Policy 1
Policy 1
Policy 1
Apart from the technical requirements for controlling funds, several control forms
such as cheque requisitions and reporting formats will be utilised to ensure strict
control of the funds.
1. Orders
Order forms will be completed for any procurement
2. Cheques/Electronic Payments
Cheques returned from the bank after being processed will be filed by
the Financial Administrator in numerical order.
2 Bank Accounts
Separate bank accounts will be kept specifically for the funds which are
channelled to organisations/projects and where requested by the
donor/funder. A current account and an investment account will be
opened for this purpose.
The banking of all receipts will be supported by a deposit slip. Where
the deposit is done electronically, a deposit slip will be made out
containing all necessary details, and will be filed in date sequence.
3 Receipting
A pre-numbered receipt book will be maintained for all cash and cheque
receipts by employees designated by the CFO.
All incoming cheques will be marked “Not Transferable” and the bank
account number of the XXXXXXXX bank account will be entered on the
reverse side of the cheque.
4 Bank Reconciliations
The Financial Director will monitor the differences between the bank
balances and the cash book balances by scrutinising the bank
reconciliation every month.
5 Salaries
5.2 The register will reflect the nature of the payments to the staff and
will reflect statutory and other deductions so as to reconcile on a
monthly basis with IRP5 rules.
5.3 Salaries will be paid on 25th of each month, or on the closest working
day prior to the 25th.
5.4 The necessary monthly payments will be made to the Receiver of
Revenue for SITE (Standard Income Tax on Employees) and PAYE
(Pay as you earn) tax and payments will be made for UIF
(Unemployment Insurance Fund) and RSC (Regional Services
Council) levies.
6. Budgets
6.1 Annual and project budgets will be drawn up before the start of each
financial year by the CEO, CFO & Operational Manco.
7 Accounting System
7.2 All postings and cheque writing will be done by the Financial
7.3 All general ledger balance sheet, expense and liability accounts will
be reconciled every month.
7.4 An electronic backup will be made every second day by the network
hard drive.
7.5 The integrity of the system will be the responsibility of the Financial
Administrators at all times.
7.6 The general ledger chart of accounts will not be amended without
consultation with the Director. Only the Financial Administrator will
amend, add to or delete accounts on the chart of accounts.
8 Journal Entries
8.2 Writing off of debts will be authorised by the CEO & CFO.
8.3 No cross funding of projects will occur, and therefore no inter
company accounts will appear as a result of journal entries between
general ledgers.
9 Management Accounts
10 Procurement Policy and Procedures
10.1 Objective
10.3 Procedure
A quote from the relevant service provider will be required for all
procurements at the outset. This quote can be electronic, faxed
or original.
Each quote will be duly authorised on the prescribed form by the
relevant senior staff member, according to the policy.
Once the quote has been authorised, a purchase order will be
Each purchase order will have an order number as well as the
project code where necessary.
Each purchase order will be duly authorised by the relevant staff
member, according to the policy.
The order will then be placed.
Once the goods are received they will be checked by the
receiving staff member to ensure that the correct goods have
been sent.
The preferred supplier list will be reviewed on an annual basis
The quote, the purchase order and the invoice will then be given
to the financial administrators.
Invoices for the goods will be attached to the relevant purchase
Once the invoice has been paid, proof of payment will be
attached to the quote, the purchase order and the invoice and will
be duly filed.