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Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 No.

1, January 2019
Asia Pacific Journal of
Community Involvement in Nature Tourism: Education, Arts and Sciences
The Case of Mangrove Forest in Noveleta, Vol. 6 No.1, 89-99
January 2019
Cavite, Philippines P-ISSN 2362-8022
E-ISSN 2362-8030
Ma. Soffia Mathtie M. Buter, Chang Hoon Joung, www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Janesca Ellaizel May M. Tenorio and Fatima Faye G. Yumul, ASEAN Citation Index
Reymarie Lobo and Gilbert Wesley P. Gallardo
Lyceum of the Philippines University, Cavite, Philippines

Date Received: November 10, 2018; Date Revised: January 5, 2019

Abstract - The purpose of this research is to INTRODUCTION

determine the involvement and the awareness of the Nature tourism means experiencing natural places,
residents of Noveleta, Cavite in the Mangrove Forest typically through outdoor activities that are sustainable
Project. Descriptive method was used in the study and in terms of their impact on the environment. It is a
survey questionnaires were distributed to the 381 tourism based on the natural attractions of an area. The
participants from the town of Noveleta, Cavite, local residents encourage the tourist to experience
Philippines. The results showed that in terms of level of different activities and be involved in the natural
awareness, the participants were moderately aware experiences. Examples include bird watching,
about the Mangrove Forest Project. Residents photography, stargazing, camping, hiking, hunting,
somewhat agree that they are facing challenges in the fishing, and visiting parks. These experiential tourists
conservation of the mangrove forest. Likewise, the are interested in a diversity of natural and cultural
residents agreed into the benefits of the mangrove resources. They want what is real, and they want to be
forest to the community of Noveleta. The local immersed in a rich, natural, cultural and historical
community is moderately aware about the mangrove experience. Natural attractions include deserts, polar
forest project. They have enough knowledge on the regions, rainforests, alpine areas, woodlands,
history and activities that is happening in their town grasslands, mountains, beaches, swamps, caves,
regarding to the Mangrove Forest Project. To improve oceans, cliffs, and rivers. People visit natural
the knowledge of the locals in this project in Noveleta attractions for several reasons, these are: to appreciate
an enhancement in awareness campaign should be the greatness of nature, to get away from the stress of
made. The involvement of the local community in the city life, to escape from the crowd, to travel different
Mangrove Forest Project was moderate The places, to participate in outdoor activities in natural
involvement of the respondents are closely responsible surroundings, to study about the environment and to
in supporting the protection and preservation of the engage in conserving the environment. Some of these
mangroves in the place. The respondents somewhat natural attractions are near to cities and transport
agree on the different challenges: poachers illegally systems while others require huge effort to get there –
cutting mangroves to hunt woodworms, illegal cutting which can be part of their appeal. Nature tourism is one
of mangrove to produce charcoal, limited community of the fastest growing sectors in the tourism industry.
empowerment to mangrove forest project, lack of law Nature based tourism gives incentives to the local
enforcement and monitoring to protect from illegal communities and landowners to preserve the wildlife
encroachment, insufficient knowledge in maintaining habitat which the industry relies on. No matter how
mangrove forest, lack of participation of the local popular the attraction it requires supervision to avoid
community to mangrove forest project, lack of financial deterioration of natural ecosystem that are caused by
of the municipality after launching the mangrove forest humans. It needs to be managed so that humans do not
project. degrade the natural ecosystems that are an intrinsic
Keywords: Mangrove Forest, Mangrove Forest element of the attraction and that have taken millions
Project, Local Community, Noveleta, Cavite of years to evolve.

P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1, January 2019
Community Involvement return everything to normal. In the course of the study,
Being involved in the community means building the researchers were able to comprehend how the
relationships. Community involvement is an active community responded, contributed, and was involved
involvement of people living together in some form of in a project implemented by their local government to
social organization and cohesion in the planning, use as a solution to the problem. The study may serve
operation and control of primary programs, using local, as a guide for other local government unit mostly in the
national and other resources [1]-[4]. Community nearby district in Noveleta. This helped them in giving
participation promotes shared responsibility by service possible actions and solutions to the problems they
providers, community members, and youth. They can have especially in nature tourism.
work together to advocate for better programs, The generalization of the research entitled
services, and policies [5]-[7]. Getting the community “Community Involvement in Nature Tourism: The
involved in a program design and implementation helps Case of Mangrove Forest in Noveleta, Cavite” would
ensure that strategies are appropriate for and acceptable be a great contribution to the information related to the
to the community. Each community's members have a study.
rich source of knowledge about their community and of This study will help students to have a knowledge
energy and commitment to that locality. That is why and understanding regarding the importance of planting
when the public professionals and the government mangroves for the natural resources as tourist
envision a program to a particular community, genuine attractions in Noveleta. The student will be aware that
participation by community members, including youth, the Baka Juan or the Mangrove Forest Project exists,
is the key. Community members control the project at and it will help them to know the importance of
the same time that professional partners build the community involvement. Through this study, the
community's capacity to make informed decisions and academic institutions will improve their instruction
to take collective action. when it comes to teaching the students about the
Mangrove Forest Project. It will encourage the students
Local Community of Noveleta, Cavite to be more involved when they are more
The mangrove forest project does not only depend knowledgeable about this project. This study will
on the sponsors and local government, but also with the encourage the local community to participate and
participation of the locals. The local community has a contribute in any way for the development and
big part and great impact in mangrove project. They preservation of their natural attractions. Also, to give
can be involved through the tree planting and awareness about the benefits of planting mangroves to
replanting of the mangroves that happens every year. their community. The researchers believed that through
They can also attend the seminars and training this study it will help the government to identify current
conducted by the local government and other status or weaknesses of the project and help them to
organizations. The locals may also cooperate in coastal provide or create a plan to overcome these weaknesses
clean-up or clean up drive activities. The locals and transform it into strengths. This study will serve as
envision that this project will be beneficial to them. a reference on their future and possible continuity of
They will realize that this project will attract some the study or to use the study as interpretative material
tourists that can increase their livelihood. They will for future research on the related topic.
also notice that there are different exotic migratory and
indigenous bird that appears in the mangrove forest. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
The study intends to shape a better understanding This study figured out how the community was an
and awareness about the great impact and contribution involved in the preservation, development and
of a community in the Mangrove Forest Project and improvement of the nature tourism that focused in the
also the effectiveness of this program. There are several Mangrove Forest Project in Noveleta, Cavite.
cases that show how a community can help in giving Government started to improve mangrove forest since
solution to a problem, the best example was during the 2014 up to presented together with the local community
end of 2013. One of the strongest typhoons in the of Noveleta and those Local Government Unit (LGU),
world, typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda took many lives and Non-Government Unit and private sectors. The study
left numerous families homeless. Yolanda destroyed aimed to describe the demographic profile of the
and damaged almost everything in its path particularly participants in terms of: Age, Occupation, Educational
the province of Eastern Samar. The municipality of Attainment, Residency, and Years of residency;
Eastern Samar and its community worked together to determine the level of awareness of the residents on the
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1, January 2019
nature tourism and Mangrove Forest Project; describe Data were gathered by means of interviews and
the level of involvement of local community to the surveys using researchers made questionnaires.
Mangrove Forest Project; determine the challenges The researchers chose the local residents of
being faced by the host community in conducting the Noveleta Cavite as their respondents because they are
mangrove forest project; and identify the benefits of in the best position or most knowledgeable individuals
Mangrove Forest Project for the local community of who can provide the needed information for the study.
Noveleta, Cavite. The study covered only the local people of Noveleta. It
The perceived challenges that can be faced by the will not include the other form of tourism and will only
host community in conducting the mangrove forest focus on the awareness and community involvement in
project, and lastly the perceived benefits of Mangrove the said project for the improvement of nature tourism
Forest Project for the local community of Noveleta, industry of the town. Moreover, the study also
Cavite. emphasized on the understanding of the respondents
The researchers aimed to have an output in the regarding the preservation and improvement of natural
involvement of the community regarding to the case of attraction in their town.
having mangrove forest project in the town of The researchers used the Random sampling
Noveleta, Cavite and the possible and applicable technique to determine the number of participants to be
recommendations for the students, academic surveyed as they became the respondents to provide
institutions, local community, government and future insights to the study. The 381 participants were from
researchers. the 45,846 population of Noveleta according to 2015
census. The respondents were taken from the 16
METHODS barangays to give each of them the opportunity to
provide knowledge to the study, therefore there were
Research Design 24 participants for the 15 barangays and 21 participants
The researchers used the descriptive method in the in one barangay that was been surveyed by the
study. It involves the collection of accurate evidence researchers.
and information to give a comprehensive approach to
the subject and focuses on facts and current conditions Instrumentation
that have significance to the study. This concept to the The survey questionnaire is composed of five parts:
problem solving seeks to answer questions and state The first part contains questions about the
real facts relating to existing conditions. This technique background of the respondents which include their age,
determined the prevailing conditions in the case chosen occupation, educational attainment, residency and
from the study. years of residency.
The second part includes the level of awareness of
Locale of the Study the residents on nature tourism and mangrove forest
This study was conducted in April 2018 to the local project. Below is the list of references that the
residents of Noveleta, Cavite. The one-month researchers used in order to come up with questions
assessment determined the great impact and relative to ascertain the level of awareness of locals to
contribution of a community in the mangrove forest the project:
project and also the effectiveness of the program.
• ‘Forestry Department of Noveleta, Cavite-
Participants of the Study interview’, (E. Chavez, 2018)
There are 381 residents of Noveleta, Cavite both -This is the interview about the person involved in
females and males with the age range of 15 and 50 the project and who spearheaded and also talks
years old and above were considered as participants of about since and when the Mangrove Forest
the study. Project happened. Also, the impact of the project
This study focused on the awareness and to tourism of the town.
involvement of the community of Noveleta in the • ‘Mangrove Tree Planting Project at Noveleta
Mangrove Forest project. The study to be conducted Cavite’, (H. M. Umali, 2016)
focused on the awareness and contribution of the -The discussion about the 3000 mangrove
respondents to the Mangrove Forest Project or the seedlings were planted at mangrove eco-tourism
study. project in Barangay San Rafael IV.

P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1, January 2019
• ‘Mangrove Planting Activity at San Rafael IV, The last part includes the perceived benefits of the
Noveleta’, Cavite, (2016) project to the local community. Listed below are the
-Discusses about the training and seminars references that the researchers used for this part:
conducted together with the Philippine
Coastguard. • ‘‘Forestry Department of Noveleta, Cavite-
• ‘Mangroves’, (2017) interview’, (E. Chavez, 2018).
-Mangrove systems are critical to coastal - The mangroves serve as a sink for heavy metal,
ecosystems, helping both plants and animals reduce carbon dioxide, and improved fish
survive. production was discussed.
• 'Mangrove Forest for Coastal Defense', (2014)
The third part includes the level of involvement of - It’s about the important of the mangroves to the
local community to the Mangrove Forest Project that coastline.
the researchers band the questions from the following • ‘Forestry Department of Noveleta, Cavite-
articles: interview’, (Ed Chavez, 2018).
- Discusses that the project helps the town to be
• ‘Mangroves a.k.a. Bakawan Tree Planting Activity recognized.
2017’, Noveleta Town, (2014) • 'Effects of Socio-Demographic Characteristics and
-Discussed the mangrove tree planting activity in Perceived Benefits of Tourism on Community
the Barangay San Rafael IV. Participation in Tourism in the Mesomagor Area of
• ‘Forestry Department of Noveleta, Cavite-interview’, Kakum National park', (Mensah, 2016).
(Ed Chavez, 2018). - It’s about the potential benefits of the skills
-Discussed about the replanting activity of the trainings to the community
mangrove forest project, conducted seminars, the
construction of the tower and decision making of the Data Gathering Procedure
locals. The data for this research was collected using
survey questionnaires. The questionnaire was divided
In order to identify the challenges that can be faced into five parts, and were distributed to the local
by the host community in conducting the project. The community of Noveleta, Cavite. Researchers used
following articles were considered: random sampling technique for this study.
• ‘Governments ill-equipped to protect mangroves, Convenience sampling technique was used to reach a
need to involve communities: global study’, (M. targeted sample, selective or subjective sampling.
Ponsford, 2017). The researchers’ survey questionnaire has been
-It is managed by a government agency that is too weak checked and verified by their adviser Ms. Reymarie A.
to protect mangroves. A small amount of support or Lobo, and then handed to their statistician Mrs. Ma.
technical support will greatly contribute to Cecille Naga to correct and confirm the questionnaire.
mangrove rehabilitation efforts. Two professors from the College of International
• ‘Assessment of the local communities’ knowledge on Tourism and Hospitality Management (CITHM), Ms.
mangrove ecology’,( M.I. Sawairnathan*, N. Sharmaine Herrera and Mr. Gilbert Wesley Gallardo
Halimoon, 2017). validated the survey questionnaire. Lastly the internal
-It discusses the negative result of the mangoves panelist, Mr. Regil John Vergara approved the final
program when it comes to awareness and survey questionnaire.
participation of the people. The given scale was used to interpret the result of
• ‘Mangroves Action Project- Issues’, (2013). the survey in terms of level of awareness, involvement
- It’s discusses the solution of an organization to the and agreement: 4.20-5.00: Very High; 3.40-4.19: High;
problem of one of the mangrove program which is 2.60-3.39: Moderate; 1.80-2.59: Low; 1.00-1.79: Very
the illegal encroachment. Low
• ‘Forestry Department of Noveleta, Cavite-interview’, The data were treated in relation to what were asked
(E. Chavez, 2018). in the specific objectives. These data tabulated,
-The illegal cutting of mangroves to use as charcoal analyzed and interpreted. Statistical tools used were
and to hunt woodworm was been tackled. frequency distribution, percentage and weighted mean.

P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1, January 2019
Frequency distribution was used to present the Table 5. Summary of Participants Based on
response on the participants and the percentage was Occupation
only used for the total results of the participants. Occupation Frequency Percentage
To interpret the results of the data, regarding the Farmer 24 6%
level of awareness, the level of involvement and level Fisherman 30 8%
of agreement. The weighted mean of each category was Factory Worker 43 11%
obtained for better representation of data. The weighted Construction
52 14%
mean of each category was computed to determine the
Self-employed 39 10%
average scores given by the participants. The formula Government
for weighted mean is: 22 6%
Teacher 25 7%
Others: 58 15%
Table 4. Summary of Participants Based on Age -Janitor 8
Age Frequency Percentage -House Wife 15
15-25 101 27% -Call Center 5
26-32 95 25% -Driver 17
33-40 64 17% -Vendor 13
41-50 69 18% TOTAL 381 100%
50 and above 52 14% Table 5 presents the frequency and percentage of the
TOTAL 381 100% respondents based on their occupation. The students
ranked first which has a highest frequency of 88
Table 4 presents the frequency and percentage respondents with 23%. Others ranked second with 15%
distribution of the respondents based on their age. Age while the Construction Worker ranked third with 14%.
15-25 ranked first which has a highest frequency of 101 The Factory Worker ranked fourth with 11% and the
respondents, with 27%. On the other hand, age 26-32 Self-employed ranked fifth with 10%. The Fisherman
ranked second with 25%. And age 41-50 ranked third ranked sixth with 8% and Teacher in the seventh
with 18%. While age 50 and above ranked fourth with position with 7%.
17%. On the other hand, Farmers which has a frequency
The lowest is ages 33-40 which have a frequency of of 24 respondents and Government Officials which has
52 respondents with 14%. This shows that the majority a frequency of 22 respondents ranked last with 6%. In
of the respondents are young people who fall into the this area, the students got higher percentage because
majority age of 18 to 25 years. Actively engaging youth most of the students were available during the
in the community development projects can implicitly collection of data in Noveleta and relating to table 5
acknowledged youth as viable and efficient members most of the participants ages from 15-25 who are in the
of the community and has the potential to result in youth stage. They are also involved and knowledgeable
deeper rooted and more sustainable community when it comes to the mangrove project. The schools
change. In relation with the result, the young people of also encouraged the students to join the mangrove tree
Noveleta, Cavite should be more immersed in the planting activity that is why they are well informed and
Mangrove Forest Project or other community also immersed on it. This proves the study of Lomas,
endeavors to make more changes as well as to become [10] that today's students often learn better by doing
an active and feasible member of the community. The rather than by listening. As a result, schools provide
youth are the backbone of a society and hence they activities for the students with ample opportunities to
determine the future of any given society [8]. There is participate. Whether in the form of participation in
a need for those ages 50 and above to actively take part discussion or construction, designs should enable
in the project. However, those belonging to this age are interaction, and group work. When considering the
not that active due to their weakening health. If more technologies to support, remember that students no
people participate in the development of their area, longer just consume information, they construct it—in
more skills, experience and knowledge will be gained multiple media formats.
and will be easily transferred to the new generation [9]. Others who ranked second with 15% are those
respondents who are a janitor, housewife, call center
agents, drivers and vendors. On the other hand, the

P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1, January 2019
government officials got the lowest percentage because third with 13%. Less than 1 year ranked last which has
majority of the officials are on the duty during the a frequency of 37 respondents with 10%. The
gathering of data. However, it does not mean that they municipality of Noveleta (Tagalog: Bayan ng
are not aware and involve in the project, most of them Noveleta) is an urban district in the province of Cavite,
are required to participate in the actual mangrove tree Philippines. Since Noveleta is one of the oldest
planting. municipalities of Cavite there are more respondents
who are living in the town for 10 years and above.
Table 6. Summary of Participants Based on Cavite is one of the main points of entry to Manila by
Educational Attainment 26 kilometers and accessible by land transport modes;
Level Frequency Percentage different people from different places tend to stay to
Elementary 69 18% this town for accessibility [12]. That is the reason why
Secondary 169 44% there are people who lived in this town for less than a
College 122 32% year.
Others: 21 6%
TOTAL 381 100%
Table 8. Perceived Level of Awareness of the
Respondents on the Nature Tourism and Mangrove
Table 6 present the frequency and percentage of the Forest Project
respondents based on their educational attainment. Level of Awareness WM VI
Majority of the respondents has achieved secondary 1. Mr. Ed Chavez the head of forestry
level of education with 44%. Then College level ranked department proposed the mangrove forest 3.70 High
second with 32% while the Elementary level ranked project.
third with 18%. Others ranked last which has a 2. The government initiated the mangrove
frequency of 21 respondents with 6%. The reason why forest project in Noveleta, Cavite in the 3.73 High
the secondary level got the highest percentage it’s year 2014.
because relating to the table 6 most of the participants 3. The government started the
are students and most of them ages from 15-25 which implementation of the mangrove forest 3.72 High
project in San Rafael IV, Noveleta, Cavite.
the highest percentage in table 5 is. Based on the Cavite
4. The local government of Noveleta
Quickstat, high school or secondary level has the supported the project through requiring the
highest population with 1, 080,085, followed by the 3.72 High
government employees and others to join in
elementary level with 710, 447. Third is the college the planting and replanting activity.
level with 678,059 and those not stated with 5,999 5. The government conduct skills training
populations [11]. For the others who got the lowest and seminars for the community to learn 3.75 High
percentage shows that there are 21 respondents who did more about mangrove forest.
not attained to reach the elementary, secondary and 6. The birdwatching activity of nature
college level. tourism attracts more tourist that helps the 3.78 High
tourism industry of Noveleta, Cavite.
7. The mangrove trees are the shelters of
Table 7. Summary of Participants Based on Years 3.82 High
the marine species along the coastal area.
of Residency
Duration Frequency Percentage
Less than 1 It can be gleaned in Table 8 that the respondents
37 10%
year were moderately aware of the following: that the
1 – 5 years 53 14% mangrove trees are the shelters of the marine species
6 – 10 years 48 13% along the coastal area with the weighted mean 3.82 as
10 years and the highest; that the bird watching activity of nature
243 64%
above tourism attracts more tourist that helps the tourism
TOTAL 381 100% industry of Noveleta with the weighted mean of 3.78;
that the government conduct skills training and
Table 7 present the frequency and percentage of the seminars for the community to learn more about
respondents based on their year of residency. 10 years mangrove forest with the weighted mean of 3.75; that
and above has the highest frequency with 243 the government initiated the mangrove forest project in
respondents with 64%. The 1-5 years ranked second Noveleta in the year 2014 with the weighted mean of
with 14% while those range from 6 to 10 years ranked 3.73; that the government started the implementation of
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1, January 2019
the mangrove forest project in San Rafael IV, Noveleta restoration and preservation with the weighted mean of
with the weighted mean of 3.72; that the local 3.63; cooperated in disseminating the information of
government of Noveleta supported the project through mangrove forest project through word of mouth with
requiring the government employees and others to join the weighted mean of 3.59; attended a seminar about
in the planting and replanting activity with the the conservation and development of Mangrove Forest
weighted mean of 3.72; and that Mr. Ed Chavez the Project with the weighted mean of 3.59; participated in
head of forestry department proposed the mangrove the construction of tower in mangrove forest area for
forest project with the weighted mean of 3.70. Using birdwatching site with weighted mean of 3.58; joined
weighted mean to find out the level of awareness of the in the replanting activity of the mangrove forest project
respondents on nature tourism and Mangrove Forest with weighted mean of 3.56 and participated in the tree
Project, it was found out that the quantitative rating of planting activity of mangrove forest project with the
3.74 (Moderately Aware), showed reasonable level of weighted mean of 3.51. Using weighted mean to find
awareness of the respondents of Noveleta, Cavite. out the level of involvement of the respondents on
Majority of the respondents are students and they nature tourism and Mangrove Forest Project, it was
were moderately aware that mangrove trees are the found out that the quantitative rating of 3.60
shelters of marine species along the coastal area. This (Moderately Involved), shown reasonable level of
statement got the highest weighted mean. The reason involvement from the respondents of Noveleta, Cavite.
why the students know this common knowledge or Majority of the respondents are students and they
simple information about mangroves is because it was are moderately involved in volunteering in the clean-up
taught and learned from the school. However, the drive to maintain the cleanliness of the Mangrove
respondents are moderately aware about the person Forest Project. This statement got the highest mean
who proposed the project, Mr. Ed Chavez and this with 3.73 because the students prefer the easiest and
statement got the lowest weighted mean. During the most suitable activities that they are going to be part
researchers’ discussion with Mr. Chavez, according to with.
him their main goal is to introduce and implement the There is a step by step process when planting
mangrove forest project. That is why people were more mangroves, and for a student it takes a lot of effort to
aware about the project instead of being informed about participate in this kind of activity. While through clean-
the person who started it. up drive it is an easy activity to join in and it is not a
It can be gleaned in Table 9 that the respondents are difficult task especially for a student. Similar with the
moderately involved of the following: volunteered in study about Community Participation in Mangrove
the clean-up drive to maintain the cleanliness of the Forest Management in the Philippines [13], prior to the
mangrove forest with the weighted mean of 3.73 as the MENRO, local community participation within the
highest; cooperated in the decision making together barangay is largely through coastal clean-up drives
with other local residence about the mangrove only.

Table 9. Perceived Level of Involvement of the Respondents on the Nature Tourism and Mangrove Forest
Level of Involvement WM Indicator VI
1. Participated in the tree planting activity of mangrove forest project. 3.51 Moderate High
2. Joined in the replanting activity of the mangrove forest project. 3.56 Moderate High
3. Attended a seminar about the conservation and development of mangrove forest
3.59 Moderate High
4. Cooperated in the decision making together with other local residence about the
3.63 Moderate High
mangrove restoration and preservation.
5. Volunteered in the clean-up drive to maintain the cleanliness of the mangrove
3.73 Moderate High
6. Participated in the construction of tower in mangrove forest area for birdwatching
3.58 Moderate High
7. Cooperated in disseminating the information of mangrove forest project through
3.59 Moderate High
word of mouth
Grand Weighted Mean 3.60 Moderate High

P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1, January 2019
People did not care too much about the mangroves local government focused more on supporting
and only utilize it for producing charcoals or vinegar. financially those projects or problems of the
The statement about the tree planting activity of community which requires immediate action.
mangroves got the lowest weighted mean because for The next statement is about the insufficient
the respondents it will be inconvenient for them to join knowledge in maintaining mangrove forest. This
in this kind of activity, for them clean-up drive is better statement is somewhat agreed by the respondents
and less hassle to join to. According to Chavez, because most them lack insight about conserving and
sponsors from the outside of their town are more preserving the forest. The local community should have
involved in the planting activity. enough knowledge in preserving the mangrove forest
It can be gleaned in Table 10 that the respondents so that whatever the government started for this project
are somewhat agree to the following challenges: would not be wasted. The local government should also
presence of poachers illegally cutting mangroves to give attention to this by giving and adding more
hunt woodworm with the weighted mean of 3.40 as the information to the local residents because this is
highest; the illegal cutting of mangrove to produce important for the continuity of the project and for the
charcoal with the weighted mean of 3.34; that there’s a conservation of the mangroves. Similar with the study
limited community empowerment to mangrove forest of Feka and Ajonina [14] about mangrove forest
project with the weighted mean of 3.31; that there’s a ecosystem, they indicated that locals have an
lack of law enforcement and monitoring to protect from insufficient knowledge regarding value of mangrove
illegal encroachment with weighted mean of 3.29; that that placed the forest into critical condition resulting
there is insufficient knowledge in maintaining into degradation and deforestation. That is why the
mangrove forest with the weighted mean of 3.26; there people should have enough knowledge to make the
is a lack of participation of the local community to mangrove forest project a successful one.
mangrove forest project with the weighted mean of The statement which is about lack of participation
3.23 and that there is a lack of financial support of the of the local community to mangrove forest project is
municipality after launching the mangrove project with somewhat agree by the respondents. Participation of
the weighted mean of 3.10. Using weighted mean to the locals is the most important thing in this project.
find out the challenges being faced by the host Participation provides private individuals an
community in conducting the mangrove forest project, opportunity to influence public decisions and to be a
the respondents slightly agreed that the perceived component of the democratic decision-making process
challenges were faced by the host community of the [15]. The local government should have monthly visit
project. The grand weighted mean of 3.28 with in the mangrove forest, by assigning every barangay to
somewhat agree, shown the overall agreement of the conduct clean-up drives and replanting of the
respondents. mangroves.
The first statement about the lack of financial The government of Noveleta should have a stiff
support of the municipality after launching the project order to avoid trespasser in the mangrove forest site so
is somewhat agreed by the respondents and it also got that illegal cutting of mangroves will be stop.
the lowest weighted mean. The reason for this was the

Table 10. Perceived Challenges of the Respondents on the Nature Tourism and Mangrove Forest Project
Challenges WM Indicator Interpretation
1. Lack of financial support of the municipality after launching the
3.10 Somewhat Agree Moderate
mangrove project.
2. Insufficient knowledge in maintaining Mangrove forest. 3.26 Somewhat Agree Moderate
3. Lack of participation of the local community to mangrove forest
3.23 Somewhat Agree Moderate
4. Lack of law enforcement and monitoring to protect from illegal
3.29 Somewhat Agree Moderate
5. Illegal cutting of mangrove to produce charcoal. 3.34 Somewhat Agree Moderate
6. Poachers illegally cutting mangroves to hunt woodworm. 3.40 Somewhat Agree Moderate
7. Limited Community empowerment to mangrove forest project. 3.31 Somewhat Agree Moderate
Grand Weighted Mean 3.60 Somewhat Agree Moderate

P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1, January 2019
Table 11. Perceived Benefits of the Respondents on the Nature Tourism and Mangrove Forest Project.
Perceived Benefits WM Indicator Interpretation
1. Mangrove Forest Project helps stabilized the coastline in
3.72 Agree High Level of Agreement
Noveleta and prevents erosion from waves and storms.
2. The mangrove serves as sink for heavy metal that reduces
3.65 Agree High Level of Agreement
toxicity of a given coastal area.
3. The mangrove serves as an important carbon sink to reduce
3.82 Agree High Level of Agreement
carbon dioxide in the air.
4. The mangrove forest project trainings and seminars enhance
3.88 Agree High Level of Agreement
the skills of the locals.
5. The project gives employment opportunities in the area. 3.88 Agree High Level of Agreement
6. The mangrove forest project improved fish production of the
3.91 Agree High Level of Agreement
7. The mangrove forest project helps Noveleta, Cavite to be
3.69 Agree High Level of Agreement
known or recognize by other municipality.
Composite Mean 3.79 Agree High Level of Agreement

According to Chavez, one of the main problems of Forest Project improved fish production of the town
the mangrove forest project are the poachers illegally with the weighted mean of 3.91 as the highest. The
cutting mangroves to hunt woodworm; this statement Noveleta as part of the District 1 of Cavite has
got the highest weighted mean. Law enforcement and increased their number of fishermen from 2013 to
proper monitoring would be the same solution to avoid 2016.
these circumstances. This mean that there is a good source of fish in
For the last statement, there is limited community Noveleta because of the increasing number of
empowerment to mangrove forest project, people are fishermen. During the year 2013 where the mangrove
also somewhat agreeing. Community empowerment forest project was not yet implemented there is only
encompasses involvement, participation and 240 fishermen in the town but year 2015 when
commitment to the society [16]. This empowerment mangrove forest is already implemented it increased
should not be bounded; the community would be a into 540 number of fishermen [12]. The statement
great contributor of information and has a function about mangrove that serves as sink for heavy metal that
when it comes to implementation of a local project. reduces toxicity of a given coastal area with the
It can be gleaned in Table 11 that the respondents weighted mean of 3.65 is the lowest. The respondents
agree of the following: that the mangrove forest project are not yet well informed about this that is why the
improved fish production of the town with the weighted government should conduct more seminars to improve
mean of 3.91 as the highest; that the project gives the knowledge of the people about the mangrove forest
employment opportunities in the area with the project and also the mangrove itself.
weighted mean of 3.88; that the mangrove forest
project trainings and seminars enhance the skills of the CONCLUSIONS
locals with the weighted mean of 3.88; that the The discussion above has evaluated the awareness
mangrove serves as an important carbon sink to reduce and involvement of the local community, also the
carbon dioxide in the air with the weighted mean of challenges and perceived benefits of the Mangrove
3.82; that Mangrove Forest Project helps stabilizes the Forest Project in different barangays of Noveleta,
coastline in Noveleta and prevents erosion from waves Cavite being implemented by the local government.
and storms with the weighted mean of 3.72; that the With the result given through survey, the researchers
mangrove forest project helps Noveleta, Cavite to be therefore conclude that the local residents of Noveleta
known or recognize by other municipality with were moderately aware about the mangrove forest
weighted mean of 3.69 and that the mangrove serves project. Moreover, in connection to their awareness is
as sink for heavy metal that reduces toxicity of a given their moderately involvement in the conservation and
coastal area with the weighted mean of 3.65. Using preservation of the mangrove forest. In relation with
weighted mean to find out the benefits of the Mangrove the awareness and involvement of the project are those
Forest Project for the host community, the respondents challenges which is somewhat agree by the locals.
agreed that the perceived benefits were gained by the While the perceived benefits of the mangrove project
community. The respondents agreed that the Mangrove were all agreed by the local community. Their

P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1, January 2019
occupation is also another factor in level of their RECOMMENDATIONS
involvement. For the residents who are a student are The following recommendations are made in light
more likely to engaged in the said project for they are of the findings of the study and conclusion arrived of:
informed and aware that this program will benefit their The researchers suggest that the students should
town and also the local people. make a move by forming a youth organization that will
The discussion noticed that majority of the be the voice of the student body and this organization
respondents are students that is why they are more should share ideas interest and concern about the
aware about the mangrove forest project because it is project to the local government. As a student who are
taught to them in the schools. According to the more aware about the project they should also be more
respondents they are not aware who implemented the involve in the tree planting activity. The researchers
project, so that the researchers recommended to them also recommend that academic institutions in Noveleta,
that they need to have an interaction between the Cavite should include the mangrove forest project to
participants and the head. The students together with their subjects like science, social studies and
the local community are involved in the clean-up drives community service by teaching and giving the students
and other activities, to help the government and the more information and knowledge about the project.
sponsors to maintain the mangrove forest. The The researchers encourage the local community to
researchers conclude that lacking of fund in proposing be more cooperative in maintaining the mangrove
a project is a big factor, financial support of the forest. The local community should have monthly visit
government will keep the good condition of the in the mangrove forest to conduct clean-up drives and
mangrove forest. Some of the respondents has replanting of the mangrove and they should also join in
insufficient knowledge in maintaining the mangrove the seminars and training that will be conducted by the
that is why the researchers thought that it would be a local government. In critical areas of the mangrove
good action on the part of the government to conduct forest there should be a guard to watch for the illegal
seminars and activities relating to the mangrove forest poachers or wood worm hunter to avoid destruction of
for them. The residents’ lack of knowledge can be the mangrove. The researchers recommend that they
remedied by educating them on how to participate in should contribute information to the local government
the project. The government’s lack of law enforcement, and also be more knowledgeable and involve in the
might cause the residents to think that it is fine not to project.
join and participate in the project. Without proper law The researchers recommend to the government to
enforcement, the poachers or the one who is illegally identify their goals on how they will maintain the
cutting trees for hunting woodworm and the one who is mangrove forest. Then government needs to possess
producing charcoal is a big no to them, because it can additional funds or financial support to cultivate the
cause destruction in the forest. The town adopted the project. Establish policies for the procurement of
wood-charcoal-ban provision that is why it is mangrove and nature sound products and services for
prohibited. use within governments. The researchers also
The researchers found out that some of the local recommend having appropriate monitoring system in
residents are not fully involved in the activities related the mangrove forest to monitor the progress and
to the mangrove project. Therefore, the researchers evaluate strategies to improve the environmental
conclude that if the local government will give performance and to have a strong and persuasive law
assistance and also motivate the residents to participate enforcement to avoid the illegal cutting of mangrove to
then locals will engage themselves to the project. The produce charcoal to avoid poachers. There should also
local residents are willing to get involved and at the be recognition to the person behind the project which
same time be aware as long as the programs and is Mr. Ed Chavez who is the head of the Forestry
activities are continuous and well implemented to the Department or the MENRO. The researchers
community. There is also a factor towards the encourage the other nearby municipalities to join the
perceived benefits of the mangroves and the project preservation and conservation of the mangrove forest
that makes the locals to actively join, the more benefits by inviting them to visit the mangrove forest and be
that they can get to this program, the more that the local part of the activities of the project like planting, clean-
community will involve themselves in the mangrove up drives and seminars. Also to minimize the
forest project. generation of waste in coastal areas and to finish the
construction of the tower so that it would be convenient
to the tourist to access the birdwatching site. The
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1, January 2019
researchers also suggest that if Mr. Dino Chua the of Mokgalwaneng Village Retrieved March 22, 2018
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P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com

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