Dear Sir(s),
This representation letter is provided in connection with your audit of the financial
statements of Siripuram Junction (06846), Vishakhapatnam Branch of State Bank of India, for
the year ended March 31, 2024, for the purpose of expressing an opinion as to whether the
financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of Siripuram Junction
(06846), Vishakhapatnam Branch of State Bank of India, as of March 31, 2024, and of the
results of operations for the year then ended. We acknowledge our responsibility for
preparation of financial statements, in accordance with the financial reporting framework
applicable to the Bank, including the regulatory requirements of the Reserve Bank of India.
We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, the following representations:
1. Accounting Policies
The accounting policies, as approved by the board of directors of the Bank, have been
duly followed. There are no changes in the accounting policies followed by the branch
during the current year.
2. Assets
2.1 All the assets owned by the bank and transferred to the branch and such other asset/s,
as has/ have been acquired by the branch, has/have been duly accounted for, and none
of the assets is encumbered.
2.2 Fixed assets held by branches have been properly accounted from the date the asset is
purchased and put to use and have been physically verified with entries in the books
of accounts and the fixed assets register, at the year end. No discrepancies have been
noticed on such verification. Depreciation on these assets has been adequately
provided as per the policy of the bank.
2.3 In respect of assets other than fixed assets, the same have not been impaired and do
not have a value lower than realizable value.
2.4 The branch is operating from a leased premise and there is no dispute with respect to
the tenancy and lease charges.
2.5 The Branch has not got any notice from the landlord for evacuation or redevelopment
of the premises which may possibly necessitate shifting the branch premises in the
near future.
3. Capital Commitments
On branch letterhead
At the balance sheet date, outstanding commitments for capital expenditure have been
duly depicted in the financial statements.
The cash balance (including cash in ATM) as on March 31, 20234 is Rs.122,90,414/-, and
has been verified by us. Internal guidelines on periodic cash verification have been
duly followed.
Fake notes received by the Bank have been duly impounded and relevant guidelines
of RBI thereon have been complied.
Effective Dual custody of Cash has been maintained at all times during the financial
a) The branch has adequate monitoring and control process over dormant or in-
operative accounts and re-activation of accounts is carried as per the approved
b) The Branch has provided interest expenses as per approved interest rate applicable
from time to time and credited to respective deposits/interest accrued till the date of
Balance Sheet for all the category of deposits.
c) The Branch has charged interest from saving accounts wherein there is Debit
Balance or in case of overdraft facility or any other specific circumstances.
d) The Branch has deducted TDS on all interest credited/accrued for deposits as per
the requirements of Income Tax Act, 1961, as applicable.
e) All matured and unclaimed term deposits are classified as Demand Deposits.
Further, interest has been accrued basis Savings Accounts interest rate on such
unclaimed deposits.
f) All savings and current accounts having debit balances are shown as Advances.
g) The branch has recorded all known and anticipated liabilities in the financial
statements. Liabilities on account of GST have been correctly recorded.
6. Contingent Liabilities
6.1 The branch has fully disclosed in the notes to the financial statements;
6.2 Other than for advances, there are no matters involving the branch in any claims in
litigation, arbitration or other disputes, in which there may be some financial
On branch letterhead
implications, including for staff claims, branch rentals, municipal taxes, local levies,
etc., except for those which have been appropriately included under contingent
6.3 None of the contingent liabilities disclosed and other than provided for are likely to
result in a further loss, requiring adjustment of assets or liabilities or provisions in the
books of accounts.
6.4 Frivolous claims from Customers / third parties have not been included in Contingent
6.5 There are no other claims on banks not acknowledged as debt, other than those
disclosed in the financial returns.
Provision has been made in the accounts for all known losses and claims of material
8. Balancing of Books
The books of the accounts are computerised and hence the subsidiary records are
automatically balanced with the relevant control records. In the case of manual sub-
ledgers maintained, we confirm that they duly match with the general ledger balances.
All overdue/ matured term deposits are held as matured term deposits.
10. Advances
In respect of the Advances and income thereon, the income recognition and asset
classification norms prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India have been complied with.
The interest provision for Head Office Interest shall be made at the Head Office.
On branch letterhead
13.1 All material transactions pertaining to the Branch have been accurately and timely
recorded in the accounting records and are properly being reflected in the financial
13.2 Internal control system designed by the Bank’s head office, which is required to be
operated at the Branch has been meticulously followed particularly with respect to
granting fund based as well non fund based credit facilities, acceptance of deposits,
purchase of fixed assets, computation and accounting of those income and expenditure
which is required to be computed and/or accounted by the Branch, preparation of
annual closing returns including the financial statements and the closure process of
financial statements to the extent the same is required to be carried out at the Branch.
No material or significant weakness was observed in operations of internal control
system designed by the Bank’s Head office and all such internal controls were
operating effectively throughout the year. Further, there is no failure to correct any
major weakness in internal control system.
13.3 We are responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate and effective internal
financial controls, except to the extent such internal control are centrally designed and
maintained, based on the internal control over financial reporting criteria established
by the Bank considering the essential components of internal control stated in the
Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting
issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (‘ICAI’) and the preparation
and presentation of the financial statements as set out in the terms of the audit
engagement dated April 8, 2024 and, in particular, the assertions to you on the internal
financial controls in accordance with the criteria mentioned above.
13.4 We have performed an evaluation and made an assessment of the adequacy and
effectiveness of the Branch's internal financial controls based on the criteria mentioned
in Paragraph 13.3 above for the year ended March 31, 2024. Those evaluations do not
include the procedures performed by you during the audit of internal financial
controls over financial reporting as part of the basis for our assessment of the
effectiveness of internal financial controls.
In connection with the Long Form Audit Report, complete information (including all
updated Internal Circulars issued till date, Receipt & disposal of Complaints &
grievances) as regards each item in the questionnaire, has been made available to you
in order to enable you to verify the same for the purpose of your audit.
18. General
There is no enquiry going on or concluded during the year by the Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBI), or any other vigilance or investigating agency, on the branch or on
its employees and no cases of frauds or of misappropriation of assets of the branch
have come to the notice of the Management during the year, other than for amounts
for which provisions have already been made in the books of accounts.
19. There have been no events subsequent to the balance sheet date, that require
adjustment of, or disclosure in, the financial statements or notes thereto.
20. We have made available to you all the following latest reports on the accounts of our
branch, and updated compliance by the branch on the observations contained therein:
a. Previous year’s branch audit report and LFAR;
b. Internal inspection reports;
On branch letterhead
c. Report on any other Inspection, audit that has been conducted in the course of the
21. Apart from the, what has been disclosed, the branch has not received any show cause
notice, inspection advice, etc., from the Government of India, Reserve Bank of India or
any other monitoring or regulatory authority of India that could have a material effect
on the financial statements of the branch during the year.
22. The provision for non–performing assets, depreciation, provision for income tax,
provision for bonus, gratuity, etc., is made at the Head Office. Therefore, the same has
not been provided in the branch accounts. The branch has correctly deducted Tax at
source and paid the same on time to the relevant authorities.
24. The branch has complied with all aspects of contractual agreements, that could have a
material effect on the financial statements in the event of non– compliance. There has
not been non–compliance with requirements of regulating authorities, that could have
a material effect on the financial statements in the event of non–compliance.
25. The other particulars required, have already been given to you, and particulars and
other representations made to you from time to time are true and correct in all
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
For & on behalf of Siripuram Junction (06846), Vishakhapatnam Branch of State Bank of