Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
2. The mass of an electron is m having charge e. it is accelerated from rest through a potential
difference V. The velocity acquired by the electron will be
2eV V
(A) eV / m (B) (C) (D) none of the above
m m
3. The ratio of the difference between 2nd and 3rd Bohr’s orbit energy to that between 3rd and 4th
orbit energy is :-
(A) 7/20 (B) 5/27 (C) 20/7 (D) 27/5.
4. What is the wavelength of the radiation emitted producing a line in the Lyman series when an
electron falls from fourth stationary state in hydrogen atom (RH = 1.1 107m-1)
(A) 96.67 nm (B) 9.697 nm (C) 969.7 nm (D) none.
5. The triad of nuclei that is isotonic is:
(A) 14 14 17
6 C, 7 N, 9 F (B) 14 15 17
6 C, 7 N, 9 F
12 14 19 14 14 19
(C) 6 C, 7 N, 9 F (D) 6 C, 7 N, 9 F .
13. The deBroglie wavelength of a 66kg mass skiing down KufriHill in Shimla at 1X10 3 msec-1
(A) 1X10-36m (B) 1X10-37m
(C) 1X10 m (D) 1X10-39m