CCL 33 11 4746
CCL 33 11 4746
CCL 33 11 4746
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: As the connecting part of diet and host physiology, intestinal microbes can convert the ingested diet
Received 22 November 2021 into a huge number of physiologically active small molecules. Indole metabolites of tryptophan are pre-
Revised 10 December 2021
cursors or signal molecules for many biologically active substances, which are involved in serotonin
Accepted 4 January 2022
and microbial catabolism pathways. To understand the influence of tryptophan metabolism in the in-
Available online 12 January 2022
testinal environment on the neurological and immune systems at the molecular level, it is important
Keywords: to establish a high-coverage analytical method to comprehensively analyze the metabolites involved
Chemical labeling in tryptophan metabolism. However, due to a small molecular weight and poor response during mass
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry spectrometry analysis, as well as weak retention on the reversed-phase chromatography, determina-
Indole metabolites tion of indole metabolites of tryptophan is challenging. Here, we proposed a method for the simulta-
Tryptophan neous determination of 20 indole metabolites of tryptophan in a single run on reversed-phase chro-
Rat feces
matography by chemical labeling coupled to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analy-
sis. 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde (DMAB) was used for the labeling of indole metabolites of trypto-
phan, which could significantly improve the detection sensitivities and retention of these metabolites
on reversed-phase chromatography. With the developed method, we realized the sensitive detection and
comprehensive analysis of 15 endogenous indole metabolites of tryptophan in rat feces samples with
functional dyspepsia intervention by acupuncture. The developed method offers a useful tool for study-
ing tryptophan metabolism-related diseases.
© 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Chemical Society and Institute of Materia
Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.
Intestinal microorganisms generate a "diet from the microbiome croorganisms [7,15,16]. These metabolites act as ligands and are
to the host axis" that turns the consumed meal into a huge num- essential for intestinal homeostasis [17–19].
ber of physiologically active small molecules [1–3]. A variety of To understand the influence of tryptophan metabolism in the
metabolites produced by intestinal microorganisms play essen- intestinal environment on the neurological system and immune
tial roles in metabolism, immunology and neurohomeostasis [4– system from the molecular level, it is important to establish a
6]. Tryptophan and its indole metabolites are precursors or signal high-coverage analytical method to analyze the indole metabo-
molecules for many biologically active substances [7–10]. The in- lites of tryptophan. At present, the analysis of tryptophan indole
dole metabolites in the serotonin pathway play important roles in metabolites mainly relies on liquid chromatography-mass spec-
the "gut-brain axis", which activates specific 5-hydroxytryptamine trometry (LC-MS) [20–23]. It has been reported that LC-MS-based
receptors in the gastrointestinal tract and is engaged in a wide methods were used to determine tryptophan metabolites in vari-
range of physiological functions [11–14]. Tryptophan also produces ous biological samples [24–26]. For example, Chen et al. reported
a variety of indole metabolites under the action of intestinal mi- an analytical method for the simultaneous analysis of 16 tryp-
tophan indole metabolites using LC-MS with selected reaction
monitoring mode [27]. The fragments of these tryptophan indole
metabolites under collision-induced dissociation (CID) are similar
Corresponding authors at: Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, Wuhan because they all have modest molecular weights and share the
430072, China. same indole skeleton structure. In general, the fragmentation be-
E-mail addresses: (B.-F. Yuan), (Y.-Q. havior of parent ions under CID is employed to select distinc-
1001-8417/© 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Chemical Society and Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.
Q.-F. Zhang, H.-M. Xiao, J.-T. Zhan et al. Chinese Chemical Letters 33 (2022) 4746–4749
Fig. 2. The chemical structures of indole metabolites of tryptophan involved in serotonin pathway and microbial catabolites.
Q.-F. Zhang, H.-M. Xiao, J.-T. Zhan et al. Chinese Chemical Letters 33 (2022) 4746–4749
Fig. 3. MS/MS spectrum and fragmentation of DMAB-labeled tryptophan indole metabolite. (a) DMAB-labeled IND. (b) DMAB-labeled IAcn. (c) DMAB-labeled IAA. (d) DMAB-
labeled IAM.
Q.-F. Zhang, H.-M. Xiao, J.-T. Zhan et al. Chinese Chemical Letters 33 (2022) 4746–4749