Atpl Agk
Atpl Agk
Atpl Agk
3. At what height is it mandatory for one flight crew deck to wear an oxygen
a. 25,000ft
b. 32,000ft
c. 37,000ft
d. 41,000ft
8. Which of the following instruments require inputs of both pitot and static
9. When smoke appears in the cockpit, after donning the oxygen mask the pilot
should select:
a. Normal
b. 100%
c. Diluter
d. Emergency
a. The CSD can be disconnected and the pilot must control the
alternator himself
b. The pilot must throttle back to reduce the load on the alternator
c. The CSD can be disconnected then reconnected later when the
temperature has reduced
d. The CSD can be disconnected but not used for the rest of the
12. When does the engine High Pressure fuel shut off valve close?
13. The LED indicator on the emergency torch is flashing at 4 seconds intervals.
This indicates:
a. 2450 – 0 ft
b. 3000 – 50 ft
c. 2450 – 50 ft
d. 3000 – 0 ft
18. At an aircraft taxiing speed of 10mph, the anti-skid braking system is:
a. Inoperative
b. Operative
c. Operative only on the nosewheel brakes
d. Operative only on the main wheel brakes
a. No change in altitude
b. A slight climb
c. A slight descent
d. A slight descent at high airspeed only
22. An aircraft is flying at constant indicated altitude over a warm airmass. The
altimeter reading will be:
a. Correct
b. Greater than the real altitude
c. Less than the real altitude
d. Oscillating around the correct altitude
23. An aircraft is travelling at 120 kts, what angle of bank would be required for
a rate 1(one) turn?
a. 30°
b. 12°
c. 18°
d. 35°
a. 500 ft/min
b. 300 ft/min
c. 250 ft/min
d. 600 ft/min
25. You are flying at a constant FL 290 and a constant mach number. The total
temperature increases by 5°. The CAS will:
29. At what height is it mandatory for one flight crew deck to wear an oxygen
a. 25,000ft
b. 32,000ft
c. 37,000ft
d. 41,000ft
30. The EGT indication on a piston engine is used:
31. The magnetic heading reference unit has a precision rate of:
a. 1°/min
b. 2°/min
c. 5°/min
d. 3°/min
33. What type of autoland system would be required for the landing to continue
following a single failure below alert height?
a. Fail soft
b. Fail passive
c. Fail operational or fail active
d. Land 2 system
a. Zero
b. Climb
c. Descent
d. Reducing pressure
a. A specific amount
b. The captain decides
c. All
d. A specified amount must remain
37. What do three green lights represent when the landing gear is selected
40. The excess cabin altitude alerting system must operate to warn the crew at:
a. 8,000ft
b. 10,000ft
c. 13,000ft
d. 14,000ft
One method of boundary layer control is accomplished by injecting
- a high speed jet of air into the boundary layer
Why do some airplanes equipped with inboard/outboard ailerons use the outboards for
slow flight only?
- aerodynamic loads on the outboard ailerons tend to twist the wingtips at high
Which direction from the primary control surface does a servo tab move?
- opposite direction
Which direction from the primary control surface does an anti-servo tab move?
- same direction
What is the primary function of the leading edge flaps in landing configuration during the
flare before touchdown?
- prevent flow separation
What effect does the leading edge slot in the wing have on performance?
- change the stalling angle of attack to a higher angle
What is the resulting performance loss when the engine on a twin-engine airplane fails?
- reduction of climb by 50% or more
What effect would a change in ambient temperature or air density have on gas-turbine-
engine performance?
- as temperature increases, thrust decreases
What effect, if any, does high ambient temperature have upon the thrust output of a
turbine engine?
- thrust will be reduced due to the decrease in air density
What type of compressor stall has the greatest potential for severe damage?
- steady, continuous flow reversal stall
At what Mach range does the subsonic flight range normally occur
- below .75 Mach
How should thrust reversers be applied to reduce landing distance for turbojet aircraft?
- immediately after ground contact
How should reverse thrust propellers be used during landing for maximum effectiveness
in stopping?
- use maximum reverse as soon as possible after touchdown
Test data indicate that ice, snow , or frost having a thickness and roughness similar to
medium or coarse sandpaper on the leading edge and upper surface of a wing can
- reduce lift by as much as 30% and increase drag by 40%
What can a pilot expect if the pitot system ram air input and drain hole are blocked by
- the airspeed may act as an altimeter
If both the ram air input and drain hole of the pitot system are blocked by ice , what
airspeed indication can be expected
- no variation of indicated airspeed in level flight if large power changes are made
How will the airspeed indicator react if the ram air input to the pitot head is blocked by
ice, but the drain hole and static port are not?
- indication will drop to zero