Zag 1
Zag 1
Zag 1
Investor Presentation
October 2023 – Q1FY24
Safe Harbor
This presentation and the accompanying slides (the “Presentation”), which have been prepared by Zaggle Prepaid Ocean Services Limited
(the “Company”), have been prepared solely for information purposes and do not constitute any offer, recommendation or invitation to
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whatsoever. No offering of securities of the Company will be made except by means of a statutory offering document containing detailed
information about the Company.
This Presentation has been prepared by the Company based on information and data which the Company considers reliable, but the
Company makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, whatsoever, and no reliance shall be placed on, the truth, accuracy,
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all of the information that you may consider material. Any liability in respect of the contents of, or any omission from, this Presentation is
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This presentation contains certain forward looking statements concerning the Company’s future business prospects and business profitability,
which are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and the actual results could materially differ from those in such forward looking
statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding fluctuations
in earnings, our ability to manage growth, competition (both domestic and international), economic growth in India and abroad, ability to
attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost over runs on contracts, our ability to manage our international operations,
government policies and actions regulations, interest and other fiscal costs generally prevailing in the economy. The Company does not
undertake to make any announcement in case any of these forward looking statements become materially incorrect in future or update any
forward looking statements made from time to time by or on behalf of the Company.
From the Founder’s desk…
“We are delighted to see a stupendous response to our IPO. We express our gratitude to all the shareholders for
reposing their faith in us. We extend our congratulations to every stakeholder of the company, i.e., employees,
customers, business partners and bankers who were part of our IPO journey.
During Q1FY24, we delivered an operational revenue of ₹ 1,185 mn with a strong 34% YoY growth. This increase is
attributed to our recent endeavors, notably the introduction of corporate credit cards and launch of our vendor
management platform – Zoyer. Further, this growth was fueled by customer base expansion and cross-selling
Our Adjusted EBITDA (before ESOP expenses) grew by 27% to ₹ 138 Mn with 11.7% margin. Over the years, the
proportion of our Q1 revenues in relation to the total annual revenues is close to 16% and Q2 is around 24%.
Accordingly, with operating leverage coming into play historically our margin profiles see an improvement in H2 v/s
H1. Going forward, we expect similar trend to continue.
Post IPO, with a stronger balance sheet position, we have reduced our borrowings and expect significantly lower
finance costs from Q3FY24 onwards.
Raj P Narayanam Some of our recently noteworthy developments include our contract with BOB Financial Solutions Limited for
Founder and Executive Implementing Commercial card Onboarding & value-added services platform and launch of the Zaggle Yes Bank
Chairman Corporate Credit Card, powered by Zaggle Zatix – a spend analytics platform that allows corporates to streamline
business and employee expenses, budget better and negotiate favorable supplier terms.
India is at the forefront of the fintech and digital revolution, and there are very strong tailwinds that are propelling
growth of the digital payments industry. This combined with our unique positioning in the spend management
space gives us a significant competitive advantage.
Our expectation of revenue growth for this fiscal year is in the range of 40% to 50%, with an Adjusted EBITDA Margin
(before ESOP expense) between 11% and 13%. Further, we expect the total ESOP expense to be close to ₹ 200 mn
in the fiscal year.”
Performance Highlights
Financial highlights
Revenue from operations (₹ Mn) Gross Profit (₹ Mn)
33.7% 9.7%
1,185 606
80 71
Key operational performance indicators
Total customers catered to (number) Aggregate users on the platform (million)
2,411 2.27
36.7% 22.2%
Performance 2,596 2.42
Indicators 1.98
Platform fee / SaaS fee / service fee (1) Program fees (2) Propel platform revenue / gift cards (3)
1,695 3,598
242 17.8% 54.0%
Revenue 71
480 634
Mix 66 408
(₹ Mn) 412
® Note: (1) All fee income received including the fixed monthly subscription fees paid by Customers on a per User basis and any one-time setup fees and any other fees levied, (2) The sum of (i) interchange fees earned on the spend that Users make on the cards; (ii) any
other income which we receive from the Preferred Banking Partners and Payment Networks; and (iii) inactivity fees which are earned on the balance amount left on the cards, (3) Revenue received from Customers for issuing reward points (Propel points) to Customers’ 7
employees and channel partners,
Quarterly revenue mix
Contribution to
annual 16.0% 23.5% 26.7% 33.8% • Higher transaction volumes
revenues associated with the festive
season in the third quarter of
each Fiscal and annual sales
events such as the festive
1,475 season sales
1,300 • Furthermore, company also
experiences an increase in
Revenue from transaction volumes in the
operations (₹ fourth quarter of each Fiscal,
Mn) with users transacting to
exhaust any pending balance
on their cards before the end
of a financial year
33.7% YoY
What we do
Zaggle: Placed at the intersection of SaaS and Fintech
SaaS Fintech
273 employees (2)
Profitable 11.29% FY23 Adjusted EBITDA
Margin (3)
Strong financial track FY21 FY22 FY23 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY21 FY22 FY23
record 2,399.66 3,712.55 5,534.60 276.27 598.54 625.09 213.76 440.18 435.13
(₹ Mn) Adjusted EBITDA Cash PAT
Revenue from Operations
® Source: Frost & Sullivan Report. Note: (1) Registered Office (2) As of March 31, 2023 (3) Adjusted EBITDA before ESOP expenses (4) Since the inception of business (5) Organizations
with more than 250 Users (6) Organizations with 250 or fewer Users (7) Employees, channel partners, and customers of Customers (8) Corporates and SMB customers discontinuing their 10
subscription and other services on the platform
Key strengths
Differentiated SaaS-based fintech platform
Tata Securities
The Brand Names and Logos mentioned are the property of their respective owners and are used here for identification purposes only
… Strong network effect
Key Partners
Banking Partners
Network Partners
The Brand Names and Logos mentioned are the property of their respective owners and are used here for identification purposes only
Zaggle: Key product and service offerings
1 2 3
Propel Save Zoyer
Diversified revenue streams across products
Seasoned management team and board
Raj P Narayanam Avinash Ramesh Godkhindi
Founder and Executive Chairman Managing Director and CEO
• Founded Zaggle in 2011 with a vision to simplify corporate spends • Leading Zaggle’s growth since 2012
• Completed post-graduate diploma in business management with specialization in • Holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Bangalore University, Bengaluru, and
finance from the FORE School of Management - New Delhi a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago, Chicago
• He has experience in the technology and fintech industry • Has served on the board of the company since 2012
• Has made varying levels of investments in certain companies at different points in • Awarded the “Inspiring CEO” award by the Economic Times in 2022
time • He has experience in the banking industry
• Has served on the board of the company since 2012 • Prior to joining Zaggle, Avinash worked with Citibank in India
Arun Vijaykumar Gupta Aravamudan Krishna Kumar Abhay Deshpande Raosaheb Prerna Tandon
Independent Director
Board of Directors
• Holds a bachelor’s degree in arts and economics • Holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science and • Holds a master’s degree in business
• Holds a bachelor’s degree in
engineering from the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar administration from the Panjab University,
commerce from the P.D. Lion’s College (honors course) from the University of Delhi
Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra Chandigarh
of Commerce and Economics, • Certified associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers
• He has experience in the IT industry • She worked as the Vice President – operations
University of Bombay • He retired in 2014 from State Bank of India as MD
• Directorships: Rapidue Technologies, Payswiff at Infosys BPO Limited & Vice President –
• Directorships: Route Mobile, Protinus • Directorships: SBI Payment Services, MTAR Technologies,
Technologies, Recykal Foundation, Anubhuti Welfare productivity & digitization leader at Genpact
Fashion Networking TVS Wealth, Delphi TVS Technologies, Sathguru Catalyser,
Foundation India
Ecofrost Technologies, Suraksha ARC, Ecozen Solutions
• Directorship: Nirmal Bot Limited
Hari Priya
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
• Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi • Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi and bachelor’s
• He has experience in the financial services industry degree in law from Osmania University,University
• Prior to joining Zaggle, he worked at Spandana Sphoorty Financial Limited as Vice President • Prior to joining Zaggle, she worked at Spandana Sphoorty, Gayatri Projects and Axis
Investor Relations-Finance Clinicals
Zaggle in a nutshell
Revenues from operations have financial In-house technology with strong
grown at 49.08% in the year metrics network effect
ended March 31, 2023, with an
EBITDA margin of 8.69%
Customer acquisition and Low CAC and Ecosystem- Business model with diverse
retention costs of 18.07% of total retention costs based approach sources of revenue across SaaS
revenue and fintech
Note: FY: Financial Year 17
Historical Financial and operating metrics
Corporate customers Aggregate users (1) (Mn) Revenue from operations (₹ Mn)
2.27 5,534.60
1,753 3,712.55
1,092 0.90
Adjusted EBITDA & EBITDA margin(₹ Mn) Reported EBITDA & EBITDA margin (₹ Mn) Cash PAT & Cash PAT margin (₹ Mn)
after ESOP
CAGR: 50.42% CAGR: 31.94% expense of CAGR: 42.67%
625.09 ₹144.13 in
598.54 598.54 FY23
440.18 435.13
276.27 276.27
16.12% 213.76
16.12% 11.86%
11.51% 8.69% 7.86%
11.51% 11.29% 8.91%
Note: (1) Total number of users (Employees, channel partners, and customers of Customers) served by the company, FY: As of and for the year ended March 31 19
Historical Balance sheet
Particulars FY23 FY22 FY21 Particulars FY23 FY22 FY21
10th Payments Industry Awards: BW Businessworld Festival of Govt of Telangana: Recognized India Startup Festival:
Best B2B Payment Solution Fintech Conclave Awards: for building a robust and “Certificate of Appreciation” by
Provider, 2023 Winner – Best Payments Solutions sustainable SaaS and fintech Sri Sathya Sai Grama
of the Year, 2023 business, 2022 Muddenahalli, 2022
BW Businessworld Festival of
Fintech Conclave Awards:
Best Digital Card, 2021
World HRD Congress and Human Excellence Award: India Digital Awards: Best Certiva: Certificate of
Awards: “Best Employee Awarded the “Best Employee Prepaid Card Solution, 2019 compliance with ‘ISO/IEC
Engagement Award in B2B Engagement Program (Multi 27001:2013’
Sector”, 2021 Industry)”, 2021
Thank you
Zaggle Prepaid Ocean Services Limited
CIN: U65999TG2011PLC074795
Hari Priya, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Email id: