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EN5ider 018 - King and Country 2

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Ki n g

A ryd
o u n t

By Mark A. Hart
King and Country previously introduced nationality as a type of character background. The
article listed thirteen different kingdom backgrounds, each based on a common fantasy theme,
and provided two examples: Crusader Nation and Arcane Dominion. Here are four more
realms for use as backgrounds - the Confederacy of Feuding Houses, the Lost Civilization, the
Regime of the Dark Overlord, and the Savage Land.

EN World EN5IDER| King and Country 2

Confederacy of Feuding d4 Personality Trait

Houses 1
I don’t like leaving my back exposed in
public places.
Until I know someone, I watch them for
You understand the value of family and 2
signs of betrayal.
bloodline above all else. You grew up in a
I try to uncover the secrets of both friends
realm splintered into dozens of factions, each
3 and enemies. Such information always
one vying for power and wealth. You learned
proves invaluable.
to watch for hidden daggers and poisoned
food at an early age, and your first lessons I’m constantly searching for an angle or
taught you how to read people and manipu- leverage over everyone I meet.
late them for your family’s benefit. Perhaps d4 Ideal
you belonged to a lesser house—one forced Respect. Never forget your place, and
to serve a larger and more infamous family. 1 make certain your inferiors remember
Or you could have belonged to one of the theirs. (Lawful)
great houses, living a life surrounded by both Family. Nothing is more important than
luxury and the constant threat of betrayal. 2 family. I would die for them, and I would
Regardless, you understand the complexities kill for them. (Any)
and allure of courtly intrigue. Knowledge. Never enter a fight or nego-
3 tiation without proper information, and
Skill Proficiencies. Deception, Persuasion always have an escape plan. (Neutral)
Tool Proficiencies. Forgery kit, poisoner’s kit Vengeance. If you hurt my friends or
Equipment. A steel mirror, a signet ring (with 4 family, your parents will wish you were
hidden compartment), a set of traveler’s never born. (Evil)
clothes, a dagger, and a belt pouch d4 Bond
containing 15 gp
I escaped an arranged marriage, so now
1 two furious families and one determined
Feature. The Black Market
betrothed hunt for me.
When you enter a town or city, you only
need a few conversations with locals to find I’ve lived my life serving others. Now I
the best dealers in illegal goods and services. 2 seek the freedom to make my own choic-
Whether you want to buy poisons, hire an es.
assassin, or purchase classified information, I will return my family to its rightful
you can uncover whom to talk to, where to 3 position of power, and punish those who
go, and how best to approach them. forced our downfall.
I must atone for the crimes I committed in
Suggested Characteristics my family’s name.
A citizen who lived his life among the feuding d4 Flaw
houses may prove slow to trust and difficult Lying comes naturally to me. I struggle to
to decipher. When they speak, they seem tell the truth, even when I want to.
incapable of giving a straightforward answer. When someone slights me, I always repay
Although these folk appreciate the value of al- 2
the favor.
lies and friends, they understand the dangers I failed my family in every possible way,
of lowering one’s defenses. They guard their 3
and now they seek my destruction.
words and actions, even around friends. I don’t mind using my allies as bait, with
or without their approval.

EN World EN5IDER | King and Country 2

Lost Civilization d4 Personality Trait
Everything I discover in this new world
You come from a legendary realm, a place fascinates or horrifies me.
filled with magic or technology unknown to I won’t let my ignorance hinder my curi-
the outer world. You grew up around alien osity, even if it upsets someone.
creatures, lived in a city of glass and steel, No matter how hard I try to fit in, I alien-
and used artifacts that most people consider 3
ate everyone around me.
impossible. Whether you abandoned your I enjoy collecting trinkets and tokens ev-
homeland by choice or necessity, you may 4
erywhere I travel.
never find your way back. d4 Ideal
Knowledge. I want to learn this world’s
Skill Proficiencies. Arcana, History 1
secrets to take back home. (Neutral)
Tool Proficiencies. One type of exotic musical
Secrets. My people unleashed a horror
2 that consumed my realm; I will not allow
Languages. One of your choice
my new home to suffer that fate. (Good)
Equipment. A walking staff, a necklace or oth-
er family heirloom of unusual metal, a set of Destiny. I hear the chorus of alien gods.
traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch 3 Their voices tell me who must live and
containing 20 gp of coin from your who must die. (Any)
homeland Generosity. I possess skills unknown to
4 this world. Honor and duty require me to
Feature. Stranger in a Strange Land share these talents. (Good)
Your origin grants you celebrity status. You d4 Bond
attract the curiosity of commoners, nobles, I will find a way back home, even if it
sages, and fools alike, but not all of this atten- takes a lifetime and costs a fortune.
tion is benevolent. When you seek audience My people intend to conquer the outer
with an individual of note, such as a famous 2
world. I can’t let them succeed.
wizard or local noble, you can mention your I must discover who abducted me from
place of origin to entice their interest and 3
my realm and why.
earn an invitation. Often, they may offer I stole a piece of forbidden technology. It
advice and knowledge in trade for stories 4 tells me to learn its secrets before its own-
about your homeland. If you need a larger ers find me.
favor, your host may demand something
d4 Flaw
exceptional in return, such as technological
My inexperience with local customs and
secrets or a mag-ic item from your realm. 1
traditions often gets me into trouble.
Suggested Characteristics When stressed, I speak in cryptic meta-
A citizen from a Lost Civilization feels mis- phors that no one understands.
placed and disconnected from the outer I feel superior to everyone around me, but
world. Because they grew up in such a differ- I hold them blameless for their ignorance.
ent setting, their distinctiveness goes beyond This land is not my home, and it will
strange clothing and a foreign accent. When 4 never be my home, no matter how long I
interacting with locals, their unfamiliarity remain stuck here.
with customs, traditions, and superstitions
often confuses people or angers them.

EN World EN5IDER| King and Country 2

Regime of the d4 Personality Trait

Dark Overlord 1
I hate being the center of attention, and I
don’t like to be noticed.
Nothing fazes me. Once you’ve survived
You grew up in the bloodthirsty regime of the
2 my homeland, everything else seems
world’s most tyrannical overlord. Trapped in
quaint by comparison.
a hellish domain, your family existed without
Everywhere I go, I scope out the nearest
hope or faith. Although you escaped, by night 3
escape routes.
you suffer nightmares of torture and impris-
onment. When you awaken, you realize those I abandoned everyone I ever loved. I will
weren’t nightmares, but rather memories of never do so again.
your suffering. d4 Ideal
Survival. If you stop fighting, then you’ve
Skill Proficiencies. Stealth, Survival let the villains win. (Neutral)
Tool Pro iciencies. One type of artisan’s tools People. I’ll protect my friends, but I don’t
Languages. One of your choice believe in causes. (Neutral)
Equipment. A quarterstaff, a set of common Rebellion. We must liberate the enslaved
clothes, a homemade talisman to ward off 3
and overthrow their masters. (Good)
evil, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp Strength. Strength and power are every-
thing. Without strength, you are helpless
Feature. Social Invisibility 4
to protect yourself. With it, you can domi-
You perfected the art of avoiding notice and nate those around you first. (Evil)
never drawing attention. When someone first
d4 Bond
meets you, they later struggle to recall your
Nothing would ever convince me to aban-
appearance, your voice, or anything signif- 1
don my allies.
icant about you. Likewise, you blend into
a crowd, making it difficult for pursuers to I swore to those who helped me escape I
identify you. would return and save them.
I swear to destroy the overlord and free
Suggested Characteristics my land.
Those who escape the Regime of the Dark I have seen how true evil corrupts a king-
Overlord often fall into two personality types: dom. I will not allow it to spread here.
those strengthened by their experiences, and d4 Flaw
those forever scarred by them. Either way, 1 I am both a pessimist and a fatalist.
individuals from this regime understand how 2 I do what I’m told out of habit.
brutal, dangerous, and unforgiving the world Hurting people to get what I want doesn’t
can be. They understand how to endure, 3
bother me.
when to hide, and how to fight when cor-
When bloodshed begins, my first instinct
nered. A survivor of this domain often carries 4
is to hide.
a perpetually haunted look in his eyes.

EN World EN5IDER | King and Country 2

Savage Land d4 Personality Trait
I do not seek death, but I do not flee its
From the moment of your birth, the Savage
I dislike spending time in civilization; it
Land wanted you dead. Monsters and beasts 2
weakens me and dampens my instincts.
lurked at the village’s edge, eager to devour
Possessions and wealth are temptations
you like a delicious meat snack. The land 3
luring you to an unmarked grave.
conjured up blizzards, floods, drought, and
tempests to flatten, drown, and otherwise Life tastes sweetest when something tries
destroy you and your folk. For all its murder- to kill me.
ous intent, however, you give thanks to your d4 Ideal
homeland. As the harshest place in the world, Might. Only the strongest deserve to live.
it taught you to survive. It forced you to grow (Evil)
strong. You learned the value of helping oth- Wanderlust. I go where I want to, when I
ers and enduring together, even if it meant want to. (Chaotic)
sharing the last of your food. The Land. The spirit of the land guides
my actions, even as it tests me. (Neutral)
Skill Proficiencies. Nature, Survival Hunter. When I see my prey, it’s as good
Tool Proficiencies. One set of artisan’s tools 4
as dead.(Neutral)
Languages. One of your choice d4 Bond
Equipment. A knife, a talisman or token of
My family—by choice or by blood—are
strength from your clan, tinderbox, a set of 1
all I have left. I will not fail them.
traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch
containing 10 gp The thrill of danger is more addictive
than any civilized vice.
Feature. Hunter’s Instinct My clan banished me, and now I must
When you travel in the wilderness, you sense earn my way back.
when someone—or something—has caught I collect songs, stories, and folklore to
your trail or scent. Although you lack the bring back to my people.
details, you instinctively recognize when d4 Flaw
your pursuers are within an hour or less of I live every day as if it were my last, and
your position and from which direction they to hell with the consequences!
approach. My kindness to strangers makes me an
easy mark.
Suggested Characteristics My entire village perished thanks to my
The people of the Savage Land retain a mys- 3
tical link to their homeland, even when they
4 I dislike trusting gods or their priests.
travel beyond its borders. Infused with a
love of danger, they often show bravery and
fierce determination no matter the odds. At
the same time, they understand that—sooner
Author - Mark A. Hart
rather than later—the spirit of the homeland
will hunt them and kill them. Editor - James Haeck
Artists - N.C. Wyeth
Layout - Justin Buell

EN World EN5IDER| King and Country 2

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