Natl. Aluminium_ugp
Natl. Aluminium_ugp
Natl. Aluminium_ugp
Narration Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23
Sales 6,780.85 7,382.81 6,817.66 7,543.04 9,509.45 11,499.32 8,471.84 8,955.79 14,214.58 14,254.86
Expenses 5,644.03 5,759.08 5,910.95 6,463.39 8,112.00 8,606.79 7,982.61 7,173.79 9,664.08 11,806.78
Operating Profit 1,136.82 1,623.73 906.71 1,079.65 1,397.45 2,892.53 489.23 1,782.00 4,550.50 2,448.08
Other Income 508.34 1,070.10 711.33 368.12 1,123.73 325.87 272.58 147.42 264.09 235.63
Depreciation 524.73 413.66 426.12 480.36 480.40 476.10 529.83 605.82 836.59 715.80
Interest 202.62 166.75 3.27 2.69 1.95 2.38 5.74 7.08 23.13 12.92
Profit before tax 917.81 2,113.42 1,188.65 964.72 2,038.83 2,739.92 226.24 1,316.52 3,954.87 1,954.99
Tax 275.46 791.57 401.54 296.19 696.42 1,007.52 88.01 16.99 1,002.90 410.50
Net profit 642.35 1,321.85 787.11 668.53 1,342.41 1,732.40 138.23 1,299.53 2,951.97 1,544.49
EPS 2.49 5.13 3.05 3.46 6.95 9.29 0.74 7.08 16.07 8.41
Price to earning 15.95 9.10 12.93 22.12 9.57 5.97 39.27 7.64 7.58 9.32
Price 39.75 46.65 39.50 76.50 66.45 55.45 29.10 54.05 121.80 78.40
Dividend Payout 60.18% 34.12% 65.49% 80.96% 82.07% 61.92% 202.45% 49.47% 40.44% 53.51%
OPM 16.77% 21.99% 13.30% 14.31% 14.70% 25.15% 5.77% 19.90% 32.01% 17.17%
Narration Sales Expenses Operating POther Inc Depreciati Interest Profit befoTax Net profit
2013-14 6780.85 5644.03 1136.82 508.34 524.73 202.62 917.81 275.46 642.35
2014-15 7382.81 5759.08 1623.73 1070.1 413.66 166.75 2113.42 791.57 1321.85
2015-16 6817.66 5910.95 906.71 711.33 426.12 3.27 1188.65 401.54 787.11
2016-17 7543.04 6463.39 1079.65 368.12 480.36 2.69 964.72 296.19 668.53
2017-18 9509.45 8112 1397.45 1123.73 480.4 1.95 2038.83 696.42 1342.41
2018-19 11499.32 8606.79 2892.53 325.87 476.1 2.38 2739.92 1007.52 1732.4
2019-20 8471.84 7982.61 489.23 272.58 529.83 5.74 226.24 88.01 138.23
2020-21 8955.79 7173.79 1782 147.42 605.82 7.08 1316.52 16.99 1299.53
2021-22 14214.58 9664.08 4550.5 264.09 836.59 23.13 3954.87 1002.9 2951.97
2022-23 14254.86 11806.78 2448.08 235.63 715.8 12.92 1954.99 410.5 1544.49
EPS Price to eaPrice Dividend POPM
2.492434 15.94827 39.75 0.601837 0.167652
5.129016 9.095312 46.65 0.341204 0.219934
3.054129 12.93331 39.5 0.654864 0.132994
3.458689 22.11821 76.5 0.809567 0.143132
6.945057 9.567957 66.45 0.820733 0.146954
9.286021 5.971341 55.45 0.619216 0.251539
0.740941 39.27437 29.1 2.024452 0.057748
7.075738 7.638779 54.05 0.494656 0.198977
16.07302 7.577918 121.8 0.404415 0.320129
8.409507 9.322782 78.4 0.535122 0.171737
Narration Sep-21 Dec-21 Mar-22 Jun-22 Sep-22 Dec-22 Mar-23 Jun-23 Sep-23 Dec-23
Sales 3,592.18 3,773.26 4,350.58 3,795.15 3,489.57 3,297.19 3,670.86 3,178.36 3,043.42 3,346.90
Expenses 2,464.91 2,582.74 2,723.72 2,915.60 3,155.20 2,831.62 2,904.34 2,584.02 2,646.91 2,573.77
Operating Profit 1,127.27 1,190.52 1,626.86 879.55 334.37 465.57 766.52 594.34 396.51 773.13
Other Income 42.41 71.99 141.54 52.02 69.26 60.52 55.90 48.52 68.60 50.97
Depreciation 151.79 151.47 384.19 149.65 153.65 157.06 255.44 169.69 186.15 153.79
Interest 1.82 1.91 16.15 3.87 4.10 4.23 0.72 2.26 3.99 2.10
Profit before tax 1,016.07 1,109.13 1,368.06 778.05 245.88 364.80 566.26 470.91 274.97 668.21
Tax 268.37 278.27 342.38 199.41 75.76 90.95 44.38 121.52 68.71 179.74
Net profit 747.70 830.86 1,025.68 578.64 170.12 273.85 521.88 349.39 206.26 488.47
OPM 31% 32% 37% 23% 10% 14% 21% 19% 13% 23%
Narration Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23
Equity Share Capital 1,288.62 1,288.62 1,288.62 966.46 966.46 932.81 932.81 918.32 918.32 918.32
Reserves 10,833.83 11,508.68 11,906.13 9,239.33 9,538.35 9,551.70 9,055.26 9,762.38 11,636.32 12,320.13
Borrowings - - - 51.09 44.99 66.79 12.31 102.08 77.10 104.61
Other Liabilities 4,426.33 3,380.37 3,515.44 4,244.77 4,064.00 4,595.66 4,549.24 3,927.80 4,857.09 4,395.63
Total 16,548.78 16,177.67 16,710.19 14,501.65 14,613.80 15,146.96 14,549.62 14,710.58 17,488.83 17,738.69
Net Block 6,791.94 6,645.42 6,595.68 7,144.43 7,139.46 7,285.78 7,484.77 7,660.46 7,343.21 7,302.83
Capital Work in Progress 768.74 549.73 687.70 566.00 915.22 882.71 1,426.70 1,575.45 2,234.82 3,268.92
Investments 1,245.04 951.04 1,010.36 1,260.68 710.57 256.59 332.26 561.63 377.26 470.83
Other Assets 7,743.06 8,031.48 8,416.45 5,530.54 5,848.55 6,721.88 5,305.89 4,913.04 7,533.54 6,696.11
Total 16,548.78 16,177.67 16,710.19 14,501.65 14,613.80 15,146.96 14,549.62 14,710.58 17,488.83 17,738.69
Working Capital 3,316.73 4,651.11 4,901.01 1,285.77 1,784.55 2,126.22 756.65 985.24 2,676.45 2,300.48
Debtors 243.57 120.82 235.21 184.25 258.13 240.52 140.09 147.39 75.25 91.33
Inventory 1,173.93 1,165.56 1,055.01 1,155.93 1,194.08 1,210.01 1,696.90 1,476.32 1,645.60 1,840.22
Debtor Days 13.11 5.97 12.59 8.92 9.91 7.63 6.04 6.01 1.93 2.34
Inventory Turnover 5.78 6.33 6.46 6.53 7.96 9.50 4.99 6.07 8.64 7.75
Return on Equity 5% 10% 6% 7% 13% 17% 1% 12% 24% 12%
Return on Capital Emp 18% 9% 8% 20% 26% 2% 13% 34% 15%
Narration Equity SharReserves BorrowingsOther LiabilTotal Net Block Capital WorInvestmentOther Asse
2013-14 1288.62 10833.83 0 4426.33 16548.78 6791.94 768.74 1245.04 7743.06
2014-15 1288.62 11508.68 0 3380.37 16177.67 6645.42 549.73 951.04 8031.48
2015-16 1288.62 11906.13 0 3515.44 16710.19 6595.68 687.7 1010.36 8416.45
2016-17 966.46 9239.33 51.09 4244.77 14501.65 7144.43 566 1260.68 5530.54
2017-18 966.46 9538.35 44.99 4064 14613.8 7139.46 915.22 710.57 5848.55
2018-19 932.81 9551.7 66.79 4595.66 15146.96 7285.78 882.71 256.59 6721.88
2019-20 932.81 9055.26 12.31 4549.24 14549.62 7484.77 1426.7 332.26 5305.89
2020-21 918.32 9762.38 102.08 3927.8 14710.58 7660.46 1575.45 561.63 4913.04
2021-22 918.32 11636.32 77.1 4857.09 17488.83 7343.21 2234.82 377.26 7533.54
2022-23 918.32 12320.13 104.61 4395.63 17738.69 7302.83 3268.92 470.83 6696.11
Total Working CaDebtors Inventory Debtor DayInventory Return on Return on Capital Emp
16548.78 3316.73 243.57 1173.93 13.1109 5.776196 0.052988 0.097265491
16177.67 4651.11 120.82 1165.56 5.973241 6.334131 0.103291 0.18300103331695
16710.19 4901.01 235.21 1055.01 12.59254 6.462176 0.059653 0.09171419722569
14501.65 1285.77 184.25 1155.93 8.915669 6.525516 0.065505 0.08250258084406
14613.8 1784.55 258.13 1194.08 9.907771 7.96383 0.12779 0.19616584673768
15146.96 2126.22 240.52 1210.01 7.634347 9.503492 0.165234 0.25992009895219
14549.62 756.65 140.09 1696.9 6.035625 4.992539 0.01384 0.02257528338316
14710.58 985.24 147.39 1476.32 6.006991 6.066293 0.121671 0.12737235338611
17488.83 2676.45 75.25 1645.6 1.932259 8.637931 0.23513 0.33978915647214
17738.69 2300.48 91.33 1840.22 2.338532 7.74628 0.116667 0.15152455456827
Narration Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23
Cash from Operating Activity 981.34 520.47 880.81 1,435.94 1,590.33 2,408.85 -348.56 2,199.40 4,049.61 908.24
Cash from Investing Activity 78.05 565.72 313.96 1,550.34 -490.16 -531.85 872.72 -1,403.70 -2,735.92 -334.25
Cash from Financing Activity -515.48 -506.50 -544.03 -3,615.87 -1,099.65 -1,730.75 -677.29 -600.65 -1,114.41 -923.50
Net Cash Flow 543.91 579.69 650.74 -629.59 0.52 146.25 -153.13 195.05 199.28 -349.51
Narration Cash from O
Cash from ICash from FNet Cash Flow
2013-14 981.34 78.05 -515.48 543.91
2014-15 520.47 565.72 -506.5 579.69
2015-16 880.81 313.96 -544.03 650.74
2016-17 1435.94 1550.34 -3615.87 -629.59
2017-18 1590.33 -490.16 -1099.65 0.52
2018-19 2408.85 -531.85 -1730.75 146.25
2019-20 -348.56 872.72 -677.29 -153.13
2020-21 2199.4 -1403.7 -600.65 195.05
2021-22 4049.61 -2735.92 -1114.41 199.28
2022-23 908.24 -334.25 -923.5 -349.51
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Number of shares 183.66
Face Value 5.00
Current Price 188.90
Market Capitalization 34,693.97
Report Date Sep-21 Dec-21 Mar-22 Jun-22
Sales 3,592.18 3,773.26 4,350.58 3,795.15
Expenses 2,464.91 2,582.74 2,723.72 2,915.60
Other Income 42.41 71.99 141.54 52.02
Depreciation 151.79 151.47 384.19 149.65
Interest 1.82 1.91 16.15 3.87
Profit before tax 1,016.07 1,109.13 1,368.06 778.05
Tax 268.37 278.27 342.38 199.41
Net profit 747.70 830.86 1,025.68 578.64
Operating Profit 1,127.27 1,190.52 1,626.86 879.55
Report Date Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17
Equity Share Capital 1,288.62 1,288.62 1,288.62 966.46
Reserves 10,833.83 11,508.68 11,906.13 9,239.33
Borrowings 51.09
Other Liabilities 4,426.33 3,380.37 3,515.44 4,244.77
Total 16,548.78 16,177.67 16,710.19 14,501.65
Net Block 6,791.94 6,645.42 6,595.68 7,144.43
Capital Work in Progress 768.74 549.73 687.70 566.00
Investments 1,245.04 951.04 1,010.36 1,260.68
Other Assets 7,743.06 8,031.48 8,416.45 5,530.54
Total 16,548.78 16,177.67 16,710.19 14,501.65
Receivables 243.57 120.82 235.21 184.25
Inventory 1,173.93 1,165.56 1,055.01 1,155.93
Cash & Bank 4,048.29 4,627.98 5,103.15 2,287.23
No. of Equity Shares ### ### ### ###
New Bonus Shares
Face value 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Report Date Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17
Cash from Operating Activity 981.34 520.47 880.81 1,435.94
Cash from Investing Activity 78.05 565.72 313.96 1,550.34
Cash from Financing Activity -515.48 -506.50 -544.03 -3,615.87
Net Cash Flow 543.91 579.69 650.74 -629.59
Adjusted Equity Shares in Cr 257.72 257.72 257.72 193.29