Buildings 13 01731
Buildings 13 01731
Buildings 13 01731
A Comparison of Load Distribution Methods at the Node
and Internal Force Analysis of the Lattice Beam Based
on the Winkler Foundation Model
Junwei Fan 1,2 , Shijiao Yang 1 , Bo Deng 2, *, Bing Sun 2 and Taoying Liu 3
Abstract: As a new type of retaining structure, lattice beams with tie-back anchor cables have been
increasingly used in slope reinforcement and have achieved improved prevention effects. However,
the simplified load distribution method (SLDM) at the node, which is the theoretical basis of internal
force analysis for lattice beams, is not perfect at present. An alternative new load distribution method
(NLDM) at the node based on the force method for the lattice beam was therefore introduced in
this paper. Taking into account the loads acting on other nodes of the beams in both directions and
according to the static equilibrium condition and deformation compatibility condition at the nodes,
NLDM assigns the loads acting on the nodes to the cross beams and vertical beams, respectively,
by constructing and solving a system of linear equations. In order to verify the superiority of
NLDM, a case of slope reinforced by a lattice beam was introduced in this paper, and the load
distribution of the nodes under the design condition was carried out based on both methods. Then,
the deflections at the nodes of the lattice beam resting on the Winkler foundation, loaded with the
known loads, were analyzed by the superposition method. The results of the deformation analysis
Citation: Fan, J.; Yang, S.; Deng, B.; showed that the deflections at the same nodes of the beams in both directions based on NLDM were
Sun, B.; Liu, T. A Comparison of almost equal, thus demonstrating the superiority of NLDM in terms of deformation compatibility.
Load Distribution Methods at the In addition, a comparative analysis of the theoretical bending moments of the lattice beam under
Node and Internal Force Analysis of
the design and the actual working conditions based on both methods was also carried out. The
the Lattice Beam Based on the
results of the bending moment analysis showed that the bending moments of the cross beam differed
Winkler Foundation Model. Buildings
significantly in the middle third of the beam length, while the bending moments of the vertical beams
2023, 13, 1731.
differed significantly at the beam sections where the maximum bending moments are located, and the
theoretical bending moments under the actual working condition were in relatively good agreement
Academic Editor: André Rafael with the measured values. Consequently, NLDM for the lattice beam was self-consistent in terms
Dias Martins
of the deformation compatibility at the node, and therefore the introduction of this new method
Received: 17 May 2023 provides an important theoretical basis for the accurate internal force analysis of lattice beams.
Revised: 30 June 2023
Accepted: 5 July 2023 Keywords: slope engineering; lattice beam; load distribution method; Winkler foundation model
Published: 7 July 2023
1. Introduction
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
The lattice beam (also called frame beam or concrete grillage) with anchor cables is
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
a new type of in-situ retaining structure that has been proposed with the development
distributed under the terms and
of retaining structures in the past four decades in China [1–7]. It is a flexible retaining
conditions of the Creative Commons structure comprising a reinforced concrete lattice beam placed on the slope surface, cables
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// anchored in the stable stratum, and the slope soil behind the wall (see Figure 1). The three components of the lattice beam slope anchoring system can form a self-balancing system
4.0/). that maintains long-term slope stability. After the construction of the lattice beam, sprayed
Buildings 2023, 13, 1731 components of the lattice beam slope anchoring system can form a self-balancing 2 of system
that maintains long-term slope stability. After the construction of the lattice beam, sprayed
concrete, dry stone, or grass [8,9] is placed on the slope surface between the frame beams
concrete, dry
to mitigate stone,
slope or grass
surface [8,9] isand
erosion placed on thelocal
provide slopeslope
between Inthethis
frame beams
way, a lattice
to mitigate slope surface erosion and provide local slope stability. In this
beam is also a kind of environment-friendly and versatile retaining structure that takes way, a lattice
into is alsoboth
account a kind of environment-friendly
the and versatile
overall and local stability of theretaining
slope. Instructure
thetakes intobeam
account both the overall and local stability of the slope. In China, the lattice beam placed
placed on the slope surface is a reinforced concrete frame beam structure, which is mainly
on the slope surface is a reinforced concrete frame beam structure, which is mainly made
made of concrete with a compressive strength of not less than 25 MPa (C25), the cross-
of concrete with a compressive strength of not less than 25 MPa (C25), the cross-sectional
sectional area
area of the of the
beams beams
is not is not
less than b ×less
h = than b ××h 300
250 mm = 250
mm,mm and×the
300 mm, and
distance the distance
between the
between the adjacent beams in both directions should be
adjacent beams in both directions should be less than 4.0 m [10]. less than 4.0 m [10].
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1. Several
Figure 1. Severalapplications
applicationsof oflattice
lattice beams withtied-back
beams with tied-backanchor
anchor cables.
cables. (a) (a) Lattice
Lattice beams
beams and and
cast-in-place concrete panel. (c)
concrete panel. (c) Lattice
Lattice beam
shotcrete panel.
shotcrete panel.(d)
beam and plantprotection.
and plant protection.
Since thethesuccessful
successful application
application of
beams in in
highwayslopes in the
slopes in 1980s in
the 1980s in
China, the lattice beam slope anchorage system has been widely used for
China, the lattice beam slope anchorage system has been widely used for the reinforce- the reinforcement
of various high and steep man-made slopes [11–13] or landslides [14,15] due to its light
ment of various high and steep man-made slopes [11–13] or landslides [14,15] due to its
weight, flexibility, and good seismic performance [16–20]. Similar to the design of the
light weight, flexibility, and good seismic performance [16–20]. Similar to the design of
traditional slope retaining structure, in addition to obtaining the parameters such as dis-
traditional slope
stress, retaining
strain, structure,
and FOS in addition
of the slope by numericalto obtaining the parameters
analysis [21–23], the design such
of as
displacement, stress, strain, and FOS of the slope by numerical analysis [21–23],
the lattice beam slope anchorage system requires accurate calculation of the internal forces the design
of the
suchlattice beammoment
as bending slope anchorage system
and shear force requires
of the accurate
lattice beam. Onlycalculation
on this basis,ofthe
forces such as bending
bar configuration moment
in the and shear
beams running forcedirections
in both of the lattice beam.
can be Only on
reasonably this basis, the
in advance
steel of the slopeinconstruction.
bar configuration Althoughinit both
the beams running is widely used incan
directions slope
reasonably thedeter-
analysis of lattice beams, especially the analysis theory for the internal
mined in advance of the slope construction. Although it is widely used in slope treatment, force of lattice
beams, is still imperfect at present, so the theoretical analysis of this technique lags behind
the analysis of lattice beams, especially the analysis theory for the internal force of lattice
beams, is still imperfect at present, so the theoretical analysis of this technique lags behind
engineering practice, leading to several cases of structural damage of lattice beam (see
Figure 2).
Buildings 2023, 13, 1731 3 of 21
In terms of the slope reinforcement mechanism (see Figure 3), the prestressing forces
Figure 2. A case of structural damage of lattice beam.
acting on the nodes are transferred to the slope body by means of the lattice beam placed
on the slope surface to change the stress states of the slope and increase the resisting
In terms
force on theof the slope
potential reinforcement
sliding surface of the mechanism
slope, thus (see Figure 3),
achieving thethe prestressing
goal of long-termforces
the nodes are transferred
In terms of the internalto the
forceslope bodyfor
analysis bythe
means ofbeam
lattice the lattice beam3),
(see Figure placed
on as
thea slope
facing structure on the slope surface, the lattice beam can be considered as a spatial force
surface to change the stress states of the slope and increase the resisting
on frame beam resting
the potential on ansurface
sliding elastic foundation
of the slope, andthus
subjected to anchoring
achieving the goalforces
of at the nodes.slope
stability. in the conventional
In terms of the internal internal
forceforce analysis
analysis for ofthea lattice
lattice beam,
beam the(seeprestressing
Figure 3), as a
facing acting onon thethe
node of the
slope lattice the
surface, beam is considered
lattice beam can a transverse
be consideredconcentrated load,frame
as a spatial
which can be assigned to the cross beam and vertical beam, respectively, according to the
beam resting on an elastic foundation and subjected to anchoring forces at the nodes.
static equilibrium condition and deformation compatibility condition at the node. Once
Therefore, in the conventional internal force analysis of a lattice beam, the prestressing
the unknown forces assigned to the vertical beams and cross beams of the lattice beam
force acting
system areon the node
obtained, theoflattice
the lattice
beam,beam is considered
as a spatially a transverse
load-bearing facing concentrated
structure, can load,
be decomposed into a series of one-dimensional beams resting on an elastic according
can be assigned to the cross beam and vertical beam, respectively, the
internal forces condition and deformation
of these one-dimensional compatibility
beams loaded withcondition
the knownatloads the node.
can be Once
Buildings 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW
unknown forcesBefore
calculated. assigned to thethe
analyzing vertical
forces and crossone-dimensional
for these 4beams
beams of the lattice of 18 beam
system from the
are obtained, thewhole lattice
lattice beam,beamas system, the first
a spatially and foremost
load-bearing problem
facing is how to
structure, can be
obtain the loads assigned to the nodes of the beams in both directions,
decomposed into a series of one-dimensional beams resting on an elastic foundation. in other words, how The
to rationally assign the concentrated loads acting on the nodes of lattice beam to the cross
internal forces of these one-dimensional beams loaded with the known loads can be easily
beams and vertical beams, respectively.
calculated. Before analyzing the internal forces for these one-dimensional beams disas-
sembled from the whole lattice beam system, the first and foremost problem is how to
obtain the loads assigned to the nodes of the beams in both directions, in other words,
how to rationally assign the concentrated loads acting on the nodes of lattice beam to the
cross beams and vertical beams, respectively.
Figure modelofoflattice
At present, SLDM is widely used in China for the load distribution at the node of
At present, SLDM is widely used in China for the load distribution at the node of the
the lattice beam [24,25], and this philosophy is also recommended for use in the Chinese
lattice beam [24,25], and this philosophy is also recommended for use in the Chinese
standard [26]. It ignores the torque effects of the beams running in one direction caused
by the bending moments of the beams running in the other direction and does not con-
sider the deformation at a node caused by loads acting on other nodes of the beams in
both directions, SLDM assumes that the beams passing through the nodes are infinite long
Buildings 2023, 13, 1731 4 of 21
standard [26]. It ignores the torque effects of the beams running in one direction caused by
the bending moments of the beams running in the other direction and does not consider
the deformation at a node caused by loads acting on other nodes of the beams in both
directions, SLDM assumes that the beams passing through the nodes are infinite long
beams or semi-infinite long beams supported by Winkler foundation, and then, according
to the static equilibrium condition and the deformation compatibility condition at the
nodes, the loads acting on the nodes are assigned to the cross beams and vertical beams
passing through the nodes, respectively. In fact, SLDM for lattice beams mainly has the
following two main shortcomings: (1) the subjective assumption that the cross beam and
vertical beam passing through a node are infinite long beams or semi-infinite long beams is
inconsistent with the fact that most of the beams in both directions are finite long beams
resting on Winkler foundation; (2) it is impossible to consider the influence of the loads
acting on other nodes of the cross beam and vertical beam on the deformation at the node
to be load-distributed, which may lead to deformation incompatibility at the nodes.
In order to overcome some disadvantages of SLDM based on the above assumptions,
an NLDM based on the force method was introduced in this paper. This new method does
not make any subjective assumptions about the types of the cross beams and vertical beams
resting on the Winkler foundation, Instead, it can take into account the influence of the
loads acting on other nodes of the beams running in both directions, and can distinguish the
difference in stiffness of the beams in both directions relative to the ground. According to
the static equilibrium condition and the deformation compatibility condition at the nodes,
by constructing and solving a system of linear equations, NLDM can rationally distribute
the loads acting on the nodes to the cross beams and vertical beams, respectively.
The structure of this paper is as follows: First, based on Winkler foundation theory,
SLDM, and NLDM were introduced in detail in this paper; then, a case of slope reinforced
by a lattice beam with three cross beams and three vertical beams was introduced, and
both load distribution methods were used to assign the design loads acting on the nodes of
the lattice beam to the cross beams and vertical beams, respectively, and the superiority of
NLDM was verified by the deformation compatibility condition at the same nodes; Finally,
the theoretical bending moments of the cross beams and vertical beams supported by
Winkler foundation and loaded by the known loads obtained by both load distribution
methods were analyzed in comparison, and, furthermore, a comparative analysis was also
performed between the theoretical bending moments and the measured values under the
accrual working condition.
2.1.1. LoadDistribution
When evaluating the distribution
distributionofofa concentrated
a concentrated load at each
load nodenode
at each basedbased
on SLDM,
the following two conditions below must first be satisfied:
SLDM, the following two conditions below must first be satisfied:
(a) The
(a) Thestatic
the vertical beam at a node should be equal to the total load acting on
the vertical beam at a node should be equal to the total load acting on the node; the node;
(b) The deformation compatibility condition: the deflection of the cross beam at a node
should be equal to that of the vertical beam at the same node.
Based on the above basic conditions, as shown in Figure 4b, there is a concentrated
load Fi acting on an arbitrary node i of the lattice beam, and the Fi acting on the node i is
assigned to the cross beam in the x-direction and the vertical beam in the y-direction as Fix
and Fiy at the node i, respectively, according to the static equilibrium condition:
For the deformation compatibility condition, the deflection wix induced only by Fix at
the node i of the cross beam in the x direction and the deflection wiy induced only by Fiy at
the node i of the vertical beam in y direction are required to be equal:
To simplify the load distribution model, the cross beams and the vertical beams are
assumed to be hinged at the nodes. In this way, the bending moment in one beam is
the node i of the vertical beam in y direction are required to be equal:
To simplify the load distribution model, the cross beams and the vertical beams are
Buildings 2023, 13, 1731 assumed to be hinged at the nodes. In this way, the bending moment in one beam is 6sup-
of 21
ported by the beam itself, and the bending moments of the beams in one direction do not
induce deformation at the nodes of the beams running in the other direction.
supported by the beam itself, and the bending moments of the beams in one direction do
2.1.2. Theoretical
not induce Basis ofatSLDM
deformation the nodes of the beams running in the other direction.
In the node deformation analysis, SLDM usually assumes that the cross beam and
the Theoretical
vertical beam Basis of SLDM
passing through a node are infinite long beams or semi-infinite long
the node deformation
by the Winkler analysis, SLDM usually
foundation. assumes
This section that the
focuses on cross beam and the
the superposition
vertical beam passing through a node are infinite long
method for deflection analysis of a semi-infinite long beam supported by the beams or semi-infinite long beams
supported by
foundation the Winkler foundation. This section focuses on the superposition method for
As shown analysis of a semi-infinite
in Figure 5, there is along beam supported
concentrated force F0by the Winkler
acting foundation
on the section O of [30].
As shown
semi-infinite longin beam
5, there is a concentrated
I) with a left extension force F0 acting
length of x (xon where O
the section
< π/λ, ofthe
λ is the
flexibility long beam
eigenvalue (beam
of the beam) I) with
left extension
O and an length of x (xof<infinite
extension π/λ, wherelengthλinis
the flexibility eigenvalue
direction. of the beam)
The deflection of sectionfromOsection
could be Ocalculated
and an extension
accordingof to
infinite length
the method
in the right direction. The deflection of section O could be
of superposition of the infinite long beam (beam Ⅱ). The given semi-infinite long beamcalculated according to the
extended infinitely in the left direction so that the given beam (beam I) becomes part oflong
method of superposition of the infinite long beam (beam II). The given semi-infinite an
beam is extended
infinitely long beam infinitely
(beam Ⅱ). in the left direction
In order to use theso superposition
that the given method beam (beam I) becomes
to calculate the
part of an infinitely long beam (beam II). In order to use the
deflection at section O of an infinitely long beam supported by the Winkler foundation, superposition method to
calculate the deflection at section O of an infinitely long
an unknown vertical concentrated force FA and an unknown concentrated moment MA beam supported by the Winkler
should an unknown
be applied to sectionvertical
A of theconcentrated
infinitely long force FA and
beam. Thean unknown
purpose concentrated
of applying end-
moment M should be applied to section A of the infinitely
conditioningA forces FA and MA on section A of the infinite long beam is to compensatelong beam. The purposethe of
applying end-conditioning forces
shear force and bending moment generated F A and Mby on section A of the infinite long
A the given load F0 acting on the infinite longbeam is to
compensate the shear force and bending moment generated
beam, so that the total shear force and the total bending moment at section A of theby the given load F acting
0 infinite on
the infinite long beam, so that the total shear force and the
long beam become zero, which can reflect the actual boundary conditions of the total bending moment at section
A of the infinite long beam become zero, which can reflect the actual boundary conditions
finite long beam.
of the semi-finite long beam.
Figure 5. Mechanical model for the deflection of a semi-infinite beam with a concentrated load near
its end.5. Mechanical model for the deflection of a semi-infinite beam with a concentrated load near
its end.
According to the force boundary conditions at section A of the infinite long beam,
there are ( F S
4 + 2 + 2 Cx = 0
− F2A − M A F0
2S + 2 Dx = 0
where, √
S = 1/λ = 4 4EI/kb
Cx = e−λx (cos λx − sin λx )
Dx = e−λx cos λx
λ—Flexibility eigenvalue of the beam (m−1 );
S—Characteristic length (m);
E—Young’s modulus of the beam (kPa);
I—Moment of inertia of the beam section (m4 );
k—Modulus of subgrade reaction (kN/m3 );
b—Width of the beam (m).
The end-conditioning forces FA and MA can be obtained by solving Equation (3):
FA = F0 (Cx + 2Dx )
M A = − F0 S(Cx + Dx )
Buildings 2023, 13, 1731 7 of 21
Under the combined action of the given load F0 and the end-conditioning forces FA
and MA , the deflection at the section O of the semi-infinite long beam (beam I) can be
obtained by the method of superposition of the infinite long beam (beam II) supported by
the Winkler foundation:
ωo = 2kbS + 2kbS A x + kbS2 Bx
= 2kbS [1 + (Cx + 2Dx ) A x − 2(Cx + Dx ) Bx ] (5)
F0 −2λx (1 + 2 cos2 λx − 2 cos λx sin λx )
= 2kbS 1 + e
= 2kbS Zx
A x = e−λx (cos λx + sin λx )
Bx = e−λx sin λx
Zx = 1 + e−2λx (1 + 2 cos2 λx − 2 cos λx sin λx ).
From Equation (5), when the left extension length of x = 0 (a semi-infinite end-loaded
beam), then Zx = 4, and thus the deflection at section O of the semi-infinite long beam
wo = 2F0 /kbS. On the other hand, if the left extension length of x = ∞ (an infinitely
long beam), then Zx = 1, and thus the deflection at section O of the infinite long beam
wo = F0 /2kbS.
where, Fix and Fi y are the loads assigned to the beams in the x and y directions by the
total concentrated load Fi acting on the corner node i, respectively, wix induced only by
Fix and wiy induced only by Fi y are the deflections at the nodes i of the beams in both
directions, respectively.
ω = iy y
iy 2kby S y
where, Fix and Fiy are the loads assigned to the beams in the x and y directions by the total
concentrated load Fi acting on the corner node i, respectively, wix induced only by Fix and
Buildings 2023, 13, 1731 8 of 21
wiy induced only by Fiy are the deflections at the nodes i of the beams in both directions,
Figure modelofofthe
Figure Mechanicalmodel
equilibrium condition
condition and deformation
and compatibility
deformation condition
compatibility condi-
at theatedge
tion the edge i, thei,concentrated
nodenode the concentratedloadloaddistribution
distributionequations at the
equations at edge node
the edge can can
node be
easily obtained:
be easily obtained:
Fix = bx Sx
bx Sx + Zx by Sy Fi
ZxbbyxSSy x (9)
Fixiy == bx Sx +Zx by Sy Fi Fi
bx S x + Z x by S y
F = Z x by S y
b S + Z b S
x x x y y
According to to the
equilibrium condition
condition andandthe the deformation
deformation compatibility
compatibility con-
condition at the
dition at the inner
inner node
node i, the
i, the concentratedload
concentrated loaddistribution
at the
the inner
inner node
can be
be easily
easily obtained:
Fix = bx Sx Fi
b x S x + by S y
F bbSS (11)
Fixiy =
= bx Sxy+x byy xSy Fi Fi
bx S x + by S y
2.1.4. Evaluation of the SLDM
F = by S y
In engineering practice, when the iy
+ b S
i a lattice beam with prestressing
x x y y
anchor cables, the distances from the nodes to the beam ends are generally less than π/λ, as
a result, most of the cross beams and vertical beams are finite long beams. As Hetenyi [31]
stated that when of
2.1.4. Evaluation thethebeam
SLDM length l > π/λ (group III: long beam), the load applied at one
end will have a negligible effect on the other end, which is assumed to be infinitely far away,
In engineering practice, when the slope is reinforced by a lattice beam with prestress-
and this assumption can greatly simplify the calculation. Based on the above assumptions,
ing anchor cables, the distances from the nodes to the beam ends are generally less than
for the classification of the beams on the Winkler foundation, it is important to consider
π/λ, as a result, most of the cross beams and vertical beams are finite long beams. As Het-
not only the relative stiffness of the beam to the foundation but also whether the location
enyi [31] stated that when the beam length l > π/λ (group III: long beam), the load applied
of the load will have a non-negligible effect on the beam ends. Therefore, SLDM at the
at oneofend
node thewill have
lattice a negligible
beam assumes effectthat theon beams
the other end, which
passing through is assumed
a node are tosemi-infinite
be infinitely
far away, and this assumption can greatly simplify the calculation.
long beams (see Figures 6 and 7) or infinite long beams (see Figures 7 and 8), which Based on the above
is not
assumptions, for the classification of the beams on the Winkler
consistent with the actual situation. In addition, when assigning the load acting on a node foundation, it is important
to the
to consider not only
cross beam andthetherelative
beam, the of assumption
the beam to is the foundation
made that thebut also whether
deflection at the
the location of the load will have a non-negligible effect on
node i of the cross beam caused only by Fix is equal to that of the vertical beam caused the beam ends. Therefore,
by Fiy isattaken
the node of the lattice
into account, whichbeam assumes
is also that the
inconsistent beams
with the passing
fact that through
the loadsaacting
node are on
the nodes other than the node i of the beams will also induce deflections at the node i. 8),
semi-infinite long beams (see Figures 6 and 7) or infinite long beams (see Figures 7 and In
fact, is not
there is noconsistent
infinitelywithlong the
beam actual
in thesituation.
real sense, In and
the loads when assigning
acting on other thenodes
of on a node
the beam to the cross
will inevitably beam
affect theand the vertical
deformation at beam,
the node theto assumption
be made
Eventhat the
if both
deflection at the node i of the cross beam caused only by F
the cross beam and the vertical beam passing through an inter-node are all assumed to be
ix is equal to that of the vertical
beam caused
infinite only by
long beams Fiy ison
based taken
loads which
assigned is also
to the inconsistent
cross beamwith and the
thefact that
the loads
beam at the acting on the cannot
inter-node nodes other thandue
be equal the tonode
the idifference
of the beams will alsoofinduce
in stiffness the beamsdeflec-in
both at the node i. In fact,
relative there
to the is no infinitely long beam in the real sense, and the loads
actingInon other nodes
summary, SLDM of the
cannotbeam will inevitably
distinguish affect theindeformation
the difference at the node
stiffness between to be
the beams
concerned. Even if both the cross beam and the vertical beam
running in both directions relative to the ground and neglects the contributions of the loads passing through an inter-
node are all assumed to be infinite long beams based on SLDM, the loads assigned to the
cross beam and the vertical beam at the inter-node cannot be equal due to the difference
in stiffness of the beams in both directions relative to the ground.
In summary, SLDM cannot distinguish the difference in stiffness between the beams
Buildings 2023, 13, 1731 10 of 21
acting on other nodes of the beams running in both directions to the deformation of the
Buildings 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 18
concerned node, which can lead to large errors in assigning loads acting on a node to beams
in different directions.
2.2. Introduction
2.2.1. The New Load to the NLDM
Distribution Model Based on the Force Method
In order to address some of Model
The New Load Distribution Based on of
the drawbacks theSLDM,
Force Method
an NLDM, which is also
adapted In order
from theto address some of the
load distribution atdrawbacks
the node for of the
SLDM, an NLDM, which
interconnected beam in is also adapted
from the load
engineering distribution
textbooks at the
[32,33], wasnode for the interconnected
introduced in this paper forbeam the loadin foundation
distribution engineer-
at the
ing textbooks
node of lattice beam.[32,33], was introduced in this paper for the load distribution at the node of
lattice beam.
As shown in Figure 9, a lattice beam resting on an elastic foundation is subjected to
As shown
concentrated loadsin Figure 9, a lattice
at the nodes. beam resting
A concentrated on an
load elasticon
Fi acting foundation
any nodeisi is subjected
the cross beam loadsandat the
verticalA beam
with Fixload andFFi iyacting on any node
, respectively. i is assigned
Obviously, if theto
the cross
lattice beam beam
and with
reliablyFix and Fiy , i,
at node respectively.
just like SLDM,Obviously, if the lattice
it is necessary to
beam wants to work safely and reliably at node i, just like
make node i satisfy the static equilibrium condition and the deformation compatibility SLDM, it is necessary to make
node i satisfy
condition. the staticthe
Specifically, equilibrium
deflection condition
wix at the andnodethe deformation
i of the crosscompatibility
beam the
Specifically, the deflection w at the node i of the cross
loads Fhx, Fix, and Fjx assignedixto the cross beam by Fh, Fi, and Fj should beam caused by the loads F
be equal , Fix ,
and F assigned to the cross beam by
jx wiy at the node i of the verticalhbeam
deflection F , F i , and F
caused j should be equal to the deflection
by the loads Fly, Fiy and Ffy assigned w iy at
the node i of the vertical beam
to the vertical beam by Fl, Fi, and Ff. caused by the loads F ,
ly iyF and F fy assigned to the vertical
beam by Fl , Fi , and Ff .
NLDM:(a)(a)lattice beam
lattice subjected
beam toto
subjected concentrated loads
concentrated atat
loads the nodes;
the nodes;
2.2.2. Analysisofofthe
Formationofofa aSystem
Linear Equations
There is a cross beam (see Figure 9b) running in the x-direction disassembled from the
There is a cross beam (see Figure 9b) running in the x-direction disassembled from
lattice beam supported by the Winkler foundation, and this cross beam is subjected to the
the lattice beam supported by the Winkler foundation, and this cross beam is subjected to
the unknown loads Fhx, Fix, and Fjx. Assuming that only a unit load Fix = 1 kN acts on the
node i of the cross beam, the deflection of this cross beam at the node i is δxii (m) while
assuming that only a unit load Fjx = 1 kN acts on the node j of this cross beam, the deflection
Buildings 2023, 13, 1731 11 of 21
unknown loads Fhx , Fix , and Fjx . Assuming that only a unit load Fix = 1 kN acts on the node
i of the cross beam, the deflection of this cross beam at the node i is δx ii (m) while assuming
that only a unit load Fjx = 1 kN acts on the node j of this cross beam, the deflection of the
cross beam at the node i is δx ij (m). Therefore, the total deflection at the node i of the cross
beam under the combined action of all the unknown loads Fhx , Fix , and Fjx acting on the
nodes h, i, and j of this cross beam is:
wix = Fhx δih + Fix δiix + Fjx δijx (12)
Similarly, for the vertical beam (see Figure 9b) disassembled from the lattice beam
passing through node i, the total deflection at node i due to the unknown loads Fly , Fiy , and
Ffy is given by
y y y
wiy = Fly δil + Fiy δii + Ff y δi f (13)
Similar to SLDM, according to the static equilibrium condition (Fix + Fiy = Fi ) and
deformation compatibility condition (wix = wiy ) at the nodes, NLDM based on the force
method requires the construction of a system of linear equations with 2n (n is the to-
tal number of nodes of a lattice beam) unknowns, and the 2n unknown loads assigned
to the nodes of the beams in both directions can be obtained by solving the system of
linear equations.
Unlike the node-by-node load distribution model based on SLDM, considering the
interaction between the loads acting on the beams in both directions, by constructing
and solving a system of linear equations, NLDM can distribute the loads acting on the
nodes of a lattice beam to the cross beams and vertical beams at the same time. By
using NLDM, the lattice beam system should first be decoupled and disassembled into
a series of one-dimensional beams resting on the Winkler foundation beforehand, then
the deflections at the nodes of each beam under the unit loads can be found one by one
by using the superposition method, and, finally, a system of linear equations with 2n
unknown loads based on the force method can be constructed according to the coupling
of the static equilibrium condition and the deformation compatibility condition at the
nodes. By solving the system of linear equations, all the loads assigned to the nodes of the
cross beams and vertical beams can be obtained, and each beam supported by the Winkler
foundation and loaded with the known loads at the nodes can be analyzed separately by the
superposition method.
In the slope reinforcement, the lattice beam is usually a symmetrical structure in both
x and y directions, and the loads acting on the nodes of the lattice beam are usually equal,
so the number of unknown loads can be greatly reduced, which provides convenience for
the load distribution at the nodes by using NLDM.
3. A Case Study
In this paper, a slope reinforced by a lattice beam from the literature [34] was presented,
and segment AB of the slope was taken for comparative analysis based on both methods.
The upper slope of segment AB was reinforced by a lattice beam with nine prestressed
anchor cables acting on the nodes. Each lattice beam consists of three cross beams (denoted
as H1, H2, and H3 from bottom to top) and three vertical beams (denoted as S1, S2, and S3
from left to right) with rectangular beam sections, 300 mm in width and 300 mm in height.
The plane dimensions of the lattice beam to be studied are shown in Figure 10. Under the
design condition, the anchoring force acting on each node of the lattice beam is 230 kN.
cross beam under the combined action of all the unknown loads Fhx, Fix, and Fjx acting on
the nodes h, i, and j of this cross beam is:
Table 1. Parameters
Table 1. Parameters required
required for
for load
load distribution
distribution at
at the
the node.
There are 18 linear equations and 18 unknown loads in this system, and the unknown
loads can be easily obtained by solving the system of the linear Equation (15). In fact,
the calculation of the coefficients of the last nine equations of the system is so tedious
and time-consuming that they can be obtained using the symbolic computing system
Mathematica [35].
Based on both load distribution methods, the load distributions at the nodes of the
lattice beam were performed, and the results are shown in Table 2.
It can be seen from Table 2 that the results obtained based on both load distribution
methods are quite different. Compared with SLDM, NLDM assigns the total loads acting
on the nodes of the lattice beam to the cross beam with smaller values but to the vertical
beam with larger values due to the different spans of the cross beams and vertical beams
in both directions, and NLDM distributes the total loads at the nodes more evenly to the
cross beams and vertical beams. Taking node 5 as an example to illustrate the reasons,
intuitively, the cross beam (H2) and the vertical beam (S2) passing through node 5 have
different lengths in both directions, so the total load acting on node 5 should be assigned
to different values to the cross beams and vertical beams, respectively. However, SLDM
assumes that both the cross beam (H2) and the vertical beam (S2) passing through node
5 are all infinite long beams and ignores the influence of the loads acting on other nodes
(nodes 4 and 6 of the H2 and the nodes 2 and 8 of the S2, respectively) of the beams
in both the x and y directions. Thus, according to the static equilibrium condition and
the deformation compatibility condition at node 5, the load acting on node 5 is equally
distributed to the cross beam and the vertical beam, respectively, based on SLDM. On the
other hand, NLDM does not make any subjective assumptions about the types of beams
passing through node 5 and takes into account the effects of the loads acting on node 5 as
well as the loads on nodes other than node 5, then the superposition method of is adopted
to satisfy the condition of “real deformation compatibility” at the node 5, thus the load
acting on the node 5 is assigned to different values to the cross beam (H2) and the vertical
beam (S2) at the node 5, receptively. In fact, the distances between node 5 and the adjacent
nodes (node 2 and node 8) of the vertical beam S2 are larger than those between node 5 and
the adjacent nodes (node 4 and node 6) of the cross beam H2, that is, the contributions of
the loads assigned to the node 2 and the node 8 of the vertical beam S2 to the deformation
of the node 5 are smaller than those of the loads assigned to the node 4 and the node 6 of
Buildings 2023, 13, 1731 14 of 21
the cross beam H2. Therefore, a larger load should be assigned to node 5 of the vertical
beam S2, but a smaller load should be assigned to node 5 of the cross beam H2 so that the
beams can satisfy the deformation compatibility condition at node 5 in both directions. In
summary, SLDM overestimates the loads assigned to the cross beams, but underestimates
the loads assigned to the vertical beams due to the different spans (distance between adjacent
nodes of a beam) of the beams running in both directions, resulting in large errors in the
magnitude of the loads assigned to the cross beams and the vertical beams.
As can be seen from Table 3, based on SLDM, the deflections at the same nodes of the
cross beams and the vertical beams are not equal, while based on NLDM, the deflections at
the same nodes of the cross beams and vertical beams are almost equal. Based on SLDM,
the deflections of the beams in the y-direction at the same node are slightly smaller than
those of the beams in the x-direction, proving once again that SLDM underestimates the
loads assigned to the beams in the y-direction and overestimates the loads assigned to the
beams in the x-direction.
In contrast to SLDM, NLDM is a self-consistent method with respect to the deforma-
tion compatibility condition, which results from the fact that NLDM does not make any
subjective assumptions about the types of the cross beams and vertical beams and considers
the effect of the loads acting on other nodes of the beams running in both directions. Thus,
the superiority of NLDM at the nodes of the lattice beam is demonstrated by the different
behavior of the deflections at the same nodes of the beams running in both directions.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
40 Based on SLDM Based on NLDM
theoretical bending moment of H1; (b) the theoretical bending moment of
theoretical bending moment of H1; (b) the theoretical bending moment of H2. H2.
The theoretical bending moments (Figure 12a) of the vertical beam S1 based on both
load distribution methods are well matched with each other along the beam length because
the loads assigned to the vertical beam S1 based on both methods are almost the same.
While the theoretical bending moments (Figure 12b) of the vertical beam S2 based on
both load distribution methods are poorly matched with each other at the beam sections
where the maximum bending moments (the maximum positive moment and the maximum
negative moment) are located due to the larger and more uniform loads assigned to the
vertical beams based on the NLDM, but the theoretical bending moments gradually match
with each other far away from the beam sections where the maximum bending moments
are located. The difference of the maximum positive bending moments is as high as
11.24 kN·m at the section of x = 2.25 m of the cross beam S2.
Buildings 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 18
-30 Distance from the bottom end of the beam (m)
-20 H1 H2 H3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
70 Based on SLDM Based on NLDM
momentsof ofthe
under the
the design
design condition
condition (a) the
the theoretical bending moment of S1; (b) the theoretical bending moment
theoretical bending moment of S1; (b) the theoretical bending moment of S2. of S2.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Based on SLDM Based on NLDM
40 Measured values
Distance from the bottom of the beam (m)
H1 H2 H3
Bending moment (kNm)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
50 Based on SLDM Based on NLDM
Measured values
Comparison of of
measured values
measured andand
values the the
theoretical bending
theoretical moment
bending of the
moment offirst
the lat-
lattice beam under the actual working condition (a) the theoretical bending moment of H1;(b)
beam under the actual working condition (a) the theoretical bending moment of H1; (b)the
momentof ofS2.
Buildings 13,x1731
2023,13, FOR PEER REVIEW 1518
Distance from the left end of the beam (m)
-10 S1 S2 S3
Based on SLDM Based on NLDM
Measured values
Distance from the bottom of beam (m)
H1 H2 H3
Bending moment (kNm)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
50 Based on SLDM Based on NLDM
Measured values
theoretical bending moment of S2.
theoretical bending moment of S2.
5. Conclusion
As can beand seen Recommendations
from Figures 13 and 14, the characteristics of the theoretical bending
Althoughunderit the
has actual
various working condition
shortcomings, are similar
SLDM to those
is widely usedofinthe theoretical
China bending
to analyze the
moments under the design condition. The theoretical bending moments
internal force of lattice beams. In order to overcome the disadvantages of SLDM, an based on both load
NLDM basedmethods
on the forceundermethod
the actualwasworking condition
introduced in thisarepaper.
in relatively
In ordergood agreement
to verify the
with the measured values at the key beam sections. Due to
superiority of NLDM, both of the load distribution methods were used to performthe inaccuracy of the modulus
of subgrade
load distribution at theknodes
reaction and some errorsbeam
for a lattice in theunder
testingtheprocess, although
design and the measured
actual working con-
values and
ditions, havethen,
a similar trend with
the theoretical the theoretical
bending momentsbending moments
of the lattice beam based
based onon both
distribution methods, it is regrettable that the measured values
distribution methods were compared with each other and compared with the measured of bending moments under
the actual
values. The working
conclusions cannot
drawn. prove the superiority of the new load
distribution method.
(1) According to the static equilibrium condition and the deformation compatibility con-
dition at the
5. Conclusion andnodes of the lattice beam, the load distribution results under the design
condition show that NLDM can distinguish the differences in stiffness of the beams
Although it has various shortcomings, SLDM is widely used in China to analyze the
in both directions relative to the ground, and evenly distribute the larger loads to the
internal force of lattice beams. In order to overcome the disadvantages of SLDM, an NLDM
based on thebeams with the
force method waslarger spans, in
introduced but evenly
this paper.distribute
In order tothe smaller
verify loads to theof
the superiority
cross beams with the smaller spans;
NLDM, both of the load distribution methods were used to perform the load distribution at
(2) The deflections
the nodes for a latticeatbeam
the nodesunderofthethedesign
beam loaded
actual with conditions,
working the known and loadsthen,
the design condition are estimated separately, and the results
theoretical bending moments of the lattice beam based on both load distribution methods of the deformation
comparedshow withthat
deflections of the cross
and compared withbeams and vertical
the measured beams
values. Theare almost
the samewere
conclusions at the same nodes according to NLDM, thus demonstrating the superiority
Buildings 2023, 13, 1731 19 of 21
(1) According to the static equilibrium condition and the deformation compatibility
condition at the nodes of the lattice beam, the load distribution results under the
design condition show that NLDM can distinguish the differences in stiffness of the
beams in both directions relative to the ground, and evenly distribute the larger loads
to the vertical beams with the larger spans, but evenly distribute the smaller loads to
the cross beams with the smaller spans;
(2) The deflections at the nodes of the lattice beam loaded with the known loads under the
design condition are estimated separately, and the results of the deformation analysis
show that the deflections of the cross beams and vertical beams are almost the same
at the same nodes according to NLDM, thus demonstrating the superiority of the
NLDM compared to the SLDM in terms of the deformation compatibility condition;
(3) The results of the theoretical bending moment analysis based on the two load distri-
bution methods show that the bending moments of the cross beam differ significantly
in the middle third of the beam length, while the bending moments of the vertical
beams differ significantly at the beam sections where the maximum bending moments
are located;
(4) Under the actual condition, the theoretical bending moments of the lattice beam
based on both load distribution methods agree well with the measured values,
but the measured values cannot sufficiently prove the superiority of NLDM due
to the inaccuracy of the modulus of subgrade reaction k and the errors during the
testing process;
(5) Considering the fact that the deflections at the nodes are sensitive to the modulus
of subgrade reaction k, based on NLDM, it is necessary to estimate the modulus
of subgrade reaction k reasonably in order to obtain accurate results of the load
distribution at the nodes and further accurate internal forces of the lattice beam.
Author Contributions: Methodology, J.F.; Formal analysis, J.F.; Investigation, S.Y.; Resources, B.S.;
Data curation, B.S.; Writing—original draft, J.F.; Writing—review & editing, S.Y., B.D. and T.L.;
Visualization, T.L.; Supervision, B.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by the General project of the Hunan Provincial Education
Department (Grant Numbers: 20C1608 and 21C0269), Research Foundation of the Department of
Natural Resources of Hunan Province (Grant Number: 2023-44), Science Foundation for Youths
of Hunan Province of China (Grant Number: 2021JJ40460), Hengyang Science and Technology
Innovation Plan Project (Grant Number: 202250045321), which are gratefully acknowledged.
Data Availability Statement: The data used to support the findings of this study are available from
the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest to report regarding
the present study.
The following symbols are used in this paper:
Ax the first function of influence
Bx the second function of influence
bx the bottom width of the beam in the x direction
by the bottom width of the beam in the y direction
Cx the third function of influence
Dx the forth function of influence
E elastic modulus of the reinforced concrete
Fi the component of the total anchoring force perpendicular to the slope surface
Fix the load assigned by Fi acting on the node i to the beam running in x direction
Fi y he load assigned by Fi acting on the node i to the beam running in y direction
Buildings 2023, 13, 1731 20 of 21
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