Prospectus2024 2025
Prospectus2024 2025
Prospectus2024 2025
Prospectus 2024
22. Appendices 30 39
Prospectus 2024
Prospectus 2024
2. Placement Assurance. AIT has an outstanding record with the placement percentage
being consistently above 90%. A large number of multinational companies like Microsoft, Amazon,
HSBC, Quantiphi, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, ZS Associates, Cohesity, BNY Mellon, and
FinIQ employ our students. For 2023 batch, average Cost to Company (CTC) was Rs 14.20 Lakh
and highest CTC was Rs 52 Lakh.
3. Faculty Profile. We have highly experienced senior level as well as talented young and
dynamic faculty on board. 36 faculty members hold Doctorate degrees and 26 are pursuing their
PhD. Apart from teaching our faculty members are actively involved in research and
developmental works and offer advice to various industries and commercial bodies for sustainable
4. Scholarships. Scholarships by Govt/ Pvt Enterprises like ESSA, Deutsche Bank, Udchalo,
8 Bihar Regiment, TATA Merit, Persistent, Belrise Industries and Indian Express Readers Merit
Scholarship are awarded to meritorious students. A large number of Merit cum Means
scholarships are also disbursed every year to eligible students.
5. Industrial Training and Internships. Our Placement Cell is in touch with various well
known industries to enable the students for internships, sponsored projects and in-plant training
etc. A committee involving faculty members has been formed to help the placement cell in
improving the Institution-Industry relationship.
6. Accreditation. AIT is affiliated to the prestigious Savitribai Phule Pune University. All four
programmes have been accredited by NBA (National Board of Accreditation) and approved by
AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education). AIT is also accredited by NAAC (National
Assessment and Accreditation Council) . AIT is All India ranked by NIRF in the band of 151 to 200.
7. Library. AIT library has a volume nous collection of books and e-journals in all branches
of Engineering. The New library is built up in 700 sq m. It has 35,734 volumes on 11,940 titles. It
also has 28 national journals, 324 NPTEL videos and 992 e-journals with OPAC and reprographic
8. Life Beyond Classrooms. Clubs like Robotics, Electric Vehicles, Information Security and
Digital Forensic, Open Source Software, Baja and Supra – Asia, help hone technical skills as well
as instill team spirit and leadership qualities. AIT students are sweeping National Level technical
competitions and winning numerous prizes as high as Rs 10 Lakh.
9. Illustrious Alumni. Within a span of 26 years our past students have made their impact at
global level. Our alumni are working at senior positions in organizations like Microsoft, Google,
Deloitte, Facebook and Amazon. We have a vibrant alumni association, which interact regularly
withstudents, sponsor technical events & project competitions, and offers scholarships as well.
10. Entrepreneurship Training. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Cell was established in the
year 2019 at AIT. The purpose is to encourage culture of entrepreneurship amongst students and
support them to nurture and implement their creative ideas. Presently AIT boasts of 8 early stage
start-ups in different phases of incubation. As a part of eco system being built, the cell provides
Entrepreneurship Development Training Program to the students.
Prospectus 2024
1. Army Institute of Technology (AIT) was established in 1994 exclusively for children of
serving and retired Indian Armed Forces (Army, Navy & Air Force) Personnel. Wards of
War Widows in receipt of liberalised pension are also eligible for admission into AIT. AIT
functions under the aegis of Army Welfare Education Society (AWES).
2. AIT is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) and is recognised by All
India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). AIT is re-accredited by the National
Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in 2019 with „A Grade‟. All undergraduate
courses run by AIT are accredited by NBA.
3. Today, AIT is considered amongst the Best Engineering Colleges of India. Ministry of
HRD, Government of India has ranked AIT in the band of 151-200, among all
engineering colleges in India, through National Institute Ranking Frame work (NIRF). AIT
has been nationally ranked at ‟55‟, „39‟ and „15‟ among private and govt colleges by „India
Today‟, „The Week‟ and „Dataquest‟ surveys respectively, during the Academic Year 2022-
23. AIT has been awarded the Best Professional College (Urban) by Pune University in
the Year 2017. AIT has been awarded the Best Sports Trophy, in its category for the
Academic Year (2018-19).
5. (a) AIT has a young, dynamic and competent academic faculty who are instrumental
for the outstanding academic performance of AITians. AIT‟s academic results
have been consistently above 90%.
(b) Minimum 75% physical attendance for theory and 100% physical attendance for
practical is mandatory every semester, for appearing in University Exams.
Prospectus 2024
6. Placements. The Placement Cell at AIT has been consistently placing more than
90% of its registered students through Campus Placement. 96% students of 2022-23
batch have been placed. 85% students of BE 2023-24 batch have already been placed,
with highest salary of Rs 51 Lakh CTC and average salary of Rs 12.65 Lakh. AIT‟s
Campus-Placements are amongst the best in the entire State of Maharashtra with all
leading IT Services & Product and manufacturing companies recruiting students through
Campus Placement. Industry-Institute interaction is of a high level with a number of
adjunct faculty members from the industry are associated with respective departments.
Memorandum of Understandings with leading companies like Microsoft, Deloitte, Credit
Suisse, TCS, Dassault Systems and Copper Cloud IO Tech are signed and executed.
Majority of the students undergo industry- sponsored projects and internships.
Prospectus 2024
(b) Hostel Accommodation for FE Students. It is mandatory for all students of First
Year Engineering to stay in AIT Hostel Accommodation.
(c) Hostel Accommodation for Senior Batches. For other students, available hostel
accommodation will be allotted on merit. Merit will be calculated based on aggregate marks
of last Academic Year as available on the date of allotment and attendance. Both parameters
will have equal weightages for allotment.
(d) Students who have been detained (year down) due to any reason will not continue to
be registered students of AIT. Only registered students will be permitted to stay in AIT
Hostels. Those who have been detained from promotion to next semester or expelled from
hostel will vacate the hostel accommodation immediately and will not be re-admitted back as
per AWES Rule No 360.
(e) Messing. Healthy and nutritious meals with adequate variety are provided by the
contractors for all days of the week.
10. Hostel Rules. Students are not permitted to leave hostels for night outs without
written/emailed/whatsapped permission from their notified guardian as per records. Parents/
notified local guardians will be responsible for students behaviour and discipline during
night outs.
11. Library. AIT has a well-stocked library having collection of books, national and international
print journals and e-Resources. The state-of-art air conditioned reading hall provided with
wi-fi facility has a seating capacity of 156. The Library maintains a separate reference collection
consisting of encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, data books, etc. It has a digital section
having audio/video resources, CDs, CBT and NPTEL videos. This section also provides access to
e- journals and e-books. Library is fully automated. OPAC search and reissue transactions are
made available on Intranet and Internet. The library is remain open on Monday - Saturday from
8.30 am to 10.00 pm. and from 11.00 am to 7.00 pm on Sunday.
12. Shopping Complex. Fruit Juice Centre, Ice Cream Parlour, Automated Laundry, Barber
shop, Grocery shop and a Stationery Shop form part of the Shopping Complex within AIT.
13. Banking. An ATM of HDFC bank is available within the Campus. Bank of Baroda, SBI, IDBI
and Bank of Maharashtra have branches within a few kilometres of AIT with ATM facility.
Prospectus 2024
(b) Each student must have a valid DEPENDENT CARD (for wards of serving personnel)
or ECHS CARD. MH and Command Hospital decline to administer treatment/admit students
for treatment without Dependent Card/ECHS Card. AIT would not be able to extend any
assistance in this regard and the student shall be referred to civil hospital for medical
assistance if the student fails to produce the „Dependent Card‟.
(c) Students who are wards of ex-serviceman should carry the following documents to
avail ECHS facilities (Refer Appendix ‘A‟):-
(ii) ECHS self-attested performa for dependent son daughter above 18 years of
age- valid for one year from date of issue (enclosed).
15. Internet and NKN Connectivity. Computer Centre with Internet connectivity is located in
the Academic Block and is available to first year students. All students must possess a Laptop
held under their own responsibility. Wi-fi facilities are available in all Hostels, Study Halls, Library,
Open Air Theatre and laboratories. National Knowledge Network (NKN) 1 GBPS connectivity is
also available.
16. Sports Facilities. Institute provides excellent indoor/outdoor facilities for sports. The Sports
Club of Army Institute of Technology is dedicated to promoting sports, physical fitness, developing
students' athletic abilities, and creating a positive impact on the community. Well-equipped
gymnasiums are separately available for boys and girls. AIT students have won various medals
at National/ University level. AIT hosts various Sports events at College/ Univeristy level. AIT has
the following sports facilities inside the campus:-
Prospectus 2024
17. Following Banks provides Education Loan facilities at the time of Physical Admission at AIT:-
(c) HDFC
18. Decision to be taken by Parents for taking educational Loan. All necessary and authorized
certificates and assistance will be provided by this Institute in getting educational Loan.
19. Indian Army Education Loan Scheme. „Indian Army Education Loan Scheme‟ for wards
of serving personnel is a welfare scheme launched by Indian Army. Leaflet is attached at
Appendix ‘B’. The highlights of the scheme are given below:-
(a) Rs 10.00 Lakh will be disbursed in one time; even if fees are taken over next 4 years.
(c) Clients have to give total fees for that particular year.
(d) Interest will be calculated on “Reducing Principal” (this way interest portion of EMI
reduces very fast).
(e) Even if course is for 4 years, EMI can be paid beyond as long as person is in service.
Prospectus 2024
20. Deserving and needy students at Army Institute of Technology are offered
numerous scholarships by Govt/ Pvt Enterprises/ AIT. Tata, Indian Express Readers,
Udchalo, Hashmap, Persistent, ESSA, etc. are awarded to meritorious students. A large
number of Merit cum Means Scholarships such as Horizon, Badve, Pragati, Saksham
and PMSS are also disbursed to eligible students.
Refer Appendix ‘C’ of Prospectus for details for Scholarships distributed through AIT.
Prospectus 2024
21. AIT follows a policy of zero tolerance for ragging. Ragging in any form is strictly
prohibited in AIT and places where students of AIT stay. If any incident of ragging comes
to the notice of the authority, the concerned student shall be given liberty to explain and if
his/her explanation is not found satisfactory, the authority would expel him/her from the
institution. Attention of all students are invited to UGC website (URL) Ragging-Related-Circulars.aspx , students are advised to make
themselves aware of the provisions contained therein.
Phone No : 1800-180-5582
Email :
Prospectus 2024
23. Entrance Examination. Admission to AIT is on the basis of All India Rank obtained
in the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main - 2024. The AIT Application Form must be
accompanied with soft copy of JEE Main Admit Card/Hall Ticket. For application forms
and the information bulletin candidates are advised to visit JEE (Main) website AIT does not deal with distribution of JEE Main forms and queries if
any. Details may be obtained from .
24. Grant of Weightage (Gallantry Awards). Additional weightage as mentioned
below will be added to the marks/percentile obtained in JEE Main 2024 by the candidates, if
either of their parents have been awarded any of the following gallantry awards before arriving
at final AIT Merit: -
Note : Weightage given for Gallantry Award and Wards of War Widows will not be cumulative.
Only one weightage i.e. War Widow or Gallantry Award, whichever is higher, will be granted.
25. Proof of Award.
(a) Duly attested (Part II Order / Copy of the citation/ Government of India Gazette
Notification conferring the award clearly specifying the gallantry nature of the award)
should be submitted with the application for claiming the weightage. In absence of the
same, specified percentage will not be added. No representation in this regard will be
entertained subsequently.
(b) Wards of War Widows. Proof of death of husband and Battle CasualtyCertificate
alongwith attested copy of Part II order should be submitted (as per Appendix ‘D’).
Prospectus 2024
26. Age Criteria
(a) The candidate must fulfil the age criteria requirements as per JEE Main 2024.
(b) Proof of Age. The date of birth recorded in the matriculation or equivalent (Class X)
certificate or in the Secondary Education Board/ University Certificate only will be accepted
as proof of age.
(c) Relation Certificate. The date of birth must be same in both matriculation or
equivalent (Class X) as well as parent‟s Relation Certificate also.
27. Mandatory Eligibility Requirement. The applicant must be a citizen of India or a person
of Indian origin from any foreign country but who intends to settle permanently in India and obtains
Indian citizenship before admission to AIT.
28. Eligibility for Admission to AIT. Admission to Army Institute of Technology is for the
children of eligible serving/Retired Indian Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force) personnel,
and war widows of the Army/Navy/Air Force. The children of following categories of Army/Navy/Air
Force personnel are eligible and they are required to submit the relevant certificate as given
against the category applicable to them as proof of their eligibility for admission to AWES
Professional Colleges along with the Application Form :-
(a) The applicants must fall into one of the following categories:-
(ii) Step Children are eligible provided they are born from a wedding where at
least one parent belonged to the Army/Navy/Air Force who is otherwise eligible
(Submit Certificate No 2).
Note Wards of personnel who are serving/have served only DSC/Assam Rifles/ BSF/
GREF/ Defence Civilians etc arenot eligible for admission to AIT.
Prospectus 2024
(ab) Children of those APS personnel who are on deputation and who
have put in 10 years of service in the Army.
(ac) Children of APS personnel, who are directly recruited into APS who
have competed 10 years of service and of those who as per their terms
and conditions of service, retired from APS without reversion to P&T
Department after completing their minimum pensionable service of which
10 years was in the Army.
(ad) Children of only those members of MNS who have 10 years
service as regular members of MNS or are in receipt of pension from the
29. Candidates Who are Not Eligible. The following categories of candidates are not eligible: -
(a) Those children who are NOT included in one of the categories mentioned in Paras 27
and 28 above.
Prospectus 2024
30. The following qualifications must be met by the applicant applying for admission into AIT: -
(a) Qualifying Exam. The applicant must have passed the (10+2) CBSE exam or the
Indian School Certificate (10+2 or XII) ISC exam or its equivalent Higher Secondary (Std XII)
Certificate Exam from a recognised Board/University with English, Physics and Maths as
compulsory subjects.
(b) Subject Combination Requirement. The candidate must have passed/ appeared Class
XII or equivalent with compulsory subjects as Physics and Mathematics alongwith one of the
Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Biology/ Technical Vocational Subject*. Candidate should obtain
at least 45% in the above combination subjects. This is subject to directions from AICTE/
Govt of Maharashtra/ Savitribai Phule Pune University.
(a) Those Who Have Appeared for the Qualifying Exam. Candidates, who
have appeared for the qualifying exam in 2024, may also apply for the admission to
AIT. They must however submit the Mark Sheet as proof of passing the said exam if
they are called for admission.
(b) Those Who Have Already Passed in the Qualifying Exam. Those who have
already passed the qualifying exam must submit the attested copy of Mark Sheets of
the qualifying examination along with the application form.
(c) Gap Affidavit. If after passing the qualifying (Class XII) examination by the
candidate, there is a gap of one or more academic year before joining AIT, the
candidate shall submit an affidavit to be given on a Stamp Paper worth Rs 100/- duly
notarized stating that during the said period the candidate did not join any other course
in any statutory University/ Institute. In case candidate had joined any
College/University during this time, the candidate should submit Transfer
Certificate/ Migration Certificate of that particular College/University. (Gap
affidavit format is available on AIT website. It can be submitted at the time of
(d) Compartment Cases. A candidate who fails in Physics, Mathematics or Chemistry/
Biotechnology/ Biology/ Technical Vocational Subject at the same sitting (one or more
subjects) is not eligible for admission to First Year Engineering.
31. University Eligibility Conditions. Any conditions, over and above those mentioned above,
specified by the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Government of Maharashtra and AICTE will be
applicable to the candidates applying for admission to AIT.
32. Onus of Ensuring Eligibility Rests with the Candidate. It is the responsibility of the
candidate to ensure that he/ she possesses the requisite minimum academic qualification and is
eligible in all other respects as per the instructions given in this Prospectus for applying to AIT.
The final acceptance of eligibility will rest with the AIT Management and Savitribai Phule
Pune University in all cases and this will be decided at the time of provisional admission
and also later during scrutiny of papers by Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Prospectus 2024
33. The fee structure for First Year students are as under:-
Description Amount
A. Academic Fees
Tuition Fees 1,86,320/-
Development Fees 25,140/-
Value added Courses (Soft Skill) 3,640/-
Wi-Fi Fees Academic 1,880/-
University Exam Fee $ 2,630/-
Group Personal Accident Policy 130/-
Employability Training Fee 1,830/-
Total (A) 2,21,570/-
B. Hostel Fees
Hostel Fees 53,840/-
Wi-Fi Fees for Hostel 1,900/-
Barber Charges (for Boys other that Sikh & Girls) 550/-
Messing Charges 44,030/-
Laundry Charges 3,580/-
Total (B) 1,03,900/-
C. One Time Fee for the Entire Course
Registration Fees 3,970/-
Value added Courses (FPL) 3,710/-
Uniform 7,170/-
Rule Book 220/-
Refundable Security Deposit (Students-College) 1,000/-
Refundable Security Deposit (Hostel) 22,000/-
Bedbug proof Mattress 3,310/-
Total (C) 41,380/-
Total (A + B + C) 3,66,850/-
Rules for students staying in AIT Hostels and rules for day scholar students are
published on the AIT Website These Rules will be strictly followed.
Prospectus 2024
35. Details regarding the mode and schedule for payment of all types of fees will be given in
Joining Instructions. Payment methods are as follows:-
36. Changes in Fee. The AIT Management retains the right to change the fees structure
and allied charges from time to time and at any time and during the course of study at AIT. Due
to yearly increase in operational expenditure, the student/parent is advised to anticipate min
10% increase in Academic as well as Hostel Fees, year on year.
38. Discipline. All students of AIT are expected to behave in a responsible manner. Those
who do not follow laid down rules and regulations are liable to be punished. Punishments may
include fines, expulsion from AIT Hostel, rustication from AIT or even expulsion from AIT,
where the seriousness of the offense warrants it. All candidates will read and understand the
„AIT Rule Book‟ and „Honour Code‟ uploaded on AIT website and follow those in letter and
spirit. Plea that the student/parent is not knowing the rules will not be considered during any
disciplinary action. A certificate, as per Appendix ‘J’ to this Prospectus will be furnished by
each candidate.
Prospectus 2024
39. AIT Academic Calendar is required to follow the SPPU calendar as it is affiliated to SPPU.
SPPU rules mandate that admission process of all Affiliated/ Autonomous Colleges close by a
specific date, for standardisation of Academic Calendar. These dates are further linked to the
Common Admission process of Maharashtra State conducted by Common Entrance Test (CET)
Cell of the Directorate of Technical Education. Hence last date of admission is notified by the CET
Cell. No admission is permitted by the SPPU after this Cut off date. Refund rules based on this
date are as follows:-
(a) Refund of Academic Fee.
(i) Before the Reporting Date of the Course (till 1700 hrs on Cut off date for
Admission by Maharashtra CET Cell).
(aa) In the event of a student/candidate withdrawing before 1700 hrs on cut off date of
CET Cell, the entire fee collected from the student, after a deduction of the processing
fee of Rs 1,000/- will be refunded, if the candidate was not offered his/her First Choice.
(ab) If the choice program is offered, Rs 11,000/- will be deducted (Rs 1,000/- plus
seat reservation fee of Rs 10,000/-).
(ii) After Cut of Date by CET Cell. No refund except Security Deposit will be given
after 1700 hrs on cut off date by CET Cell.
(iii) Seats Remains Unfilled after Admission. As per AWES Rules, students who
leave AIT in Second/Third year are required to pay full fees for the entire course, in
case the vacated seat s not filled up by other Candidates. Students going NDA and
CTW are exempted from this rule.
(ii) Refund of Hostel Fees After Reporting to AIT/ Published last date of reporting
Whichever is Earlier.
(c) Any Amendment/ update to the refund rules will be published on the college website
which will be applicable to all admitted students.
Prospectus 2024
40. Notification of Merit List. The AIT Merit List will be notified and displayed on the AIT
Website approximately one week after the declaration of JEE Main 2024
Final Rank List.
41. AIT Merit List will be made on the basis of JEE Main Rank. However, where weightage
for gallantry awards is to be given as laid down in Para 24, the weightage marks will be added
to the percentile obtained in the JEE Main 2024 (best of two exams). The final AIT Merit List
will then be made after weightage has been given to the affected candidates. If after award of
„Weightage Marks‟, two or more candidates secure the same marks, the inter-se merit of
these candidates will be based on their earlier JEE Main Rank.
42. No Third Party Arbitration on Preparation of Merit List. The decision of AIT
Management with respect to preparation of the Merit List will be final and no third party
arbitration on this matter will be accepted.
43. Call for Admission/ Joining Instructions. Admission schedule and Joining
Instructions will be available on AIT website alongwith AIT merit list. Candidates will report to
AIT for admission formalities on the day/ date and time mentioned in admission schedule
given in Joining Instructions. Inclusion of name in AIT Merit List does not bestow on the
candidate the right to admission.
44. Following procedure will be adopted for admission of the candidates who have
qualified as above:-
(a) Branch Choice and Seat Reservation. After declaration of AIT Merit List,
candidates in AIT Merit list up to 1000 can fill their choice of branch preferences
through AIT website by paying seat reservation fee of Rs 10,000/-. Candidature of a
student will be rejected if Rs 10,000/- is not paid by a student.
(i) In case of the candidates who have not been offered their First Choice and
did not accept/ did not take admission in AIT.
(ii) The candidates who are not offered admission, due to non-availability of eat.
(iii) Matriculation Certificate or equivalent for verifying the date of birth if date
of birth is not reflected in XII Std /HSC Mark Sheet.
(iv) School/Institute Leaving/ Transfer certificate from the Principal/ Head of
Institution last attended. Nationality should be Indian. TC to be
submitted in original on arrival to AIT, Pune.
(v) Certificate of passing XII standard/ HSC from Statutory Board.
(vi) Character Certificate
(f) Branch Allotment. Branch will be allotted as per the published list only.
Readjustment of branch during admission processes/ during the same academic year
may be carried out later, subject to availability of seats again as per choice indicated by
candidate in AIT Admission Form at the time of Admission.
(j) Online Fee Payment After Counseling. Applicants are required to deposit full
fee less seat reservation charges through ERP portal of AIT website till 5pm on
next day after confirmation of admission else admission will be cancelled.
(k) Provisional Admission. All admissions made by AIT are provisional. An admission
will be considered final only when eligibility of the candidate is accepted by the Savitribai
Phule Pune University.
(l) Physical Admission at AIT. Candidates must personally be present in AIT at the time of
Admission. A candidate, however, may be represented by his/her parents or a representative (with
an authority letter from parents concerned) only in case it is not possible for him / her to be
personally present due to medical reason. Re-allotment of Branch (if vacant seat exists),
verification of documents and certificates etc will be carried out in physical admission
round. Deposition of full fees as per para 33 is mandatory.
Prospectus 2024
45. A candidate who presents himself/herself on admission day and refuses to take
admission on being offered a seat will NOT be given another chance.
46. Only those waitlisted candidates who present themselves at AIT to avail of the chance
offer the first time and fail to secure a seat due to early filling up of seats will be called for
admission once more when a vacancy arises.
47. Failure of a candidate to physically report to AIT on the date/ time specified after
grant of admission will result in cancellation of admission without any warning/notice.
Prospectus 2024
50. Application Form. Online application form is available on our website
wef 15 Feb 2024. Application fee of Rs 750/- can be paid through credit/debit card or net
banking.Cost of application form will not be refunded.
51. Last Date for Application. The application form duly completed must be
submitted online by 15 Apr 2024. Last date with late fee of Rs 500/- is 11 May 2024. AIT will
not be held responsible for non receipt of Application Form due to network failure.
52. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Application. On submission of Online application
form a receipt will be generated. The receipt can be used for future reference/
Note :- Candidates are advised to check their JEE (Main) Roll No and Name on the list
displayed on our website by 13 May 2024. In case of any discrepancy, the same may be
brought to the notice of Admission Cell, AIT through email ID
54. Certificates (1 to 3 as applicable) in original submitted with the admission form at the
time of admission must be duly filled in and signed by authorities specified on the certificates
and must legibly bear the name and designation of the signing authority, office rubber stamp
and date of issue. While applying online application soft copy of Certificate (1 to 3 as
applicable) to be uploaded.
55. Furnishing of False and Incorrect Information. In case it is found at any stage that a
candidate has knowingly furnished false information on the Application Form, his/her
admission, if granted, will be cancelled, and all fees and charges paid by him/her will be
forfeited besides taking other legal course if necessary.
Prospectus 2024
(e) Proof of Ward of War Widow (Battle Casualty Certificate alongwith C.T.C. of
Part II Order (as per Appendix ‘D’).
Prospectus 2024
59. Students data is available with ERP on AIT website. Parents and students will be
given separate login IDs to access to avail/ gain information like ward‟s marks,
attendance, discipline etc. Parents should regularly check the site
( for details. Parents are requested to obtain user id and
password from AIT, for access to the records of their wards under „parents Login‟.
Prospectus 2024
60. Department of Computer Engineering. For these courses students may choose
various courses from 5th Semester onwards and students should earn 20 Credits in
addition to regular courses to awards Honours/Minors.
Prospectus 2024
62. Mechanical Dept. Following Honours programs are offered for students from their
5 semester:-
(i) Robotics
(ii) 3D Printing
(iii) Electric Vehicles
(iv) Systems Engineering
(v) Energy Management in Utility Systems
(i) AI & ML
(ii) IoT
(iii Data Science
63. Information Technology. Following Honours programs are offered for students
from their 5th semester:-
(i) Robotics.
(ii) 3D Printing.
(iii) Electric Vehicles.
(iv) Energy Management in Utility Systems.
(v) Systems Engineering .
Prospectus 2024
1. Candidate seeking admission to AIT is required to take JEE Main 2024 (Joint Entrance
Examination – 2024) conducted by NTA (National Testing Agency).
2. Application Form and JEE Main 2024 Information Bulletin are available on the website
3. Candidates should refer to JEE Main 2024 Information Bulletin for syllabus of the
examination, last date of receipt of application form and any other related information.
4. Applicants are advised NOT to contact AIT for JEE Main 2024 Information Bulletin or any
other Examination related information.
5. Filling up of both JEE Main 2024 Form and AIT Application Form is mandatory.
Candidates failing to fill any one of these forms in time will be ineligible for admission to AIT.
6. Candidate should fill AIT Admission Form online on website on or before
15 Apr 2024. Candidates should upload Certificate 1 to 3 (as applicable) and other supporting
documents as per AIT Prospectus 2024 alongwith application form.
7. Candidates must state JEE Main Application Number in appropriate place in the AIT
Application Form. Absence of this important input may result in rejection of Application.
8. Admission to AIT is on the basis of All India Rank obtained in the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE)
Main - 2024. Weightage for gallantry award if applicable will be given as specified in this prospectus.
9. All disputes about sale of prospectus, admission to the Institute or any other matter
pertaining to AIT shall fall within the jurisdiction of courts in PUNE.
Prospectus 2024
2. The Academic session for the First Year will commence immediately after the Admission.
3. Last Date of Admission – Last date for admission will be notified by the Savitribai Phule
Pune University.
Prospectus 2024
Appendix ‘A’
(Refer to Para 14(c)
of Prospectus)
a. Date of Birth
b. Aadhar No.
Date : Date :
Prospectus 2024
Appendix 'B'
(Refer to para 19 of
Prospectus 2024
Appendix 'C'
(Refer to para 20 of
Prospectus 2024
Prospectus 2024
Appendix ‘D’
(Refer to Para 25(b)
of Prospectus)
Place: Rank
Date: Name
Office seal
(Signature of Candidate)
Prospectus 2024
Appendix ‘E’
(Refer to Para 28(a) of
Prospectus 2024
Appendix ‘F’
Refer to Para 28(b) of
(Signature, No, Rank and Name of the Parent)
Prospectus 2024
Appendix ‘G’
(Refer to Para 28(c) of
1. I, No Rank Name
Father/Mother of certify that:-
(a) I am/was commissioned in Army Medical/Army Dental Corps and have/had not been
seconded to Navy or Air Force and have 10 years of service in the Army.
(b) I am/was commissioned in Army Medical /Army Dental Corps and have been
transferred to Navy or Air Force but I have served in the Army for minimum ten years.
(c) I am an APS personnel on deputation who has put in more than 10 years of service
in the Army from to .
(d) I am an APS personnel directly recruited into APS and who is still serving in Army
(e) I am a TA personnel who is in receipt of pension/who has put in more than 10 years
of embodied service in TA from to .
(f) I am MNS personnel who is in receipt of pension/who has put in more than 10
years of service as member of MNS.
Place : Signature
The facts in the above mentioned undertaking have been verified from official records and
found correct.
OC Unit (for serving personnel)
DSS & A Bd(for retired personnel)
Date : Name, Designation and Unit
Office Seal
Prospectus 2024
Appendix ‘H’
(Refer to Para 30(b)
of Prospectus)
Sr No Name of the Course Subject Name Subject Code
1 Automobile Technology Auto Engineering 627
Auto Shop Repair Practice 628
2 Electrical Technology Electrical Machine 787
Electrical Appliance 788
3 Electronics Technology Operation & Maintenance of 789
Communica tion Devices
Consumer Electronics 790
4 Civil Engineering Construction Technology 797
Estimation in Civil Engineering 798
Elementary Structure Mechanics 799
5 IT Applications Data Management Applications 795
Web Applications II 796
6 Geo Spatial Technology Geospatial Technology II 740
7 Foundry Technology Foundary Technology – II 755
8 Dairy Technology Dairy Production 760
Milk Marketing & Enterpreneurship 761
9 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Refrigeration – III 632
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration - IV 633
Sr No Subject Name Subject Code
1 Electricity & Electronics 66
2 Engineering Science 67
3 Computer Science 68
4 Geom. & Mechanical Drawing 69
5 Geom. &Building Drawing 70
Prospectus 2024
Appendix ‘J’
(Refer to Para 38
of Prospectus)
Date: Name :
(Signature of Parent)
Rank :