Interview Preparation Guide
Interview Preparation Guide
Interview Preparation Guide
Water Division
The big picture
Be prepared
• Our experience has shown that candidates who spend the time preparing well for
their interviews, consistently outperform those who don’t prepare - even if they
are potentially a stronger match on paper!
Feel free to bring notes including any specific questions you need answered – this sort
of preparation will be seen as an indicator of a strong potential hire for the employer.
• Can you do the job? Do you have the necessary skills, qualifications and
• What is your motivation for doing the job? What is your attitude to work like and
what are your career goals?
• Will you fit into the team? Is there a culture match? Will you be someone they will
enjoy working with? Are you someone that presents as a ‘risk’ to the harmony of
their current team?
If you are prepared to answer these questions for the client at interview and are able to
do it in a structured manner with relevant examples, you are heading towards becoming
the employee of choice.
Do your research
The best way to understand your audience is through thorough research. Your research
should focus on:
• Who is your audience? What is their role? Where do they fit into the
organisation? What are their professional backgrounds?
• What they are looking for? What are their expectations for the role?
• Why does the organisation need the role?
• What is the context surrounding the vacancy?
Personal and professional networks
Find out more about your new potential employer and interviewers by calling and
speaking with those most likely to be in the know. Remember the degrees of separation
in Canberra are minimal and it won’t take many calls before you are much better
informed. Don’t be afraid to ask for a personal referral from your ‘connection’. If used
wisely a personal referral or recommendation can be a huge advantage at interview,
however, if you are in doubt whether the referral connection is a sound one we
recommend caution.
Know your ‘story’ inside and out. Think through your experience and be able to
articulate how you have come to this point in a manner that is positive and logical.
Be able to clearly articulate your own motivations and goals including for:
It sounds counter-intuitive, but knowing your work experience intimately is key to your
success at interview. Rarely does everyone remember their past work experiences off
by heart, and even more rarely are they able to describe these experienced with a
structured, logical manner.
The world is at your fingertips online
We are often blessed with a huge amount of information online about local
organisations particularly public sector organisations. Organisation websites, media
releases, annual reports, published business plans.......Google is your best friend when
it comes to preparing for interviews.
Take advantage of this plethora of information so you are able to go into your interview
with eyes open. But remember, the web is only one source of information - it is
dangerous to rely solely on the internet for interview preparation.
Study the job duties and prepare questions about aspects of the role that are not clear
to you.
Draw parallels with examples from your own experience to each part of the job/criteria,
and prepare detailed examples to demonstrate your competencies in performing these
For those roles where the critical requirements of the position are stipulated in a
selection criteria or a list of core competencies, it is critical that you:
• Steer interviewers to positive outcomes you have generated through your work
with well chosen, targeted examples
Be on time and know where you are going
Be 100% sure of the time, date and location of the interview and research travel times,
public transport or parking well in advance. Always make sure you come to the interview
‘armed’ with all relevant contact details ‘just in case’. This includes who will be there,
their positions in the organisation, their phone numbers etc.
Any more than ten minutes early is too early – if you arrive too early wait in the car or
take a short walk to calm yourself. Anything later than the agreed interview time can be
an indelible black mark against your chances at interview.
Prepare specific responses to commonly asked questions
There are a wide range of commonly asked interview questions that when prepared for,
can allow you to concentrate on more difficult questions or on building rapport with the
interviewers. Remember, just because the questions are common and ‘about you’ it
does not mean they will be easy to answer so preparation is vital. And again, don’t
forget to exemplify your responses!
Although this seems a simple question, many people find this one very difficult to
respond to appropriately. To get the most out of the situation you need to prepare a
response as it is easy to get carried away and present a lot of irrelevant personal
information or to ramble.
Your answer to this question needs to be specifically targeted to the job, selection
criteria and the organisation.
• Set a framework – aim for three key points that have led you to this point in your
• Briefly convey a sense of who you are, and where you are going
• Mention your previous career and how this prepares you for the role you are
interviewing for (qualify with concrete examples, don’t go through a chronological
• Present just enough detail without getting into a rambling autobiography. Two
minutes is a good rule of thumb for this question
Strengths and weaknesses
There are many different ways interviewers seek to access your interpretation of your
strengths and weaknesses.
Remind them that when you identify a problem, you actively take actions to correct it,
and that is how you do things.
• What are your long and short term goals? What motivates and interests you?
• Why are you interested in this job? Why are you suitable for it?
• Why did you leave your last job?
• What do you know about our organisation/team?
Make sure you are prepared for these standard questions as a minimum.
Behavioural and situational questions
The theory behind these kinds of questions is that your past performance is the best
predictor of future achievements. These types of questions require you to give specific
examples of work situations to illustrate your previous performance or behaviour. They
are meant to be tough to answer, and require significant preparation to answer them
Following the initial prompting question they are often followed up with guided prompts
to steer you towards providing an answer that meets the requirements.
This style of interview questioning can be used to assess any of the core competencies
required for a particular position.
First impressions count!
Be well presented
This should be a no-brainer, but we are constantly receiving feedback from interviews
where candidate’s appearance has led to negative impressions and then outcomes.
Greet each interviewer with a firm, full hand handshake and make sure you keep good
eye contact. Keep the interaction as genuine as possible and seek to establish rapport
early – the first five minutes are vital! Avoid the appearance of your greeting being a
rehearsed routine.
Be aware of your posture and body language during the interview – non-verbal cues are
critical to interviewer impressions. Keep your body language positive and/or neutral,
sitting upright in your chair with hands relaxed.
Prepare to be relaxed
• Centre yourself before the meeting and focus on your breathing to settle your
• Be calm in the knowledge that you have prepared well
• Seek to engage the interviewers on a personal or social level as well as
professionally to ease tensions and to maximise potential synergies
Practice your interview responses answers and consider running a ‘mock interview’ with
a friend or colleague just as you would when preparing a presentation or similar.
There is endless material available online or otherwise about using the STAR technique
to answer interview questions. The STAR technique - focuses your answers by giving
them a framework
Situation – Set the context by describing the circumstance where you gained the
Action – What specific action did you take? How did you do it and how did you make the
outcome a positive one?
Result – What did you achieve? How was it measured? What was the feedback? How
does it relate to the role you are applying for?
Do’s & don’ts and curveballs
Interview DON’TS
Inexperienced interviewers
If despite all your best preparation and effort you are still very nervous, let the
interviewer(s) know up front by plainly stating that: “I am experiencing some nerves and
please excuse me until I am warmed up.”
Do not continue apologising throughout the meeting as this will create a lasting negative
If you are ill and you still attend your interview, let the interviewer(s) know in advance so
they are aware.
Generally, this one is better handled in a second interview or conversation once the
employer has clearly identified interest in employing you. If you are held to providing an
answer we recommend only answering if you have a full understanding of the
requirements of the position and wherever possible indicating a salary range.