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3 Phase Over Current and
Earth FauIt ReIay
Description Page No.
1. Introduction 1
2. General characteristics
2.1 Non volatile Memory 1
2.2 Auxiliary Power Supply Range 1
2.3 Relay outputs 2
2.4 Starter Relay 2
2.5 CT Ratings 2
2.6 Trip time Characteristic Curves 3
2.7 Current measurements 3
2.8 Event Recordings 4
2.9 Diagnostics 4
2.10 Signalization 4
2.11 Reset Time 5
3. Installation & Maintenance
3.1 Preliminary checks 6
3.2 Mounting & Wiring 6
3.3 Testing 7
3.4 Handling Precautions 7
3.5 Fault Detection & Repair 8
3.6 Instructions Ior Draw-out & Plug-in 8
4. Operation
4.1 Push button and Display operation 11
4.2 Menu operations 11
4.3 Recording oI Tripping 12
4.4 Recording oI current Values 13
4.5 Display oI settings 13
Display oI Parameter settings
Display oI relay conIiguration
CT ratio settings
Erase the recorded values
4.6 Programming oI the settings 15
Programming oI the parameter settings
Programming the relay conIigurations
Erasing the Recorded Values
Programming oI CT Ratings
4.7 Test 18
5. Technical Specifications 19
6. Wiring Diagram 23
7. Overall Dimensions 24
8. Time current Curves 25
ModiIications Ior 2 NO-2 NC type oI MC31A
Relay Settings Form
Secondary current injection test Ior MC31A
Warranty 29

Over current & Earth Iault Relay model MC31A is numeric
type, non- directional 3 phase Over current relay. It is suitable
Ior Over current & Earth Iault protection schemes in LV, MV
and HV power distribution systems. It is also suitable Ior
applications such as providing selective protection Ior overhead
and underground Ieeders, AC machines, TransIormers etc.
Its Micro controller based design oIIers a wide range oI Iield
selectable Trip time characteristics. It also provides starter and
time delayed programmable outputs Ior Over Current as well as
Earth Fault.
The relay has a unique provision where by, it can be made
suitable for operation from either a 1A CT secondary or 5A
CT secondary - this CT rating can be selected in the field
through menu operations.
2.1 Non Volatile Memory
The relay has EEPROM, which retains the programmed pickup
values, characteristics, Trip time settings and recorded
parameters even when the auxiliary supply is switched oII.
2.2 Auxiliary Power Supply Range
The relay has wide range AC/DC auxiliary power supply. There
are two models available.
Type 1: 24V to 110V AC / DC +/- 15
Type 2: 95V to 240V AC / DC +/- 15
The type oI the power supply is highlighted in the wiring
diagram label. Before energizing the relay, check the power
supply voltage is within limits and wiring is done as per the
wiring diagram.

2.3 Relay outputs
MC31A relay has 5 relay outputs namely R1 to R5.
Relays R1 to R4 can be conIigured Ior any one or more
protection Iunctions. R1 relay can be programmed to operate as
selI-reset type or manual reset type. R1 relay cannot be assigned
to starter Iunctions. Also, any relay assigned to starter Iunctions
can not be assigned to any other protection.
The relay R5 is meant Ior providing alarm Ior internal Iault
conditions. It will be always energized during normal operation
and de-energized when the relay is in Program mode or in the
event oI auxiliary control supply Iailure or any malIunction
detected inside the relay.
Note: All the output relays will de-energize when auxiliary
supply is switched oII even in hand reset mode. However, the
output relay will regain the original status aIter the power up
condition when supply is restored.
2.4 Starter Relay
The over current and earth Iault Iunction Iollows the selected
characteristic curve Ior its timing. Except R1 relay, other outputs
can be programmed Ior instantaneous or time delayed operation
oI low set in over current or earth Iault mode. When the
protection Iunction is programmed as instantaneous, this output
is useIul as an alarm relay or a blocking output to any upstream
over current relay. It should not be associated to trip the
breaker. The breaker trip function has to be achieved by the
time delayed contact of protection function.
2.5 CT Rating
The default setting of the CT rating is 1 Amp (i.e.) P1E1 .
The CT rating oI the unit can be changed in the programming
(ProG) menu and can be viewed in the display setting (dSEt)

The display codes Ior various CT ratings are:
P5E5 - Phase CT 5 A and Earth CT 5A
P1E1 - Phase CT 1 A and Earth CT 1A
P1E5 - Phase CT 1 A and Earth CT 5A
P5E1 - Phase CT 5 A and Earth CT 1A
Note: After the modifications in the CT ratings, mark the
present CT ratings on the label stuck on the right side of the
2.6 Trip Time Characteristic Curves
Algorithms Ior time current curves
Algorithms Ior diIIerent Time current curves are given below:
t(I) | A | * TMS t(I) Trip time
| (I/Is)
1 | I Fault current
Is Setting current
TMS Time Multiplier Setting
Curve Name A a
Normal Inverse 1.3 Sec 0.0613 0.02
Normal Inverse 3 sec 0.1414 0.02
Very inverse 13.5 1
Extremely Inverse 80 2
2.7 Current measurements
The relay shows RMS values oI three phase & Earth leakage
currents at regular interval on display in scroll mode. (II the
current is more than 9999` A, then relay will display - - - -').

2.8 Event Recordings
The relay records Iollowing parameters.
1. Trip data oI last 5 tripping. The Trip data includes Trip
cause (over current lowset, Earth Fault lowset etc.) and over
current values when the Iault occurred.
2. The number oI Tripping due to Over current & Earth Iault.
3. The RMS current value measured during Switch-ON oI
Feeder and highest current measured during its ON
condition. These values are integrated over a period oI 100
2.9 Diagnostics
The relay has a built-in watchdog Iacility, which monitors
correct operation oI program Ilow. During Power-ON a detailed
test is conducted to check EEPROM, RAM & EPROM and
other parts oI the relay. Additionally, diagnostic routines are
executed continuously to veriIy memory contents.
Any time oI relay`s normal operation, a test can be initiated
manually by pressing the Push button. This test has the option oI
including or excluding trip relay operations.
Under any Iault condition, the relay will show the Iault code
'Error in the seven-segment display, the Error LED will glow
and relay R5 will de-energize.
2.10 Signalization
The 4 seven-segment displays and 4-phase indicator LEDs show
parameter settings, current values etc. The Trip window at the
bottom has 4 LEDs Ior R, Y, B, E phases. They indicate the
phase on which Iault has occurred.

These LEDs will start Ilashing when a Iault has developed and
will glow steady when the trip has occurred. The LED indication
can be reset by a Reset button. However reset is not possible
when Iault is present. The Reset button also resets the R1 relay
iI it is programmed in Hand reset mode.
2.11 Reset time
The relay has a unique Iacility a programmable reset time Ior
the lowset Iault is provided in the relay. II Iault current has
appeared Ior a duration less than the set trip time delay, relay
will hold the elapsed trip time Ior the duration oI the
programmed reset time. II the relay now senses the Iault within
the reset time, it will run the timer only Ior the remaining
duration and will give the trip time command to the breaker.
AIter issuing the trip command the relay will reset immediately
irrespective oI the reset time.

3.1 Preliminary checks
Relay packing consists oI
1. Relay MC31A
2. Mounting clamps
3. Instruction Manual
4. Test certiIicate
Check the relay Ior any obvious damage. Please inIorm nearest
L & T oIIice or dealer in case oI any damage. Check the
Auxiliary Supply Range, Current Setting Range and Rated
Current Ior which the unit has been conIigured. This is indicated
on a label Iixed to one side oI the relay, which also shows
external wiring details. Ensure that these speciIications are as
per your order.
Remove the protective cover Irom the terminal block by
removing two screws. Connect suitable auxiliary supply
between terminal 25 and 26. Switch ON the supply, the display
and LEDs all will blink once and the display will show model
number (31A) and SoItware version (u .) oI the relay . AIter
this the relay will enter into current measurement mode.
This completes the preliminary check. Disconnect the auxiliary
supply and Iix the protective covers on Iront panel and terminal
3.2 Mounting and Wiring:
Relay MC31A is designed Ior Ilush mounting on the panel.
ReIer Fig.3 Ior panel cutout dimensions and space required
behind the panel. Insert the relay through the panel cutout and
hold it Iirmly against the panel. Fix the mounting clamps on top
& bottom side oI the relay. Tighten the screws on the mounting

Wire the relay terminals as shown in the wiring diagram (ReIer
Fig.2). Relay terminals are suitable Ior 2.5 sq mm. lugs. Fix the
protective cover back on the terminal block with the help oI two
screws aIter completing the wiring.
3.3 Testing
A detailed testing oI the relay can be initiated manually by
running the 'TEST' menu. The testing can be done in two ways
as Iollows.
a) The "diSP" test, which does not trip the output relays.
b) The "rly" test, which also trips all the relay outputs.
This test will not trip output relays when current input is
In the event oI a relay Iailure detected during testing, the Iault
code will be displayed and "Error" LED will light up. The
internal Iault relay R5 will de-energize.
3.4 Handling Precautions
In case oI relay malIunction, the electronic module alone can be
removed and replaced without removing the complete relay
assembly with its housing Irom the panel. Care has to be
exercised while handling the modules. The electronic
components can be damaged by electrostatic discharge while
handling the module. Hence care has to be taken while handling
the cards as mentioned in the Iollowing page :

a) BeIore removing the module ensure that you are at the
same electrostatic potential as the equipment by touching
the same.
b) Handle the module by its Iront-plate, Irame, or edges oI
the printed circuit board. Avoid touching the electronic
components, printed circuits and connectors.
c) Do not pass the module to any person without Iirst
ensuring that both oI you are at the same potential.
Shaking hands achieves equipotential.
d) Place the module on an antistatic surIace, on a
conducting surIace, which is at the same potential as
e) Store or transport the module in a conductive bag.
3.5 Fault Detection & Repair
Internal settings and components in the relay should not be
altered. For repair please contact nearest L&T sales oIIice.
3.6 Instructions for Draw-out & Plug-in
ReIer to the Iollowing diagram Ior relay Draw-out & Plug-in.
The relay has Iour locking screws. These are normally in
'locked position (i.e) the slots in the screws will be vertical.
Draw-out operation:
Rotate the Iour locking screws by 90 Degrees. Now the screws
will be in unlocked position, that is, the slots in the screws will
be in horizontal position as shown in the diagram.
Hold the label handle by the Iingers and pull out the module.

The relay has CT shorting Iacility and hence the CT secondary
will be automatically in shorted condition when the module is
plugged out.
Plug-in operation:
First ensure the Iour locking screws are unlocked, by veriIying
the screwdriver mark is in horizontal position.
Position the module such that it gets engaged to the card guides
in the housing. Push the module into the connector. Push all Iour
screws and rotate by 90 degrees. They will get locked to the
While plugging the module, II any oI the Locking screws are in
locked position (i.e. the screwdriver mark in the screw is
vertical), the module can not be plugged Iully. In such a case, The
CT shorting may not have opened. To avoid this problem, ensure
the screws are in unlocked position while pushing the module.
4.1 Push-button and Display operation
Four Push-buttons marked as 'Select, ', ', ' Enter, and a
Iour digit seven segment LED display mounted in the Iront
panel allow the user to program settings and read the recorded
data. The diIIerent commands selected by the keys and data
values are displayed in the seven segment LED display.
The Reset key is used to reset the Trip Ilag LED indication.
4.2 Menu operations:
The menu is arranged in a tree structure. First, main menu is to
be selected, Iollowed by sub-menus.
AIter Power-on checks the relay will be continuously displaying
the 3phase current & Earth current values in a scrolling Iashion.
To enter into menu, press the 'Select button. This will select
main menu. The choices in main will appear one aIter the other
Ior each ' or ' button pressings. To select a choice, the
'Enter button has to be pressed. AIter this relay will display the
chosen sub menu. The sub menu choices can be selected again,
by operating either ' or ' buttons.
The 'Select key also serves as a deselect key Ior a selected
menu. Thus, Irom any sub-menu, to exit to scrolling current
value display, the select key has to be pressed till all the menus
get deselected.
The menu structure is explained more in detail in Iollowing
pages :
The main menu is classiIied into 5 categories as given below:
Choices in Main menu when ' key is operated are :
Menu Choice Description
1. d.trP. Display Trip values (Cause & Trip current levels)
2. d.cur. Display maximum current values recorded.
3. d.Set. Display relay setting values
4. ProG Program the relay setting values
5. tESt Relay testing mode.
4.3 Recording of Tripping
The relay records tripping causes (Over current / Earth Iault) and
values oI currents when trip occurred. Last 5 trip recordings are
stored at any time. It also records the number oI tripping due to
over current and Earth Iault in the Ieeder.
The tripping recordings is selected in the menu Ior 'd.trP
(Display Trip Values):
L.tr.C Last Trip count values showing number oI
trip in Over Current and Earth Fault
(Arranged as type oI Iault, data,.....)
L.5.tr. Last 5 Trip- data values
(Arranged as Trip number and cause oI Iault, R,
Y, B & E current values)
In these sub menus, data is viewed by ' key operation, the
recorded data will appear sequentially with every ' key
Note: In last 5 trip, trip no.1 represents latest trip Iollowed by
cause. Cause notations are OC. Over Current lowset
EF. Earth Fault lowset
(i.e.) 1.OC should be read as Latest trip is due to Over
4.4 Recording of current Values
Recording of Maximum and Starting Current values:
The relay records the current values oI the three phase and Earth
currents during Switch-on oI the Ieeder. Every new Switch-on
value will overwrite on the old values. This current value is an
integrated RMS value oI Iirst Iive current cycles. The highest
current values in a 5 cycle-integration period is displayed.
In addition to displaying this switch on value, the relay records
highest current value occurred during the normal ON period oI
the Ieeder. These current values will be overwritten only when a
higher current value is measured. A switch-OFF and switch-
ON of the relay will not erase this value.
The recordings oI Maximum and Starting current value is
selected in the menu Ior 'd.cur (Display Maximum current
P.cur (Running max. Current)
R; Y; B; E Current Values)
S.cur (Starting maximum current)
R; Y; B; E Current Values)
4.5 Display of settings
Any time when the relay is in operation, the programmed values
oI parameter settings and relay conIigurations can be viewed.
This menu choice is divided into Iour categories.
a) Parameter Settings
b) Relay ConIiguration
c) CT Rating
d) Erase the Recorded Values
The main selection is in 'd. Set ( Display oI setting values).
Sub-menu selections in the menu Ior 'd. Set. are :
a) Parameter Setting:
P.Set Parameter settings
OC. Over current Pickup setting.
OC.Ch. Over current characteristic setting
OC.tS. Over current Time multiplier setting
EF. Earth Iault Pickup setting
EF.Ch. Earth Iault characteristic setting
EF.tS. Earth Iault Time multiplier setting
t.rS t Reset time
Ph.Ct CT ratio Ior Phase CTs.
EF.Ct CT ratio Ior Earth Iault CT.
b)Display of relay configuration
rly Relay conIigurations
OC.St. Instantaneous over current Trip output
OC. Time delayed over current Trip output
EF.St. Instantaneous Earth Iault Trip output
EF. Time delayed Earth Iault Trip output
1.rES Reset mode Ior R1 relay (SelI /Hand reset)
c)Display of CT Rating
CT Internal CT Rating.
d)Erase the Recorded Values
Note: The sequence oI setting parameters can be viewed without
pressing 'Select ' or ' buttons this can be done just by
pressing "Enter" push button in particular sub menu oI setting.
4.6 Programming of the settings
An example to modiIy pickup value oI over current settings, is
described below:
Step1. To enter into program mode, Press select key, Iollowed
by ' key twice to get ~ProG menu. Now press ' key
and ' key simultaneously Ior a while. The Prog/Error LED
will Ilash indicating the relay has entered into Program mode.
The display will show 'P.SEt.
Step 2. Now press 'Enter key to get the display oI 'OC..
Press 'Enter key once more, the display will show current
pickup setting.
Step 3. To modiIy the pickup setting, press either ' or '
key to get the desired pickup value.
Step 4. To conIirm the selected value, press 'Enter key .The
display will start Ilashing. Press 'Enter key once more. The
new value is registered in the relay as the new setting.
CIeais lhe liip counl vaIue & liip iecoidings.
Press ~ ~ & ~ keys together till "clr"
display starts flashing and press enter.
Sub-menu selections in the menu (ProG) Ior Programming oI
relay settings are:
Programming of the parameter settings
P.Set. Parameter programming
OC. 20; 25; 30; .200 (Over current pickup settings)
OC.Ch. nI1.3 Normal Inverse 1.3 sec. Curve;
nI 3 Normal Inverse 3 sec. Curve ;
vI Very Inverse curve ;
EI Extremely Inverse curve;
d.1 DeIinite time 1 sec.;
d.10 DeIinite time 10sec.;
d.100 DeIinite time 100 sec.
(Overcurrent curve selections)
OC.tS. 0.1; 0.15; 0.2; ...1.6 (Time multiplier selection)
EF. 5; 10; 15; 20...80 (Earth Iault pickup setting)
EF.Ch. nI1.3; nI 3; vI; EI; d.1;d.10; d.100
(Earth Iault Curve selections)
EF.tS. 0.1; 0.15; 0.2;....1.6
(Earth Iault Time multiplier selection)
t.rS t 0.1; 0.2 ;0.3; 0.4 ; .;10 or Dis(Reset time)
Ph.Ct Primary phase CT ratio value. Range 0001 to
9999 (E.g. For CT ratio oI 100/5 value to be
entered is 20)
EF.Ct CBCT or primary Phase CT ratio value.
Range 0001 to 9999
(' Key is to set number ' Key is to move to next digit)
Programming the relay configurations
rly Relay output conIiguration
OC.St. (Relay output Ior over current starter)
OC. ( Trip relay Ior time delayed over current )
EF.St. ( Relay output Ior Earth Iault starter )
EF. ( Trip relay Ior time delayed Earth Iault )
(' key is to select or deselect relay. Here
1,2,3,4 represent R1, R2, R3, and R4. ' key is
to move to next relay )
1.rES S / H (SelI or Hand reset Ior Relay 1)
Erase the Recorded Values
Changing the CT rating
Clr ( Clears the trip count value & trip recordings.)
Press ~ or ~ keys together till "clr" display starts
flashing and press ~Enter.
CT For changing the internal CT rating oI the relay, hold
' and ' push buttons together till the Ct
display starts blinking. Then press 'Enter button to
enter the Ct rating menu . Select the required CT
rating and press 'Enter two times to register the
selection . A 'conF message is displayed which
conIirms the conIiguration change
4.7 Test
Sub-menu selections Ior the menu ( tESt ) - Relay testing
diSP ( Testing without energizing output relays)
rly (Testing including output relays )
II current value is sensed this menu will not
energize output relays.
Three Phase Over Current and Earth Fault Relay MC31A
1) Rated current In : 1A or 5A
2) Rated frequency : 50Hz 2.5 Hz
3) Auxiliary power supply : 24V to 110V AC/DC 15 or
95V to 240V AC/DC 15
4) Settings
Over current (Is) : 0.2 - 2.0 times the In
(in steps oI 0.05 In)
Earth Iault (Os) : 0.05 - 0.8 times the On
(in steps oI 0.05 On)
Time Multiplier : 0.1 to 1.6 in steps oI 0.05
(Independent setting Ior O/C &
E/F modes)
5) Operating Characteristics : Programmable using push
button switches
i) Time current
Characteristics : (Separate characteristic can be
selected Ior O/C & E/F modes)
a. Normal inverse time (NI) 3sec
b. Normal inverse time (NI) 1.3sec
c. Very inverse time (VI)
d. Extremely inverse time (EI)
e. DeIinite time (DTL)
Three ranges (1sec, 10sec, 100sec)
giving Trip time delay ranges Irom
100 msec to 160sec.
ii) Accuracy : As per Error class 5, IS : 3231 :1987
iii) Pickup Current : Same as set current
iv) Reset Current : 95 - 90 oI pickup current
v) Reset time : 0.1- 10Sec in steps oI 0.1Sec
or Less than 50ms
6) Burden
Current TransIormer : Less than 0.25 VA / phase
Aux. Power supply : Less than 10 VA
7) Operation indicators : Separate LED indication Ior :
Power ON
Trip status
(Separate Ior all the three phases and
Blinks when input crosses setting
and becomes permanently ON
when relay has tripped.
(Manually reset type)
4 LEDs (show status Ior
display)Seven segment display
Trip status oI each phase &
earth Iault
Measurement Readings
Setting parameter selected.
8) Output relays : 5 relay outputs
4 Programmable relays Ior diIIerent
Iault Instantaneous as well as time
delayed (Instantaneous relay is
always selI-reset)
One hand/selI reset programmable.
One relay to indicate error
9) Contacts
ConIiguration : 1 NO contact
Contact rating : Rated voltage: 250V AC/30V DC
Rated current : 5A.
Rated Breaking Capacity : 2000VA/240 W (Resistive).
10) Over load capacity : 2 times rated current continuously
20 times rated current Ior 1sec.
11) Insulation : 2 kV AC. RMS, 50 Hz Ior one
minute across independent circuit
as per IS 3231 : 1987.
1 kV AC RMS, 50 Hz Ior one
minute across open contacts as
per IS 3231:1987
12) Impulse Withstand : 5kV peak , 1.2/ 50 micro sec.as
per IS 8686 :1977
13) High freq. disturbance : 1MHz, 1.0kV peak across input
circuit and 1MHz, 2.5kV peak
between independent circuits as
per IS 8686 :1977.
14) Surge Immunity : As per IEC1000-4-5 Level 4
4 kV (CM), 2kV (DM)
15) Electric Fast Transient : As per IEC1000-4-4 Level 3,
16) Ring Wave : As per IEC1000-4-12 Level 4
4kV (CM), 2kV (DM)
17) Electro Static Discharge : As per IEC1000-4-2 , 15kV
18) Immunity to voltage : As per IEC 1000-4-11
variations,dips and
short interrupts
19) Immunity to Radiated : As per IEC1000-4-3 level 3
electromagnetic field 80 - 1000MHz,10V/m
20) Power frequency : IEC 1000-4-8:1000A/m
magnetic field
21) Resistance to vibration : AS per IS 3231
and shocks
22) Temperature
Operating Temperature : 0
C to 60
Storage Temperature : -20
C to 70
23) Case : DIN Standard , Panel mounting
Front bezel : 158 x136 mm.
Panel Cutout : 142 x 113 mm
Depth : 204 mm.
24) Weight : Approx. 1.5 Kg.
Information required at the time of order :
Aux. power supply range : Type 1: 24V to 110V AC / DC
Type 2: 95V to 240V AC / DC
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Time - Current Characteristics
( At TMS1 )
For Trip time at TMS other than 1
Trip time ( Trip time at TMS1 ) x TMS OR 50msec
whichever is more
Multiple oI set current (Is)
A: Normal Inverse 3.0 Sec B: Normal Inverse 1.3 Sec
C: Very Inverse D: Extreme Inverse
Modification for 2NO - 2 NC type of MC31A
On special request MC31A relay can be supplied where the
relay will have 2 N/O 2 N/C contacts ( instead oI 4 N/O)
The 2 NO-2 NC type oI MC31A has only three output relays .
One among the three , ( R5) is used Ior indicating the internal
Iault condition. The other two relays R1 and R3 have one NO
output and one NC output. Both the relays can be set in either
Hand reset mode or selI-reset mode. Programming oI these
relays is not possible as both trip when the Iault occurs (either
Earth Iault or Over current) . Below given modiIication helps to
set the relays in hand or selI-reset mode.
Programming oI the Settings:
Display Setting:
Display oI relay conIiguration:
rly : Relay output conIiguration
RES :S/H ( selI or hand reset oI Relay 1 and relay 3)
RIy : ReIay configuialion
iLS :Resel node foi R1 & R3 ieIay( SeIf/ hand
OC. 100 OC.
OC.Ch. nI 1.3 --- OC.Ch. ---
OC.tS. 1.0 Multip
OC.tS. multipl
EF. 20 EF.
EF.Ch. nI 1.3 --- EF.Ch. ---
EF.tS. 1.0 Multip
EF.tS. multipl
t.rS t Dis t.rS t
Ph.Ct. 100 CT
EF.Ct. 100 CT
OC.St. - - - - OC.St.
OC. 1 - - - OC.
EF.St. - - - - EF.St.
EF. 1 - - - EF.
1.rES. SELF 1.rES.
Test Equipment: Single phase Current injection set
Connections: Connect auxiliary supply between terminal 25
and 26 (as indicated in wiring diagram). Connect terminals
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 in series so that same current will pass
through all the 4 CTs.
Power on: Switch ON the supply, the display and LEDs will
blink once and the display will show model number (31A), "
SoItware version (u .) in the relay . AIter this the relay will
enter into current measurement mode.
Display & earth fault trip test: Ensure the relay settings
are as per DeIault settings given in the setting Iorm. Pass 2A
(0.4A Ior 1A relay) through the relay. Now the relay will start
displaying the current in scrolling mode. Same time earth Iault
trip led will start Ilashing and will become permanently ON
aIter 4.39 sec.
Over current trip test: Pass 10A(2A Ior 1A relay)
through the relay. Now all the phase trip LEDs will start
Ilashing indicating the presence oI Iault. This will continue up to
4.39 sec and later all the trip LEDs will become permanently
ON and relay R1 will trip. Check the continuity between the
terminals 9 and 10 to ensure tripping oI R1. Remove the current
and press "reset" button to reset the relay. Now LEDs will
become OFF.
This completes the secondary current injection test. Disconnect
auxiliary supply and other CT connections. Fix the protective
covers back on Iront panel and terminal block.
LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED ( L&T) warrants that the
protective Relay model MC31A will meet L&T s published
speciIications and will be Iree Irom deIects in workmanship and
materials Ior a period oI 12 months Irom the date oI shipment.
L&T`s obligation under this warranty shall be limited to
servicing or replacing the deIective parts provided that notice oI
such deIects and satisIactory prooI thereoI is given to L&T by
it`s customer within the warranty period.
This warranty does not cover any deIect caused by accident,
misuse, neglect alteration, modiIication or substitution oI any oI
the components or parts or any attempts at internal adjustment
by unauthorized service personnel.
Under no circumstances shall L&T be liable Ior any
consequential damage, resulting injury, loss or expense, directly
or indirectly, arising Irom the use oI this product.
The Ioregoing warranty is in lieu oI all other warranties
expressed or implied and is the sole and exclusive remedy Ior
any claim arising Irom the deIect in the product.
Manufactured by
MYSORE - 570 018.
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Part No. 4D060082 Rev. 4

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