CRPC mcq-3
CRPC mcq-3
CRPC mcq-3
Reason(R) : These areas enjoy special status like the State of Jammu & Kashmir.
List-I List-2
A. Special metropolitan Magistrate 1. Imprisonment up to 7 years
. or/and fine
B. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate 2. Imprisonment up to 10 years
. or/and fine
C. Judicial Magistrate of Second Class 3. Imprisonment up to 3 years
. or/and fine
D. Assistant Sessions Judge 4. Imprisonment up to 1 year
. or/and fine up to Rs. 5,000
(a)2 4 3 1
(b)3 2 1 4
(c)1 4 2 3
(d)3 1 4 2 Ans.(d)
36. Under Criminal Procedure Code,1973 which one of the following courts can try a murder
(a) Magistrate 1st class
(b) Chief Judicial Magistrate
(c) Sessions Judge
(d) Any of the above court Ans.(c)
37. Which one of the following court can a try a case punishable with life imprisonment?
(a) Magistrate of the first class
(b) Sessions Judge
(c) Chief Judicial Magistrate
(d) All of these Ans.(b)
38. Which one of the following sections of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 prohibits the male
police officer from touching the person of a woman while making her arrest?
(a) Proviso to Section 41(1)
(b) Proviso to Section 42(2)
(c) Proviso to Section 46(1)
(d) None of the above Ans.(c)
39. which one of the following statements is wrong? If a person forcibly resists the endeavour
to arrest him, the police officer may-
(a) Use all the means necessary to effect the arrest
(b) Cause the death of such person irrespective of the offence he has committed
(c) Cause the death of such person accused of murder
(d) Cause the death of such person accused of culpable homicide not amounting to murder
. Ans.(b)
40. Save in exceptional circumstances, no woman shall be arrested after sunset and before
sunrise, and where such exceptional circumstances to arrest exist, the woman police
officer shall obtain the prior permission of the following:-
(a) District Magistrate
(b) Superintendent of police
(c) Judicial Magistrate of the first class
(d) Sessions Judge Ans.(c)
41. Power to search a place is provided under
(a) Section 45
(b) Section 46
(c) Section 47
(d) Section 48 Ans.(c)
42. Under which provision of the Code of Criminal procedure it is mandatory for police officer
to inform the person arrested the grounds of arrest and right of bail if the offence is
(a) Section 150
(b) Section 105
(c) Section 50
(d) Section 510 Ans.(c)
43. Indicate the correct statement regarding the rights of an arrestee A person arrested
without warrant has the right to
(i) be informed of the particulars of the offence for which he is arrested
(ii) have a relative or friend named by him to be informed about his arrest
(iii) have an advocate of his choice remain present throughout interrogation
(iv) be medically examined by a medical officer
which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) Ans.(c)
44. Section 50 of Cr. P.C. provides that every person arrested without warrant shall be
informed of grounds of arrest and of right to bail, if the arrest is made for a bailable
offence What is the effect of non-compliance of this provisions?
(a) It shall not render the arrest and detention of the person concerned illegal
(b) Even if the provisions of this section are over looked , error may be corrected later
(c) It shall render the arrest and detention of the person concerned illegal and shall enable
the person arrested move for habeas-corpus to obtain his release
(d) It is simply a procedural error and the provisions of this section are not very material
45. Under section 53 of Cr.P.C. examination of accused by medical practitioner is at the
request of police officer of:
(a) Not below the rank of Inspector
(b) Not below the rank of Sub-inspector
(c) Not below the rank of DSP
(d) Not below the rank of SP Ans.(b)
46. which one of the following sections of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides that the
person of a female shall be examined only by or under the supervision of a female
registered medical practitioner?
(a) Section 53(2)
(b) Section 55(2)
(c) Section 60(2)
(d) Section 54 Ans.(a)
47. Which one of the following group of sections of Cr.P.C. deals with proclamation and
(a) Sections 88 to 85
(b) Sections 82 to 86
(c) Section 82 to 90
(d) Sections 80 to 80 Ans.(b)
48. Under which section of the Code of Criminal procedure a proclamation for person
absconding may be issued :
(a) Section 83
(b) Section 82
(c) Section 81
(d) Section 80 Ans.(b)
49. Period of appearance for proclamation issued under section 82 of Cr.P.C. is not less than-
(a) 15 days
(b) 30 days
(c) 60 days
(d) 90 days Ans.(b)
50. A proclamation under section 82 of Cr.P.C. can be issued against a person against whom a
warrant has been issued. Thus a proclamation can be issued against:-
(a) accused offender
(b) a surety
(c) a witness
(d) all of the above Ans.(d)
51. Penalty for non-appearance in a case where a declaration has been made under section
82(4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 pronouncing a person as a proclaimed
offender is provided under:-
(a) Section 175A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860
(b) Section 174A of the Indian Penal Code,1860
(c) Section 173A of the Indian Penal Code,1860
(d) Section 172A of the Indian Penal Code,1860 Ans.(b)
52. Under which section of Cr.P.C. person who is avoiding execution of a warrant may be
proclaimed absconder?
(a) Section 81
(b) Section 83
(c) Section 82
(d) Section 84 Ans.(c)
53. A warrant of arrest and a proclamation under section 82 of Cr.P.C. were issued
simultaneously and later a consequential order of attachment under section 83 was also
issued. What is the legality of these orders?
(a) All the orders are perfectly legal
(b) The order under section 82 is legal but order under section 83 is not legal
(c) The order under section 82 is illegal and improper vitiating the consequential order of
(d) None of the above Ans.(c)
54. Under which section of Cr.P.C. an order from attachment of property of person
absconding may be passed at any time after the issue of the proclamation?
(a) Section 83
(b) Section 82
(c) Section 84
(d) Section 85 Ans.(a)
55. under section 83(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the court may order:-
(a) proclamation for person absconding before attaching property
(b) attachment of property of person absconding after proclamation
(c) proclamation and attachment simulataneously
(d) proclamation and attachment by separate order Ans.(b)
56. Attachment of the property of the person absconding, can be:-
(a) Issued after publication of the proclamation
(b) Issued before publication of the proclamation
(c) Issued simultaneously with the issue of proclamation
(d) All of the above Ans.(c)
57. For what offence, a convicted person may be asked to execute a bond for keeping peace?
(a) Unlawful assembly
(b) Rioting
(c) Criminal intimidation
(d) All of these Ans.(d)
58. What is the extent of period of security which a Court can order under section 106 of
(a) Not exceeding three years
(b) Not exceeding six months
(c) Not exceeding two years
(d) Not exceeding one year Ans.(a)
59. Which of the following Magistrates can make an order under section 107 Cr.P.C. to a
person who is likely to commit a breach of the peace or disturb the public tranquillity to
execute a bond for keeping the peace?
(a) Chief Judicial Magistrate
(b) Chief Metropolitan Magistrate
(c) Executive Magistrate
(d) Judicial Magistrate, 1st class Ans.(c)
60. Under section 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Executive Magistrate can obtain
bond from a person if:-
(a) The person is habitual offender
(b) The person is likely to abscond
(c) The person is likely to commit a breach of peace
(d) The person frequently quarrels with his neighbour Ans.(c)
61. In proceeding under section 107 of Code of Criminal Procedure an Executive Magistrate
may require to execute a bond for keeping peace for such period, not exceeding-
(a) One year
(b) Two years
(c) Three years
(d) Six months Ans.(a)
62. Security for good behaviour from persons disscminating seditious matter is taken by a
Magistrate under:-
(a) Section 105 Cr.P.C.
(b) Section 106 Cr.P.C.
(c) Section 107 Cr.P.C.
(d) Section 108 Cr.P.C. Ans.(d)
63. An executive Magistrate can order to execute a bond as security for good behaviour from
suspected person for a period not exceeding
(a) One year
(b) Six months
(c) Two years
(d) One month Ans.(a)
64. Who has the power to require security for good behaviour from suspected persons?
(a) Judicial Magistrate of the first class
(b) Executive Magistrate
(c) District judge
(d) Superintendent of police Ans.(b)
65. The bond under section 109 Cr.P.C. as security for good behaviour from suspected person
can be executed for a period not exceeding:-
(a) Six months
(b) Two years
(c) One year
(d) Three months Ans.(c)
66. Which one of the following sections of the Cr.P.C. provides as to security for good
behaviour from habitual offenders?
(a) Section 110
(b) Section 109
(c) Section 108
(d) None of the above Ans.(a)
67. Which one of the following Magistrate is authorised under section 110 Cr.P.C. to require
security for good behaviour from habitual offender within his local jurisdiction;
(a) Judicial Magistrate first class
(b) Chief judicial Magistrate
(c) District Magistrate
(d) Executive Magistrate Ans.(d)
68. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
(a) Information in cognizable offence Sec.154
(b) Police officer’s power to require attendance of Sec.161
(c) Search by police officer Sec.166
(d) Cases to be sent to Magistrate when evidence is Sec.171
Sufficient Ans.(a)