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Bangladesh Oil Gas and Mineral Ordinance

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wfofre Feet BRIA, ASW 20, A0RR IRTP GTS HOTT DIRT, O¢ BRB, 382/20 ACSA, ZOD TOM BPS fle MAPS TRA of UAV, 982 GTO Yo ACSW, od RCs aisfos afoeTS SICR oR COTA OF STA HeTMECE BaioE SAT ert A MACSTR + ORR ACT Sd 7K GAT Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation Ordinance, 1985 sRoyse WaricaN saat Car seaacH ets wT GRE Here Kas stethe oifes Fret asieg ort yea AEA yea FIT > epee Raft com crm omect Re feo, ene, ates, Comridar ¢ Naa ANS Of sg CRE GAT Siar ATT TIPS afer sae; aa ary aifes from affraiiz « yt freer safer cet arent fare CGIAST RBAITR AR. RS APTA (MIT FRO) GTA, 20d (20d) FLAT 38 AK GRA) Ta Seve TIF 98 MIS BACT Sobrw AIA 5) ACERT Me FACES ATS Tale BUTT wat wiego AGORA SATMTAT 6 FNS RBS ETE aT aRfsaTAT Ded wat de Ba fete RBUCR aR FifSer OTT Ae 8/2033 4 Bats cares enh ert ae OS TH AS STE oeRATais caenyte Car Caeer Mat we (HT FROM) BBA, bw (Moby Arad ae BTEA) efor cas Qere Se ego PTeA weer ET RATE: eR (dbdus) 7] : BT yv.00 dbd90 SRATOT CTD, WISTS, ATEVT 20, 202 CURRY odo FAT FR SEA Fal Oe aC DAEE weg Shore eG sier AAT REHITR eR arg Be aycrres SoS 6 arfeteor adravat sat are Reaio SOOMTAR eae ROT @ TEE NCI Ue efoeA Te Awa RA acre Shag ey ase Prats aes SITS wae RY Faaad Sefe-aeis Freres aK-ce Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance No. XXI of 1985) #@exée worsen ‘ofaar Bat smears sat ASA 6 aca: CRE aomiar Pygt ssa sat BA dL aRAES Pra ¢ ea671—(s) <8 SIRs =RAIOM Cor, ITT 6 eRe SCATHT STA, 2oNs TTT WES BEC | (2) 2a wieerce tea BBs | 3 RET er erceis afi coral fy at alser, ak SR (0) “erica” of eet 8 oa Bale afeiine sete Cor, PT 6 eT SATA (CALETA); (2) “aR” we rere conte aerrts sir; (0) “Semen” orf tet RatRFS Scheduled Bank; (4) “wafer” we cat os 4 afls RTO COR, TPT @ ERT Soe (COREIRAT) Waler; (v) “after an” of ata » ca BAIN side aftTAT rem; (3) “afters” wed seicaicrs coca afaDTe (se) “craram” wf ergsfooere Rare soete at wae at aia OEE AT BRE SeeT Cares safe oa Ba-erat (9) aa FHT (2), (1) © (%) CS AS FHPTHCA THT RAS BIAS (8) BA APRA GY C(t) GA WATT Vaefere ara ora HET ATT ATS BALA, WL TGHS ASIA CHUA STAT CHITA ATRTEMT RRL AT | (8) Ferm Safe HET FTA cod afeoran tora Feet Fats ye : BAA, US CONS FIO CRUE STI HErtfe_ea Gies fasta a fre cos ericaT TST UST | (@) GICAT FACT SOPH Beat AarRSTTA Ter wef afeucy cay faaca fois CaP amis sce RCA AT | eins : (&) comment wa afore cert FT OAT ote tT ote © (fer) fF err Sai afer FHT aUfees CAPTOT SALA | 01 SR aor fr Rast aie wees afte aM Bory ET Bone aes Bes EH ae aT ae SAT dy oe SRIBA STATA @ Cr FET sfice afc | 981 aearaes, Sorensr, Sorte Feat aeAicants, Sars aera ers MATA Sry, aeaTes, ors, Sane ¢ arte fear SS AACS | 3 1 PMR 8 HS) SCT, Aor MRS ORAITA FAITH, COT, OPT eR ARH STE, Greet, Beams, afeameat, afteer, cree, fier, ged, we, Raa © oat wise a Uadign ergies wr SHIA, Fe, fT o roars Gay GPA GRA, Sans (Sdd8 AA yb AR STEN) Ga cary 19H fice 6 tare ta wf afeir shies suffice wae faci fafcmens face AaeTCaa FTeTST Peres Be carmitice acer Canis feranieaice ola Bea SaaS Aare faces anfacs 1 (a) Ba-eat (9) 6 ae comohrorTEr Jas HVT UTAS © HUH aA HTA | du FRETS oREfefer OT, Tortfit ACAI, FAS BITINTER, ATE, PMY GIA, Yod8 (HB ACA db AK TTA) g TT RW ASS AT GH, Bere CICAT CHP T HRATUITS rae FRMPRTT ACT BATS APACS | 391 CHAT HMMS CTT GAT WY MALT TST AAC COAT, PT ARR ARO CTS, STAT, Bear, ateareat, aeaer, OTST, FR, TEA, HVT, fori seat fost eters wae APS aIgSS TT STATIN, TeT Raa @ fara aay ade Bae WAH ofa Cra eA TY eat Saw AACA | Se fiers sora acter at cat waht ance Fas fre ere ¢ afaorraT BAaCw AACS | yedaw SATO CACHE, BASIS, ATHRT 20, 2022 do | Saft (9) «2 areas Dorryarecs, eet oT, TT @ ee eC (corceTaTeT) wakeer ATCT Ga waleer anes | (2) waiter fgets Ser Rew ae we GAT aRea, wet (*) FATE SEs ome BATA; (2) FHA S¥s ame ee 6 BYTE; (Gi) FRSC ATTA CHM, FRCHER ce Carat EON, RE aT Re BST are SIRS FRTTST aT OETA: j (&) seers Es GrATICAIMT HT A BIE aR (8) tie a¥e ye Tt Ue SOT AE | (9) Cetera af setter aye ARES coat wai oRe eat aes Ra | . (8) FAA SHR TTT oR CMU, AOE @ SORT SR, CTT ‘6 ORRfers Fe Sy walse REcw Ie Sat RECT | (@) Ba-aat (9) © (9) 6 wer FRE age a eR, ofA oho TEE Tne SI SATA SAT RACEMIC, FASTA SYLAR, AE AIR STAT Safe ARTE SAT ARCS | (&) Teer Crone at etcmrey ere AT Rat Hey walters OS FAST Syne oot RCs eat aT AA aATATS Pca Bw ona | 201 Sa Sekt (9) 2 ORE Cowmyeace, Haeras “Maca, TIFT 6 COT SPAIN, CER, ACI eR Uige apis oom ary fers ara pera FMT Hy ARE cram ake aR OPTS GIT Ramat APowwaE Frey Sls SES, AE TAT, TTA Bye eee BAGO we aT ORT CoTTAT Ser RECS Be BE ara PATCH Oe a MS SAAT west sda BCS ufc | (2) Becca (9) ¢ ae Bane walser FAY wat ftw efwow afaTTTS zac | 231 fecal arson, Bar wef, & cera Sah oes GENT eS fics sea Fas SECTS RTE ace Rc aCe ufc | 881 A ees EAT Lacy ok Bera BAS etait eT Fife caf ar fecaht ORS aT we AST TAT CoAT Ber Bow etceTRA w aT SAT ateet ox Bar ofthes Bite ones, wee acaba ea CRT AOTC PACT sleet shes Baca | ARTO CATED ; GPOATS, ATER 20, QoS pe99 RO | CRIT RE LARA, TARTAN SYA eR FOIA BSS HMw ~ercace, Rise rms eer sae ora wr, FET a GAT NATE BERR hare onface 38 | Re @ pref eter actin Ba oe Pes Say ETE TES SACHS Uta Bae Saag PTR Raw fir 6 ore OE Shire mace 3@ | wort feat, Beni acta, Rate arate hers eMac Bowe > FHS PES SHUTS FRMAS Se Gt ace RTS Shs fet sew fees eee OrRICHE brats MSTA ater arat aMifae eBeq 1” : 2& | GAGRS (Public Servant) Aeris CARIN, TET, ATS e aos aS TRH exe FAY oT effec AY - ef H>THAeI Penal Code, 1860 (Act No. XLV of 1860) Gi section 21 SPiIC# Public Servant I BACree fre sy RI 281 eee aie, ef tom ae age Mie aN ACT, aes ORS Fe GAT AACA AAGUIATAA ACS TAS qEs-Aeah om See wes be wife sors erefte oir 6 aus fers anhis Zire | Qo BAS atat, Bf, SRT (9) GUT a weegs FACIE COTA TS carat Ste Pals a cata Boas acest SCS fica, Bet (*) oraiPanr ¢ aire pra SoReT OR 6 wITTPTATA (8) aeé cea s Fat fidacia aay YB Bam; (C) eepray urfteras ear ie FTA; () eRakeas Cows qetece cacetcat arf FATA | (a) Beat (9) et SRT erbrmcad Cra, THR Fee eH, Shia TEKS aT wis, GRE cae Safar ar GH RatH Rete are aiRicw eBca | (9) carat Bite S4-etat (>) az Bala SE QAI Core Oiss aces TAT ATE, CS ST SAS CHTCAT eSTRS PEAS SAC CAT ST CAAICAT TEAS BA | (8) B4-aat (9) ae BRR cor aes Be cera TS BA AE olere AR BES Maire ¢ acaa shoe ari SACS BEC | (@) ween wee faire worst aR cena feared Ber Sea, aes SEs, Hae CHR areata ear, Fdifsw egore Se Ser Frey wat Ve | TIT a rare Torey race, “OS” wed at carcat afebr, cern = FRAIS GELS 2A | db3qb ARETOM CITE, SAAS, ACSW 20, 2OAV 201 Rraret e Fae H(9) aca wee Bae ae REET Seer eR cas THRs feat age sce | (2) sees ser fere-ahes 6 fe, wert we fers-faes 6 fase Prat STSRG, ecere seis aetcTTT fiers RAPE Sacer wee fear BCA Rea Corercas Frater fac iter afc | * (9) Basar (2) «a waa fre fare Ee Bangladesh Chartered Accountants Order, 1973 (P.O.N. 2 of 1973) « Article 2 (1)(b) ( FRETS Chartered Accountant wat @ficetaa fiora fabs sat wer ca CoRTATT ‘sescaots ee at ates Chartered Accountant fart eRe fee | (8) B+-ast () ex Sq Frage Chartered Accountants aoqrmny sifaorerar ort Ee Faw aca mse MTs SAT TEC | (@) & ears eotay Rarer wer RR eIge aT eR TASH, Rowe RECS, crata a sresifee aber rf war aedeers a Sas Ske come at eee Frtrer artery Feng SMROD fC | (&) FAs fore fate Corey wer fore-Rahes 6 fms Rear wre Feb Vow aE FACETS CoAT TAs a Bow (0) a Say frige Chartered Accountant @ &4-«at (¢) cz waa RoMge wrehfes fast orf ACERS Fe aE, WARMER, AIT aT See oieS AS STENT, we eR wifey fe sate Siar atts acer ce GUT, ‘Roe aT eet a rica SASS aT eos ferarrat Sew afar | 90 | TAS eferarT (>) ster ars wile qe Fe Bas te SAT Tee aferers Aaa ad me SARC | (2) FH ACETATE, CRCSTCAT FT, Aicemica ewes ater corcar Recet afer, Ror, fash, cream, aR et GATT we AAAEEA OAT STETA SRS sIfeCe ee SCAT Bal ARIA FS AaeHE SACS aes enfere | 93 | BRET Ott | —oRorAT ont Mtoe HTeTAt wea AoE SICH Bat Bee Ae TOPTR, AME wey 6 MOS, SCARS CONTA BRAT CENA AAT BRT AROS Ua AE aces Few ACR A CHEAT SACs ec Shae SAT BAS SCS onfaca 1 02 | BOAT SET ao TTT, Spb (2838 FAT de FR WTB) @ Bate war ERE ARE ferret aetcmnas CRU acuey ZEee AT aR WEA SR Sferace Bere GA SAT TELS AT | RATT CITED, BASIS, ACEH 20, 20d ded 99 | FARE era FAUT Lak wR Tomy areca, Hae, HAA cored gear aan, fate acres sfacw onfaca 1 08 | Sftery aeacAt TST ak Read Sows oarece, at, AAT SITTER, AH ET MOTT WAT, GE TRA aT ARR Hie RoR aCe aRET STR erTT BRCS MfACA | ee! afteert © cee +—(>) Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral - Corporation Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance No. XXI of 1985) Were Be Ordinance

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