Scenario Regression
Scenario Regression
Scenario Regression
Return Ratio
Return on Equity (%) 14.74 12.36 14.56 9.32 11.63
ROCE (%) 11.45 14.63 14.61 12.11 14.12
Return On Assets (%) 7.26 6.33 8.76 5.54 6.94
Basic EPS (Rs.) 199.55 189.4 254.64 175.63 243.05
Margin Ratio
Gross Profit Margin (%) 23.32 27.5 22.85 17.58 19.15
Operating Margin (%) 16.91 21.46 17.69 13.02 14.72
Net Profit Margin (%) 13.55 12.2 13.94 8.01 9.84
Valuation Ratio
P/E (x) 16.26 35.58 25.93 43.4 40.11
P/B (x) 2.41 4.4 3.78 4.05 4.67
Leverage Ratio
Debt to Equity (x) 0.55 0.4 0.2 0.18 0.17
Interest Coverage Ratios (X) 3.6 6.46 12.73 13.52 14.03
Year 2023 2024 Assumptions :
Sales ( in Cr ) ₹ 63,240.0 ₹ 70,908.1 Sales Growth % 14%
COGS ( in Cr) ₹ 35,301.9 ₹ 33,223.8 Gross Margin % 50%
Gross Profit (in Cr) ₹ 27,938.1 ₹ 37,684.3
Gross Margin % 44.18% 53.15% Sales Next Year ₹ 80,835.3
Sales Growth % 12.13% COGS -₹ 40,417.6
Average GPM 48.66% Gross Profit ₹ 40,417.6
Gross Margin
### 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
6% ₹ 30,065.1 ₹ 33,823.2 ₹ 37,581.3 ₹ 41,339.4 ₹ 45,097.6
8% ₹ 30,632.3 ₹ 34,461.4 ₹ 38,290.4 ₹ 42,119.4 ₹ 45,948.5
Sal 10% ₹ 31,199.6 ₹ 35,099.5 ₹ 38,999.5 ₹ 42,899.4 ₹ 46,799.4
es 12% ₹ 31,766.8 ₹ 35,737.7 ₹ 39,708.6 ₹ 43,679.4 ₹ 47,650.3
Ma 14% ₹ 32,334.1 ₹ 36,375.9 ₹ 40,417.6 ₹ 44,459.4 ₹ 48,501.2
gin 16% ₹ 32,901.4 ₹ 37,014.0 ₹ 41,126.7 ₹ 45,239.4 ₹ 49,352.1
18% ₹ 33,468.6 ₹ 37,652.2 ₹ 41,835.8 ₹ 46,019.4 ₹ 50,203.0
20% ₹ 34,035.9 ₹ 38,290.4 ₹ 42,544.9 ₹ 46,799.4 ₹ 51,053.9
65% 70% 75%
₹ 48,855.7 ₹ 52,613.8 ₹ 56,372.0
₹ 49,777.5 ₹ 53,606.6 ₹ 57,435.6
₹ 50,699.3 ₹ 54,599.3 ₹ 58,499.2
₹ 51,621.1 ₹ 55,592.0 ₹ 59,562.8
₹ 52,542.9 ₹ 56,584.7 ₹ 60,626.5
₹ 53,464.7 ₹ 57,577.4 ₹ 61,690.1
₹ 54,386.5 ₹ 58,570.1 ₹ 62,753.7
₹ 55,308.3 ₹ 59,562.8 ₹ 63,817.3
Scenario Summary
Current Values: BASE WORST BEST
Changing Cells:
Sales (in Cr) ₹ 70,908.1 ₹ 70,908.1 ₹ 70,408.1 ₹ 71,408.1
Sales Growth % 14% 14% 8% 20%
Gross Margin % 50% 50% 40% 65%
Result Cells:
Next Year Sales (in Cr ₹ 80,835.3 ₹ 80,835.3 ₹ 76,040.8 ₹ 85,689.8
COGS (in Cr) -₹ 40,417.6 -₹ 40,417.6 -₹ 45,624.5 -₹ 29,991.4
Gross Profit (in Cr) ₹ 40,417.6 ₹ 40,417.6 ₹ 30,416.3 ₹ 55,698.3
Notes: Current Values column represents values of changing cells at
time Scenario Summary Report was created. Changing cells for each
scenario are highlighted in gray.
Y Variable X Variable
Name P/E ROE %ROCE % CMP Rs.EPS Ann Rs. Industry P/E
ACC 22 14.06 17.33 2514.15 124.42
Ambuja Cements 35.03 10.12 13.9 608.45 18.01
Dalmia BharatLtd 40.7 5.16 7.12 1792.35 44.04
J K Cements 44.43 9.48 10.42 3981 55.18
JK Lakshmi Cem. 22.48 13.08 14.25 801.7 30.48
Nuvoco Vistas 80.55 1.65 5.47 332.35 4.13
Shree Cement 39 7.45 8.99 25433 368.1
Star Cement 31.11 10.8 16.8 233.4 6.13
The Ramco Cement 42.66 5.14 6.55 769 14.54
UltraTech Cem. 39.99 12.32 15.26 9781.95 242.65
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.8478402
R Square 0.7188331
Adjusted R Square 0.6384996
Standard Error 9.8321651
Observations 10
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 1730.056 865.028 8.9481206 0.01178623
Residual 7 676.7003 96.67147
Total 9 2406.756
Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 66.681641 9.337691 7.141127 0.0001868 44.6015101 88.761771011
ROE % -4.9831847 2.297323 -2.16913 0.066703 -10.4154896 0.4491201977
ROCE % 1.5154851 2.072603 0.731199 0.4884055 -3.38544149 6.4164116337