M.L Chapter-4
M.L Chapter-4
M.L Chapter-4
The American Constitution was the first to begin with preamble many
countries including India followed this practice. The term ‘premble’ refers to
the introduction or preface to the constitution. It Contains the Samreen or
essence of the constitution. N.A. Palki wala, and eminent jurist and
constitutional expert called the Preamble as the ‘identity card of the
1. Sovereign
The word Sovereign Emphasis that India is neither a dependency in law and
Dominion of any other Nation but and independence day there no authority
above it, and it is free to conduct its own affair (internal and external).
True in 1949 India declared the constitution of her full membership of the
Commonwealth of nations and accepted the British crown as the head of the
Commonwealth, this extra - constitutional declaration does not effect India as
Sovereignty in any manner. Further India's membership of the United Nation
organisation Uno also in no way the statutes limitation on sovereignty.
Being a sovereign state, india can either acquire a forign territory or cede a
part of territory in favour of a foregin state.
2. Socialist
Even before the term was added by the 42nd Amendent in 1976, the
constitution had a socialist Content in the palm of certain Directive principles
of State Policy. another word what was Hitereto implicit In the constitution
has now been made implicit. Moreover, the congress party Itself adopted a
resolution to establish a socialistic pattern of society’ in its Avadi Fashion as
early as in 1955 and took measures accordingly.
3. Secular
The term ‘secular’ Two was added by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act
of 1976 however as the supreme court said in 1974 although the word secular
state were not not expressly mentioned in the constitutional there can be no
doubt that constitution makers wanted to establish such a state and according
to the article 25 to 28 guaranteeing the fundamental right to freedom of
religion have been included in the constitution.
The Indian Constitution is the positive concept of secularism i.e. all religion in
our country respective of their strength and support from the state.
4. Democratic
the term democratic is used in the Preamble in the border impressing not
only political democracy but also social and economic democracy.
“Political democracy cannot last unless there lies at the base of it social
democracy. what does social Democracy mean? it means a way of life which
recognises Liberty equality and fraternity. The principles of Liberty equality
and fraternity are not to be treated as separate item in a Trinity. They form a
union of Trinity in the sense that to divorced one from the other is to defeat
the very purpose of democracy. Liberty cannot be divorced from equality,
equality cannot be divorced from Liberty”. Nor can liberty and equality beat
divorce from fraternity. without equality Liberty without produce the
supremacy of the few over the money equality without Liberty would kill
individual initiative.
In the same context, the supreme court observed in 1997 that: ‘the
constitution envision to establish an egalitarian social order rendering to
every citizen Social big and and political justice in a social and economic
democracy of the Bharat Republic.
5. Republic
The democratic political and be classified into two categories- monarchy and
Therefore, the term Republic in Preamble indicates that India has elected had
called the president. he is elected indirectly for a fixed period of 5 year.
Republic also means two more thinks one vsesting Political soverignty In the
people and not in a single individual like a King; second the absence Of any
privileged class and hence all public offices being opened to every citizen
without any discrimination.
6. Justice
The term justice In the Preamble embraces three distinct form- social,
economical, political, secured through various provisions of fundamental
Rights and directive principles.
Social justice denotes the equal Treatment of all citizens without any social
distinction based on caste colour race religion,sex and so on. it means absence
of being extended to any particular section of the society and improvement in
the condition of backward classes SCs, STs and OBCs and women.
Economic justice denotes the non- discrimination between people on the
basis of economic factors. it involves the elimination of glaring inequalities in
wealth,Income and property Social Justice and economic justice denote what
is known as distributive justice.
The idea of Justice- economic and political- has been taken from the Russian
Revolution (1917).
7. Liberty
The Preamble Secures to all Citizen of Indian Liberty of thought, expression,
belief, faith, and workship, through their fundamental Rights, enforceable in
court of law,in case of violation.
The ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity in our preamble have been taken
from french Revolution (1789-1799).
The term equity means the absence of special Privileges to any section of the
society. and the provision of adequate opportunities for all individual without
any discrimination.
There are two provision in the constitution that's seek to achieve political
equality. One no person is to be declared Ineligible for inclusion in electoral
Roll on ground of religion, race caste or sex article 325. Two, elections
Loksabha and there is state assemblies to be basis of adult suffering (article
The directive principles of State Policy (article 39) secures two men and
women equal right to and adequate means of livelihood and equal pay for
equal work.
9. Fraternity
The preamble declares that fraternity has to assure two things -the dignity of
the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation. The word ‘integrity
has been added to the preamble by the 42nd constitution Amendment (1976).
The phrase ‘unity and integrity of the nation’ embraces both the Psychological
and territorial dimensions of national integration. Article 1 of the Constitution
describes India as a union of state to make it clear that the state have no right
to seeds from the union implying the Indestructible nature of India Union. It
aims at overcoming hindrances to national Integration like communism,
religionlism, Caste system linguism, secessionism and so on.
In the berubari union case 1960, the supreme court said that the Preamble
shows the general purpose behind the several provisions in the constitution.
And it thus a key to the mind of the makers Of the constitution. Further,
where the term used in any e article are ambiguous or Capable of more than
one meaning, some assistant at interpretation may be taken from the
objectives enshrined in the preamble, the supreme court specifically opined
the preamble is not a part of the constitution.
In the keshavananda Bharati case 1973 the supreme court rejected the earlier
opinion and held the Preamble is a part of the Constitution it observed that
the Preamble of The extreme importance at the constitution should be read
and interpreted in the light of the Grand and noble fission expressed in the
Preamble in the LIC of India case 1995 also the supreme court again held that
the Preamble is an integral part of the constitution.
Like any other part of the constitution, the Preamble was also enacted by the
constituent assembly but after the rest of Constitution was already in enacted.
The reason for inserting The Preamble at the end was to ensure that it was
income furmity with the constitution as adopted by the Constituent assembly.
while forward the Preamble for votes, The president of the constituent
assembly said the question is the Preamble is stands part of the constitution
the motion was then adopted. hence the current opinion held by the supreme
court that the Preamble is a part of the constitution, is consonance with the
opinion of the founding fathers of the constitution.
2. It is non - justiciable, that is, Its provision I am not impossible Court of law.
The question as to whether the Preamble can be amended under Article 368
of the Constitution arrows for the first time in the history Keshavnand Bharti
case (1973). It was urged that the Preamble cannot be amended as it is not a
part of the constitution. the petitioner contented that the amending power in
the article 368 cannot we used to destroy or damage the basic element of the
fundamental features of the constitution, which are enshrined in the
The supreme court however held that the Preamble is the part of the
constitution the court stated that the opinion standard buy it in the Dhruva
reunion 1960 in this regard was wrong, handheld that the Preamble can be
amended is done to basic features. another word the court had that the basic
element of the fundamental feature of the Constitution as contained in the
Preamble cannot be altered by an amendment under Article 368.
The Preamble has been amended only once so far, in 1976 by the 42nd
constitutional Amendment Act, which has added three new words- socialist,
secular and integrity- to the Preamble. This amendment was held to be valid.
Flexibility and it's complete freedom. It is well known that if it is open to any
member nation to go out of the the Commonwealth if it is so chooses’. He
further stated,It is arrangement by free will, To be terminated by free will.
5. The resolution sad in other to realise The object of Congress and to further
the objective stated In the Preamble And Directive principles of state Policy of
the Constitution of India Planning should take place with due to the
establishment of a Socialistic Pattern of society there the principal means of
production are under social Ownership or control, Production in
progressively speeded up and there is equitable distribution of the national
6. The Prime Minister, indira gandhi said we have always said that we have
our ownBrand of socialism. we will Nationalised the sector where we feel the
necessity. just nationalisation is not a type of socialism.
a. Athistic state: The state is anti religion and hence condemns all regions.
b. Theocratic state: The state is true religion and hence declared one
particular religion as the state religion as for example Bangladesh Burma Sri
Lanka Pakistan and so on.
c. secular state: The state is neutral in the matter of religion and hence does
not hold any particular religion as the state religion as for example us and
10. The then Union Law Minister H.R. Gokhale defined this concept as.
there will be freedom Liberty of faith and worship whatever religion you
belong to. the state will not have anything to do as a state with any religion
accepted to treat every religion is equal but the state will not have any
foundation of religion similarly PB gajendragadkar a former Chief Justice of
India define secularism as in the Indian Constitution in the following being the
state does not owe loyalty to any particular religion as such it is not irreligious
on anti religious, it gives equal freedom to all religious.
11. The term democracy is derived from two Greek words namely demo and
pedia meaning people and rule respectively.
12. Referendum is a procedure Where bye a proposed legislation is referred to
the electorate for settlement by their direct votes.
Initiative in method by means of which the people can propose a bill to the
legislator for enhancement.
13. He said that the Preamble of the Indian Constitution states in a brief and
Pithy from the argument of much of the book and it may accordingly serve as
a keynote.
14. He wrote: ‘I am all the more moved to quote it because I am proud that the
people of India should begin their independent life bye subscribing to the
principles of a political tradition which we invest coronavirus term but which
is now something more than the western.
20. The court observed the Edifice of our constitution is based upon the basic
elements mentioned in the Preamble. If any of these element are removed the
structure will not survive and it will not the same constitution or it cannot
maintain its identity. and amending power cannot be interpret so as to
confirm power of the Parliament to take away any of these fundamental and
basic characteristics of the policy.