Schulung CDA 210324 (NRu)
Schulung CDA 210324 (NRu)
Schulung CDA 210324 (NRu)
Information de base
Herrmann Ultraschall
01 Requirements
5000N at Z axis
500N at X axis Z axis
X axis
synchronous rotation of the anvil with respect to the web material
Concentricity of the rotary anvil drum of ≤ 5 μm
contact pressure area of > 10%
Electrical supply
Supply voltage 400V AC 3/N/PE
Mains frequency 50/60Hz
The power lines (HF lines and stepper motor lines) and the signal transmission lines (force sensor cable, trigger sensor cable,
metal contact ground, CAN bus lines) from the electrical cabinet to the actuators must also be laid separately.
LED status
RED: Reset
GREEN: Measurement
BLUE: Error
Red = Forcesignal
Blue = Triggersignal Charge amplifier
SKM Modul
web direction
It is important that:
The stack are mount right (torque)
Nothing touch the stack during the learn process
The parts are not hot or cold
The end of the trigger signal should be at the end of the structure.
The trigger signal has to end with the force like on the graph (green and light blue)
This adjustment we have to do at full speed
Force control
With this offset it is possible to adjust that the
Amplitude are not higher then 120%
Default value are 400
Only in small steps (max. in 50)
Japan Headquarters Herrmann Ultrasonic Japan Co. Ltd. Kashiwa City, Chiba, Japan