Direct Debit Request23
Direct Debit Request23
Direct Debit Request23
Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence no. 237502
Please send completed form to Client Administration: email or mail to Client Admin, Macquarie Bank
Limited, GPO Box 4294, Sydney NSW 1164. Please USE BLACK INK when completing this form.
Client details
Company name:
Details of financial institution account to be debited or credited
Account name:
Transfer details
Select one or more redirection options:
Redirect fees and charges Redirect credit interest Redirect debit interest Redirect loan repayments
Direct Debit Request 2 of 2
Direct debit request service agreement
I/we understand and acknowledge that: so that your query can be resolved more quickly. If as a
1. My financial institution may, in its absolute discretion, result of the Bank’s investigations it is determined that
at any time by notice in writing to me, terminate this your account has been incorrectly debited, the Bank will
request as to future debits. adjust your account accordingly. The Bank will also notify
you in writing of the amount by which your account has
2. Macquarie Bank Limited (‘the Bank’) may, by prior notice
been adjusted. If the investigation concludes that your
in writing to me within 14 days, vary the terms of the
Direct Debit Request (‘DDR’). account has been debited correctly, the Bank will respond
by providing you with reasons why and evidence of
3. Where the due date does not fall on a business day and this finding.
I am uncertain whether sufficient cleared funds will
be available to meet the direct debit, I will contact my 8. Direct debiting through BECS is not available on all
financial institution directly and ensure that sufficient accounts. I can check my account details against a regular
cleared funds are available. statement or check with my financial institution as to
whether I can request a direct debit from my account.
4. I can modify or defer this regular DDR at any time by
giving the Bank 14 days notice, in writing. I need to do 9. It is my responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient
this by the 6th day of the month for the change I’m cleared funds in my nominated account to honour the
requesting to take effect in that month. Upon doing so I DDR. I understand that the DDR will be automatically
will need to provide an alternative DDR for the payment cancelled if three direct debit payments are dishonoured
of my loan repayments and fees/charges. because of insufficient funds within a 12 month period.
5. I can stop or cancel the regular DDR at any time by giving The Bank will give me 14 days notice in writing if they
the Bank 14 days notice in writing. I need to do this by the intend to cancel my DDR. The Bank will also charge the
6th day of the month for cancellation to take effect in cost of dishonoured direct debits against my account.
that month. 10. It is my responsibility to ensure that the authorisation
6. If at any time I feel that a direct debit against my nominated given to debit the nominated account is identical to
account is inappropriate or wrong it is my responsibility to the account signing instruction held by the financial
notify the Bank as soon as possible. I may also notify the institution where the account is held.
financial institution at which the account is held. 11. The Bank may need to pass on details of my direct debit
7. If you believe there has been an error in debiting your request to their sponsor bank in BECS to assist with
account, you should notify the Bank directly and confirm the checking of any incorrect or wrongful debits to my
that notice in writing with the Bank as soon as possible nominated account.
I/we request you, Macquarie Bank Limited User ID 077379 and 015925 until further notice in writing, to debit my/our account
described at section 2, with the amount(s) specified.
Authorised signatory Authorised signatory
Date: / / Date: / /