Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
► Th~ 'Objective Resolution', Proposed by Pandit Nehru and passed by the constituent Assembly,
ultimately _bec_arne th~ Preamble to the constitution of India. ·
► , The ~onst1tution (42n Amendment ) Act, 1976 amended ·the preamble and added the words
'Socialist' Secular and Integrity to the Preamble. . . ,
► The preamble after the 42 Amendment J\ct is as follows-
We, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a
SOCIALIST SECULAR DEl\fOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citiz~ns:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political:
LI~ERTY of tl~~:mght, expression, belief, faith and worship: ·.
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity, and to promote among the~ all:
FRATERN11_'Y assuring the dignity of individual and the unity and integrity of the
IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty - sixth day of November, 1949, do HERE
· Notably , the Indian brand of Socialis m is a head called the Preside nt. He is
'Democ ratic Socialis in' and not a 'Commu nistic indirect ly for a fixed period of five Years e1ecte<i
Sociali sm' (also known as 'State Socialis m1 A Republi c also. means two more thht
Which involves the national ization of all means ves'ting of Political Sovereig nty in the Peo
of product ion and·distribu tion and the ~bolition not in a single individu al like a king· ~ e anc1
gr 0 ne
of private property . Democr atic soci~sm , on th~ the absence of any privilege d class a.:id e~onc1,
other hand, holds faith in a 'mixed econom y' all public offices being opened to every c·:~ce
where both Public and Private sectors co-exist · without any discrimi nation. 1
· ~en
side by side. As the Suprem e Court says, 6. J~tice
'Democ ratic Socialis m aims to end poverty , The term justice' in the Preambl e embr
ignoran ce, disease and inequali ty of opportu nity. three distinc t forms-S ocial, Econom
ic :ces
Indian Socialis m is a blend of Marxism and Political , secur~d
through ~ario~s provisio.n s:~
Gandhis m, leaning heavily towards Gandhi an Fundam ental nghts and
Directiv e Principle s.
S9cialis m'. Sodal Justice denotes the equal treatmen t
-3. Secular of all citizens _w ithout any social distincti o
The term 'secular ' too was .added by the 42nd based on caste, colour, race, religion,
sex ands~
Constitu tional Amendm ent Act of 1976. However , on. It means absence of privilege
s being extended
as .the Suprem e Court said in 1974, althoug h ·to any particul ar section
of the· society, and
the words 'Secular State' were not expressi vely improve ment in the conditio ns
of backwar d
mention ed in the Constitu tion there can be no classes (SCs, STs and OBCs) and
doubt that Constit ution-m akers wanted to Econom ~c justice denote s the non-
establis h s~ch a State and ac~ordin gly Articles discrimi nation between people
on the basis of
25 to 28 (guaran teeing the fundam ental right to economi c factors. It involves
the eliminat ion of
freedom of religion) have been included in the glaring inequal
Constit ution. ities in wealth, income and
. property . A combina
tion of Social justice and
The Indian Constit ution embodi es the Econom ic justice
denotes what is known as
?ositive concept of seculari sm · ie, all religions 'Distribu
tive justice'.
1n our country (irrespe ctive of their ·strength )
Politica l justice implies that all citizens
have the same status and support from the
state 1°. should have -equal political rights, equal access
4. ·Democ ratic to all political offices and equal voice in the
governm ent.
A' . o'emocr atic polity, as stipulat ed in the
preamb le, is based on the doctrine of popular · The ideal of justice-S ocial, Econom ic and
Politica l-has been taken from the Russ.ian
·Sovere ignty, that is, possess ion of suprem e ·
- power by the people. , Revol9ti ori (1917). ·
. · 7. Liberty
The Indian Consti tution provide s· for
The term 'liberty' means the absence of ·
· represe ntative Parliam entary Democr acy under
restrain ts on the activitie s of individu als, ~d
which th,e Execut ive is re.s ponsibl e to the
at the same time, providin g opportu nities for the
Legisla tive ·for all its policies and actions . develop
ment of individu al personal ities.
Univers al adult franchi se, periodic election s, The Preambl e secures to~ citizens o(India
rule of law, indepen dence of ·Jud_iciary, and liberty of thought
, expressiorl., belief, faith and
absence of discrim ination on certain grounds are worship , through their
Fundam ental Rights,
the manifes tations of the democr atic .charact er enforcea ble in court of law, in
case of violation . ·
oft 1e Indian polity: · 8: Equalit y
· The term 'Democr acy' is used in the p3ue . ble The term. 'equality ' means the absence ·of
in the broader sense embrac ing not only , )!t . al ,special privilege s to any section of the society
democr acy but also Social and Ecoi.:·'' ic and the provisio n of adequat e opportu nities for
democr acy. all individu als without any discrimi nation.
5. R~publ ic The Preambl e secures to all citizens ofindia
A Democr atic Polity epn be cla,ssilie d into two equality ~f status and opportu nity. This provision
catego ries-M onarch y and Republ ic. In a embrac es three dimensi on of equality -Civic,
I •
Monarc hy, the head of the state (usually king or PQlitical and Econom ic. _
queen) enjoys a heredita ry position , that is, he The followin g provisio ns of the chapter on
comes into office throug h success ion, eg, Fundam ental Rights ensure civic equality :
Britain. In a Republi c, on the other hand, the (a) Eqµality befo~e the law (Article 14).
head · of the State is always elected directly or "' (b) ~ohibit ion of ~iscrimi nation on grounds
indirect ly for a fixed period, eg, U_S A. of religion , raGe., caste, sex or place of
-T herefor e, the ter~ 'Repub lic' in our birth (Article 15).
Preamb le indicate s that India has an ele.c ted
~ oftbe eoutitlldoD
. '
Preamble of the Comtltutio n
Exer cise
22. Who proposed the Preamble before the draft- (4) Economic Equality
ing committee of the Constitution ? 34. Political liberty implies
(1) Jawaharlal Nehru (!)people's control over the government
(2) B.R. Ambedkar (2) free political activities of the people
(3) B.N. Rao (3) co-operation between politics and democ-
racy ' .
(4) Mahatma Gandhi
23. The essential feature of democracy is giv- (4) voters can malce and unmake their gov~
ing prominence to the ernment
(l)Executive(2) Judiciary 35·. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution
(3) Citizen (4} Civil . Society . was for the first time amended by the
24. India is a secular state because in our coun- (1) 24th Amendment
try: (2) 42nd Amendment
(1) state has no religion (3). 44th Amendment .
(2) religion has been abolished (4) None of the above
(3) state patronises a -particular religion 36. Where is the objective of "social justice"
(4) None of these articulated in the Constitution of India ?
(1) Article 14 (2) Article 15
25. The success of democracy depends upon the
(3) Article 16 (4) Preamble
(1) Right to criticise
3 7. India has been described under Article-_I o(
(2) Right to association the Constitution. as a
(3) Right to personal liberty (1) Federation
(4) Right to property .
(2) Federation, with a strong unitary bias
26. According to . Preamble, the ultimate power
(3) Confederation
lies in the hands of : ·
(4) Union· of States
(1) Parliament . (2) Constitution
38. Fabianism is ciosely related to:
(~) President (4) People
(1) Fascism
27. Writs are issued by (2) Scientific socialism
(1) Supreme Court ,
(3) Democratic socialism
· (2) High Courts
(4) Liberalism
(3) The President
(4) Supreme Court and High Courts 39. The concept of political sovereignty was
advocated by
28. Communism has given importance to
(1) Plato (2) John Locke
Preamble of tlw Com tlta tloa . rac y f I lo~ e you !" ?
(3) Ro uss eau (4) Au stin· . (2) Ca rpe nte r
(l)G .B.. Sh aw
siz ~s
40 . Plu ral Th eor y of Sov ere ign ty em pha (3) Lo rd Bry ce . (4) Ap pa ~r ai
the . imp ort anc e of -
(2) Rel igio n . 44 . Co mp are d wit h Soc iety , the sco pe of Statc
(1) Sta te act ivi_ty ia . .
--(3) Ind ivi dua ls (4). Ass oci atio n·,
the wo rds (1) Wi der
: 41 . ·F rom wh ich his tori cal ·wo rk we re
~Sa tya me va Jay ate " app ear ing un der the (2) Na rro w
nat ion al em ble m. tak en ? (3) Ju st equ al
(1) Bh aga wa d Git a (4) No com par iso n . bet we en Ute two
(2) Rig ·Ve da .
(3) Ra ma yan a .
(4) M~ nda ka Up arii s~a d
42 . Who said , "A good cltizen ma kes a goo
d·Sta te
and a bad citi:zen ma kes a bad Sta te" ?
( 1) Phlto · (2) Ro uss eau
(3) Ari sto tle (4) Las ki .
43 • Wh o sai d tha t "Oh l Dis res pec tab
le dem oc-
1· ,
2. Pr eam ble of the
. . . . .
Co 11s titu tio n . .
2 3 ,, 4 .5 6 7 8 9 .: _1 0 11 12·. 13 14 15
,3 ·. 4 .,.3 3 1 1. 4 -2
2 l 4 1' 2 ·_ 3 4
16 17 · ·, 1s _ 19 20 21 --· . 22 23
·, 4 - 24 25 26-, 27 28 29 30
3 4 3 4 ... 1 1 3 .1 3 -
4 4 2 2 3
..31 --.-- · 32 . .· 33 -
34. 3S 36 . 37
38 39 40 41 - · 42 .43 .
2 l -4 2 2 · .4 ,
4 3 . -3 4, 4 3 1 1
race, caste, sex or place of birth. Every voked in the 18th and 19th centu .. .
person has the right to preach, practice and
propagate any religion they choose. Besides,
there is no state religion. · ·
bring rule o f l aw, c1.tiz.
etc, considered essential for de_m~acy_
·-ever when demands for equality in Oth ~-
. ensh"1p, voting ties
ti t 0 , ,
mensions, namely . soci"al and econolllic er .1,
25. (3) Right to personal liberty is the bedrock
of any democratic set up .. In Iridia, the right
raised in the 19th century by the wo'
Lord Acton, Alex de Toc_q ueville and \;rs,