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Lisrell Software. Descriptive analysis will be calculated, and
inferential analysis will be conducted to test the relationship between each of the variables. Validity and
reliability of the instrument will use factor loading and principal components analysis.

To prove the implementation of information system (EMP) in Indonesia National Police Criminal
Investigation Agency has influence on individual performance, this paper proposed eight hypotheses. Previous
research revealed that the implementation of information system can not be directly influence performance, but
there are other factors as mediating. This research select commitment to change and job satisfaction as
mediating variables to mediate the relationship between EMP and Individual performance. This paper also
considers the counterproductive work behavior could be occurred if there are poor implementation that can
cause dissatisfaction of the employee. Examining the integrated possible result cause of the implementation of
EMP can give scholars valuable insight regarding to implementation information system issues relevant to
today’s organization practice.

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*Corresponding Author: Anastasia Sulistyorini

(Graduate Program of Administrative Science, Faculty of Administrative Science,
Universitas Indonesia)

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