Sewage Treatement Plant
Sewage Treatement Plant
Sewage Treatement Plant
As the cities have grown, the more primitive method of excreta disposal
have gain place to the water-carried sewerage system. Even in the small cities the
greater safety of sewerage, its convenience, and freedom from nuisance have
caused it to be adopted wherever finances permit.
A Partially Separate Sewer System is the sewerage system in which the
domestic sewage is carried with the storm water in the rain season.
Return activated sludge (R.A.S) is the activated sludge extracted from the
system and mixed with raw water to form the mixed liquor.
Sludge Age is the average residence time of biological solids in the system.
It can be defined as the average lifespan of bacteria in the system.
Overflow rate / Surface loading is the discharge per unit of plan area. This
parameter is the design factor in designing the settling tanks.
Food to Micro-organisms ratio (F/M ratio) is the ratio between daily BOD
load applied to Aerator System and total microbial mass in the system.
The principal objective of waste water treatment is generally to allow human and
industrial effluents to be disposed of without danger to human health or
unacceptable damage to the natural environment. An environmentally-safe fluid
waste stream is produced. No danger to human health or unacceptable damage to
the natural environment is expected. Sewage includes household waste liquid from
toilets, baths, showers, kitchens, sinks and so forth that is disposed of via sewers.
Sewage also includes liquid waste from industry and commerce.
Methodology of the Study
I) Anaerobic lagoons
II) Septic tanks
III) Imhoff tanks.
The effluent from the secondary treatment contains a little BOD (5% to 10%
of original) and may contain several milligrams per litre of s DO.
VELLORE Corp.* (expected)**
Ph 6.4 5.5-9.0
1991 1,75,061 1,538
2001 1,77,413
x = 5 = 14,278.
y = 4 = -1342.
= P + nx + n ( )xy
Pn 0
= 1,89,116.
= 2,10,343.
= 2,45,920
At design period of 30 years the forecasted population of the Vellore city is
= 33199200
= 0.8 x 33.2
= 26.56 MLD
In cumec,
26.56 X 106
Avg. sewage generation per day =
1000 X 24 X 60 X 60
= 3 x 0.308
= 0.924 cumec
discharged into the natural stream. The method of treatment adopted should not
only meet the requirement of the regulatory bodies, but also result in the maximum
use of the end product with economy.
On the other hand the site should not be close to the town, that it
may cause difficulties in the expansion of town and may pollute the general
atmosphere by smell and fly nuisance.
All the plant should be located in the order of sequence, so that
sewage from one process should directly go to other process.
If possible all the plant should be located at such elevation that sewage
can flow from one plant into next under its force of gravity only.
All the treatment units should be arranged in such a way that
minimum area is required it will also ensure economy in its cost.
Sufficient area should be occupied for future extension.
Staff quarter and office also should be provided near the treatment
plant, so that operators can watch the plant easily.
The site of treatment plant should be very neat and give very good
Bypass and overflow weir should be provided to cut out of operation
any unit when required.
POINT CONSIDERED IN DESIGN:- Following points are considered
during the design of sewage treatment unit:
Receiving chamber is the structure to receive the raw sewage collected
through Under Ground Sewage System from the city. It is a rectangular shape tank
constructed at the entrance of the sewage treatment plant. The main sewer pipe is
directly connected with this tank.
GENERAL:- Screening is the very first operation carried out at a sewage
treatment plant and consists of passing the raw sewage through different types of
screens so as to trap and remove the floating matter such as tree leaves, paper,
gravel, timber pieces, rags, fibre, tampons, cans, and kitchen refuse etc.
To protect the pumps and other equipments from the possible damages
due to floating matter.
To remove the major floating matters from the raw sewage in a simple
manner before it reaches into the complex high energy required
The width of the rack channel should be sufficient so that self cleaning velocity
should be available and a bypass channel should be provided to prevent the
overtopping. The bypass channel is provided with vertical bar screen. A well
drained trough is provided to store the impurities while cleaning the rack. These
racks are cleaned mechanically.
Grit removal basins are the sedimentation basins placed in front of the fine
screen to remove the inorganic particles having specific gravity of 2.65 such as
sand, gravel, grit, egg shells and other non-putrescible materials that may clog
channels or damage pumps due to abrasion and to prevent their accumulation in
sludge digesters. The grit chamber is designed to scour the lighter organic particles
while the heavier grit particles remain settled.
Here the horizontal flow type grit chamber is designed to give a horizontal
straight line flow velocity, which is kept constant over varying discharge.
Fine screens are the structures built between the grit chambers and primary
sedimentation tank in order to remove some amount of suspended solids from
sewage. The fine screens often get clogged need frequent cleaning. The brass metal
is used as it has higher resistant towards rust and corrosion.
Here the disc type fine screen is designed and the wire mesh of the screen is
made up of brass metal. The fine screen is attached with electric motors. The
clogged screen is often cleared by cone brush.
Skimming tanks are the tanks removing oils and grease from the
sewage constructed before the sedimentation tanks. Municipal raw sewage contains
oils, fats, waxes, soaps, fatty acids etc. The greasy and oily matter may form
unsightly and odorous scum on the surface of settling tanks or may interfere with
the activated sludge process.
In skimming tank air is blown along with chlorine gas by air diffuser
placed at the bottom of the tank. The rising air tends to coagulate and solidify the
grease and cause it to rise to the top of the tank whereas chlorine destroys the
protective colloidal effect of protein, which holds the grease in emulsified form.
The greasy materials are collected from the top of the tank and the collected are
skimmed of specially designed mechanical equipments.
The designed tank is circular type which makes settling by allowing radial
flow. These are fabricated using carbon steel with epoxy lining on the inside and
epoxy coating on the outside. Built on the concept of inclined plate clarification,
these clarifiers use gravity in conjunction with the projected settling area so as to
effect a fairly high percentage of removal of suspended solids as 60 to 65% of the
suspended solids and 30 to 35% of the BOD from the sewage.
The activated sludge process is an aerobic, biological sewage
treatment system to treat the settled sewage consist a variety of mechanisms and
processes that use dissolved oxygen to promote the growth of biological floc that
substantially removes organic material. The essential units of the process are an
aeration tank, a secondary settling tank, a sludge return line from the secondary
settling tank to the aeration tank and an excess sludge waste line.
Effluent from primary clarifier flows into the contact tank where it is aerated
and mixed with bacteria.
Soluble materials pass through bacterial cell walls, while insoluble materials
stick to the outside.
Solids settle out later and are wasted from the system or returned to a
stabilization tank.
Microbes digest organics in the stabilization tank, and are then recycled back
to the contact tank, because they need more food.
mixed with 40 to 50% of own volume of activated sludge (R.A.S). Then it is mixed
for 4 to 8 hours in the aeration tank by the combined aerator which does
compressed air diffusion and mechanical mixing. The moving organisms oxidize
the organic matter and make it to settle in the secondary clarifier.
The activated sludge plant results 80 to 95% of BOD removal and 90 to 95%
bacteria removal by making the necessary set up such as
Aeration tank is the mixing and diffusing structure in the activated sludge
plant. These are rectangular in shape having the dimensions ranging 3 to 4.5m
deep, 4 to 6m wide and 20 to 200m length. Air is introduced continuously to the
Combined Aeration type aerators having the diffused air aeration as well as
mechanical aeration together in a single unit are used in the project. The Dorroco
model is designed as it gives higher efficiency and occupies less space. This results
in higher efficiency and lesser detention period and lesser amount of compressed
The surface area for the secondary sedimentation tank is designed for both
overflow rate basis and solids loading rate basis. The larger value is adopted.
Weir loading = 37 X π
= 176.13 m3/day/m
= 121890 kg/day
Solids loading = 967.54
= 125.98 kg/day/m2
It lies between 100-150 kg/m2/day
Hence it is OK
= 9.771 m3/min
= 146.6 m3
2 No. of pump house each of 14.07 MLD capacity in the dry well are provided
The sewage sludge is brought and spread over the top of drying beds to a
depth of 20 to 30 cm, through distribution troughs. A portion of the moisture drains
through the bed while most of it gets evaporated to the atmosphere. In hot countries
like India it takes 6 to 12 days to dry. After the period the sludge cakes are
removed with spades and they are used as manure as it contains 2 to 3% of NPK
The disposal of treated effluent into land or water body is sewage disposal.
This can be of two methods,
(i) Ajmer Corporation is not a coastal city i.e. sea is out of reach. Ajmer
does not have any perennial river makes impossible for dilution.
(ii) The nearby river stream Pallar has very small amount of dry weather
flow. In summer season it runs dry.
(iii) The Sewage Treatment Plant is designed according to Indian
Standards which produces effluent having lesser hazardous
characteristics than the standards of land disposing.
(iv) It is an alternative source of water for irrigation and it contains the
manure and some amount of NPK compounds.
1 pH 5.5-9.0 5.5-9.0
ridges. After an interval of 8-10 days the sewage can be again applied depending
on the crops requirement and the nature of the soil.
5 Design Population
Base year-2010 1,89,116
Intermediate 2025 2,10,343
Ultimate year 2040 2,45,920
6 Per Capita Water Supply 135 lpcd
Statement of the Problem
Output Data
S.No. pH(Numeric) TSS(mg/L) COD(mg/L) BOD(mg/L)
1. 7.49 14 44 13
2. 7.45 13 48 12
3 7.47 15 44 14
4. 7.49 16 40 14
5. 7.51 14 44 13
6. 7.46 16 48 14
7. 7.43 14 40 14
8. 7.49 15 44 12
9. 7.51 14 40 13
10. 7.41 16 44 15
The sewage water samples are taken after treatment with the sewage treatment
plant and the following parameters are analysed:
Suspended solids
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
pH (acidity)
Chlorine residue
caught. Many types of alternative systems are also able to reduce TSS, usually by
the use of settling compartments and/or filters using sand or other media. Report
“Sewage Treatment Plants”
BOD has traditionally been used to measure the strength of effluent released from
conventional sewage treatment plants to surface waters or streams. This is because
sewage water high in BOD can deplete oxygen in receiving waters, causing fish
kills and ecosystem changes.
Because BOD serves as a food source for microbes, BOD supports the growth of
the microbial biomat. A healthy biomat is desirable because it is capable of
removing many of the bacteria and viruses in the sewage water. The bacteria in a
healthy biomat also digest most of the remaining BOD in the sewage. Too much
BOD however, may cause excessive growth of bacteria in the biomat.
A COD value greatly exceeding the BOD value indicates that the sample contains
large amounts of organic compounds that are not easily biodegraded.
pH:- Analysis are carried out according to NEN 6411 (equal NEN-ISO 10523)
Generally, wastewater organisms in biological treatment systems function best at
pH values ranging from 6.5 to 8.0. Chlorination is most effective at low pH, and
wastewater in sewage collection systems should be maintained at a value close to
The average ranges of physical, chemical and biological characteristics of
waste water quality are experimented and found out.
The pH ranges from 7.8 to 8.01. The Turbidity ranged from 10 to 120 NTU.
The value of Turbidity was found to be within the permissible limit.
The Chloride and Alkalinity were in the range of 3.5 to 120 mg/l and 15 to 80
mg/l respectively.
The Total Iron content was in the range of 0 to 3 mg/l.
The Zinc content was in the limits of 0.1 to 2 mg/l.
Copper content ranged from 0 to 0.2 mg/l.
Potassium was present in the limits of 2 to 12 mg/l.
The parameters studied resemble the waste water quality.
Total amount of waste water treated = 0.423 mld.
A successful technical project involves integration of various fields. This is an
attempt to combine several aspects of environmental, biological and chemical and
civil engineering.
The scope of future study will be divided into four broad components namely
Planning, Design and Supervision and Project Management. The scope includes
among others, preparation of City Wide Concept Plan, Service Level Improvement
Plan and State Annual Action Plan . It will identify projects on the basis of SLIP
framework, and carry out required investigation, design, procurement and
implementation. It will also ensure compliance and monitoring of the project
activities using PMIS / latest IT tools and techniques such as online monitoring of
work sites with the aid of cyber tools. The consultant will carry out a multi-stage
exercise in close collaboration with the ULB / State Govt and other stakeholders.
The proposed project has been taken up for improvement / introduction of Urban
Infrastructure including ensuring delivery of services. Without limiting the scope, it
has to work in close liaison with the Municipal Corporation / Council of the City /
Urban Development Department of the State and will be responsible for the
following tasks. The scope of service excludes the component of parks &
development of open spaces. Scope of work of sewage and Septage Management
under SAAP 2016-20 As decided in Minutes of Meeting of the AMRUT proposal
for the SAAP 2016-20, the scope of work for sewage and Septage Management is
20 MLD Capacity of sewage treatment plant.
1 6.2m X 3m X 3m (SWD) + 0.5m (FB)
1 manual
Coarse screen 2 1.2m X 0.7m (SWD) + 0.5m (FB)
1 mechanical
Grit chamber 2 5.7m X 6m X 3m
Flow type
Disc type,
Fine screen 2 3.2 m X 0.8 m (SWD) + 0.5 m (FB)
Air diffuser +
Skimming tank 1 1.5m X 1m X 3m + 0.5m (FB)
Chlorine gas
Circular type,
Primary clarifier 1 29.2m Ø X 2.5m (SWD) + 0.5m (FB)
Radial flow
Aeration tank 1 54m X 10m X 4.5m + 0.5m (FB)
Dorocco type
Circular type,
1 37m Ø X 3.5m (SWD) + 0.5m (FB)
clarifier Radial flow